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Rosella Nicolini
Department of Applied Economics – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici B - Campus de l’Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) – Spain.
Phone: + 34935814573 –Fax +3493581452
e-mail: [email protected] - webpage:
PhD in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve (Belgium).
Title of the thesis: Agglomeration and Trade: a regional perspective
Master of Arts in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve (Belgium),
Laurea in Discipline Economiche e Sociali, Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milano
Spanish Equivalence (Homologación) granted in May 2006,
 Research Interests
Applied Economics, Economic Geography, International Economics, and Regional Economics.
Present Positions
Associate professor, Department of Applied Economics, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Spain
Other Positions
Visiting Professor, Boston University, Boston, USA, (winter)
Visiting Professor, Boston University, Boston, USA, (fall)
Invited professor, Study Abroad Programme UAB & MAYS A&M Texas,
Ramón y Cajal Fellow, Institut d’Anàlisis Econòmica, CSIC, Spain.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Spain
Visiting Professor, Boston University, Boston, USA, (fall)
Invited Professor, I.B.E.I. (CIDOB), Barcelona, Spain,
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain,
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Post-Doctoral Researcher IHP – Marie Curie Fellow in Economics at CODE,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Spain,
Researcher in Economics at IRES (Institut de Recherches Economiques et
and Départment des Sciences Economiques, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL),
Economist at SEA (Service d'Analyse Economique), IRES, (UCL), Belgium.
Honors and Awards
[1] Research grant Ajuntament de Barcelona (2017). Project: La Xarxa d'autobus de Barcelona: servei de
proximitat i instrument de cohesió. (Project head: Rosella Nicolini). 5.000€.
[2] Research grant Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2015-2018). Project: Socio-economic and territorial
challenges: a new proposal for new empirical strategies and its applications. (Project head: Michael Creel). 32.670€.
[3] Research grant Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR) (2014-2016). Project: Public policies and economic analysis.
(Project head: Miguel Ángel López Garcia).
[4] Travel grant Regional Studies Association to participate and present at the North American Regional Science
Council (NARSC) (2015). 500 £.
[5] Research Grant Fundación Ramón Areces (2010-2013). Project: Inmigración y productividad: el reto español.
(Project head). 36.000€,
[6] Research grant Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR) (2009-2013). Project: Public policies and economic analysis.
(Project head: Miguel Ángel López Garcia). 32.500€,
[7] Research grant I+D, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2008-2011). Project: Market Performance and
Competition Policy, (Project head: Roberto Burguet),
[8] XI Premi Catalunya d’Economia (2007)
[9] Research grant Ramón y Cajal (at IAE-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) (sept. 2004- sept. 2009),
[10] Research grant CIDEM, Generalitat de Catalunya (2008). Project: : La situació de la innovació a Catalunya.
Innovació i politiquees publiques. Creació d’un entorn per a la innovació. (Project head). 20.000 €
[11] Research award Consejo Económico y Social (2006-2007). Project: Investigación y Desarrollo más
Innovación: recomendaciones para políticas más cerca de las necesidades de las empresas. (Project head). 30.000 €,
[12] Research grant Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR) (2005-2008). Project: Microeconomia teòrica i aplicada.
(Project head: Jordi Brandts). 39.000€,
[13] Research grant I+D, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2005-2008). Project: Contratos y mercados: nuevas
cuestiones. (Project head: Ramon Caminal),
[14] Research grant Institut d’Estudis Autonomics (2005-2006). Project: La productivitat laboral: estratègies per el
creixement economic. El cas de Catalunya. (Project head). 15.000€,
[15] Research grant CIDEM, Generalitat de Catalunya (2006). Project: La situació de la innovació a Catalunya.
(Project head: Isabel Busom),
[16] Research grant IVIE (2004). Project: El sector turístico en la Comunidad Valenciana. (Project head). 3900€,
[17] Post-Doctoral Fellowship IHP - MARIE CURIE
Barcelona), (2001-2003),
Fellowship, (CODE, Universitat
Autònoma de
[18] Research grant: Service Fédéraux des affaires scientifiques, techniques et culturelles – Belgique (2001).
Project : Rapport belge en matière de science, technologie et innovation. (Project heads : H. Capron and M.
[19] Doctoral fellowship PAI, Service Fédéraux des affaires scientifiques, techniques et culturelles – Belgique
(1999-2000). Project: Equilibrium Theory for Economic Policy. (Project heads : Cl. d’Aspremont and H.R.
[20] Research grant: Groupe Avenir de la Université catholique de Louvain. Project : Innovation et chômage en
Wallonie. (Project head : H. Sneessens),
[21] Nomination for the Committee of Regions award for the best PhD thesis in Economics (Competition:
edition 2000-2001)
‘Investigación y Desarrollo más Innovación: recomendaciones para políticas públicas más cerca de las necesidades de
las empresas’ (with L. Artige), pp.306, Ed CES (2008) (ISBN 9788481882872).
Articles in journals (English)
[1] “Gender and culture: do they matter for norms ?” (with J.L. Roig) (2017) Applied Economics Letters
[2] “Does strategic interaction affect demand for school places? A conditional efficiency approach”, (with
L. López-Torres and D. Prior) Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 65, pp. 89-103 (2017)
[3] ‘Immigration and productivity: a Spanish tale’, (with A. Gómez-Tello) Journal of Productivity Analysis,
vol. 47(2), pp. 167-183 (2017)
[4] "Modelling population density over time: how spatial distance matters" (with I. Epifani) Regional
Studies, vol. 51(4), pp. 602-615 (2017)
Features in UABDivulga (05/2017):
[5] “Labor market reform and rent sharing: a quasi-experiment experience” (with A. Poggi)” Applied
Economics, Perspective and Policy, vol. 38(4), pp. 618-631 (2016)
[6] “Organization of Land Surrounding Airports: The Case of the Aerotropolis” (with R. Flores-Fillol, M.À.
Garcia-López) Land Economics, vol.92(1), pp 57-81 (2016)
[7] "The reputation effect: A case study of credit contracts in transition countries" (with L. Artige)
International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, vol. 4(1), pp. 1-17 (2015)
[8] ‘Technological endowments in entrepreneurial partnerships’, (with X. Martinez Giralt) Computational
and Mathematical Organization Theory, vol 19(4), pp. 601-621 (2013)
Featured in UABDivulga (03/2014): (ISSN:2014-6388)
[9] On the density distribution across space: a probabilistic approach (with I. Epifani) Journal of Regional
Science, vol. 53 (3) pp. 481-510 , (2013),
Featured in UABDivulga (05/2014): (ISSN:2014-6388)
[10] Labor Productivity in Spain: 1977-2002, Applied Economics, vol.43, pp. 465-485 (2011),
[11] Market Potential, Productivity, and Foreign Direct Investments: Some Evidence from three Case
Studies, (with L. Artige), European Planning Studies, vol 18(2), pp. 147-168 (Lead article) (2010),
[12] Spillovers and growth in a local interaction model, (with A. Cassar), The Annals of Regional Science, vol.
42(2), pp. 291-306 (2008),
[13] R&D Investments and the spatial dimension: Evidence from firm level data (with L. Bertinelli), The
Review of Regional Studies, Vol. 35(2), pp. 206-230 (2005),
[14] On the determinants of Regional Trade flows, International Regional Science Review, vol. 26(4), pp. 447 –
465 (2003),
[15] Local Networks and Regional Development: Features and Perspectives, Environment and Planning A,
vol. 35(2), pp. 341-360 (2003),
[16] Size and performance of local cluster of firms', Small Business Economics, November, vol.17 (3), pp.185195 (2001),
[17] Regional Convergence and International Integration, (with Ph. Monfort), Journal of Urban Economics,
September, vol.48 (2), pp. 286-306 (2000),
[18] Exportation and Foreign Direct Investment in Visegrad area' in International Review of Economics (exRISEC), September, vol.45, pp.563-581 (1998),
Book Review:
[1] ‘Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth: Lessons for Regional Policies’, Edited by Börje
Johansson, Charlie Karlsson, and Roger R. Stough. 2001, (with L. Artige), Journal of Regional Science, vol.
43(2), pp.403-406, (2003).
[2] ‘New Directions in Economic Geography’, Edited by Bernard Fingleton (2007), Italian Regional Science
Review, vol. 7(1), pp. 134-136 (2008)
Other articles
[1] El sector turístico en la Comunidad Valenciana: Unos elementos de análisis de la demanda en el marco
de la economía geográfica, (with J. Aznar), (2007) Revista de Estudios Regionales, vol. 79, pp. 43-73.
This article has been awarded with an extraordinary publication recognition granted from IVIE (2007).
[2] Agrupació geogràfica d’empreses multinacionals a Catalunya (with L. Artige), Revista Econòmica de
Catalunya, vol. 54, pp. 23-46, (2006),
[3] La R&D des entreprises belges: une approche spatiale (with L. Bertinelli) Brussels Economic Review Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, vol. 45(4), pp. 187-216 (2002).
Book Review:
[1] "Competitividad, crecimiento y capitalización de las regiones españolas", Edited by Ernest Reig (2007), Revista
de História Industrial, vol.38(3), pp.215-217 (2008).
Contributions in collective volumes
[1] ‘Inversions Estrangeres Directes i Innovació a Catalunya’ (with L. Artige), in ‘La situació de la innovació a
Catalunya’, I. Busom (Ed.), pp. 179 -206, CIDEM edition, Barcelona (2006),
This book has been awarded with the XI Premi Catalunya d’Economia (2007).
[2] ‘R&D et développement régional en Belgique: quelques perspectives’, in « Rapport belge en matière de
science, technologie et innovation », Services Fédéraux des affaires scientifiques, techniques et culturelles.,
2001, pag. 145-171, Bruxelles, (2002),
[3] Innovation et chômage en région wallonne: aspects économiques', (with H. Sneessens and F. Shadman) in Des
idées et des hommes: pour construir l'Avenir de la Wallonie et de Bruxelles', pag. 129-158, Groupe Avenir
et UCL (eds.), Academia Bruylant, Bruxelles, (1999).
Articles on education and teaching
[1] “Los estudiantes de intercambio y el control del problema de los polizones en los equipos de trabajo”,
(with J.L. Roig). Teaching project presented at XII Jornadas de Docencia en Economía Aplicada (ALDE),
Madrid (2016)
Published: @tic revista d’innovació educativa, vol.17, pp. 1-9 (2016)
[2] “Teamwork at University in Spain: The Importance of Foreign Students”, Creative Education, vol. 6(2),
pp. 127-133 (2015)
[3] ‘Comercio internacional y política económica de la Unión Europea: Complementariedades para un temario con
casos prácticos’ Teaching Project presented at 1ª Jornadas de Docencia (Granada) (2009)
Published in @tic revista d’innovació educativa, vol.3, pp-72-78 (2009)
Other contributions
[1] “Desigualdades territoriales y estrategias de crecimiento”, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, vol.13 (3), pp.
57-63 (2013)
[2] "Inmigración y Desempleo: El Impacto de la Crisis en Algunas Comunidades Autónomas Españolas" (with C.
Nicodemo), Anuario de la inmigración en España edición 2010, pp. 166-209. Press coverage: El Economista, Europa
[3] ‘La situació de la innovació a Catalunya: quin entorn demanen les empreses ?’ (with L. Artige), Report for
Acc1ó (ex CIDEM), Barcelona, (2009).
[4] ‘La productivitat del treball a Espanya:]
Discussion papers and works in progress
[1] “Segregation and urban spatial structure in Barcelona: does history really matters ?” (with M.À. Garcia
Lopez and J.L. Roig) (2017) SSRN Discussion paper 2971993 –submitted-.
[2] “The importance of historical linkages in shaping population distribution ?” (with I. Epifani) (2016)
SSRN Discussion paper 2851194
[3]”Foreign direct investment and pricing strategy in risky host environment”, (with D. Ruffino), mimeo
[4] "Institutions and market creation: evidence from the experience of the transition countries"(with L.
Artige) SSRN Working paper 2334130.
[5] ‘Random or Referral hiring: when social connections matter’ (with. C. Nicodemo), IZA Discussion paper
and SSRN discussion paper (2012). SSRN Top 10 download paper in the period January 1st – April 13th 2012
Selected communications
XLI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Bilbao (December 2016)
63th North American Regional Science Conference, Minneapolis (November 2016)
XL Simposio de Análisis Económico, Girona (December 2015),
62th North American Regional Science Conference, Portland (November 2015)
XI INTECO workshop, Valencia (November, 2014),
XXXVIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Santander ( December 2013),
60th North American Regional Science Conference, Atlanta( November 2013)
XIV Jornadas de Economía Internacional, Palma de Mallorca (June 2013)
11th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston (May 2013),
XXXVII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Vigo ( December 2012),
59th North American Regional Science Conference, Ottawa ( November 2012)
XXXVI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Málaga ( December 2011),
38th EARIE Conference, Stockholm (August 2011),
XXXV Simposio de Análisis Económico, Madrid (December 2010) ,
57th North American Regional Science Conference, Denver ( November 2010),
XXXIV Simposio de Análisis Económico, Valencia ( December 2009),
III Spatial Econometric Conference, Barcelona (July 2009),
7th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston (April 2009),
XXXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Zaragoza (2008),
EARIE Annual Meeting, Toulouse, (September 2008),
63th ESEM Conference, Milan, (August 2008),
XXXIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Léon (November 2007)
XII Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Barcelona (September 2006),
61th ESEM Conference, Wien, (August 2006),
4th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston (April 2006),
XXI Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Bilbao (September 2005),
XIV IEA World Conference, Marrakech (August 2005),
IX Jornadas de Economía Internacional, La Laguna (June 2005),
49th ESEM Conference, Madrid,(August 2004),
XXVIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Sevilla (2003),
7th EUNIP Conference, Porto (2003),
XXVII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Salamanca (2002),
Marie Curie Fellowship: European Scientific Workshop, San Sebastian (2002),
29th EARIE Conference, Madrid, (2002),
47th ESEM Conference, Venice (2002),
28th EARIE Conference, Dublin (2001),
4th EUNIP Conference, Tilburg, (2000),
27th EARIE Conference, Lausanne (2000),
EEA Annual Conference, Santiago de Compostela, (1999),
26th EARIE Conference, Torino (1999),
Young Economist Meeting, Amsterdam, (1999),
25th EARIE Conference, Copenhagen (1998),
24th EAIRE Conference, Leuven (1997).
Invited Seminars
Universitat Autónoma de Madrid (November, 2013), Universidad de Valencia (October, 2013), CUNY
(New York) (September 2012), City London University (March 2012), Université de Liège (February, 2012),
MAYS Business School, Texas (2011), Texas A&M Universiy (2011), Université de Luxembourg, (2011),
SUNY, New York (March 2009), IPP-CSIC, Madrid (July 2008), Universitat de les Isles Balears -CESGB
(May, 2008), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (February, 2008), Universitat de Valencia (January, 2008),
Boston University (September 2007), MIK Mondragon, (July 2007), Universitat Pompeu Fabra and CSBS,
(May 2007), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (March 2007), Universitat de Barcelona (February 2007), INFER
workshop, KUL, Leuven (June, 2006), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (July 2005), CIDEM - Barcelona (2005),
Col.legi Economistas Barcelona (2005), IAE-CSIC Barcelona (2005, 2006 (twice), Summer School on
Intangible Assets – San Sebastian (2004), Université de Fribourg (2003),Universitad de Vigo (2003),
C.O.R.E. Université Catholique de Louvain (2001).
Invited talks
P: Presenter, D: Discussant
[1] (P) Acta Congresso Internacional de Gestão de políticas regionais no Mercosul e na União Européia
(Brasilia, 2008). Organizador: IPEA -European Commission - Brazilian Minister of National Integration and
BNB and World Bank.
Title of the presentation: ‘Agglomeration and inequality across space: What can we learn from the European
[2] (P) ESF Exploratory Workshop on Fiscal Policy at the regional level and intergovernmental relations
(Barcelona, 2012). Organizer: European Science Fundation, IBEI, UAB.
Title of the presentation: ‘Fiscal policies and governmental issues: where do we stand?’
[3] (D) Conference on the Economics of the Public-Private Partnership (Barcelona, 2012)
Organizer: IESE Business School and Public-Private Sector Research Center.
 Teaching experience
Applied topics in European Economics (UAB); Graduate (English),
Introduction to research methods in Economics (UAB): Graduate (English),
Topics in economic geography (UAB): Graduate (English),
Introduction to the International Economics (UAB): Undergraduate (Spanish, English),
International trade: practical topics Economics (UAB): Undergraduate (Spanish),
The Political Economy of European Integration (Study Abroad UAB): Undergraduate (English),
Topics in International Economics, (IBEI, Barcelona): Graduate (Spanish and English),
International Economics, (UAB: Undegraduate (Spanish, English),
Microeconomics I, Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Undergraduate (Spanish),
Economics of Information, (UAB):Undegraduate (Spanish),
Principles of Economics, (UAB): Undergraduate (Spanish),
Regional Development, Université catholique de Louvain): Undergraduate (French).
Journal of Economic Development, Journal of Economics and Behavioural Organization, Regional Science
and Urban Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Economic Geography, Applied Economics,
Regional Studies, Environment and Planning A, International Journal of Industrial Organization,
International Regional Science Review, Journal of Regional Science, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv,
Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Italian Regional Science Review, International Review of Economics,
Papers in Regional Science, Review of Regional Science, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
Revista Economía Aplicada, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Socio-Economics Planning Science,
South-Asian Journal of Global Business Research , Tourism Management, Instituto Valenciano de
Investigaciones Económicas .
Referee for the textbook: J.M Blanco- J. Aznar (2004) “Introducción a la Economía”, II Edición, McGrawHill.
Other experiences
[1] Associate Editor of the Papers in Regional Science since 2016.
[2] Associate Editor of the Journal of Regional and Urban Economics since 2012.
Co-editor of a special issue on the Development of Urban and Regional Economics in Latin America (with.
J.L. Roig) –publication expected 2017.
[3] Member evaluation panel in economics MEC and ANEP since 2007,
[4] Member of the EU evaluation panel Sixth, Seventh and H2020 Framework program, COST program since
[5] Member of the evaluation panel in economics Agence Nationale de la Recherche (since 2006), Czech Science
Foundation (since 2012), CSIC - Universidad de la República, Uruguay, (since 2014)
[6] Member of the scientific committee of Simposio de Analísis Económico, Madrid (2010), Málaga (2011),
Vigo (2012).
[7] Member–coordinator Plataforma de docencia en teoría económica (Panel: International Economics and
Imperfect Competition), Granada, 2009.
[8] Organizer of the first International Workshop in Economic Geography, Barcelona (June 2008). Invited
speakers: Diego Puga (CEMFI), Giovanni Peri (University California Davis) and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
(Princeton University),
[9] Member of the organization committee of the conference Social Networks and Peer Effects: Theory and
Applications. A Conference in Memory of Antoni Calvó-Armengol, Barcelona (May 2008),
[10] Evaluator thesis PhD programme in Applied Economics (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) since
[11] Co-organizer of the Applied Lunch Seminar and Departamental seminar series, Department of Applied
Economics, UAB, (2009-2011; 2016-2017)
Organizer of the Applied Lunch Seminar and Departamental seminar series, Department of Applied
Economics, UAB, (2012-2014)
[12] Organiser of the weekly Microeconomics Workshop, Department of Economics, UAB, (2001-2004),
[13] Co-organizer (joint with I. Macho-Stadler) of the ENTER meeting Jamboree 2004 (UAB),
[14] Co-organiser of the Doctoral workshop at Department of Economics, UCL, (2001),
[1] Accreditación for contractual figure of Profesor Titular de Universidad (ANECA), July 2008,
[2] Calidad for Research and Acreditació for contractual figure of Professor Agregat (AQU), July 2006,
[3] Languages : Italian (mother tongue), French (Fluent), English (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent), Catalan (Fluent),
German (beginner).
[4] PhD Thesis director :
- Martina Siskova (Doctorado Economia Aplicada, UAB) (in progress)
Title: Financial aid and the internationalization process.
- Alicia Gómez Tello ( Doctorado Economia Aplicada, UAB) (2016)
Title: The European Integration Process: Trade, Mobility and Policy.
- Brindusa Anghel (IDEA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), (2007),
(co-director: M. Creel)
Title: New insights into the determinants of foreign direct investment,
[5] (Selected) Master Thesis director :
- Albert Guasch (Master in European Integration, UAB, 2016).
Winner of the Fundació Catalunya Europa Award (2017)
- Rubén Vilar Rial Prego ((Master in Research in Applied Economics and Business, UAB, 2016)
- Ruta Vesaite (Master in European Integration, UAB, 2014)
- Niklas Freier, Philipp Lürwer, Albert Siepel (Master in Economics and Business Adminsitration, UAB,
- Merve Aksolylar (Master in Research in Applied Economics and Business, UAB, 2013)
- Alicia Gómez Tello (Master in Applied Economics, UAB) (2012)
[6] Undergraduate thesis director: several theses at the School of Economics and Business and School of
Political Science at UAB, since 2009.
[7] Member of PhD Thesis Jury :
Miguel Angel Santos (Universitat de Barcelona), 2016
Roberto Dopeso Fernandez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 2016
Carlos E. Cardoso Vargas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 2014
Ernest Miguélez (Universitat de Barcelona), 2013
Tamara de la Mata (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid), 2012
Edgar Tovar (Universitat de Barcelona), 2008
Rita Almeida (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), 2004
[8] Member of Tribunal evaluador del Trabajo de Investigación
Claudio Cruz Cázares (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 2007
[9] Other relevant positions
Elected member of the Faculty Board, School of Economics and Business, UAB (since 2016)
Elected member of the Committee for Economic Affairs, School of Economics and Business, UAB (since
Member of the Executive Board, Dept Applied Economics, UAB (since 2014),
Member of the scientific committee for the implementation of the undergraduate degree in International
Economics and Business (School of Economics and Business, UAB), 2017
Member of the scientific committee for the for the remodelling of the undergraduate degree in Accounting an
Finances (School of Economics and Business, UAB), 2017
Member of the Academic Board, PhD program in Applied Economics, UAB, since 2014
Academic Secretary Dept of Applied Economics, UAB (2014-2016)
Member of the Faculty Board, School of Political Science, UAB (2012-2014),
Member of the Recruiting committee, Dept. Applied Economics, UAB (since 2009),
Member of the commission of the internal evaluation PhD thesis Dept Applied Economics, UAB (2010,
External member of the evaluation commission for research positions at Universitá Ca’ Foscari (2012),
Member of the Master thesis committee MEBA (UAB), (2010, 2012, 2016),
Member of the Library Council, School of Economics, UAB (2011- 2012),
Scientific Referee for 7th EUNIP Conference (2003),
External consultant, SSTC (Belgian Federal Government), Belgium, Project: BRISTI Report, (2001),
Delegate of Researchers at the IRES Board, UCL, (1999-2000),
Delegate of Researchers at the Board of the Department of Economics, UCL, (1998-1999).
[10] Computer skills: STATA, Eviews, Mathematica, MSOffice, Scientific Workplace, Stata, ArcView, Web
[11] Pedagogical courses for teaching purposes:
“ Estratègies orals a l’aula per a professors no natius”, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2005,
“ Salud laboral y professional de la enseñanza”, FUAB-Egarsat, Bellaterra, 2010,
“ Jornadas de Docencia de Teoría Económica”, (Granada, 2009 y Valencia, 2010),
“ Sistemas d’avaluació”, IDES, UAB (2012),
“ Aprenentatge basat en projectes. Com començar?”, IDES, UAB (2014)
“Jornadas de Docencia en Economía”, ALDE (Madrid 2014, 2016)
“Medologies actives: aprenentatge actiu en grups numerosos”, Facultat Economia i Empresa UAB (2017)
“Introducció a la Gamificació per a l’Educació Superior”, OQD, (UAB) (2017)
[12] Distinctions:
Member of the RSAI (since 2010)
Member of CREA – BGSE, Barcelona Economics (2004-2009).
Member of Econometric Society (2002-2014),
Member of European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (1997-2002;
Member of the Spanish Economic Association (since 2004)
[13] Personal: Born: June 3rd 1970, Carate Brianza (Milano); Citizenship: Italian,
June 2017.