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COPITI GRANADA MARI CRUZ DELGADO <[email protected]> martes, 02 de septiembre de 2014 10:47 MARI CRUZ DELGADO Oferta de empleo De: Enviado el: Para: Asunto: Haga clic aquí con el botón secu ndario para descarg ar imágenes. Para ay udar a proteg er la confid encialidad, Outlo ok ev itó la descarg a auto mática de esta imagen de In ternet. Oferta de empleo Nº Expediente: 2014/00263 Fecha Creación: 01/09/2014 13:57:33 Datos del solicitante: Nombre: JULIA Apellido 1: TAVIEL Municipio: SANTANDER Provincia: Cantabria País: España Email: [email protected] Datos de la solicitud: Empresa / Razón Social: VERINGER Sector: INGENIERIA Página web: Puesto vacante: SUBCONTRACT COORDINATOR Número de vacantes: 1 Descripción de la oferta: Duties • Acquaint himself with the project requirements of the Project Quality Assurance Plan. • Participate to the preparation of the Subcontracting Procedure to be included in the Q.A. Plan. • Participate in the preparation of the Project Subcontracting Plan and Strategy, get approvals and issue. • Prepare the draft of the Project Subcontractors and Bidders List get approvals and issue. • Take appropriate care to ensure that Material Requisitions from the Technical Disciplines, schedules and budgets from the Project Control Discipline are timely received. Notify Project Manager immediately of any delay. • Review and comment the material Requisitions for Subcontracts (issued by the Technical Disciplines), before of the issue of the inquiry and before of the formal issue of contract. • Prepare the inquiry in accordance, with the work instructions and the Project Q.A. Plan, get approvals and issue. • Perform bids opening procedure jn accordance with the Project Q. A. Plan. • Review, sign and get approvals of the preliminary bids tabulations. • Assist and expedite the Technical Disciplines for the technical conditioning. • Meet with bidders for preliminary and final negotiations to ensure compliance with budget and schedule, record meetings. • Review, sign and get approvals of Che final bids tabulations. • Prepare letters of intent and formal contracts, get approvals and issue. • Ascertain formal acceptance of Letters of Intent and formal contracts, • Assist, as required, the H/O Coordinator of Subcontracts Administration and the 1 Subcontract Administrator for the resolution of claims or clarification on the Contract Special Clauses interpretation, if required. • Keep Discipline Head and Project manager informed of all critical areas and recommend corrective actions. • Review and issue the Project Inquiry Status Summary and the Project Subcontracts Ljst. • Assist, as required, the Discipline Head for the proposals activities. • Assure that during the tender stage all commercial information, in particular the prices, are kept strictly confidential within the Subcontract Discipline Personnel assigned to the project and the authorized personnel. • Assure performance of subcontracting activities in accordance with the work procedures, project Q;A. Plan and issue when appropriate non conformities in accordance with the Quality Assurance Instruction. Requirements: • Engineering technical industrial • MBA • Experience of 5 years • high English • Knowledge of EPC and O&M contracts • Knowledge in Law Offered • Embedding a big company immediately • Competitive and based on experience provided salary band . • Post in Madrid Please refrain candidates not meeting the requirements of the tender Absolute confidentiality is guaranteed in the processing of applications INTERESTED : UPDATED CV : [email protected] INDICATE IN THE SUBJECT: SUBCONTRACT SR. MADRID Titulación: Ingeniero Técnico Industrial Requisitos mínimos: Requirements: • Engineering technical industrial • MBA • Experience of 5 years • high English • Knowledge of EPC and O&M contracts • Knowledge in Law © COGITI · Consejo General de la Ingeniería Técnica Industrial Avda. Pablo Iglesias 2, 2º Teléfono: 915541806-09 / Fax: 915537566 / E-mail: [email protected] · Desarrollado por ATTEST · 2