Download Novice Tasks Interpretative Task: Your school has decided to host a

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Novice Tasks
Interpretative Task:
Your school has decided to host a Pennies for Patients fundraiser for the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society. They want to invite students, staff, and members of the
community to join them so they need to create some marketing materials. Due to the
increasing number of Spanish speakers in your community your class has been asked to
create materials, in Spanish, to help spread awareness of this cause.
Click on the links throughout the activity guide to watch portions of an interview in which two women
discuss their experiences and involvement with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in order to gain a
better understanding of the illness as well as important facts and vocabulary you can include in your
I. Before Viewing: Before you watch, answer the question below by selecting the correct answer.
1. ¿Qué es el cáncer?
a) El cáncer es una tienda de ropa.
b) El cáncer es una enfermedad grave.
c) El cáncer es un baile.
Click here to watch part one of the video. In this clip you will hear from the Executive Director of
the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for Southern Florida and Puerto Rico. As you watch, identify
the correct information by placing an X under the “Opción A” or the “Opción B” column.
Quiero Saber
Opción A
Opción B
Un tipo de cáncer de la sangre es…
____ la leucemia
____ el cáncer de
¿Hay un mecanismo para detectar
ese tipo de cáncer?
____ Sí
____ No
Una de ___ personas es
diagnosticada cada cuatro minutos
en los Estados Unidos.
____ cuatro
____ siete
En cada diez minutos una persona
___ de esta enfermedad.
____ muere
____ es diagnosticada
La misión de la Sociedad de Lucha
Contra la Leucemia y el Linfoma es…
____ la buscada de
____ la buscada de
This next clip, found here, is a testimony of a cancer survivor and her experiences with the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. As you watch, identify the correct information by placing an X
under the “Opción A” or the “Opción B” column.
Quiero Saber
Opción A
Opción B
Ella contactó _____ y ellos la ayudaron
____ la Sociedad de
Lucha Contra la
Leucemia y el Linfoma
____ su amiga
La Sociedad de Lucha Contra la
Leucemia y el Linfoma…
____ no hizo nada para
____ le trataron como
fue parte de su familia.
Ellos la ayudaron a ella y a su familia a…
____ conocer a
sobrevivientes y otras
personas con cáncer.
____ hablar con su
Interpersonal Task:
It is important for your class to work as a team on this project. With a partner, compare
the information you gathered during the Interpretive Task. Next, work together to
categorize the facts into two groups: Facts about these types of cancers and Facts about
the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Datos sobre los canceres del sangre
Datos sobre la Sociedad de Lucha Contra la
Leucemia y el Linfoma
Presentational Writing Task:
Create a flyer for your school’s fundraiser with facts about the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society. Be sure to include information about the diseases, how the Society helps people
with these types of cancers, the dates of your school’s fundraiser, and how people can get
involved and/or donate.
Presentational Speaking Task:
To really get your message heard, social media is the way to go! Create a 30 second video to
post on your school’s twitter page so that you can reach even more of the Spanish speakers in
your community. Be sure to tell them about the disease and also how and where they can
Intermediate Tasks
Interpretative Task:
Your school has decided to host a Pennies for Patients fundraiser for the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society. They want to invite students, staff, and members of the
community to join them so they need to create some marketing materials. Due to the
increasing number of Spanish speakers in Baltimore your class has been asked to create
materials, in Spanish, to help spread awareness of this cause.
Click on the links throughout the activity guide to watch portions of an interview in which two women
discuss their experiences and involvement with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in order to gain a
better understanding of the illness as well as important facts and vocabulary you can include in your
Antes de mirar los videos, seleccione la respuesta correcta:
1. ¿Qué es el Leucemia?
a) El cáncer de huesos.
b) El cáncer de sangre.
c) El cáncer de piel.
Mira los videos para descubrir datos importantes sobre los canceres de sangre y la Sociedad de
Lucha Contra la Leucemia y el Linfoma.
Datos posibles
Verdadero, Falso,
No hay evidencia
Video Uno
Un tipo de cáncer de la sangre
es el cáncer de huesos.
Hay un mecanismo para
detectar la leucemia.
Una de cuatro personas es
diagnosticada cada cuatro
minutos en los Estados Unidos.
En cada diez minutos una
persona es diagnosticada de
esta enfermedad.
La misión de la Sociedad de
Lucha Contra la Leucemia y
Linfoma es la buscada de
Video Dos
La mujer contactó su amiga y
ella la ayudaron mucho con su
La Sociedad de Lucha Contra la
Leucemia y el Linfoma le
trataron como fue parte de su
La Sociedad de Lucha Contra la
Leucemia ayudaron a ella y a su
familia a conocer a
sobrevivientes y otras personas
con cáncer.
Si es falso, ¿cuál es la información correcta?
Interpersonal Task:
It is important for your class to work as a team on this project. With a partner, compare
the information you gathered during the Interpretive Task. Next, work together to
categorize the facts into two groups: Facts about these types of cancers and Facts about
the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Datos sobre los canceres del sangre
Datos sobre la Sociedad de Lucha Contra la
Leucemia y el Linfoma
Presentational Writing Task:
To get more parents involved in this fundraiser you are teaming up with your school’s PTA
organization. Create a PowerPoint presentation which includes facts about the diseases,
how the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society helps people with these types of cancers, the
dates of your school’s fundraiser, and how people can get involved and/or donate.
Presentational Speaking Task:
The PTA wants your message to be heard by all Spanish speaking parents but not all of them
will be able to attend the meeting. Therefore, you will create a video presentation which can
be shared with them on your school’s website and twitter page. Your video should be 30 to 60
seconds long. Be sure to tell them how these diseases affect people, how the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society helps cancer patients, and also how and where they can donate.