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Anuario de Filosofía
y Teoría del Derecho
Paolo BECCHI. Profesor e investigador de la Universidad de
Lucerna, Suiza y de la Universidad de Génova, Italia.
Brian BURGE-HENDRIX. Junior Research Fellow at Quest
Enrique CÁCERES. Professor and Researcher, Legal Research Institute, UNAM.
Tom CAMPBELL. Centre for Applied Philosophy an Public
Ethics (CAPPE), Australian National University, University of Melbourne and Charles Sturt University;
visiting professor at the School of Law, King´s College, London.
Imer B. FLORES. Professor and Researcher, Legal Research
Institute, UNAM.
Leslie GREEN. Profesor de Filosofía del derecho de la
Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Oxford.
Miembro del Balliol College, Oxford OX1 3BJ, UK.
Kenneth Einar HIMMA. Associate Professor of Philosophy
Seattle Pacific University.
Joachim LEGE. Profesor de la cátedra de derecho público,
historia constitucional, y filosofía del derecho y el
Estado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad
de Greifswald, Alemania.
Guillermo J. MAÑÓN GARIBAY. Investigador del Instituto de
Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM.
Eduardo RIBEIRO MOREIRA. Professor of Constitutional Law
of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and professor of Constitutional Law at the School of Judges
of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Fábio Perin SHECAIRA. Graduate student, Department of
Philosophy, McMaster University.
Natalie STOLJAR. Department of Philosophy McGill University Canada.
Noel STRUCHINER. Professor of Law and Philosophy, Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
W. J. WALUCHOW. Professor Senator William McMaster
Chair in Constitutional Studies Department of Philosophy McMaster University
Pilar ZAMBRANO. Profesora de Filosofía del Derecho en la
Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires) e investigadora
del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica de Argentina (CONICET).