Download Authentic Assessment Examples

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María Gomez (This is an example you put your name)
Sra. Pilz
Per 2 or 3
domingo, el tres de junio
1st you will write your PARAGRAPH about your country (research)
Voy a viajar a (city, and country) con (whom ever you are going with).
El lunes (I am going, my brother and I are going, we are going).
El martes (we are going to visit) el ………...
El miércoles (my …. and I are going) a comer (what ever food and where).
El jueves (I am going to see) (a place your are going to see).
El viernes (who you want to put) a tomar fotos en (a place).
Postcard side 1
(a place that is in your city)
Palacio Real - Madrid
Postcard side 2
Dear (person),
(I am writing) desde (Place),
España. (I am in) ……… con
(who ever.) Yo como …
from….. (My parents visit) el
Museo del Prado. (My ….)
toma fotos del (place).
Vemos un montón de gente
en (… ). Me gusta (place) y
espero volver algún día.
Su amiga,
María García
Susana Ramos
12 Main St
New Paltz, NY 12550
Mi Viaje a Madrid, España
JUNIO 2012
(You or a family member visited)
el (place) con mi familia.
(I saw) el (a game in city, a
museum in city). (choose an
activity that you saw)
Mi hermana y yo (ate) muchas
(food) diferentes en (place).
Mi familia (saw) muchas personas
intereseantes en (………….)
Yo (took) fotos en (place) con mi