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Josep E. Corbí Fernández de Ibarra
March, 2012
Professor in Philosophy
Department of Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge.
University of Valencia
Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 30
460010-Valencia (Spain)
Tel. +34 963 86 48 48
Fax +34 963 86 44 32
Date of Birth November 27, 1957
Licenciado en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación (≈ B.A.), Facultad de Filosofía de la
Universidad de Valencia, 1980.
2. Doctor en Filosofía (≈ Ph. D.), Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Valencia, December 20,
1984 with the degree apto «cum Laude».
3. Acreditación Nacional al Cuerpo de Catedráticos de Universidad. September 25, 2008
Grants and Fellowships
1. 1988-89, Mobilitat Personal Investigador, Generalitat Valenciana, 'Mental Representations in
Cognitive Psychology': Oxford University (UK), visiting scholar, 9 months.
2. 1995-96, Movilidad Personal Investigador, DGICYT, Gobierno Español, 'Mental Causation,
Rationality and Self': Brown University (Rh.I., USA), visiting scholar, 12 months.
3. 2006, Mobilitat Personal Investigador, Generalitat Valenciana, 'Experience and Kinds of
Awareness': Universidad de Buenos Aires, visiting scholar, 1 month1995-96, Brown University
(EEUU), 12 meses, profesor invitado.
4. 2008-9, Movilidad Personal Investigador, DGICYT, Gobierno Español, 'Harm, Guilt, and
Awareness. A Research on Morality and Self-Knowldge', University of Sheffield (UK), Honorary
Scholar, 7 months.
5. 2008-9, Movilidad Personal Investigador, DGICYT, Gobierno Español, 'Harm, Guilt, and
Awareness. A Research on Morality and Self-Knowldge', University of Fribourg (Switzerland),
visiting scholar, 2 months.
Positions Held
1. Encargado de Curso, Departamento Historia de la Filosofía, Fac. Filosofía y CC. de la Educación,
Universidad de Valencia,01/12/1980 - 31/08/1983
2. Ayudante, Departamento Historia de la Filosofía, Fac. Filosofía y CC. de la Educación, Universidad
de Valencia, 01/10/1985 - 19/07/1986
3. Profesor Titular Universidad, Departamento de Metafísica y Teoría del Conocimiento, Fac. de
Filosofía y CC. de la Educación, Universidad de Valencia, 20/07/1986-20/11/2009
4. Catedrático de Universidad, Departamento de Metafísica y Teoría del Conocimiento, Fac. de
Filosofía y CC. de la Educación, Universidad de Valencia, 20/11/2009-now
5. Visiting Scholar, Oxford University, 9 months (1/09/1988-30/06/1989) -.
6. Visiting Scholar, Brown University (Rh. I., USA), 12 months (1/09/1995-31/08/1996).
7. Profesor Invitado, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1 month (13/08/2006-14/09-2006).
8. Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield, 7 months
9. Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Fribourg, 2 months (01/05/200930/06/2009)
Services to the Profession
1. Principal Researcher in Funded Research Projects:
(a) Group 9 'Applied Philosophy' of the Research Project recently awarded Perspectival Thoughts
and Facts (Principal Researcher: Manuel García Carpintero. CSD2009-00056. Amount:
2.000.000 euros. 1/01/2010 to 31/12/2014. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
(b) Filosofía del Lenguaje, de la Lógica y la Cognición, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,
HUM2006-08236, 150.000 euros, 1/01/2007 - 31/12/2011, PR: Manuel García-Carpintero
Sánchez-Miguel, Members: 15 (Valencia Sub-group: 8 members. RR: Josep E. Corbí Fernández
de Ibarra)
(c) Creencia, motivación y verdad, Conselleria de Cultura Educació i Esport,
ACOMP06/135,1/01/2006-31/12/2006, PR: Josep Corbí Fernández de Ibarra, Members: 9 ▪
Creencia, motivación y verdad, Conselleria de Cultura Educació i Esport , GV04B-251,
01/01/2004-31/12/2005, PR: Josep Corbí Fernández de Ibarra, Members: 9 ▪
(d) Ayuda para el grupo de investigación Phrónesis, Conselleria de Cultura Educació i
Esport,GRUPOS04/48, 01/01/2004-31/12/ 2005, RP:Josep E. Corbí Fernandez de Ibarra,
Members: 9
(e) Creencia, motivación y verdad, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, BFF2003-08335-C03-01,
36.260,00 euros, 2003- 2006, PR: Josep Corbí Fernández de Ibarra, Members: 9
(f) Deliberación, realismo y verdad, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, BFF2000-1073-C04-03,
2000- 2003, PR: Josep E. Corbí Fernández de Ibarra, Members: 5.
2. Occasional referee for Theoria (Spain), Acta Analytica (Slovenia), Australasian Journal of
Philosophy (Australia) Crítica (México), Dialectica (Switzerland), Daimon (Spain), Dianoia
(México) Cuadernos de Filosofía (Buenos Aires).
3. Member of the editorial board, Acta Analytica (1995-...), Análisis Filosófico (2009 - ...)Crítica,
Mexico, (1996- …); Dialectica, Switzeland, (1996-1999); Teorema (1995-....).
4. Occasional grant reviewing for the DGES (Spanish Ministry of Education) and the ESF
5. Research projects and grant reviewing (“co-gestor”) for Philology and Philosophy, DGI, Spanish
Ministry of Science and Technology (2004-2007);
6. Member of the editorial committee, Theoria, Spain,(2002-2008).
7. Member of the steering committee of European Society for Analytic Philosophy (2000-2005) and
Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica (2010- )
8. Occasional referee for Blackwell publishers, SADAF.
9. Organizer or co-organizer of the following international conferences: ▪ I Latin Meeting For Analytic
Philosophy (Lisboa, 5-8 de julio de 2001) ▪ Fourth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy
(Lund (Suecia), 14-18 de junio de 2002) ▪ I Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art, and Morality
(Murcia, 20-22 de mayo de 2002).▪ II Latin Meeting For Analytic Philosophy (Aix-Provence, 13-15
de noviembre de 2003).▪ II Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art, and Morality (Valencia, 27-29
de marzo de 2003) ▪ Buenos Aires-Valencia. Encuentro Filosófico (Valencia, 8-9 de septiembre de
2003) ▪ XV Inter-University Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Madrid, 18-20 de abril
de 2005) ▪ Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy (Lisboa, 27-31 de agosto de 2005) ▪ III
Latin Meeting For Analytic Philosophy (Valencia, 9-11 de junio de 2005) ▪ XVI Inter-University
Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Valencia, March 2006) ▪ I Nomos Meeting
(Valencia, October 22-23, 2007) ▪ International Workshop on John McDowell (Valencia, November
28-29, 2007) ▪ II Nomos Meeting: Reasons and Selves (Girona, October 20-21, 2008) ▪ III Nomos
Meeting: Sex, Gender, and Other Identities (Barcelona, November 6-7, 2009), ▪ IV Nomos Meeting:
Research Interests
1. Relativism and Critical Theory, 1981-1986
2. Mental Causation, 1987-2000
3. Connectionist vs. Classical models in Artificial Intelligence, 1987-1995
4. Moral Realism and Moral Motivation, 1995-now
5. Moral Luck and Conflict of Values, 1995-now
6. Moral Emotions and Moral Theory, 1995-now
7. First-Person Authority and Self-Knowledge as an Achievement, 2000-now
8. The Role of Literature in Philosophical Reflection, 2000-now
Published Books
1. 2000, with Josep L. Prades, Minds, Causes, and Mechanisms. A Case Against Physicalism. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers.
2. 2003, Un lugar para la moral. Madrid: Antonio Machado Editores.
3. 2012, Morality, Self-Knowledge, and Human Suffering. An Essay on the Loss of Confidence in the
World. London: Routledge.
Published Articles and Book Chapters (a selection)
1. 1988, 'Understanding, Truth and Explanation', International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 3:
2. 1989, 'J. Habermas: pragmática universal y normatividad', Daimon 1:39-57.
3. 1993, 'Classical and Connectionist Models: Levels of Description', Synthese 95: 141-168.
4. 1993, 'In defense of Normative Scientific Epistemology', Philosophical Issues: Science and
Knowledge 3: 287-307
5. 1994, with Josep L. Prades, 'El conexionismo y su impacto en la filosofía de la mente' in F.
Broncano (ed.), La mente humana. Madrid, Trotta,151-174.
6. 1995, with Josep L. Prades, 'Mental Contents in a World of Causes' en J.Hill y P. Kotatko (eds.),
Karlovy-Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning. Prague: Filosofia Publications, 148-171
7. 1997, with Josep L. Prades, 'Incompatibilismo y necesidad metafísica', in J. E. Corbí y C.J.Moya
(eds.), Ensayos sobre libertad y necesidad. Valencia: Pretextos, 55-170.
8. 1998, 'A Challenge to Boghossian's Incompatibilist Argument', in Philosophical Issues IX: Concepts
10: 377-385.
9. 2000, 'The Principle of Inferential Justification, Scepticism, and Causal Beliefs', Noûs 34/4: 377-386.
10. 2001, 'Presentation: a monographic section on 'Mental Causation and the Exclusion Problem'',
Theoria 16/1,40: 5-12.
2002, 'Prólogo a la edición española' in B. Stroud, La búsqueda de la realidad: el subjetivismo y la
metafísica del color. Madrid: Síntesis, 11-43.
12. 2004, 'Normativity, Moral Realism, and Unmasking Explanations', Theoria 19/2,50: 155-172.
13. 2006, 'Moral Emotions, Principles, and the Locus of Moral Perception', European Journal of
Analytic Philosophy 2/2: 61-80.
14. 2007, 'The Mud of Experience and Modes of Awareness', Theoria 22/58: 5-15.
15. 2009, 'The Insight of Empiricism. In Defense of a Hypothetical, but Propositional Given'
International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17/2: 289-98.
16. 2010, 'First-Person Authority and Self-Knowledge as an Achievement', European Journal of
Philosophy 18/3: 325-362.
17. 2010, 'The Real and the Imaginary in the Soldier's Experience', Organon F 2: 229-250.
18. 2010, 'El refugio de la claridad', Análisis Filosófico xxx/1: 89-121.
19. 2011, 'Evidence and First-Person Authority', Teorema 30/3: 51-66.
20. 2011, 'Observation, Character, and a Purely First-Person Point of View', Acta Analytica 26: 311-328.
1. (1997), en colaboración con Carlos Moya, Ensayos sobre libertad y necesidad, Valencia, Ed. Pretextos.
2. (2001) 'Mental Causation and the Exclusion Problem. Sección Monográfica', Theoria, vol 16, pp. 5116.
3. (2007) 'Forum on Richard Moran's Authority and Estrangement', Theoria, vol. 22/1, No. 58, pp. 379.
4. (2011) 'Forum on David Finkelstein's Expression and the Inner”, Teorema, 30/3: 5-96.