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A Naj Tunich Bibliography
Armitage, Ruth A., James E. Brady, Allan Cobb, John R. Southon and Marvin W. Rowe
2001 Mass Spectrometric Radiocarbon Dates from Three Rock Paintings of Known Age.
American Antiquity 66 (3):471-480.
Brady, James E.
1987 A Re-Evaluation of Protoclassic Orange Wares. In: Maya Ceramics: Papers from the
1985 Maya Ceramic Conference, edited by Prudence M. Rice and Robert J. Sharer, pp.
469-477. BAR International Series 345, London.
1988 Analysis of Obsidian from Naj Tunich, Peten, Guatemala. In Obsidian Dates IV: A
Compendium of Obsidian Hydration Dates Made at UCLA Obsidian Hydration
Laboratory, edited by Clement W. Meighan and Janet Scalise, pp. 120-127. UCLA
Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles.
1989 An Investigation of Maya Ritual Cave Use with Special Reference to Naj Tunich,
Peten, Guatemala. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.
1990 Exploraciones de la Rama Nueva de Naj Tunich: Implicaciones para su Interpretación.
In Tercer Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan
Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 141-149.
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal,
1990 Report on Recent Damage to the Inscriptions at Naj Tunich. Mexicon 12(1):5-6.
1991 New Vandalism at Naj Tunich Cave. National Geographic Research and Exploration
Brady, James E. and Andrea Stone
1986 Naj Tunich: Entrance to the Maya Underworld. Archaeology 39 (6):18-25.
Brady, James E. and Sandra Villagrán de Brady
1989 La Arqueología de la Cueva Naj Tunich: Patrones de Utilización Ritualistica. In:
Segundo Simposio Sobre Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, pp. 175-181.
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal,
Brady, James E., George Veni, Andrea Stone, and Allan B. Cobb
1992 Explorations in the New Branch of Naj Tunich: Implications for Interpretations.
Mexicon 16(4):74-81.
Brady, James E. and Gene A. Ware
2001 Las Inscripciones de Naj Tunich: Avances Recientes de la Imagen Multi-Espectral.
XIV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológiacas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro
Laporte, Ana Claudia de Suasnávar and Bárbara Arroyo, pp. 1017-1025. Ministerio de
Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.
Fogarty, John
1993 Naj Tunich, an Ugly Trip to a Beautiful Cave. The Texas Caver 10:30-33.
Stone, Andrea
1982 Recent Discoveries from Naj Tunich. Mexicon 4 (5/6):93-98.
1983 Epigraphic Patterns in the Inscriptions of Naj Tunich Cave. In Contributions to Maya
Hieroglyphic Decipherment, edited by Stephen D. Houston, pp. 88-103. HRAFlex Book,
New Haven.
1985 The Moon Goddess at Naj Tunich. Mexicon 7(2):23-29.
1987 Cave Painting in the Maya Area. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 3(1):95108.
1989 The Painted Walls of Xibalba: Maya Cave Painting as Evidence of Cave Ritual. In
Word and Image in Maya Culture: Exploration in Language, Writing, and
Representation, edited by William F. Hank and Don S. Rice, pp. 319-335. University of
Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
1991 Las Pinturas y Petroglifos de Naj Tunich, Petén: Investigaciones Recientes. II
Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicos en Guatemala, 2nd ed., pp. 182-200.
Ministerio de Cultura y Desportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal,
1995 Images from the Underworld: Naj Tunich and the Tradition of Maya Cave Painting.
University of Texas Press, Austin.
1998 Estudios Epigráficos de Naj Tunich, Petén. XI Simposio de Investigaciones
Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor Escobedo, pp.
151-164. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia,
Asociación Tikal, Guatemala.
Stone, Andrea and Paul Bahn
1993 A Comparison of Franco-Cantabrian and Maya Art in Deep Caves: Spatial Stratigies
and Cultural Considerations. In Time and Space: Dating and Spatial Considerations in
Rock Art Research, Papers of Symposia F and E, Second AURA Congress, Cairns 1992,
edited by Paul Faulstich and Paul S. C. Tacon, pp. 111-120. Austrialian Rock Art
Research Association, Occasional Publication No. 8. Melbourne.
Stuart, George E.
1981 Maya Art Treasures Discovered in Cave. National Geographic 160(2):220-235.
Ware, Gene A. and James E. Brady
1999 Multi-Spectral Analysis of Ancient Maya Pigments: Implications for the Naj Tunich
Corpus. Center 19: 132-135. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Ware, Gene, James E. Brady and Curtis Martin
2001 Multispectral Imaging and Spectral Classification of Naj Tunich Pigments.
Proceedings of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology 54th Annual Spring
Conference: Imaging Processing, Imaging Quality, Imaging Capture Systems Vol. 6:
2489-2491. Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ.
Ware, Gene A., Douglas M. Chabries, Richard W. Christiansen, James E. Brady, and Curtis E.
2000 Multispectral Analysis of Ancient Maya Pigments: Implications for the Naj Tunich
Corpus. Proceedings of the 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, VI:2489-2491. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Witte, T. A. and E. Garza
1981 Naj Tunich: The Writing on the Wall. National Speleological Society News 39 (7):