Download Statement of Latin American and Caribbean IFSW about the killing

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Statement of Latin American and
Caribbean IFSW about the killing of
civilians in the Gaza Strip
Social workers of the Latin America and Caribbean of the International Federation of Social
Workers defend human rights, democracy and fight for social justice, so we declare contrary
to the murderers government attacks and the Israeli army against the people Palestinian from
the Gaza Strip.
As stated in our International Definition of Social Work “The social work profession
Promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and
liberation of people to Enhance well-being.” “Principles of human rights and social justice
are central to social work.”
The killings of civilians in schools and hospitals by the Israeli government are an intolerable
affront to the legitimate right of defence that any country has, that’s why we manifest
solidarity with the pain of the Palestinian people and add our voice to the request of the
International Federation of Social Workers’ Social work for peace and self-determination of
the Palestinian people and Israel “
Los trabajadores sociales de la región América Latina y Caribe de la Federación Internacional
de Trabajadores Sociales defendemos los derechos humanos, la democracia y luchamos por
la justicia social, por eso nos manifestamos contrarios ante los ataques asesinos del gobierno
y el ejercito israelí en contra del pueblo palestino de la franja de Gaza.
Tal como se expresa en nuestra Definición Internacional de Trabajo Social “The social work
profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.” “Principles of human rights
and social justice are fundamental to social work.”
Las matanzas de civiles perpetradas en escuelas y hospitales por parte del gobierno israelí son
una afrenta intolerable al legítimo derecho de defensa que cualquier país tiene, por eso es que
nos manifestamos solidarios con el dolor del pueblo palestino y
sumamos nuestra voz al pedido de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores Sociales “El
Trabajo Social por la paz y la autodeterminacion del puelbo palestino e israelí”
Silvana Martínez
President Latin America and Caribbean IFSW
Rodolfo Martínez
Member at Large Latin America and Caribbean IFSW