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Mercedes Ruiz Moreno
Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía. Facultad de Medicina, U.
Complutense. Madrid 1968.
Especialista Pediatría. Facultad de Medicina, U. Complutense. Madrid
Especialista Aparato Digestivo. Facultad de Medicina, U. Autónoma.
Madrid 1979.
Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía. Facultad de Medicina, UAM. Madrid
Profesora Titular del Departamento de Pediatría. UAM. 1991 (Asociado
Jefe del Servicio de Pediatría. Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid 1993.
a) Libro: "Patología Digestiva Infantil" 1994 ISBN: 84-8086-119-3.
b) 26 capítulos de libros
c) 92 publicaciones en revistas, siendo las más relevantes:
- Recombinant alfa2-interferon treatment in children with chronic
hepatitis B. Lancet, 1988, 1:250.
- Serological and histological follow-up of chronic hepatitis B infection.
Arch Dis Child, 1989, 64:1165-1169.
- Interferon antibodies in patients with chronic HBV infection treated
with recombinant interferon. J Hepatol 1989, 8:351-357.
- A controlled trial of recombinant interferon-alpha in Caucasian
children with chronic hepatitis B. Digestion 1990, 45:26-23.
- Hepatitis B virus DNA patterns in the liver of children with chronic
hepatitis B. J Med Virol 1990, 31:195-199.
- Autoinmune chronic hepatitis type 2 manifested during interferon
therapy in children. J. Hepatol, 1991, 12:265-266.
- Prospective, randomized controlled trial of interferon-alfha in children
with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 1991, 13:1035-1039.
- Treatment with gamma interferon versus alpha and gamma interferon
in children with chronic hepatitis B. Pediatrics, 1992; 90:254-258.
- Treatment of children with chronic hepatitis C with recombinant alpha
interferon: A pilot study. Hepatology 1992; 16:882-885.
- Persistence of hepatitis B virus DNA after reduction of viral replication
in serum and liver. J Med Virol 1992; 38:11-15.
- Increase in triglicerides during alpha interferon treatment of chronic
viral hepatitis. J Hepatol. 1992; 16:384-385.
- Chronic hepatitis B in children. Natural history and treatment. J
Hepatol 1993; 17 S3:64-66.
- Levamisole and interferon in children with chronic hepatitis.
Hepatology 1993; 18: 264-269.
- Interferon treatment in children with chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol
1994; 12S:1-3.
- Hepatitis C virus genotypes in serum and liver of children with chronic
hepatitis C. Pediatric Res 1995; 38:618-620.
- Factors predictive of response to interferon therapy in children with
chronic hepatitis B. J. Hepathol 1995; 22:540-544.
- Interferon treatment in children with chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol
1995; S22:49-51.
- Distribution of the predominant virus precore variants in hepatitis B e
antigen positive children and their effect on treatment response.
Pediatr Res 1996; 39:980-984.
- Detection of hepatitis GB virus type C RNA in serum and liver from
children with chronic viral hepatitis B and C. Hepatology 1997;
- Pilot Interferon beta trial in children with chronic hepatitis B who had
previously non responded to Interferon alpha therapy. Pediatrics 1997;
- Hepatitis C virus infection in children. J Hepatol. 1999; 31
- Sequence variation of hepatitis B virus precore-core open reading
frame isolated from serum and liver of children with chronic hepatitis B
before and after interferon treatment. J. Med. Virol. 1999; 58:208-214.
- Clinical and histological outcome after hepatitis B e antigen to
antibody seroconversion in children with chronic hepatitis B.
Hepatology. 1999; 29:572-575.
a) financiación pública: 8 proyectos.
b) financiación privada: 18 proyectos.
- Premio SAM 1972, "Alimentación Parenteral en Pediatría".
- Premio Mariano Benavente 1981, "Efectos de la lactancia natural a
corto plazo sobre los niveles séricos del colesterol".
- Distinción Wander "Philippe de Chastonay" 1990, Third Joint Meeting
- Premio "Rey Jaime I" de Medicina Clínica, 1996.
- Beca Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz. Estancia en Liver Service,
King´s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK. 1998.
- Miembro de 9 sociedades médicas nacionales e internacionales.
- Referee de 6 revistas internacionales.
- Presidente del Comité Etico de Investigación Clínica de la F. Jiménez
Díaz, 1996-00.
- Vocal del Comité Etico Regional de la CM de Investigación Clínica,
- Vocal Científico del Alto Consejo Consultivo en Investigación y
Desarrollo de la Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana 1999.