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Descripción: JBoss Application Server (AS) es uno de los servidores de aplicación
Java más populares en el mercado. JBoss Application Server es una plataforma
certificada J2EE 1.4 de código abierto para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Java
empresariales y aplicaciones Web. Mientras es rica en funcionalidad, administrar JBoss
AS puede ser un reto, ya que a menudo requiere manipular varios archivos XML de
configuración que se ponen en varios lugares durante la instalación de JBoss. Nuestro
curso de JBOSS cubre todas las áreas administrativas importantes que se requieren
para administrar JBoss AS comenzando con la instalación, su arquitectura y
configuración básica y monitoreo, continuando con el deployment y la configuración
de aplicaciones empresariales Web, y después con el movimiento de la configuración
de muchos otros servicios que JBoss AS soporta, como son el del contenedor Web
basado en Tomcat, JDBC y JMS.
Audiencia: Administradores y web masters que necesitan mantener aplicaciones en
un JBoss Application Server.
Prerrequisitos: Familiaridad con la operación de Windows.
conocimiento básico de aplicaciones Web, servidor Web, Java y XML.
Contenido 1.‐ Introduction and Installation
6.‐Security in JBoss AS
Java EE Overview
Java has Multiple Platforms
What is Java EE?
Some Common Java EE APIs
What are Java EE Application Servers?
Multi-Tiered Architecture
Web-Based Architecture with EJB
Rich Client Architecture with EJB
Supporting Both Web Clients and Rich Clients
Playing Server Games
SOA – Service Oriented Architecture
SOA Architecture
JBoss AS Overview
JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS)
JBoss AS History and JBoss the Company
JBoss the Company
Basic Server Architecture 0 the MicroKernel
Services Provided by the MicroKernel
JBoss AS 4.2X – Core Technologies
Installing and Running JBoss AS
System Requirements
Choosing your JVM
Operating System Considerations
Environment Variables
Installing JBoss AS
Server Configurations
Zip Installation
Graphical Installer
The JEMS Installer
Profile Configuration Screens
Security Configuration Screens
Starting JBoss AS
The Server is Up
Stopping JBoss
More About Starting and Stopping JBoss AS
The <jboss>\bin Directory and its Files
The run Script
JBos System Properties and run-D
System Properties and Directory Structure
Other run Options
Memory Usage
The shutdown Script
Using the shutdown Script
Documentation Overview
The <jboss>\docs Directory
Java EE Security Overview
Security Requirements
Security in Java EE
Transport Level Security with HTTP/SSL
Java EE Security Overview
Java EE Security
Java EE Declarative Security
JMX – Console – Security Role Declaration
Specifying Security Constraints
Security Constraints – Deployment Descriptor
JBoss AS Security Overview
Security Domains and Login Modules
JBoss Login Modules
Using UsersRolesLoginModule
Security Domain with UsersRoleLoginModule
Enabling Security for a Web App
The DatabaseServerLoginModule
Security Domain – DatabaseServerLoginModule
The LdapLoginModule
Using the LdapLoginModule
Security MBeans
The JaasSecurityManager MBean
TLS/SSL & HTTP – Transport Level Security
TSL/SSL Meets Some Security Needs
TLS/SSL Requires Server Setup
The keytool Program
Using the keytool Program
Enabling Tomcat HTTPS
Testing if HTTPS Works
Requiring HTTPS on a Web App
Password Hashing
Password Hashing Overview
Password Hashing in Login Modules
Configuring User Login Password Hashing
Hashing and Sorting Passwords
Encrypting Database Login Passwords
Using SecureIdentityLoginModule
Securing JBoss Services
Securing JBoss
Securing Admin Consoles and HTTP Invoker
Securing the JMX RMI Invoker Adapter
Securing the RMI Classloading Service
EJB 3 Over SSL
The JMS Invokers and SSL
Datasource Security
Debugging Security
Desarrollo y Capacitación en Internet S. A. de C. V.
Altadena No 26 Col. Nápoles Del. Benito Juárez C.P 03810
7.‐ Tuning JBoss AS
2.‐JBoss AS Structure and Architecture
Server Configurations
Server Configuration Structure
Configuration Directory Structure
The conf Directory
The jobss-service.xml File
Services Deployed in jboss-service.xml
The lib and log Directories
JBoss Boot Logging
The jboss-log4j.xml File
The deploy Directory
JMX and the JBoss Microkernel
Overview of JMX
JMX Architecture
JXM Object Names
About the JBoss Microkernel
The JBoss Microkernel and JMX
Booting the JBoss Microkernel
About JBoss Services
A Complete Service Definition
Service Definition – the MBean Interface
Service Definition – jboss-service.xml
The Admin Consoles
The JMX Console
Looking at MyDependentService
Things you can do with JMX-Console
The Web Console
8.‐ Clustering
Tuning Memory Usage
Tuning Overview
Memory, Memory, Memory
JVM – Heap Size
JVM – Perm Space
JVM – Garbage Collection
JVM – Generational Garbage Collection
JVM – Minor vs. Full Collections
JVM – Optimizing Generational GC
JVM – Choosing Garbage Collectors
OS – memory an dThreading
OS and Hardward – Other Considerations
Resource Tuning
Database Tuning
Database Collection Pooling
Tomcat Tuning – Connectors
Tomcat Tuning 0 JSP
Other Tomcat Tuning
Other Services
Removing Services
Architecture Issues
Playing Server Games
Topology Performance Ramifications
Java EE Application Structure
WAR (Web Archive) Structure
Java EE and JBoss Archives
Deployers and Deployment
JBoss AS Deployment Architecture
Deploying into JBoss AS
Deployment Options
Working with Expanded Deployments
Deployment Ordering
Modifying the Deployment Ordering
Nested Deployments
Classloading in Java EE Servers
Class Loader Hierarchy – Normal Java EE
JBoss Class Loader Repository
Creating Isolated Deployments
Viewing the Loader Repository
Clustering Overview
Cluster Partitions
Cluster Configuration
Client Side Interceptors
Load Balancer
Load Balancing Policies – Client Interceptor
Clustered Services
Clustered JNDI
Cluster JNDI Architecture
HA-JNDI Server Side Configuration
HA-JNDI Client Side Configuration
HA-JNDI Client Side Autodiscovery
Clustered EJB
Clustered HTTP
The Farm Service
Clustered Singleton Services
JGroups Troubleshooting
Desarrollo y Capacitación en Internet S. A. de C. V.
Altadena No 26 Col. Nápoles Del. Benito Juárez C.P 03810
9.‐JBoss Operations Network (JON)
4.‐Web Container, JNDI, and Datasources
The Web Container
Web Container Overview
Configuration Files
Configuring Tomcat’s HTTP Connector
Other Connectors
Access Logging
The Root Web Application
The Default web.xml File
Monitoring the Web Container
The Tomcat Status Servlet
Review – JNDI Overview
JNDI Name Tree
JNDI Name Tree Diagram
Review – JNDI in the Java EE Platform
Configuring JNDI Clients
How JNDI Works
Configuring Naming on JBoss AS
Tunneling JNDI through HTTP
Java and Database Connectivity
Java EE and Datasources
Connection Pooling
Non-Pooled vs. Pooled
Getting a Pooled Connection – Illustrated
Closing a Pooled Connection – Illustrated
Datasources in JBoss AS
Configuring Datasources in JBoss AS
Datasource Configuration File
Other Configuration Elemetns
Configuring Non-tx and XA Datasources
The Hypersonic Database and DefaultsDs
Changing the Hypersonic Database
JON Overview
JBoss Operations Network (JON)
JBoss ON Structure
JON Agent Structure
JBoss ON GUI Console – the Dashboard
JBoss ON Console – A Server Detail Page
Acquiring and Installing
Acquiring and Installing JON
Setting up the Database
Setting up the Server
Setting up the Agent
Agent Operation
JON Inventory Overview
Inventory Overview: Resource Hierarchies
Inventory Overview: Resource States
Importing Resources
Importing and Child Autodiscovery
Viewing Resources in the Console
Resource Browser – Servers
The Inventory Detail Page for the Agent
Monitoring Overview
Monitoring Detail View
Monitoring Tab – Visibility Section
Monitoring Tab – Indicators
Monitoring Tab – Metric Data
Monitoring Configuration
Configuring metric Collection Defaults
Response Time Monitoring
Defining an Alert
Alert Definitions
Alert Generation
Alert Capabilities Overview
The JON Administration Section
Managing Users and Roles
Server Configuration
The Server Configuration Section
JBoss Patches and the Content System
Managing Patches
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Altadena No 26 Col. Nápoles Del. Benito Juárez C.P 03810
5.‐Other Services
Remote Object Invokers
Detached Invokers
UnifiedInvoker Configuration
Connector Configuration
Older JBoss AS RMI Invokers
EJB3 Invoker Configuration
HTTP Invoker
HTTP Invoker – http-invoker.sar
How the HTTP Invoker Works
Configuring HTTP Invoker
Using the HTTP Invoker
JMS (Java Message Service)
Note on JMS
Messaging Overview
Publish/Subscribe – Illustrated
Point-to-Point – Illustrated
What is JMS – Java Message Service
Core JBossMQ Service Configuration
PersistenceManager Configuration
JDBC StateManager Configuration
JBossMQ Invokers
JVM and UIL Invoker Configuration
HTTP Invoker
Configuring Destinations
JBossMQ and the JMX Console
Other Services
EJB – Enterprise JavaBeans
JBossWS – Web Services
JMX Invoker Adapter
RMI Classloading
Using ServiceBindingManager
Accessing Services on Different Ports
Desarrollo y Capacitación en Internet S. A. de C. V.
Altadena No 26 Col. Nápoles Del. Benito Juárez C.P 03810
Duración aproximada:
30 horas
Sede de impartición:
Altadena 26. Col. Nápoles, México, D .F. o WTC Ciudad de México Piso 37
Sede para informes:
Altadena 26. Col. Nápoles, México, D .F.
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