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Curriculum Vitae
Julia Cordero Coma
[email protected]
[email protected]
Country of birth: Spain
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
Spanish National Research Council
Albasanz 26-28, 28037. Madrid
Phone: +34- 602-23-01 Ext. 2753
Fax: +34- 91-375-77-41
Web page:
Current Position
Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Doctor-member candidate in the Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Juan March
Institute, Madrid.
Title: Social Interactions and Sexual Behavior. Explaining HIV Preventive Practices in
Southeastern Africa.
Advisors: Richard Breen (Yale University) and Teresa Castro Martín (CSIC).
M.A. in Democracy and Government, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (60 credits), 2007-2008.
M.A. in Social Sciences, Juan March Institute, Madrid, 2005-2007.
M.A. in Population and Health, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencia Sociales, Mexico City,
B.A. in Sociology, Universidad de Salamanca, 1999-2003.
Stays in other Universities
Visiting pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Yale Sociology Department (2 months, 2010). Advisor:
Richard Breen.
Visiting Assistant in Research at the Yale Sociology Department (8 months, 2008-2009).
Advisor: Richard Breen.
Dissertation Grant (Ayuda a la finalización de la tesis), Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas,
Government of Spain.
Ph.D. Fellowship, Comunidad de Madrid, 2008-2011.
Ph.D. Fellowship; Juan March Institute, Madrid (MA two years; two years of PhD covered)
M.A. Fellowship, Secretaría de Educación Pública de México, 2003-2005.
Further Education
Introduction to the Analysis of Social Networks, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid,
Hierarchical Models, Juan March Institute, Madrid, June 21st-25th, 2010.
IV Postgraduate course. Population Health. Demographic and Sstatistical Analysis. CCHS,
Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain, 2010.
Thinking about Endogeneity and Selection: Theoretical and Practical Issues, Juan March
Institute, Madrid, November 30th-December 4th, 2009.
Latent Class Analysis, 42nd Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection,
University of Essex, July 27th-August 7th, 2009.
Methods to Identify Causal Effects –Theory and Applications, Juan March Institute, Madrid, June
Bayesian Methods Workshop, CIQLE, Sociology Department, Yale University, Aprill 11th, 2009.
The Logic of Empirical Social Research. Yale University, Fall Term 2008.
XI Summer School on Economics and Philosophy, Urrutia Elejalde Foundation and University of
Basque Country, San Sebastian 2008.
IV Postgraduate course. Demography and Statistics Applied Of Health. CCHS, Spanish National
Research Council, Madrid, Spain, 2008.
Cordero, Julia and Richard Breen. “Husband-wife discrepancies in reports of condom use and
HIV-preventive behavior” (under review)
Cordero, Julia (2009) “El espaciamiento de los nacimientos: una estrategia para conciliar trabajo
y familia en España”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 128: 11-33
Participation in research Projects
European Science Foundation, European Collaborative Research Projects (ECRP) “The new role
of men and family dynamics in Europe”. Countries involved: Sweden, Finland,
Netherlands, Great Britain, Spain, Italy. Main researcher: Livia Sz. Oláh (Stockholm U.).
Duration: 2011-2013.
Ministry of Science and Innovation “Familias en plural: implicaciones demográficas y sociales de
la creciente diversificación familiar desde una perspectiva internacional” (CSO200911883) Main researcher: Teresa Castro Martín (CSIC), 2009-2011. (Amount: 61.710,00 €)
“Protection or Contraception: Dealing with the Twofold Function of Condom Use”. Poster
presented at the 2011 annual Meeting of the Population Association of America,
Washington DC, 2011.
“Explaining both reported and ‘true’ condom use within marriage in rural Malawi. A couple-level
analysis” Segundo autor: Richard Breen. Poster presented at the European Population
Conference, Vienna, 2010.
“Who tells the truth? Simultaneously Explaining Condom Use and Husband-Wife Discrepancies
on Reporting Preventive Behavior” Co-author: Richard Breen. Communication presented
at the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothemburg, 2010.
“Cuando el grupo fomenta la infidelidad sexual. Obstáculos en la prevención del VIH en
Malawi”. Communication presented at the X Congreso Español de Sociología, Pamplona,
“The Social Environment Matters: The Influence of Interpersonal Communication and
Community HIV Knowledge on Condom Use in South Africa, Zambia, and Uganda”
Poster presented at the XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, August 2008.
“Social Norms Regulating Preventive Sexual Behaviour. The Relevance of Interpersonal
Communication and the Differences Between Types of Sexual Relationship in Uganda
(2001) and Malawi (2000)” Poster presented at the XI Summer School on Economics and
Philosophy, Urrutia Elejalde Foundation and University of Basque Country, San
Sebastian 2008.
“Interpersonal Communication and Preventive Behaviour against AIDS: The Relevance of the
Type of Interlocutors”. Poster presented at the European Population Conference,
Barcelona, July 2008.
Some unpublished research
Master’s theses
“Percepciones egocéntricas de la economía y niveles de información política: Condiciones que
potencian la relevancia de la experiencia económica personal en la evaluación del
gobierno”, presented at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2008.
“¿Hablar de sexualidad con sus padres ayuda a los adolescentes mexicanos a prevenir el
VIH/SIDA? Un acercamiento al contexto mexicano urbano”, presented at the Facultad
Latinoamericana de Ciencia Sociales, Mexico City, 2005.
Unpublished research papers
“El impacto de la desigualdad en dos partidas del gasto público: atención primaria en salud y
subsidios por incapacidad. Motivaciones redistributiva y de protección frente al riesgo de
los votantes” March 2006.
“Electoral Rules and Corruption. The Relevance of the Permeability of Coalitions and the
Number of Parties on Political Corruption”, September 2006.
“Sentimientos antipartidistas en América Latina. Exploración de características y consecuencias
del rechazo a los partidos”, December 2006.
“The Role of Social Interactions in the Diffusion of the Condom Use”, February 2007.
“Exposición a los medios de comunicación y tipo de voto. Estudio de elecciones recientes en
España”, June 2007.
“Flexibility in the International Regulation of Pharmaceutical Patents. A Consequence of a
Coordination Process”, June 2007
Spanish: native.
English: TOEFL Score 104 (December 2007).
Technical Skills
Statistical software: SPSS, STATA, LEM.
Membership in Research Groups
Research Group on Demographic Dynamics, 2008Research Group on Population and Society Studies (Grupo de Estudios de Población y
Sociedad, GEPS), 2008-
(May 2011)