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Gross Motor/
Outdoor Play
Fine Motor/
Green Room
November 2012
“El Otoño”
Home Connection
The children will develop large muscle coordination by participating in activities
that involve jumping, throwing, skipping, hopping, kicking. They will play games like
pumpkin hopscotch, acorn or pumpkin seed toss, “pumpkin chunkin’” and other
autumn games. They can also use their arms to help stir and mix ingredients to
make pumpkin bread at home!
The children will manipulate objects and coordinate their hand-eye movement.
They will do several different leaf rubbings and tree-bark rubbings, use tongs to
make pumpkin seed or acorn shakers, use rolling pins and their hands to make a
pie crust, and paint a collage with leaves and acorns found from their nature walk.
The children will explore the different celebrations for Autumn. They will
experience how some friends dress up in costumes for Halloween, while others
bake or go on nature walks. For phonological awareness, the children will learn to
rhyme in Spanish and with their names.
The children understand how we show kindness to our friends through acts of
sharing, using gestures like hugs and “high-fives”, and kind words such as “thankyou” “please” or “I like the way…”. Encourage your child to practice acts of
kindness at home like taking turns during competitive games or making presents.
The children will practice putting on and removing their jackets. They will also
practice zipping or buttoning their jackets. Encourage your child to practice at
home as well.
Language and Literacy
Aire (Air)
Bellota (Acorn)
Calabacita (Squash)
Calabaza (Pumpkin)
Clorofila (Chlorophyll)
Cortar (Cut)
Fresco (Cool)
Hojas (Leaves)
Otoño (Autumn)
Picar (Chop)
Piña (Pinecone)
Pulpa (Pulp)
Semillas (Seeds)
Tierra (Soil/Earth)
A Comer! By Pat Mora
Adelita and the Veggie Cousins by Diane Gonzales
Caldo, Caldo, Caldo by Diane Gonzales Bertrand
Caminando by Rebecca Emberley
Cantaba La Rana by Rita Rosa Ruesga
Colores Picantes (Spicy Hot Colors) by Sherry
El Primer Otoño de Clifford by Norman Bridwell
Gathering the Sun by Alma Flor Ada
Las Buenas Acciones de Clifford by Norman
Las Manos No Son Para Pegar by Martine Agassi
Las Nanas de Abuelita by Nelly Palacio Jaramillo
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
Plumas Para Almozar by Lois Ehlert
The Biggest Pumpkin Surprise Ever! by Steven
What Can You Do With a Rebozo? by Carmen
“Las Hojitas” (to the tune of
“London Bridge”)
“Hojas, Hojas en el Piso” (to
the tune of “Row Your Boat”)
“Cinco Calabazas”
“Fall/El Otoño”
La Linterna de Calabaza