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Liceo de Música
7mo A
 El presente simple se usa con los auxiliares DO y DOES pero estos son
utilizados solo en las formas Negativas e Interrogativas y al hacer usados
en estas formas el verbo no lleva nada agregado con ningún pronombre
 En la forma Afirmativa como los auxiliares (DO/DOES) no van escritos es
el verbo el que sufre cambio eso si solo con los sgtes. Pronombres
personales: IT – HE – SHE. Los verbos que terminan con S – X – SH –CH –
O se les agrega “ES”.
(He/she/it) Wash – Washes
 Los otros verbos llevan solo “S” ex: Work – Works.
 Si el verbo termina en “Y” y antes VA una CONSONANTE pasa a “I”
latina + es pero si hay una VOCAL antes solo se le agrega “s”.
I work, you work, we work, etc.
Formula: Sujeto+verbo con
He/she/it Works, , etc.
I don’t work, you don’t work,
Formula: Sujeto+auxiliar
she/he/it doesn’t work, etc.
DO/DOES+Not+verbo sin
Do I/ you work? Do we work, etc?
Formula: Auxiliar
Does he/she/it work?
DO/DOES+Sujeto+verbo sin
Short answers: (cuando las preguntas - Yes, I/you/they/we do.
empiezan con los auxiliaries DO/DOES - No, /you/they/we don’t or do not.
se responden como el ejemplo a
- Yes,he/she/it does.
- No, he/she/it doesn’t or does not.
We use the present simple for:
 Daily routines. I always drink a coffee at nine o’clock in the morning.
 Repeated actions. She walks to work every day.
 Habits. They usually go to the park in the afternoon.
 Permanent states. She lives in Bristol.
 Timetables, itineraries. The bus for Brighton leaves at 3 o’clock.
 Laws of nature. Water boils 100ºC
Time expressions used with the present simple ( expresiones de tiempo
usados con el presente simple):
- Every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/etc.
- Usually, always, every morning/afternoon/evening/night, in the
morning/afternoon/evening, at noon, at night, etc.
Rellena los espacios con los verbos adecuados en 3ra persona singular.
1. Fly _______
4. Kiss _______
7. Lie _______
10. Lose ______
2. Catch _______ 3. Miss _______
5. Stay _______ 6. Fix _______
8. Give _______ 9. Finish _______
11. Play ______ 12. Dance ______
Pregunte y responda las preguntas acerca de Tony y sus habitos y hobbies, como
en el ejemplo.
(Ask and answer questions about Tony and his habits and hobbies, as in example.)
Does Tony play baseball? Yes, he does.
________he play rugby? ________(negative)
________he like racing cars? _______
________read comic books? ________
________play video games?________(negative)
________watch TV in bed? _________
Preguntale a tu amigo(a), madre, papá,etc. Acerca de sus habitos, use los
adverbios de frecuencia.
Ask your friend, mother, dad, etc. about his/her habits, Use adverbs of frequency.
How often do you ……?(Cuan a menudo tú .........?)
 Play in the park
 Go cycling
 Go swimming
 Watch TV
 Meet your friends
 Listen to music
 Read books/magazines
 Buy a newspaper
 Do the shopping
 Cook
 Go out