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- Degree in Psychology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2002
- Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona, 2004
- MA in Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona, 2006
- PhD in Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona, 2009
- Spanish and Catalan (mother tongues)
- English (level: Advanced)
- French (level: Accès au DALF)
- German (level: Mittelstufe)
- Portuguese (read)
- Italian (read)
Research interests
- Debt/credit relations and financialization from an anthropological viewpoint
- Political economy of housing provision in post-socialist and capitalist contexts
- Consumption, provisioning and reciprocity
- Industrial work and social reproduction
Thesis and dissertations
 “¿Al margen del mercado? Consumos heterodoxos en la Innenstadt de Berlín Este”,
2006, MA dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona (Excel·lent cum laude)
 “Ein Zuhause. Etnografía del aprovisionamiento de vivienda en el barrio berlinés de
Friedrichshain”, 2009, PhD dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona (Excel·lent cum
laude and Faculty special prize),
Sabaté, I. (2016 forthcoming) “Mortgage indebtedness and home repossessions as symptoms
of the financialisation of housing provisioning in Spain”, Critique of Anthropology.
Sabaté, I. (2016 forthcoming) “From the promise of homeownership to the threat of
repossessions... and back again? The Spanish mortgage crisis as a case for the study of
popular understandings of the economy”, History and Anthropology.
González-Polledo, E. & Sabaté, I. (in review), “Cultures of industrial work and the global
market: a comparison of two Spanish steel plants”, Focaal. Journal of Global and
Historical Anthropology.
Sabaté, I. (2015) “Getting by beyond work, or the intertwining of production and reproduction
among heavy industry workers and their families in Ferrol, Spain”, in V. Goddard and S.
Narotzky (eds.), Work and Livelihoods in Times of Crisis: History, Ethnography,
Models, London: Routledge.
Observatori dels Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals (2015), Emergència habitacional: dret
a l’habitatge, salut i infància, a Catalunya, Barcelona [collaboration in report].
Sabaté, I. (2015 forthcoming) “'Era lo más personal que uno tenía'. Las transformaciones del
aprovisionamiento de vivienda en el este de Berlín tras la unificación alemana”, in E.
Soler (ed.) Europa Central y sus transiciones, Madrid: CSIC.
Sabaté, I. (2014) “Del país de los propietarios al país de los sobre-endeudados. Reciprocidad,
solidaridad y proyectos de transformación sistémica en tiempos de crisis”,
Ars&Humanitas 8(1):167-187.
Sabaté, I. (2013) "Conectados e informados. Capital social y cultural para el
aprovisionamiento de vivienda en el Este de Berlín" in S. Narotzky (ed.) Economías
cotidianas, economías sociales, economías sostenibles, Barcelona: Icaria.
Sabaté, I. (2012) Habitar tras el Muro. La cuestión de la vivienda en el Este de Berlín,
Barcelona: Icaria.
Sabaté, I. (2011) "Responsabilidad en la provisión de recursos básicos. El caso de la
vivienda", in I. Terradas (org.) Antropología de la responsabilidad, A Coruña: Andavira.
Sabaté, I. (2009) “Exchange networks and free shops in Berlin: gifts and commodities in
‘alternative' consumption experiences”, Etnográfica. Revista do Centro de Estudios de
Antropologia Social 13(1):49-75.
Sabaté, I. (2009) “The right to proper housing in Berlin. Exclusion and precariousness in a
field of blurred responsibilities”, Quaderns-e de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia 14b.
Sabaté, I. (2009) “Conversando con Andrej Holm. Por unas ciencias sociales críticas con las
transformaciones urbanas”, (con)textos. revista d'antropologia i investigació social 3:518.
Sabaté, I. (2009) “Wir Bleiben Alle. Okupación y condiciones de acceso a la vivienda en el
barrio berlinés de Friedrichshain”, Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía
Sabaté, I. (2008) “El trabajo de habitar. Rehabilitación autogestionada y habitación
comunitaria en Berlín”, Arquivos da Memória 3:58-91.
Sabaté, I. (2007) "Habitar el 'Kiez'. La provisión de vivienda en el barrio berlinés de
Friedrichshain", in M. Cunha and L. Cunha (orgs.) Intersecções ibéricas: Margens,
passagens e fronteiras, Lisboa: 90 Graus Editora.
Grants and other financial aid received
- Post-PhD Research Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation, July-December 2014
- Funding for travel and accommodation in order to participate at the workshop
“Anthropological perspectives on the crisis in Southern Europe”, organised by the
Anthropology Department of the University College in London (UK), 28/06/2013
- Funding for travel and accommodation in order to attend a selection symposium on
“Industry and Inequality”, organised by the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in
Halle (Germany), 3-4/05/2012
- Travel grant (BE) awarded by the Catalan Governemt. Funding of a three-month fieldwork
in Berlin, with the support of Dr. Brigitte Meier, Europa-Universität Viadrina (Frankfurt-Oder,
Germany), 01/07/2007 – 30/09/2007
- Travel grant (BE) awarded by the Catalan Governemt. Funding of a six-month fieldwork in
Berlin, with the support of Dr. Deema Kaneff, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
(Halle, Germany), 01/09/2006 - 28/02/2007
- Predoctoral grant (FI) awarded by the Catalan Government (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca), 01/01/2005 - 31/12/2008
- Undergraduate collaboration grant, 5th year of Psychology, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, 15/09/2001 - 30/06/2002
- Erasmus scholarship, 4th year of Psychology, Université de Liège (Belgium), 15/09/2000 –
Fieldwork stays
• Fieldwork in the metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain), on mortgage indebtedness, home
repossessions, and the emergence of an organised social contestation (march 2012 - ongoing).
• Fieldwork in Ferrol (Galicia, Spain) for the FP7 research project MEDEA, on the steel
industry and economic development models (march 2010-july 2011, intermittently).
• Fieldwork in Berlin (Germany) for a PhD dissertation on housing provisioning, residential
exclusion, urban regeneration and housing disidences (august 2006-august 2007).
• Fieldwork in Berlin (Germany) for an MA dissertation on non-market consumption practices
(august–november 2005).
Participation in projects and research agreements
Member of the “Grup d'Estudis Sobre Reciprocitat”, 2005-2015
Funding institution: Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government)
Principal investigator: Susana Narotzky
“The Spanish home repossessions crisis as a case for the study of debt and credit relations”,
July-December 2014
Funding institution: Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Post-PhD
Research Grant
Principal investigator: Dra. Irene Sabaté
“Addressing the Multiple Aspects of Sustainability: Policy Programmes and Livelihood
Projects” (AMAS), 2012-2014
Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
Principal investigator: Susana Narotzky
“Economías Morales e Innovación Social en Entornos de Crisis” (EMISEC), 2010-2012
Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Programa Nacional de
ciencias sociales, económicas y jurídicas (Spain)
Principal investigator: Susana Narotzky
“Models and their effects on development paths: an ethnographic and comparative approach
to knowledge transmission and livelihood strategies” (MEDEA), 2009-2012
Funding institution: 7thProgram of the EU
Principal investigator: Victoria Goddard
“Formas de regulación de la responsabilidad económica y política: entre la formalidad y la
informalidad”, 2007-2011
Funding institution: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación, Ministerio
de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain)
Principal investigator: Susana Narotzky
“Culturas de la responsabilidad en los ámbitos económico y político: moralidad, reciprocidad
y circulación de recursos”, 2003-2006
Funding institution: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación, Ministerio
de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain)
Principal investigator: Susana Narotzky
Sabaté, I. (2015)
“'Pan para hoy, hambre para mañana'. Cuando la insostenibilidad del sobreendeudamiento hipotecario legitima la transgresión de las obligaciones financieras”
I Conference of the Asociación de Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red (AIBR),
panel: “La crisis hipotecaria en el Estado español: impactos y respuestas sociales”
Madrid (Spain) [convenors: Ábel Beremenyi and Irene Sabaté]
Sabaté, I. (2015)
“To repay or not to repay. Patterns of inequality emerging from mortgage (over-)
indebtedness in Spain”
Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and
Commonwealth (ASA), panel: ‘Engagement and disengagement in crisis:
anthropology as a mutualist concern’, Exeter (UK)
Sabaté, I. (2014)
"Del deseo de la vivienda en propiedad a la reacción contra los desahucios. Respuestas
sociales a la percepción de la injusticia"
Simposio: “Antropología, injusticia y nuevas formas de protesta”, XIIIth Conference
of the Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español (FAAEE),
Tarragona (Spain)
Sabaté, I. (2014)
"Mortgage over-indebtedness and home repossessions as symptoms of the
financiarisation of domestic economies"
Meeting of the EASA Network for the Anthropology of Economy, Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Spain)
Sabaté, I. (2013)
"From the promise of homeownership to the threat of repossessions... and back
Workshop on "Anthropological perspectives on the crisis in Southern Europe",
University College, London (UK)
Sabaté, I. (2012)
“What if we fail to pay the mortgage? Thinking the unthinkable in a country of
European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference, Workshop:
Economies of anxiety: economic uncertainty in everyday practice, Paris (France)
Sabaté, I. (2012)
“Getting by beyond work, or the intertwining of production and reproduction among
heavy industry workers and their families in Ferrol, Spain”
International conference of the 7FP Project MEDEA (Models and their Effects on
Development paths, an Ethnographical and comparative Approach to knowledge
transmission and livelihood strategies), Barcelona (Spain)
Buzalka, J.; González-Polledo, E.; Sabaté, I. (2011)
“Workers identities in neoliberal Europe. An approach to the steel industry in Spain
and Slovakia”
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropologists Association, Montréal (Canada)
Aramburu, M.; Sabaté, I.; Tapada, T. (2011)
Convenor of the workshop “La vivienda desde una perspectiva antropológica”
[“Housing from an anthropological perspective”]
Biannual Conference of the Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado
Español, León (Spain)
González-Polledo, E.; Sabaté, I. (2011)
“Workers activism and the development of civil society in Spain: an ethnographic and
historical perspective”
2nd Joint Biennial CASA-SASA Conference, Telc (Czech Republic)
Buzalka, J.; González-Polledo, E.; Sabaté, I. (2011)
“Workers activism in Slovakia and Spain: coping with crisis and fragmentation”
International workshop organised by the Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw,
Polish Sociological Association, Wroclaw (Poland)
Narotzky, S.; Montgomery, C.; Sabaté, I. (2010)
“In the name of Europe”: The restructuring of the Spanish steelmaking industry and
the implementation of the neoliberal model
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropologists Association, New Orleans (USA)
Sabaté, I. (2010)
“Responsibility for the provision of basic resources: the case of housing in East
Conference on “Antropologia de la Responsabilitat”, Workshop: 'Housing rights',
Barcelona (Spain)
Sabaté, I. (2009)
“Dwellers and housing provisioning in East Berlin: Resistance and compliance with
global economic trends”
Biannual Conference of the German Association of Social Anthropologists, Workshop:
'Dispossession - Accumulation - Social Distress: Globalisation and Economic
Anthropology', Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Sabaté, I. (2007)
“'Wir bleiben alle'. Okupación y condiciones de acceso a la vivienda en el barrio
berlinés de Friedrichshain”
III Jornadas de Antropología Urbana. Ciudades globales y culturas locales, Bilbao
Sabaté, I. (2007)
“Habitar el 'Kiez'. La provisión de vivienda en el barrio berlinés de Friedrichshain”
IV Encontro Ibérico de antropólogos: 'Intersecções ibéricas: Margens, passagens e
fronteiras', Ponte de Lima (Portugal)
Sabaté, I. (2007)
“La provision et l'accès au logement dans le quartier de Friedrichshain à Berlin Est”
Journée d'étude: 'Le logement et l'habitat comme objet de recherche', Paris (France)
Sabaté, I. (2006)
“Non-Monetary Exchange Networks and 'Free Shops' in Berlin: ‘Heterodox’
Consumption and the Hybridisation of Everyday Economies”
European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference, Workshop:
Formal and Informal Economies in a Global World, Bristol (UK)
Teaching experience
- Teaching of several subjects (Introduction to Anthropology, Economic Anthropology,
Anthropology of Consumption, Anthropology of Housing, Urban Anthropology, History of
Anthropology, Anthropology of Development, Alternative Economies) at undergraduate and
graduate levels since 2005.
- Responsible for Economic Anthropology undergraduate courses (2010-11, 2011-12, 201213, 2013-14, 2014-15)
- Responsible for graduate seminars on Alternative Economies (2010-11)
- Supervisor of undergraduate researches [Treball Final de Grau] (2013-14, 2014-15)
Other relevant merits
- Special prize for PhD dissertations, Faculty of Geography and History, Universitat de
Barcelona, 2009
- Special prize for Psychology graduates, Faculty of Psychology, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, 2002
Links to websites with information on scientific activity
- Scientific and academic curriculum
- Profile at
- Member of the Grup d’Estudis sobre Reciprocitat
- Teaching activity at the Departament d’Antropologia Cultural, Universitat de Barcelona
- Post-PhD Research Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation:
- Researcher in the MEDEA Project:
- Member of the Editorial Board of (con)textos. Revista d’antropologia i investigació social