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CF/RAI/USAA/DB01 /HS/2003-00113
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Record Item Title
International Year of the Family IYF - Workshop Schedule, giving workshop title,
lead organization, chairperson, resource persons. No date
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Launch of International Year of the Family in Malta
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Monday - Tuesday
11:30 - 13:00; 14:30 - 17:30 continued Session
(Room n o . , Workshop n o . , Title of Workshop,
Lead Organization, Chairperson, Resource Persons!
Room 1/WS 1
Family and values/needs of consumption
Famille et consonunation: besoins et valeurs
Familia y consume: necesidades y valores
International Organization of Consumers Unions
Mr. Heiko Steffens/Germany
Mrs. Mary Bishan Singh/Malaysia
Room 2/WS 2
Human rights education in the family for sustaining a
democratic community
Education et droits humains a 1'interieur de la fami lie
avec le but de soutenir une communaute democratique
Educacion y derechos humanos dentro de la familia a fin
de fomentar la comunidad democrat!ca
Committee of the People's Decade of Human Rights Education
Mrs. Bonnie Koenig/USA
Mr. Savior Gatt/Malta
Mr. Achi Yotam/Israel
Mr. Mazzini/Italy
Mrs. Alpa/Italy
Room 3/WS 3
Family and the elderly
Famille et troisieme age
Familia y tercera edad
HeIpAge International
Mr. Mark German/United Kingdom
Mr. K. Jayasinghe/Sri Lanka
Mrs. Ivy McGhie/Jamaica
Room 4/WS 4
Family and the media
Famille et medias
Familia y medios de comunicacion social
Associations Catholiques Internationales pour les Medias:
Rev. Joseph Borg/Malta
Mr. Derrick Fraser/Malta
Mrs. Mijo Beccaria/France
Mr. Pascal Ruffenach/France
Room 5/WS 5
Family and the mental health of its members
Famille et sante mentale de ses membres
Familia y la salud mental de sus miembros
International Council of Psychologists
European Family Therapy Association
Mrs. Sigrid Hopf/Germany
Mrs. Esther Wanschura/Austria
Mrs. Selma Sapir/USA
Mrs. Hildegard Katschnig/Austria
Mrs. Martina Burda-Viering/Germany
Mrs. Ruth Limmer/Germany
Mrs. Claudia Bieberger/Austria
Mr. Bogdan de Barbaro/Poland
Room 6/WS 6
Family and children's rights
Famille et droits de 1'enfant
Familia y derechos del niho
Defence for Children International
Mr. Nigel Cantwell/Switzerland
Mr. Jacques A. de Preux/Bolivia
DCI Representatives from Cameroon, Pakistan, Albania
Room 7/WS 7
Family and street children
Famille et enfants des rues
Familia y ninos de la calle
Childhope UK
Mr. Nicolas Fenton/United Kingdom
Room 8/WS 8
Family and education
Famille et education
Familia y educacion
NGO Standing Committee - UNESCO
Mrs. Marie-Michele le Bret/France
Mr. John Bennett/UNESCO
Mrs. Ducray/France
Mr. Soliman Balde/UNESCO
Room 9/WS 9
Family and poverty
Famille et pauvrete
Familia y pobreza
Association Internationale des Charites
ATD Fourth World
Mrs. Andree Thomanek/Austria
Mrs. Any de Lancaster/Mexico
Mrs. Francine de la Gorce/ATD Fourth World
Mr. Sean Stitt/UK
Room 10/WS 10
Parents as partners
Parents en tant que partenaires
Padres como partenarios
Family Centre Network
Mrs. Ruth Hall/United Kingdom
Mr. lan Vallender/United Kingdom
2 other persons/United Kingdom
Room 11/WS 11
Family and gender equity in education
Famille et egalite des sexes dans 1'education
Familia y igualdad de sexos en educacion
Arizona State University/Int'1 Federation for Home Economics
Mrs. Georgianne Baker/USA
Mrs. Elena Hidalgo de Avila/Argentina
Mrs. Tatjana Gurko/Russia
Mr. Moses Manonga/Zimbabwe
Several team members/USA
Room 12/WS 12
Breaking the equality barrier:
Emerging roles of men and women in the family
Sur la voie de 1'egalite:
de nouveaux roles pour 1'homme et la femme
Hacia la igualdad:
nuevos roles de hombres y mujeres en la familia
Baha'i International Community
Mrs. Linda Kavelin Popov/Canada
Mr. Daniel Popov/Canada
Room 13/WS 13
Family and health promotion
Famille et promotion de la sante
Familia y promocion de la salud
Carribean Association of Home Economics
Mrs. Catherine Cumber-batch/Trinidad. & Tobago
3-4 Team members/Trinidad & Tobago
Room 14/WS 14
Educational programs that enhance family well-being
Programmes educatives mettant en valeur le bien-etre familial
Programas educativos que destacan el bienestar familiar
Sate University/Int'1 Federation for Home Economics
Sally K. Williams/USA
Karen Shirer/USA
Geraldine Hodelin/Jamaica
Room 15/WS 15
Family resource management
Famille et gestion des ressources
Familia y la administracion de recursos
The Canadian Home Economics Association
Mrs. Lila Engberg/Canada
Mrs. Asia Kapande/Tanzania
Mrs. Bessie Nhandara/Zimbabwe
7 Team members/Canada
Room 16/WS 16
Family and household economy management
Famille et gestion de 1'economic domestique
Familia y gestion de la economia domestica
University of Paderborn/Int'1 Federation for Home Economics
Mrs. Hertje Funke/Germany
Mrs. Gertrud Dorsen/Germany
Mr. Bernd Schnieder/Germany
Room 17/WS 17
Family life education
Education pour la vie en famille
Educacion para la vida en familia
International Planned Parenthood Federation
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Mrs. Malika Ladjali/United Kingdom
Mr. Gauden Galea/Malta
Mrs. Brady/Ireland
Mrs. Wadia/India
1 Representative of WAGGGS
Room 18/WS 18
Family and personal development of women
Famille et developpement personnel des femmes
Familia y desarrollo personal de la mujer
University of Munich/Int'l Council of Psychologists
Mrs. Sabine Walper/Germany
Room 19/WS 19
Family and the prevention of substance abuse
Prevention contre 1'abus de substance
Prevencion contra la drogadiccion
International Catholic Child Bureau
Catholic University of Louvain
Mr. Fran9ois Ruegg/Switzerland
Mr. Jean-Paul Roussaux/Belgium
Room 20/WS 20
Strategies for successful implementation of family policies
Evaluation de la politique familiale
Valoracion de la politica familiar
Alberta Families
Mrs. Sally Huemmert/Canada
Mrs. Sherry Thompson/Canada
Room 1/WS 21
Family and education of women and girls
Famille et education des fillettes et des famines
Familia y educacion de nihas y mujeres
International Council of Psychologists
Mrs. Selma Sapir/USA
Mrs. Sigrid Hopf/Germany
Mr. Vasile Gaftea/Romania
Mr. Ramade Ahmed/Egypt
Room 2/WS 22
Affects of family on the academic achievement of children
Effets de la famille sur les resultats scolaires de 1'enfant
Efectos de la familia sobre las notas escolares del nino
World Organization of Early Childhood Education
Mrs. Susanna Harttung/Germany
Mrs. Audrey Curtis/United Kingdom
Room 3/WS 23
Family law: How does it promote emotional and economic
well-being of men, women and children
Comment le droit familial peut promouvoir le bien-etre
economique de 1' nomine, de la femme et des enfants
Como puede el derecho de familia amparar el bienestar
emocional y economico de hombres, mujeres y ninos
International Society on Family Law
Mr. David Pearl/United Kingdom
Mr. Peter L0drup/Norway
Room 4/WS 24
Dealing with homeless families
Families sans domicile fixe
Familias sin hogar
The Salvation Army
Lt. Colonel Raymond L. Peacock/USA
4 Team members from the Salvation Army/USA
Room 5/WS 25
Family and child resilience
Famille et resilience de 1'enfant
Familia y resiliencia del nino
International Catholic Child Bureau
Mr. Stefan Vanistendael/Switzerland
Mrs. Ximena Valdes/Chile
Mr. Amin Fahim/Egypt
Room 6/WS 26
Family and culture
Famille et culture
Familia y cultura
NGO Standing Committee - UNESCO
Mrs. Madeleine Pechabrier/France
Mr. Djamchid Behnam/France
Mrs. Jeanine Jacquemin/France
Mrs. Solange Choppin de Janvry/France
Mr. Frangois Coudreau/France
Mrs. Genevieve de Diesbach/France
Mr. Neuville/France
Room 7/WS 27
Family and the disabled
Famille et personnes handicapees
Familia y minusvalidos
Disabled Peoples' International
Mrs. Irene Feika/Canada.
Mrs. Liliane Jaramillo Cardenas/Colombia
Room 8/WS 28
Substitute families
Families de substitution
Familias sustitutivas
International Social Service
NGO Committee on UNICEF
Mrs. Ellen Mouravieff-Apostol/Switzerland
Mr. Paul MacCleary/USA
Mr. Damien Ngabonziza/Switzerland
Mrs. Carmen Secareanu/Romania
Mr. Temi Tidafi/Algeria
Mrs. Chantal Saclier/Switzerland
Mr. Manuel Pinto/Uganda
Room 9/WS 29
Family and women
Famille et femme
Familia y mujer
Kolping Organization of Kenya
Mrs. Catherine Aloo Akoko/Kenya
Room 10/WS 30
Family and values of society
Famille et valeurs de la societe
Familia y valores de la sociedad
Steering Group of Catholic Family Organizations in Europe
Mr. Bernhard Jans/Germany
Room 11/WS 31
Family and HIV/AIDS
Famille et VIH/SIDA
Familia y VIH/SIDA
Caritas Internationa Us
Rev. Robert Vitillo/Italy
Mrs. Ursula Sharpe/Italy
Mrs. Noerine Kaleba/Uganda
Room 12/WS 32
Counselling families with problems
Conseiller les families avec des problemes
Asesorando a fami lias con problemas
Centre Italiano di Solidarieta.
Mrs. Carina Molle/Italy
3 Team members from CIS/Italy
Room 13/WS 33
Family and environment
Famille et environnement
Familia y medio ambiente
University of Vienna/International Federation of Pedestrians
Mr. Hermann Knoflacher/Austria
Mrs. Cecilia Kinuthia/Kenya
Mr. Burkhard Hintzsche/Germany
Room 14/WS 34
Family and mobility
Famille et mobilite
Familia y movilidad
University of Munich
Mr. Dieter Witt/Germany
Mr. Heinz Steinmuller/Germany
Room 15/WS 35
Family and shelter
Famille et refuge
Familia y refugio
Habitat International Coalition
Mr. Minar Pimple/India
Mrs. Laura Johnson/Canada
Room 16/WS 36
Family and housing
Famille et logement
Familia y vivienda
Kolping Society of Peru
Mrs. Gladys Silva de Korsmeier/Peru
Room 17/WS 37
Family and violence
Famille et violence
Familia y violencia
World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations
Mrs. Olive Luena/Tanzania
Mrs. Maria Bohakova/Czech Republic
Room 18/WS 38
Women's work and breastfeeding
Travail des femmes et allaitement des nourrissons
Mujer, trabajo y crianza
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
Penny van Esterik/Canada
Mrs. Ines Fernandez/Philippines
Mrs. Judith Philipons/Switzerland
Mrs. Rebecca Magalhaes
Mrs. Helen Borg/Malta
2 Representatives of International Baby Food Action Network
Room 19/WS 39
Family and the role of grandparents
Famille et role des grands-parents
Familia y el papel de los abuelos
University of Vienna
Mr. Erhard Chvojka/Austria
Room 20/WS 40
Family and the workplace
Famille et lieu de travail
Familia y lugar de trabajo
IYF National Committee UK
Mrs. Joanna Foster/United Kingdom