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Research Scientist at Coronavirus Laboratory, CNB-CSIC
Field of Study: Virology
Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
Fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, CNBCSIC, Madrid
Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Spanish Research Council,
CNB-CSIC, Madrid
Postdoctoral Fellow of the Community of Madrid, CNB-CSIC,
Associated researcher, CNB-CSIC, Madrid
I3P Post-doctoral contract, CNB-CSIC, Madrid
Research Scientist CSIC. Permanent position, CNB-CSIC, Madrid
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
1998-2004 Professor of the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid.
2010-2014 Professor of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid
2012-2014 Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Virus Research.
2012-2014 Associate editor of BMC Microbiology
Special Distinction Graduation Award in Biology, University of
Prize of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors to the best PhD
Thesis in Animal Health
Second Prize with Special Distinction in the “First Patent
competition Madri+d” to the patent on “Viral vectors derived from
coronavirus infectious cDNA clones and their applications”.
Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Novel work by Isabel Sola is elucidating coronavirus transcription mechanism;
virus and host factors involved in viral pathogenesis; protection against
coronavirus infections provided by recombinant antibodies expressed in the milk
of transgenic mice and plants.
Isabel Sola has made relevant contributions to the understanding of coronavirus
transcription mechanism and virus-host cell interactions. She has contributed to
define viral RNA motifs regulating discontinuous transcription and has described
how RNA-RNA interactions between distant genome regions were required for
optimal transcription in coronavirus. This information has been useful to
optimize the expression of heterologous genes by coronavirus-derived vectors.
She has also identified cellular proteins that interact with coronavirus RNA and
are relevant for virus RNA synthesis.
Isabel Sola has contributed to provide protection against coronavirus infections
by the engineering of neutralizing recombinant antibodies expressed in the
mammary gland of transgenic animals and in plant tissues to be orally
administered. This strategy is generally useful for preventing severe disease in
neonatal or immunocompromised animals.
Her team is presently studying RNA-based host-virus interactions including the
relevance of host noncoding micro and long RNAs in coronavirus pathogenesis
and the biology of virus-derived small RNAs.
PhD thesis supervision, University Autonoma de Madrid: José Manuel
Sánchez-Morgado (1995-2001), Sara Alonso Villanueva (1996-2001), Mª
Carmen Capiscol Pérez de Tudela (2002-2008), José Luis Moreno Carbonero
(2002-2008), Pedro Antonio Mateos Gómez (2008-2012), Lucía Morales
(2012- Present), Javier Cantón (2014-Present).
Supervision of Biology Student: Diego Martínez-Alonso (2014)
Occasional referee in Journal of Virology, Virology, Journal of General
Virology, PLoS One and Virus Research.
Sola, I., Castilla, J., Pintado, B., Sanchez-Morgado, J. M., Whitelaw, B.,
Clark, J., and, Enjuanes, L. 1998. Transgenic mice secreting coronavirus
neutralizing antibodies into the milk. J. Virol. 72, 3762-7372
Castilla, J., Pintado, B., Sola, I., Sanchez-Morgado, J. M., and Enjuanes, L.
1998. Engineering passive immunity in transgenic mice secreting virusneutralizing antibodies in milk. Nature Biotech. 16, 349-354
Sola, I., Alonso, S., Zuñiga, S., Balach, M., Plana-Duran, J. y Enjuanes, L.
2003. Engineering transmissible gastroenteritis virus genome as an expression
vector inducing lactogenic immunity. J. Virol. 77, 4357-4369.
Zuñiga, S., Sola, I., Alonso, S., Enjuanes, L. 2004. Sequence motifs involved
in the regulation of discontinuous coronavirus subgenomic RNA synthesis. J.
Virol. 78, 980-994.
Zuñiga, S., Sola, I., Moreno, J. L., Sabella, P., Plana-Duran, J., and
Enjuanes, L. 2007. Coronavirus nucleocapsid protein is an RNA chaperone.
Virology, 357, 215-227.
Sola I., Bestagno M., Dallegno E., Sabella P., Poggianella M., Plana-Durán,
J., Enjuanes L., and Burrone O.R. 2007. Recombinant dimeric small
immunoproteins (SIPs) efficiently neutralize transmissible gastroenteritis virus
infectivity in vitro and confer passive immunity in vivo. J. Gen. Virol. 88, 187-195
Moreno J. L., Zuñiga S, Enjuanes L, and Sola I. 2008. Identification of a
coronavirus transcription enhancer. J. Virol. 82, 3882-3893.
Galán C., Sola I., Nogales A., Thomas B., Akoulitchev A., Enjuanes L., and
Almazán, F. 2009. Host cell proteins interacting with the 3' end of TGEV
Coronavirus genome influence virus replication. Virology 391, 304-314.
Zúñiga S., Cruz J.L., Sola I, Mateos-Gómez P.A., Palacio L., and Enjuanes
L. 2010. Coronavirus nucleocapsid protein facilitates template switching and is
required for efficient transcription. J. Virol. 84, 2169-2175.
Sola, I., Galan, C., Mateos-Gomez, P.A., Palacio, L., Zuniga, S., Cruz, J.L.,
Almazan, F., and Enjuanes, L. 2011. The polypyrimidine tract-binding protein
affects coronavirus RNA accumulation levels and relocalizes viral RNAs to
novel cytoplasmic domains different from replication-transcription sites. J. Virol.
85, 5136-5149.
Sola I., Mateos-Gómez P.A., Almazán, F., Zúñiga, S., and Enjuanes L. 2011.
RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions in coronavirus replication and
transcription. RNA Biology 8, 237- 248.
Cruz, J. L. G., I. Sola, M. Becares, B. Alberca, J. Plana, L. Enjuanes, and S.
Zuñiga. 2011. Coronavirus gene 7 counteracts host defenses and modulates
virulence. PLoS Pathog. 7, e1002090.
Mateos-Gomez, P.A., Dufour, D., Enjuanes, L., Gallego, J., and Sola, I.
2011. Structure and functional relevance of a transcription-regulating sequence
involved in coronavirus discontinuous RNA synthesis. J. Virol. 85, 4963-4973.
Mateos-Gomez, P.A., Zuniga, S., Palacio, L., Enjuanes, L., and Sola, I.
2011. Gene N proximal and distal RNA motifs regulate coronavirus
nucleocapsid mRNA transcription. J. Virol. 85, 8968-8980.
Mateos-Gomez, P.A., Morales, L., Zuniga, S., Enjuanes, L., Sola, I., 2013.
Long distance RNA-RNA interactions in the coronavirus genome form highorder structures promoting discontinuous RNA synthesis during transcription. J.
Virol. 87, 177-186.
Morales, L., Mateos-Gomez, P.A., Capiscol, C., Del Palacio, L., Enjuanes,
L., and Sola, I. 2013. Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus genome
packaging signal is located at the 5’ end of the genome and promotes viral RNA
incorporation into virions in a replication independent process. J. Virol. 87.
Almazan, F., DeDiego, M.L., Sola, I., Zuniga, S., Nieto-Torres, J.L.,
Marquez-Jurado, S., Andres, G., and Enjuanes, L. 2013. Engineering a
replication-competent, propagation-defective middle East respiratory síndrome
coronavirus as a vaccine candidate. MBio. 4(5); e00650-13