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Gerardo Leibner,
E-Mail: [email protected]
Subjects and areas of research and interest:
Political and social history of republican Perú.
Social conflicts in Peruvian and Bolivian Andean regions, 1866-1932.
The "indigenous question" in Peru: critical analysis of Peruvian indigenismo.
A reevaluation of Leguía oncenio regime, 1919-1930.
Racial, social and cultural perceptions in modern Peru.
The revolutionary ideologies of 20th century Latin America considered in their social and
cultural context.
The history of the Latin-american communist movement.
The history of the Communist Party of Uruguay, 1945-1973.
The social and ideological histories of Uruguayan politics at the second half of the 20th
Social ideas and political activism examined in context.
Politics, ideology and society in Italian communism since 2nd World War.
Current research projects:
"Ideology, Action and Social Views of the Uruguayan Communists, 1945-1973".
Investigación apoyada por una beca del Kluge Center, Library of Congress,
" Ideology, Practices and Social Views: Italian and Uruguayan Communists
Compared". Investigación apoyada por una beca de Iad Hanadiv, Rothschild
Foundation, Jerusalem.
- El Mito del Socialismo Indígena en Mariátegui. Fuentes y Contextos Peruanos, Lima,
Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1999.
- In press: "The new indians". The rising of mass politics in Peru, 1895-1932 (hebrew), Tel
Aviv, University Projects, 2003.
- “Pedro Zulen: Del indigenismo paternalista al humanismo radical”, European Review of
Latin American Studies, Amsterdam, No.63, 1997, pp.29-47.
- “Pensamiento Radical Peruano: González Prada, Zulen, Mariátegui”, Cuadernos
Americanos, Mexico, No.66, 1997, pp.47-66.
- “Mariátegui: the formation of a revolutionary indo-american identity” (Hebrew), Zmanim,
Tel Aviv, No.54, 1995, pp.27-41.
“La Protesta y la andinización del anarquismo en el Perú, 1912-1915”, Estudios
Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (EIAL), Tel Aviv, Vol.5 No.1, 1994,
Articles submitted and in evaluation process:
"Radicalism and Integration: The Tahuantinsuyu – Committee Experience and the
Indigenismo of Leguía Reconsidered, 1919-1924".
"Indigenismo, autoridad intelectual y jerarquías sociales. Dos reportajes sobre un
indio en Amauta".
Other academic publications:
“El mito de la revolución universal y el desplazamiento del proyecto mariateguiano en
el Perú”, The International Newsletter of Communist Studies, VIII (2002), No. 15.
Past and coming courses:
1999-2003: Introductory course: “Society, Cultures and Regimes in Latin America, 19th
and 20th Centuries.
2000: B.A. Seminar: "'The Indigenous question': Social Conflicts and Identity in Latin
2000-2001: M.A. Seminar: "Marxism in Latin America".
2001: M.A. Seminar: "Indigenous rebellions in the Andean region, 19th y 20th Century".
2001-2002: B.A. Seminar: "Social conflicts in republican Perú".
2003-2004: B.A. Seminar: "Indigenous rebellions and social conflicts in Peru,1866-1932".
2004: B.A. Seminar: "Latin American revolutionaries in the 60s and 70s".