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Natalia Caicedo Camacho
Lecture in law at the University of Barcelona and co-coordinator of the Joint Master on
Contemporary migration. She holds a PhD on Constitutional Law by the University of
Barcelona (2012). Se has been visiting academic at the Ethnic, Immigration, and
Pluralism Studies, University of Toronto (2013), Center of Migration, Policy and
Society (COMPAS) (2012), Oxford University and Scoula Superiore Sant’Anna (2009)
Italy. She has also participated in several research projects related with immigration and
gender and presented several paper to national and international Congress.
Her areas of research are immigration law, social rights and gender studies.
Some of her contributions are:
Book: (Coord.) Diversidad Cultural e interpretación de los Derechos. Un
estudio de casos. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2015. (with
D. Moya) (cultural diversity and right’s interpretation)
Chapter: “Female Domestic Workers. New Challenges Raised by the ILO
Convention”, in Revista Genero e Direito, vol. 4. núm. 1, 2016
Chapter: “Cruzando las fronteras: selección de la inmigración y sus
implicaciones desde la perspectiva de género”, en La Barbera MC y Cruells M.,
(coord.) Igualdad de Género y no discriminación de género en España:
evolución, problemas, perspectivas. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y
Constitucionales, 2016 (crossing frontiers: migrant’s selection policies and its
implications from a gender perspective)
Chapter: La interpretación de los derechos en sociedad culturalmente diversas”,
en Caicedo Camacho, N., y Moya Malapeira, D., (Coord.) Diversidad Cultural e
interpretación de los Derechos. Un estudio de caso. Centro de Estudios
Políticos y Constitucionales, 2015. (Right’s interpretation in a diverse society)
Chapter: “Spain amid the economic crisis: the solidarity principle at stake”,
in European Review of Public Law. Vol. 26, num. 1, 2014. (with D. Moya)
“La Directiva 2004/38/CE y la jurisprudencia del TJCE sobre el disfrute de las
prestaciones sociales: ¿freno al avance en materia social o adecuación a los
intereses de los Estados?”, en Revista d’Estudis Autonòmics i Federals núm. 19,
Abril, 2014. (Directive 2004/38/CE and ECJ cases about access to social
benefits: brake to social improvements or adjustment to States’ interests)
Caicedo Camacho N., “Principio de igualdad y no discriminación en las
prestaciones asistenciales”, en Revista Derecho Migratorio y Extranjería, Lex
Nova, julio 2008. (Equality and non discrimination principle on welfare
Caicedo Camacho N., “Los servicios sociales y la inmigración”, en Los derechos
de los inmigrantes, coord. Eliseo Aja Fernández, Tirant lo blanch, 2009. (social
benefits and immigration)
Some of the contributions to international congress are:
2016. Adapting EU legislation to vulnerable groups, Refuguees in the
move. Barcelona, 21 y 22 de abril 2016.
2015 Panel coordination. Challenges of the immigration policy in
latinamerican States: integration, inclusion and reforms (I y II). Latin American
Studies Association, Congress 2014, Puerto Rico May 27 – 30, 2015.
2015 Implications of Latin American regional integration on migration
policies of States members. Latin American Studies Association, Congress 2015,
Puerto Rico May 27 – 30, 2015.
2015 SAS. v. Francia un análisis sobre los límites al uso del velo islámico,
Congreso REPS 2015. Barcelona. (ECHR SAS. V. France an examination about
Islamic veil limits)
2014 Gender implications on migrant’s selection policies. Latin American
Studies Association, Congress 2014, Chicago May 21 – 24, 2014.
2014 Trafficking: between protection and immigration controls. Society of
Applied Anthropology 74th Annual Meeting. Albuquerque March 18-22,
2013. Spain aimed the crisis between austery and solidarity. Annual Reunion
2013 of the European Group of Public Law on “Public Law and Solidarity”.
September 13-15, 2013. Speteses, Greece. (With Prof. Dr. David Moya).