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Nombre: ___________________________________________ Fecha: ______________
Mi libro para niños (My Children’s Book)
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice your writing, reading and speaking skills
in Spanish.
Project requirements: For this project you and your partner will publish a children’s book
written in Spanish.
Story composition
Your story must:
 Be written in Spanish using a combination of preterit and imperfect tense.
 Be at least 10 pages and at least 3 complete sentences per page. Please use words
your audience will be familiar with.
 Be funny or bizarre.
 Use some repetition.
You will compose your story on the story paper that I provide. The three focus correction
areas for your composition are:
-Story length (at least 3 sentences per page. Total of 10 pages not including title) - Using a
combination of present and past tense:
-Spelling-Appropriate use of vocabulary words
After our editing session and I have approved your story, you will create a children’s book
using your story as the text.
Book Construction
Your children’s book must:
 Include a title page that has an illustration, the title of the book, the name of the
authors and illustrators (You may use the following phrases: escrito por- written by,
illustrado por- illustrated by) this is not include in the 10 pages.
 The illustrations must be colorful and pleasing to the eye.
 Include a glossary (glosario) of at least 30 Spanish terms and their English
translations. The glossary must be alphabetized. The translations must be from
Spanish to English.
All text in the book must be typed.
Students will present (read) their books to the class.
Nombre: ___________________________________________ Fecha: ______________
Include this paper with your book
La nota: (grade)
El contenido (Content) (¿has incluido todo?) (Include
everything?) 10 pages 3 sentences per page. Additional tittle
page and glossary page
La gramática
 Los verbos pretéritos (Preterit verbs)
 Los verbos imperfectos (Imperfect verbs)
 Los adjetivos (Adjetives)
 Otras cosas de gramática con que hemos hablado (every
other gramatical concepts)
El vocabulario
 El uso de la parte correcta de la oración (que usas un
verbo cuando necesitas un verbo y no un sustantivo)
(good use of vocabulary and grammatical structures)
 El uso correcto del significado de las palabras (good use
of the words and their meaning)
 La ortografía correcta de las palabras (spelling)
La variedad, la creatividad, el riesgo (Creativity ,
variety, repetition, funny)
La presentación
 La claridad (Clarity)
 Los dibujos (illustrations)
 La calidad (quality)
El total
Por favor, incluya este papel con su proyecto.
Include this paper with your project