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Copia la palabra en inglés
activities = actividades
antibiotic = antibiótico
blood vessels = venas / vasos sanguíneos
bones = huesos
brace = aparato dental
brush teeth = cepillarse los dientes
cereals = cereales
chew = masticar
circulatory system = aparato circulatorio
cold = resfriado
cough = tos
cough medicine = jarabe para la tos
dentist = dentista
digestive system = aparato digestivo
doctor = médico
to draw pictures = dibujar
exercise = ejercicio
fibre = fibra
fizzy drinks = bebidas con gas
fresh air = aire libre
fruit = fruta
get better =
sentirse mejor
glasses = gafas
to go to the cinema = ir al cine
gullet = esófago
heart = corazón
ill = enfermo
illness = enfermedad
large intestine = intestino grueso
locomotor system = aparato locomotor
lungs = pulmones
medicines = medicinas
mouth = boca
muscles = músculos
nose = nariz
optician = óptico / oculista / oftalmólogo
pain = dolor
pediatrician = pediatra
to play on the computer= jugar en el ordenador
to play with friends=jugar con los amigos
prescription = receta
pulses = legumbres
to read = leer
respiratory system = aparato respiratorio
to ride a bike = montar en bici
small intestine = intestino delgado
sneeze = estornudar
sore throat = dolor de garganta
sports = deporte
stomach = estómago
stretch = estirar
sweets = golosinas
to swim = nadar
symptom = síntoma
temperature = fiebre
thermometer = termómetro
vegetables = verdura
wash fruit = lavar fruta
to watch television = ver la television
windpipe = tráquea
Enlaces de diccionarios que tienen para escuchar la pronunciación de las palabras: