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Publicaciones Selectas de Angel Kuri
Artículos Científicos en Revistas Internacionales con Arbitraje
1. Kuri, A., “Automatic Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps and Genetic Algorithms”,
Recent Advances in Simulation, Computational Methods and Soft Computing, pp. 173180, Mastorakis, M., (ed)., WSEAS Press, ISBN: 960-8052-50-5, February, 2002.
2. Kuri, A., “Automatic Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps and Genetic Algorithm II: An
Improved Approach”,WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 2, Vol. 3, pp. 551-556,
WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1109-2777, April, 2004.
3. Kuri, A., “An Alternative Model of Genetic Algorithms as Learning Machines”, Journal
of Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 15, pp. 351-356, Pergamon Press,
January/February, 1998.
4. Kuri, A., “A Methodology for the Statistical Characterization of Genetic Algorithms”,
Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence No 2313, pp. 79-89, Coello, C., Albornoz, A., Sucar,
L., Cairó, O., (eds.), Springer Verlag, April 2000.
5. Kuri, A., “A probabilistic model of an Internet Search Engine (part II)”, Research
Communications, Vol. 1, pp. 33-42, Caplinskas, A., Eder, J., Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University Publishing House “Technika”, September 25-28, 2001.
6. Kuri, A., “Classification Methods using Neural Networks and Partial Precedence
Algorithms for Differential Medical Diagnosis: A Case Study”, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, No. 2667, pp. 378-387, Kumar, V., Gavrilova, M., Tan, K., L’Ecuyer, P., (eds.),
Springer Verlag, Vol. 1, May 2003.
7. Kuri, A., “Non-standard Norms in Genetically Trained Neural Networks”, IEEE P. on
the Combination of Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks, pp. 43-51, IEEE
Press, May 11-13, The Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, 2000.
8. Kuri, A., and Galaviz, J., “Pattern-Based Data Compression”, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, No. 2972, pp. 1-10, Monroy, R., Arroyo-Figueroa, G., Súcar, L.,
Sossa, H., (eds.), Springer Verlag, April, 2004.
9. Kuri, A., “Pattern Based Losless Data Compression”, WSEAS Transactions on
Communications, pp. 42-50, Issue 1, Volume 3, WSEAS Press, January 2004.
10. Kuri, A., “Pattern Recognition via Vasconcelos’ Genetic Algorithm”, Lectures Notes on
Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, to be published.
11. Kuri, A., “Penalty Function Methods for Constrained Optimization with Genetic Algorithms:
a Statistical Analysis”, Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 2313, pp. 108-117,
Coello, C., Albornoz, A., Sucar, L., Cairó, O., (eds.), Springer Verlag, April 2002.
12. Kuri, A., “Solution of Simultaneous Non-Linear Equations using Genetic Algorithms”,
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, pp. 44-51, WSEAS Press, Issue 1, Vol 2, January 2003.
13. Kuri, A., “The Best Evolutionary Solution to the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma”, Advances in
Information Science and Soft Computing, pp. 175- 180, Zemliak, A. and Mastorakis, N.,
(eds.), WSEAS Press, ISBN: 960-8052-60-2, 2002.
14. Kuri, A., “Training Neural Networks using Non-standard Norms–Preliminary Results”,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 1793, pp. 350-364, Cairo, O., Sucar, E. &
Publicaciones de Angel Kuri
Cantú, F.J., (eds), Springer Verlag, April 2000.
Artículos Científicos en Memorias de Congresos Internacionales con Arbitraje
1. Kuri, A., “A Methodology for the Statistical Characterization of Genetic Algorithms”,
Proceedings of MICAI, pp. 79-88, Mérida, México, April, 2002.
2. Kuri, A., “A Predictive Algorithm for Dynamic Systems”, III Taller Iberoamericano de
Reconocimiento de Patrones, pp. 70-78, CIC/IPN, México D.F., Noviembre, 1998.
3. Kuri, A., “A Probabilistic Model for an Internet Search Engine”, Congreso Internacional
CIC, pp. 120-131, México D.F., Noviembre, 2000.
4. Kuri, A., “A probabilistic model of an Internet Search Engine” (part II), ADBIS, Vilnius,
Lithuania, pp. 33-42, September, 2001.
5. Kuri, A., “A Solution to the Prisoner's Dilemma Using an Eclectic Genetic Algorithm,
Symposium Internacional de Computación”, pp. 130-142, Centro de Investigación en
Computación, México D.F., Noviembre, 1997.
6. Kuri, A., “A Statistical Genetic Algorithm”, Encuentro Internacional de Computación
ENC99, Hidalgo, México, pp. 215-228, Julio, 1999.
7. Kuri, A., “A Universal Eclectic Genetic Algorithm for Constrained Optimization”,
Symposium Internacional de Computación, CIC, México D.F., pp. 77-83, Noviembre, 1998.
8. Kuri, A., “A Universal Eclectic Genetic Algorithm”, Taller de Inteligencia Artificial,
Congreso Internacional Cómputo.98@mx, UNAM, México D.F., Memorias en CD, Agosto,
9. Kuri, A., “A Universal Genetic Algorithm for Constrained Optimization, EUFIT '98”, 6th
European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, Vol.
1, pp. 423-432, September, 1998.
10. Kuri, A., “Algunos resultados de un Sistema de Simulación Parcial del proceso de Selección
Natural a Autómatas de Tipo 0." , IEEE-ULSACON, México D.F., '89, pp. 84-93,
Septiembre, 1989.
11. Kuri, A., “An Alternative Model of Genetic Algorithms as Learning Machines”, 4th World
Congress in Expert Systems Applications on Advanced Information Technologies, ITESM
Campus Cd. de México, Vol 1., pp. 351-356, Febrero, 1998.
12. Kuri, A., “Automatic Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps and Genetic Algorithms”, 3rd
WSEAS Conference on Neural Networks and Applications, Interlaken, Switzerland, pp.
173-180, February, 2002.
13. Kuri, A., “Automatic Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps and Genetic Algorithm II: An
Improved Approach”, Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME International Conference on
Neural Networks and Applications, CD ISBN: 960-8052-96-3, Udine, Italy, March 2527, 2004.
14. Kuri, A., “Holistic Face Recognition through Multivariate Analysis and Genetic
Algorithms”, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Vol. 2,
pp. 560-566, Nov. 18-22, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, 2002.
15. Kuri, A., “Introducción a los Algoritmos Genéticos”, 1st International Symposium on
Intelligent Technologies, Junio 11-13, 1997, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, México.
Publicaciones de Angel Kuri
16. Kuri, A., “Multivariate Approximation via a Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of Iberamia
96, pp. 256-265, September, 1996.
17. Kuri, A., “Pattern Recognition via a Genetic Algorithm”, II Taller Iberoamericano de
Reconocimiento de Patrones, La Habana, Cuba, pp. 127-133, Mayo, 1997.
18. Kuri, A., “Penalty Function Methods for Constrained Optimization with Genetic
Algorithms: a Statistical Analysis”, MICAI, Mérida, México, pp. 426-435, April, 2002.
19. Kuri, A., “Prediction of Dynamic Systems in Multivariate Mathematical Landscapes Using
a Genetic Algorithm”, 3rd International DataAnalysis Symposium, Aachen, Alemania, pp.
78-86, September, 1999.
20. Kuri, A., “Predictive Encoding and Genetic Algorithms”, Symposium Internacional de
Computación, Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, pp.
201-208, México D.F., Noviembre, 1996.
21. Kuri, A., “Solution of Simultaneous Non-Linear Equations using Genetic Algorithms”,
WSEAS International Conferences on: System Science 2002, Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science 2002, Power Engineering Systems 2002, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, October 21-24, 2002, pp. 70-81 WSEAS Press.
22. Kuri, A., “The Best Evolutionary Solution to the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma”, 2nd
WSES Int. Conference On Inf. Science and Applications, Cancún, México, pp. 175- 180,
May, 2002.
23. Kuri, A., “Un Método de Aprendizaje no Supervisado Usando Algoritmos Genéticos de
Orden”, III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, CIC/IPN, pp. 122-128,
Noviembre, 1998.
24. Kuri, A., & Galaviz, J., “A Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of ISAI/IFIPS,
156-161, November, 1996.
25. Kuri, A., & Galaviz, J., “Towards a New Framework for the Analysis of Genetic
Algorithms”, Symposium Internacional de Computación, CIC, México, pp. 65-73,
Noviembre, 1998.
26. Kuri, A., & Gutiérrez, J., “La Mejor Solución Evolutiva al Dilema del Prisionero
Iterado”, Congreso Internacional CIC 2000, pp. 114-119, Noviembre, 2000.
27. Kuri, A., & Taddei, E., “Fragmentación Vertical y Asignación Simultánea en BDD
usando Algoritmos Genéticos”, Congreso Internacional CIC 2000, 123-127, Noviembre,
28. Kuri, A., Taddei, E., & Flores, P., “Un Algoritmo Genético para la Optimización de
Estructuras Planas”, IX CLAIO, Buenos Aires, pp. 64-72, Mayo, 1998.
29. Kuri, A., & Villegas, C., “Reconocimiento Holístico de Rostros a Través de Análisis
Multivariado y Algoritmos Genéticos Resultados Preliminares”, Congreso Internacional
CIC 2000, pp. 134-139, Noviembre, 2000.
1. Kuri, A., “A Comprehensive Approach to Genetic Algorithms in Optimization and
Learning. Theory and Applications. Volume I: Foundations.”, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional (1999).
Publicaciones de Angel Kuri
2. Kuri, A., Galaviz, J., “Algoritmos Genéticos”. Fondo de Cultura Económica, UNAM,
IPN, (2002)
3. Kuri, A., “A Comprehensive Approach to Genetic Algorithms in Optimization and
Learning. Theory and Applications. Volume II: Applications”. A ser publicado.
Otras Publicaciones
1. Kuri, A., “Modelos de Selección en Algoritmos Genéticos”, Soluciones Avanzadas,
Año 5. Vol 3, No. 48, pp. 64-66, Agosto 1997.
2. Kuri, A., “Algoritmos Genéticos: Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial con su
Propia Evolución”, ITAM Informa, No. 3, Año 1, Abril-Junio 2004.
Publicaciones de Angel Kuri
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