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José T. Raga
Date of Birth 3 September 1938
Place Catarroja, Valencia (Spain)
Nomination 17 May 2001
Field Public Economy
Title Professor
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Awards: Medal of Honour (gold) from the Complutense University of Madrid; Great Cross of Alfonso X The
Wise (State of Spain); Great Cross of Saint Gregory The Great (Holy Father). Membership: Royal Economic
Society; American Economic Association; International Institute of Public Finance; Mont Pelerin Society; Social
Affairs Commission - COMECE (Brussels); Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences; Pontifical Council for Justice
and Peace.
Summary of scientific research
My research starts in the early sixties in the field of regional economics, of worldwide importance at that time
but even more significant in a highly centralised planned economy as used to be the Spanish economic system.
In the early-mid seventies the economics of energy took my interest. The energy crises and, within them, the
oil crises, played a substantial role in my concern for the topic. Since then, that is to say, since the end of the
seventies, my research activity has moved in ways that can be viewed as complementary. On the one hand,
Public Sector Economics, and most precisely what affects the expenditure side and the ethical dimension in it.
On the other, the field related to the ethics of the economic behaviour in two dimensions: at personal-individual
level, and at Government policy level. These two ways can be integrated into what we can rightly call Social
Doctrine of the Church. The result of this research is presented in more that one hundred and fifty titles between
books, readings and articles in scientific journals.
Main publications
Books: La crisis del petróleo, principal componente de la crisis de la energía: Aspectos generales y
consecuencias económicas (Banco Urquijo, Servicio de Estudios, Barcelona, 1975); El Crecimiento de la
Base Económica en el País Valenciano: Análisis estructural dinámico (Moneda y Crédito, S.A. Madrid, 1976);
Política Fiscal y redistribución de las rentas: Preparación a un análisis cuantitativo (Moneda y Crédito, S.A.
Madrid, 1978). Articles, Book Chapters, Readings, etc.: Public Debt, Margin of Financial Intermediation and
the Rates of Interest: is there any link?, in Herber, Bernard P. (ed.), Public Finance and Public Debt (Wayne
State University Press. Detroit, 1986); Public Finance and Governance in a New Democracy: Opportunities
and Problems (with Prof. R. Trias Fargas), in Van de Kar, Hans M. and Wolfe, Barbara L. (eds), The
Relevance of Public Finance for Policy Making(Wayne State University Press. Detroit, 1987); La reforma
de los sistemas monetario, financiero y de comercio internacional,Comentarios a la 'Sollicitudo Rei Socialis'
(Acción Social Empresarial, Madrid, 1990); El nuevo proteccionismo y los países en desarrollo,Estudios sobre
la Encíclica 'Sollicitudo Rei Socialis' (AEDOS/Unión Editorial, Madrid, 1990); La función social de la economía
de mercado,Comentario a la 'Centesimus Annus' (Acción Social Empresarial, Madrid, 1992); Función social
y comportamiento del empresario en una economía regulada, Estudios sobre la Encíclica 'Centesimus
Annus' (Union Editorial, Madrid, 1992); Technologial Change, Labor Mobility and Pension Funds, in Wolfe,
Barbara L. (ed.) On the Role of Budgetary Policy During Demographic Changes, Public Finance/Finances
Publiques vol. 48 supplement, 1993; La vision chrétienne de l'économie et de la société. Vue rétrospective
sur le mouvement de Cluny, L'Eglise en Europe et la Politique Economique de la Communauté Européenne
(Comisión des Episcopats de la Communauté Européenne (COMECE), Bruxelles 1997); L'Università in
Spagna, Il Nuovo Areopago. Rivista trimestrale di cultura. Anno 16, numero 4, ott-dic 1997 (Ed. Nuova
Compagnia Editrice, pp. 35-57); El comercio de mercancías y los flujos financieros: consecuencias en las
economías de los países subdesarrollados, Corintios XIII num. 96, Oct-Dec. 2000, pp. 241-304; How could
a WTO agreement on direct foreign investment help the poorest countries, Responsabilité de l'Europe pour
le développement mondial: marchés et institutions aprés Seattle. Actes du deuxième Congrés Social de la
COMECE - Bruxelles 31 mars au 1er avril 2000 (Bruylant-Academia. Louvain-la-Neuve, 2001); Corrientes
doctrinales y modelos económicos ¿Permeabilidad o aislamiento?, América, Nuevo Mundo. Su proyección
sobre Europa, Viejo Mundo, "Cuadernos Americanos Francisco de Vitoria" vol. 3. Madrid, 2001, pp. 51-90;
La necesaria solidaridad global ante la distribución de la riqueza, La responsabilidad social del empresario.
Aportaciones a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (Acción Social Empresarial-ASE, Madrid, 2002, pp. 101-36);
A New Shape of the Welfare State, in E. Malinvaud (ed.). Intergenerational Solidarity. Proceedings of the
Eighth Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 8-13 April 2002 (The Pontifical Academy
of Social Sciences, Vatican City 2002, pp. 209-47 and appendix of tables, pp. X-XIV); Doctrina Social y
fenómenos económicos en un mundo de globalización, in Vicente Domingo Canet Vayá (ed.), La familia
agustiniana en contextos de globalización (Centro Teológico San Agustín. Madrid 2003, pp. 91-128); La tutoría,
reto de una universidad formativa. In Francisco Michavila and Javier García Delgado (eds), La tutoría y los
nuevos modos de aprendizaje en la Universidad (Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria de
la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Dirección General de Universidades, Consejería de Educación de
la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid 2003, pp. 33-53); L'Europe et l'Amerique latine face à la mondialisation,
Amérique latine et Union Européen: Ensemble pour le bien commun universel, Congrès social du CELAM,
de la Conférence épiscopale espagnole et de la COMECE (Bruylant-Academia. Louvain-la-Neuve 2003, pp.
129-91); Free Market and Protectionism in a Global Scenario with Inequality, in Edmond Malinvaud and Louis
Sabourin (eds), The Governance of Globalisation (The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City
2004, pp. 346-57); Some Considerations Concerning Ethics in Financial Globalization, in Edmond Malinvaud
and Louis Sabourin (eds), The Governance of Globalisation (The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences,
Vatican City, 2004, pp. 383-93); Welfare and Devolution to Local Governments or Mediating Institutions, in
Mary Ann Glendon (ed.), Intergenerational Solidarity, Welfare and Human Ecology (The Pontifical Academy
of Social Sciences, Vatican City, 2004, pp. 259-306, plus the appendix of tables and figures, pp. 428-34); Las
instituciones económicas en el nuevo escenario de la economía, in José T. Raga (Coord.) Reflexiones para
empresarios y directivos sobre el Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (Acción Social Empresarial,
Madrid 2005, pp. 171-97); Giustizia Sociale e Sistemi Attuali di Welfare, Pontificio Consiglio della Giustizia e
della Pace "Digilite justitiam. Miscellanea di studi in onore del Cardinale Renato Raffaele Martino" (Libreria
Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2005, pp. 17-36); What does Solidarity with Children and Young People
Require? West Europe Report, in Mary Ann Glendon and Pierpaolo Donati (eds), Vanishing Youth? Solidarity
with Children and Young People in an Age of Turbulence (The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican
City, 2006, pp. 251-305 and 561-77 of the appendix of tables and graphs); The European University at the
beginning of the twenty-first century: is the Bologna Process renovation required?, in Carini, D. and Papa
A. (eds), Il ruolo delle Università nello Spazio Europeo dell'Istruzione e della Ricerca (Università di Roma
La Sapienza, Roma, giugno 2007, pp. 21-31); Los efectos económicos de la redistribución de la renta: la
pérdida de eficacia se justifica por la mejora de la equidad?, with Profs. Rocío Yñiguez and Mercedes Castro,
Las balanzas fiscales personales, Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos. Num. 4/2007, pp. 65-108;
Fairness in International Investment and Financing. Special Reference to Developing Countries, in Mary Ann
Glendon, Juan José Llach and Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (eds), Charity and Justice in the Relations Among
Peoples and Nations (The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City 2007, pp. 133-72 and 579-85
of the appendix of tables and graphs); Retos de la economía mundial, in José Luis Sáenz Lozano (coord.),
La gestión del siglo XXI. Economía, Política y Sociedad (Thompson/Civitas, Ed. Aranzadi, S.A. Cizur Menor
- Navarra 2008, pp. 71-96); Is Reciprocity the Best Path for the Common Good?, in Margaret Archer and
Pierpaolo Donati (eds), Pursuing the Common Good: How Solidarity and Subsidiarity Can Work Together (The
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City 2008, pp. 503-26); Naturaleza y bienestar: la búsqueda
de un desarrollo racional y sostenible, in Nunciatura Apostólica en España (ed.), La cuestión ecológica: la
vida del hombre en el mundo, Congreso Internacional sobre Ecología. Actas (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos,
Madrid 2009, pp. 201-22); Análisis socio-económico de la insolvencia familiar, in Matilde Cuena Casas and
José Luis Colino Mediavilla (coord.), Endeudamiento del consumidor e insolvencia familiar (Civitas - Editorial
Aranzadi, S.A. Cizur Menor - Navarra 2009, pp. 27-59); Los derechos umanos: una interpelación, in SCIO estudios y propuestas en ciencias sociales y humanidades, Núm. 4/2009, pp. 242-72; Ante la Globalización,
interdependencia,Propuestas cristianas para una cultura de la convivencia, XL Semana Social de España Toledo, 2-5 noviembre 2006 (Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso, Toledo 2009, pp. 45-55); El medio ambiente en
la doctrina económica, in Rocío Yñiguez Ovando and Mercedes Castro Nuño (eds), Jornada sobre Economía
y Sostenibilidad Ambiental (Dep. de Teoría Económica y Economía Política. Universidad de Sevilla. Digital
Editio. Sevilla 2009, 21 pp.); Christian Anthropology and the Effectiveness of Human Rights of an Economic
Content, in Roland Minnerath, Ombretta Fumagalli and Vittorio Possenti (eds), Catholic Social Doctrine and
Human Rights (The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City 2010, pp. 128-70).