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El gen p53: estructura y actividad biológica. La ruta p53-Mdm2-ARF.
p53: mutaciones y sus efectos.
Revisiones generales de p53
Aylon Y, Oren M. (2007)
Living with p53, dying of p53.
Cell, 130, 597-600.
Murray-Zmijewski F, Slee EA, Lu X. (2008)
A complex barcode underlies the heterogeneous response of p53 to stress.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 9, 702-12.
Junttila MR, Evan GI (2009)
p53, a Jack of all trades but master of none.
Nat Rev Cancer, 9, 821-9.
Brady CA, Attardi LD. (2011)
p53 at a glance.
Journal of Cell Science, 123, 2527-2532
Funciones no-canónicas de p53
Vousden KH, Lane DP. (2007)
p53 in health and disease.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 8, 275-83.
Rodier F, Campisi J, Bhaumik D. (2007)
Two faces of p53: aging and tumor suppression.
Nucleic Acids Res, 35, 7475-84.
Vousden, K. H. and Ryan, K. M. (2009)
p53 and metabolism.
Nat. Rev. Cancer 9, 691-700.
Alteraciones de p53 en tumores
Vousden KH, Prives C. (2005)
p53 and prognosis: new insights and further complexity.
Cell, 120, 7-10.
Soussi T (2007)
p53 alterations in human cancer: more questions than ans wers.
Oncogene, 26, 2145-56
Goh AM, Coffill CR, Lane DP. (2011)
The role of mutant p53 in human cancer.
J Pathol., 223,116-26.
La familia de p53
Olivares-Illana V, Fåhraeus R (2010)
p53 isoforms gain functions.
Oncogene, 29, 5113-9.
Machado-Silva A, Perrier S, Bourdon JC (2010)
p53 family members in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Semin Cancer Biol., 20:57-62.
p53 como diana terapeutica
Shangary S, Wang S. (2008)
Targeting the MDM2-p53 interaction for cancer therapy.
Clin Cancer Res, 14, 5318-24
Brown CJ, Lain S, Verma CS, Fersht AR, Lane DP (2009)
A wakening guardian angels: drugging the p53 pathway.
Nat Rev Cancer, 9, 862-73.