Download Perfil Python (Madrid / Murcia) Conocimiento en Python junto con la

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Perfil Python (Madrid / Murcia) ● Conocimiento en Python junto con la herramienta PyCharm para desarrollo de proyectos con Python. ● Uso de varias librerías de Python, entre ellas PyQt para conexión de Python con Qt. Necesario para los interfaces de usuario. ● Librerías para usar Threads y ejecución en paralelo. ● Qt Designer para crear los interfaces y diseñarlos. ● MySQL y su Workbench para la base de datos que usamos en este proyecto. Perfil Desarrollo Móvil (Madrid / Murcia) ● Conocimiento en Android y la herramienta Android Studio. ● Objective­C y Swift para desarrollo en iOS. ● Creación y uso de servicios REST ● Conocimientos en Realidad Aumentada y frameworks de RA, como Vuforia ● Se valorará conocimiento de Unity. Perfil Desarrollo Web (FrontEnd y BackEnd) (Madrid / Murcia) ● Desarrollo web HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript [FrontEnd] ● Conocimientos en frameworks basados en JavaScript, como AngularJS [FrontEnd] ● Spring MVC framework para desarrollo web con Java. [BackEnd] ● Base de datos PostgreSQL.[BackEnd] Perfil .NET (Madrid) ● Conocimientos en .NET C#, ASP.NET C#, HTML5, CSS3. ● NHibernate para conexión a bases de datos. ● Base de datos PostgreSQL, MySQL y MySQLworkbench Contacto Tonny Velin ​
tvelin@answare­ Teléfono Móvil +34 661 72 79 51 Founded in 2002, Answare is a Spanish ICT­based SME operating in national and international markets. The portfolio includes the provision of ICT consultancy services and development of turn­key and R&D projects in a large spectrum of technological sectors (ICT, AeroSpace, Defence, Telecommunications, eHealth, Energy and Tourism). Answare has various lines of R&D: Software & Services Engineering, Monitoring and control systems, Decision making systems (expert systems), Augmented Reality, 3D models, Optimization and Planning, Security, Mobility, and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). Answare has been involved in R&D projects at european level for FP6, FP7, H2020 and EUREKA clusters (ITEA3 / Software & Services, CELTIC / Telecommunications and EUROSTARS / SMEs), at national level (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Science) and also at regional level (Innovation Plan from the Madrid Community). Answare also provides active support in R&D&i issues to national institutions and associations such as the Centre for the Development of Technology and Industry (CDTI) and the Chamber of Commerce of the Madrid Community. Answare is very active in national and European initiatives around Software & Services, being member of the Board and Steering Committee of NESSI (European Technological Platform for Software & Services) and being co­founder of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA). Answare is also member of PLANETIC, the NESSI mirror in Spain. www.answare­