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Pedro Palma
Professor at IESA's Public Policies Center.
Areas of expertise: Political Economy,
Macroeconomic, Public Finances.
Ph.D. in Economics. (1996)
University of Pennsylvania
Master of Arts in Economics (1972)
University of Pennsylvania
Master of Business Administration (1971)
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School)
Economist (1967)
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Academic and administrative experience
Member of the Executive Board of IESA, and of IESA Foundation
Executive Board
Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA),
1974-Present: Full Professor from 1981
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello,
1974 and 1982: Invited Professor of Macroeconomics (Doctoral
1967-1969: Assistant Professor
1964-1967: Instructor of Economic Theory
Non-academic experience:
Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas
1984-Present: Founding Fellow
Palma & Associates, financial and investment consultants
President (1997-2006)
Booz – Allen & Hamilton Inc.
Vice President (Partner) (1991-1997)
MetroEconómica, macroeconomic consultants
Founding Partner, recently merged with Ecoanalítica (Caracas)
(CORDIPLAN), Caracas
Economic Advisor (1974-1976)
Venezuelan Finance Ministry
Economic Advisor for the Minister (1979-1980)
International Board of Economic Advisors, Newsweek International
Member (1975-1978)
Wharton Team for the preparation of the world economic forecasts
(periodically published in BusinessWeek)
Member (1979-1981)
Project Link, United Nations and the University of Pennsylvania
(world economic outlook)
Member (1982-present)
Executive Committee of “Project LINK”
Member (1986-2008)
Advisory Committee for the Venezuelan Fiscal Reform, Caracas
President of the Fiscal Revenue Sub-committee (1980-1983)
Advisory Committee for the renegotiation of the Venezuelan
external debt, Caracas
Advisor (1984)
Consulting Council of the President of the Republic of Venezuela
Member (1992)
Presidential Committee for the Review
of National Public
Expenditures, Caracas
Member (1992)
Speedali Co. (food products manufacturer and distributor),
President and shareholder (1999-2005)
Member of the Different Boards:
“VenAmCham” (the third largest Am-Cham in Latin America), Caracas
Board member (1983-1992 and 1995-present)
President (2000 – 2002)
The Venezuelan National Academy of Economic Sciences
Executive Committee (Secretary) (2007-2009)
President (2009 – 2011)
2009 - 2011: Board of Trustees of IESA (2004-present)
Board of the Youth Orchestra of the Americas (2001-present)
Board of the Foundation for the National System of Youth and Children
Orchestras of Venezuela (FESNOJIV)
Banco de Venezuela, Grupo Santander (2001-2009)
Holcim (Venezuela) C.A. (1993-2008)
Siderúrgica de Venezuela (Sivensa)
Banco Caracas (1998-2000)
Banco Provincial (1993-1997)
Grandes Molinos de Venezuela, Bunge Group (1986-1990)
Latin American Scholarship Program for American Universities
(LASPAU) affiliated with Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
The Venezuelan Executive Association (AVE) (1981-1994)
Main intellectual contributions (2006-2013)
Articles in journals
Palma, Pedro (2011). Riesgos y consecuencias de las economías
rentistas, el caso de Venezuela. (Risks and consequences in rentist
economies. The Venezuelan case). Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista
Latinoamericana de Economía, 165 (42), Abril-Junio, pp. 35-59. México:
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México.
Palma, Pedro. (2009). Mercados que crecen con la crisis. (Markets that
grow with the crisis). Debates IESA, Vol. XIV - N°1, pp. 46-48,
Palma, Pedro. (2009). La crisis global y su impacto en la economía
venezolana. (The global crisis and its impact on the Venezuelan
economy). Nueva Economía, Año XVII, No. 29, pp 9-33, Venezuela
Palma, Pedro. (2008). Cómo protegerse de la crisis que se avecina.
(How to be protected from the coming crisis). Debates IESA, Vol. XIII,
N° 1, pp 56-61, Venezuela
Palma, Pedro. (2008). El proyecto de reforma constitucional de 2007 y
la economía venezolana. (The 2007 constitutional reform project and
the Venezuelan economy). Nueva Economía, Año XVI, No. 27, pp 6995, Venezuela
Palma, Pedro. (2008). The international crisis and the Venezuelan
Perspectives for 2009. Simón Bolívar Analytic, Nov-Dec. 2008, No. 6,
pp 93-100, Venezuela
Palma, Pedro. (2006). The Venezuelan economy: Problems ahead.
Latin Business Chronicle, June 12
Chapters in Books
Palma, Pedro (2013) Tsunamis cambiarios (Exchange tsunamies). In
Coloquio Tiempos de Cambio. Caracas: Academia Nacional de
Ciencias Económicas.
Palma, Pedro (2013) Fondo de desarrollo nacional, Fonden (National
development fund, Fonden). In Diccionario de Historia de Venezuela.
Caracas: Fundación Empresas Polar.
Palma, Pedro (coautor) (2011) La inflación y su impacto en la calidad
de vida de los venezolanos. (Inflation and its impact on Venezuelans'
quality of life).
In Academias Nacionales de Venezuela, Propuestas a
la Nación, Venezuela. Pp. 241-286
Palma, Pedro (2008) La política cambiaria en Venezuela. (Venezuelan
exchange rate policy). In Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas,
Veinticinco años de pensamiento económico venezolano. Academia
Nacional de Ciencias Económicas, Venezuela. Pp 463-532
Palma, Pedro (2007) Los controles cambiarios y la empresa. (The
exchange controls and the firm).
In Francés, Antonio, Compromiso
social: gerencia para el siglo XXI. Ediciones IESA, Venezuela. Pp 209226
Kelly, Janet – Palma, Pedro (2007) El syndrome del deterioro
económico y la búsqueda del cambio. In McCoy, Jennifer L. and Myers,
David J., Venezuela: Del pacto de Punto Fijo al chavismo. Libros de El
Nacional, Venezuela. Pp 223-254.
Updated version of: Kelly, Janet – Palma, Pedro (2004) The Syndrome
of Economic Decline and the Quest for Change. In McCoy, Jennifer L.
and Myers, David J. The Unraveling of Representative Democracy in
Venezuela. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Pp. 201230.
Palma, Pedro (2007) Aspectos económicos de la reconversión
monetaria. (Economic aspects of the monetary conversión). In
Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, La reconversión monetaria.
Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Venezuela. Pp 31-44
1990: Honoured with the “Order to the Working Merit” in its highest
degree by the Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez, in
recognition for my work as an educator and as an economic con¬sultant
to public and private entities.
1985: Honoured with the “Orden Francisco de Miranda” in its highest
degree (Primera Clase & Banda de Honor) by the Venezuelan
President Jaime Lusinchi in recognition for my participation in the public
debt restructuring process of 1984. The “Orden Francisco de Miranda”
is one of the highest honors or recognitions made by the Venezuelan
Government to individuals for their outstanding services to the Nation.
1984: Honoured with the “Orden Andrés Bello” in its highest degree
(Primera Clase & Banda de Honor) by the Venezuelan President Jaime
Lusinchi in the occasion of my incorporation as a Founding Fellow of
the Venezuelan National Academy of Economic Sciences. The “Orden
Andrés Bello” is the highest honor or recognition made by the
Venezuelan Government to educators, scientific researchers and