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Laboratorio de Estudios sobre Empresas Transnacionales – LETBúsqueda bibliográfica para el proyecto de investigación “El capitalismo después de la crisis
financiera de 2008. Prospectiva desde la competencia entre las corporaciones gigantes”
Como parte del trabajo realizado para el proyecto “El capitalismo después de la crisis financiera de
2008. Prospectiva desde la competencia entre las corporaciones gigantes” (Proyecto PAPIIT IN302215), que pretende realizar una lectura, casi al paso de una década, de la llamada crisis
financiera de 2008, misma que en el marco del proyecto catalogamos como crisis sistémica o
civilizatoria y tomamos como eje de análisis a la competencia entre las empresas más importantes
del mundo, se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica extensiva sobre el tema en las bibliotecas: de
la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, el Colegio de México (Daniel Cosío Villegas), el
Congreso de Estados Unidos (United States Library of Congress); así como en los catálogos
editoriales de Cambridge (Cambridge University Library) y Harvard (Harvard Library).
La búsqueda fue dirigida por palabras clave que en un contexto general nos dirigieran al tema de
investigación, las cuáles son: empresa transnacional / multinacional; corporación transnacional /
multinacional; economía mundial / global y; crisis / crisis mundial / crisis global.
El resultado se presenta a continuación:
Acharyya, Rajat, Kar Saibal [2014], International trade and economic development, New York, Oxford
University Press, 316 pp.
Aguado, Saturnino [2013], La crisis financiera y la gran recesión en Estados Unidos: desde los
orígenes al abismo fiscal, Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones UAH, 260 pp.
Aguilera, Roberto F., Radetzki, Marian [2014], “The Shale revolution: Global gas and oil markets
under transformation”, Mineral Economics, 26 (3):75-84.
Ajami, Riad A, Bear, Marca Marie [2013], The Global Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Value
Creation, United Kingdom, Routledge Ltd.
Alpert, Daniel [2013], The age of oversupply. Overcoming the greatest challenge to the global
economy, Portfolio / Penguin, New York, 589 pp.
Alvarez, Nacho [2013], “Ownership control, transnational corporations and financial power”, Mapping
Ignorance, mayo 14,
Anguelov, Nikolay [2014], Policy and political theory in trade practice: multinational corporations and
global governments, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 149 pp.
Archibugi, Daniele [2012], Innovation and economic crisis: lessons and prospects from the economic
downturn, London, Routledge, 184 pp.
Ardinat, Gilles [2013], Géographie de la compétitivité, París, Presses universitaires de France, 214
Arias, Xosé Carlos, Antón Costas [2012], La torre de la arrogancia: políticas y mercados después de
la crisis, Barcelona, Editorial Planeta, 405 pp.
Arrizabalo, Xavier [2014], Capitalismo y economía mundial: bases teóricas y análisis empírico para la
comprensión de los problemas económicos del siglo XXI, Madrid, Instituto Marxista de Economía:
Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales: Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
Departamento de Sociología y Antropología, 720 pp.
Baily, Martin Neil, John B. Taylor [2014], Across the great divide: new perspectives on the financial
crisis, Stanford, Hoover Institution Press, 416 pp.
Bainbridge, Stephen M. [2012], Corporate governance after the financial crisis, New York, Oxford
University Press, 283 pp.
Bardhan, Ashok, Robert H. Edelstein y Cynthia A. Kroll [2012], Global housing markets: crises,
policies, and institutions, Hoboken, Wiley, 564 pp.
Barth, James, Gerard Jr. Caprio y Ross Levine [2012], Guardians of finance: making regulators work
for US, Cambridge, MIT Press, 280 pp.
Batta, Víctor (coordinador) [2013], Tiempo mundial y riesgos globales: prospectiva de la crisis,
México, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales, UNAM, 124 pp.
Batten, Jonathan, Peter Szilagyi [2011], The impact of the global financial crisis on emerging financial
markets, Bingley, Emerald, 732 pp.
Bauman, Zygmunt, Carlo Bordoni [2014], State of crisis, Cambridge, Polity Press, 180 pp.
Beckworth, David M. [2012], Boom and bust banking: the causes and cures of the great recession,
Oakland, Independent Institute, 372 pp.
Bellamy, John [2013], “The Epochal Crisis”,
Bello, Walden F. [2013], Challenges and responses to a world in crisis, Science And Sustainable
Development, 33 pp.
Benner, Mats [2013], Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics, Politics and
Settlement, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 262 pp.
Berch, Berberoglu [2012], Beyond the Global Capitalist Crisis: The World Economy in Transition,
Ashgate, Reno, 232 pp.
Bergami, Massimo [2012], National Monopoly to Successful Multinational, New York, Palgrave
Berkowitz, Roger, Taun N. Toay [2013], The intellectual origins of the global financial, New York,
Fordham University Press, 217 pp.
Bermeo, Nancy, Jonas Pontusson [2012], Coping with crisis: government reactions to the great
recession, New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 422 pp.
Bernanke, Ben [2013], The Federal Reserve and the financial crisis, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 134 pp.
Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd [2013], International economics and business : nations and firms in the global
economy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 475 pp.
Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd, et al. [2013], Firms in the international economy: firm heterogeneity meets
international business, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 432 pp.
Bielsa, Rafael, Rodrigo Lloret [2012], Viaje al fondo del mundo: la crisis financiera internacional, el
repliegue de Estados Unidos y el ascenso de China, Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 476 pp.
Bilginsoy, Cihan [2015], History of financial crises: dreams and follies of expectations, London,
Routledge, 500 pp.
Bina, Cyrus [2013], A prelude to the foundation of political economy: oil, war, and global polity, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 245 pp.
Black, Brian C. [2012], Crude reality: petroleum in world history, The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing
Group, 288 pp.
Blanchard, Olivier J., et al. [2012], In the wake of the crisis: leading economists reassess economic
policy, Cambridge, MIT Press, 239 pp.
Blinder, Alan S. [2014], After the music stopped: the financial crisis, the response, and the work
ahead, New York, Penguin Books, 504 pp.
Boltvinik, Julio [2010], Para comprender la crisis capitalista mundial actual, México, Fundación
Heberto Castillo Martínez, 225 pp.
Bosch, Jordi [2013], El estado de malestar: la lógica de la crisis: corrupción, desigualdad y
globalización, España, Editorial Milenio, 146 pp.
Bracke, Thierry, Reiner Martin [2012], From crisis to recovery: old and new challenges in emerging
Europe, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 216 pp.
Braude, Jacob, et al. [2013], The great recession: lessons for central bankers, Cambridge, MIT
Press, 380 pp.
Bremmer, Ian [2015], Superpower: three choices for America's role in the world, New York, Portfolio
Penguin, 226 pp.
Brender, Anton, Florence Pisan y Emile Gagna [2012], La crise des dettes souveraines, Paris, La
Découverte, 126 pp.
Brennan, Jason [2014], Why Not Capitalism?, New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 247 pp.
Brennan, Louis [2013], Enacting globalization: multidisciplinary perspectives on international
integration, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
Bresser, Luiz Carlos (coordinador) [2012], Depois da crise: a China no centro do mundo?, Rio de
Janeiro, FGV EESP Editora, 320 pp.
Bridge, Gavin, Philippe Le Billon [2012], Oil, United Kingdom, Polity, 200 pp.
Brown Kerry (coordinador) [2014], China and the EU in context: insights for business and investors,
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 345 pp.
Brown, Stuart Scott [2012], Transnational transfers and global development, New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, 237 pp.
Brown, Stuart Scott [2013], The future of US global power: delusions of decline, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan, 321 pp.
Bruin, Boudewijn [2015], Ethics and the global financial crisis: why incompetence is worse than
greed, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 244 pp.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew [2012], Strategic vision: America and the crisis of global power, New York, Basic
Books, 208 pp.
Buckley, Adrian [2011], Financial crisis: causes, context and consequences, Harlow, Financial Times
Prentice Hall, 342 pp.
Buckley, Peter J. [2014], Multinational Enterprise and the Emergence of the Global Factory,
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 424 pp.
Buckley, Ross [2011], From crisis to crisis: the global financial system and regulatory failure,
Nederland, Aspen Publishers, 332 pp.
Bull, Benedicte [2014], Business groups and transnational capitalism in Central America: economic
and political strategies, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 225 pp.
Cabestan, Jean-Pierre, Jean-François Di Meglio y Xavier Richet [2012], China and the global
financial crisis: a comparison with Europe, Abingdon, Routledge, 170 pp.
Cafruny, Alan W., Herman M. Schwartz [2013], Exploring the global financial crisis, Boulder, Lynne
Rienner Publishers, 263 pp.
Calva, José Luis (coordinador) [2012], Crisis económica mundial y futuro de la globalización, México,
Juan Pablos Editor, Consejo Nacional de Universitarios, 425 pp.
Cao, Jin [2012], Banking regulation and the financial crisis, Abingdon, Routledge, 222 pp.
Caprio Gerard, et al. [2013], The Evidence and impact of financial globalization, Boston, Elsevier, 781
Cardoso, José Luís, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo y María Eugenia Romero [2014], Economic
development and global crisis: the Latin American economy in historical perspective, London,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 266 pp.
Castells, Manuel, João Caraça y Gustavo Cardoso [2012], Aftermath: the cultures of the economic
crisis, Oxford, University Press, 315 pp.
Causevic, Fikret [2014], The global crisis of 2008 and Keynes’s general theory, New York, Springer,
99 pp.
Chan, T. S., Cui, Geng [2013], Multinationals and Global Consumers: Tension, Potential and
Competition, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 288 pp.
Cheng, Siwei [2012], The U.S. financial crisis: analysis and inspiration, San Francisco, Long River
Press, 354 pp.
Chomsky, Noam [2012], Ilusionistas, España, Ediciones Irreverentes, 110 pp.
Claessens, Stijn, Ayhan Kose [2013], Financial crises: explanations, types, and implications,
Washington, D.C., International Monetary Fund, 65 pp.
Clark, Tom [2015], Hard times: inequality, recession, aftermath, New Haven, Yale University Press,
303 pp.
Clarke, Ian M. [2013], The spatial organisation of multinational corporations, Oxon England,
Cleaver, Tony [2013], Understanding the world economy, New York, Routledge, 289 pp.
Clement, Piet, Harold James y Herman Van der Wee [2014], Financial innovation, regulation and
crises in history, London, Pickering & Chatto, 176 pp.
Coghlan, Andy, Debora MacKenzie [2011], “Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world”,
New Scientist, 24 de octubre,
Cohen, Michael [2012], The global economic crisis in Latin America: impacts and responses, New
York, Routledge, 206 pp.
Cömert, Hasan [2013], Central banks and financial markets: the declining power of US monetary
policy, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 207 pp.
Cottarelli, Carlo, Philip Gerson y Abdelhak Senhadji [2014], Post-crisis fiscal policy, Cambridge, The
MIT Press, 562 pp.
Cox, Ronald W [2012], Corporate power and globalization in US foreign policy, New York, Routledge,
213 pp.
Criag, Julian, Zafar Ahmed, Junquian Xu [2014], Research Handbook on the Globalization of
Chinese Firms, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 320 pp.
Croitor, Elizabeth Lorena [2012], Non-financial transnational corporations behavior compared to
those of financial transnational corporations in the global economy during the crisis, Proceedings of
the 6th international management conference "Approaches in organisational management" 15-16
november 2012, Bucharest, Romania.
Cynamon, Barry Z., Steven M. Fazzari y Mark Setterfield [2013], After the great recession: the
struggle for economic recovery and growth, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 340 pp.
Da Costa, Pascal (director) [2013], États-Unis, Europe, Chine: des États au cœur des crises
financières et économiques mundiales, Paris, L'Harmattan, 209 pp.
Dabat, Alejandro, Paulo Leal [2013], “Declinación de Estados Unidos: contexto histórico mundial”,
Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía, México, IIEc-UNAM, 44(174):6188, julio-septiembre.
Dabat, Alejandro, Paulo Leal y Samuel Romo [2012], “Crisis mundial, agotamiento del neoliberalismo
y de la hegemonía norteamericana: contexto internacional y consecuencias para México”,
Norteamérica: Revista Académica del CISAN-UNAM, 7(2):75-109, julio-diciembre.
Dávalos, Elisa [2012], Multinacionales e inversión extranjera directa mundial: análisis a través de los
bloques económicos regionales, México, UNAM, CISAN, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América
del Norte, 93 pp.
Davies, Howard [2010], The financial crisis: who is to blame?, Malden, Polity Press, 229 pp.
De Almeida, Alexandre, Imasato Takeyoshi y Guedes Malheiros [2014], “O Que Gestão Estratégica
Tem a Ver com Capitalismo(s)?”, RAC - Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro,
De La Lama, Alfredo [2012], Economía global: de los agitados años veinte a la primera crisis mundial
del siglo XXI, México, Universidad Autónoma de México, Unidad Iztapalapa, 236 pp.
De Rosa, Annamaria Silvana, Elena Bocci y Clio Bulgarella [2010], “Économie et Finance durant la
crise financière mondiale: représentations sociales, métaphores et figures rhétoriques dans le
discours des médias de l'automne 2008 au printemps 2010”, Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie
Sociale, (87):543-584, junio-septiembre.
Dejuán, Óscar, Eladio Febrero y Jorge Uxó [2013], Post-Keynesian views of the crisis and its
remedies, New York, Routledge, 303 pp.
Del Valle, María del Carmen (coordinadora) [2014], América Latina: su arquitectura financiera:
Cátedra Maestro Ricardo Torres Gaitán, México, UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas,
135 pp.
Desai, Meghnad [2015], Hubris: why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next
one, New Haven, Yale University Press, 304 pp.
Desai, Radhika [2013], Geopolitical economy after US hegemony, globalization and empire, London,
Pluto Press, 313 pp.
Deshpande, Ashwini, Keith Nurse [2012], The global economic crisis and the developing world:
implications and prospects for recovery and growth, New York, Routledge, 363 pp.
Deshpande, Ashwini, Keith Nurse [2012], The global economic crisis and the developing worl:
implications and prospects for recovery and growth, New York, Routledge, 363 pp.
Diamond, John, Joyce Liddle [2013], Looking for concensus?: civil society, social movements and
crises for public management, Bingley, Emerald, 168 pp.
Dietrich, Michael [2012], Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm, Cheltenham, Edward
Elgar Publishing.
Díez, José Carlos [2014], Hay vida después de la crisis, México, Plaza y Janes, 334 pp.
Dufresne, Todd, Clara Sacchetti [2013], The economy as cultural system: theory, capitalism, crisis,
New York, Continuum International Pub., 200 pp.
Duménil, Gérard, Dominique Lévy [2015], The Crisis of Neoliberalism, Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 400 pp.
DuRand, Cliff, Martinot, Steve [2012], Recreating democracy in a globalized state, Atlanta, Clarity
Press, 226 pp.
Dyer, Hugh, Maria Julia Trombetta [2013], International handbook of energy security, Cheltenham,
Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., 560 pp.
Eichengreen, Barry J. [2015], Hall of mirrors: the Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the
uses - and misuses - of history, New York, Oxford University Press, 520 pp.
Eichengreen, Barry, Bokyeong Park [2012], The world economy after the global crisis: a new
economic order for the 21st century, Hackensak, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,
215 pp.
Elsevier Ltd [2014], “Rising powers from emerging markets—The changing face of international
business”, International Business Review, (23):675–679.
Estay, Jaime, Alejandro Álvarez (coordinadores) [2011], La crisis del capitalismo: desenvolvimiento
global y en América Latina, Puebla, BUAP, 274 pp.
Estay, Jaime, Claudio Lara y Consuelo Silva [2012], El neoliberalismo y su crisis: causas, escenarios
y posibles desenvolvimientos, México, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 277 pp.
Estrada, Jairo (coordinador) [2012], La Crisis capitalista mundial y América Latina: lecturas de
economía política, Buenos Aires, CLACSO, 349 pp.
Fadda, Sebastiano, Pasquale Tridico [2013], Financial crisis, labour markets and institutions, London,
Routledge, 222 pp.
Farlow, Andrew [2013], Crash and beyond: causes and consequences of the global financial crisis,
United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 418 pp.
Feenstra, Robert C., Alan M. Taylor [2014], Globalization in an age of crisis: multilateral economic
cooperation in the twenty-first century, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 422 pp.
Fernández, Juan, José Pastor [2013], Crisis, risk and stability in financial markets, New York,
Palgrave Macmillan, 234 pp.
Findley, Michael G., Nielson, Daniel L., Sharman, Jason [2013], Global Shell Games: Experiments in
Transnational Relations, Crime, and Terrorism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 250 pp.
Fiorentini, Riccardo, Guido Montani [2012], The new global political economy: from crisis to
supranational integration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 234 pp.
Flynn, Eileen P. [2012], Ethical lessons of the financial crisis, New York, Routledge, 283 pp.
Fonseca, Víctor (coordinador) [2013], Tiempo mundial y riesgos globales: prospectiva de la crisis,
México, UNAM, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales, 124 pp.
Formento, Walter, Gabriel Merino [2011], Crisis financiera global: la lucha por la configuración del
orden mundial, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Continente,159 pp.
Foss, Nicolai [2000], The theory of the firm. Critical perspectives on business and management, New
York, Routledge, 4 volúmenes.
Fu, Xiaolan [2012], China's role in global economic recovery, New York, Routledge, 303 pp.
Fuller, Douglas B., Murray A. Rubinstein [2013], Technology transfer between the US, China and
Taiwan : moving knowledge, New York, Routledge.
Galbraith James K. [2012], Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World Economy Just Before the
Great Crisis, New York, Oxford University Press, 336 pp.
Gamble, Andrew [2014], Crisis without end?: the unravelling of western prosperity, Basingstoke,
Palgrave Macmillan, 229 pp.
Gavilán, Graciela, Ana Teresa Gutiérrez y Rosario, Velasco (coordinadoras) [2011], La hegemonía
estadounidense: ¿recomposición o declive?: su expresión en distintos escenarios regionales,
México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Unidad Xochimilco, División de Ciencias
Sociales y Humanidades, 219.
Geithner, Timothy F. [2014], Stress test: reflections on financial crises, New York, Crown Publishers,
580 pp.
Gill, Stephen [2012], Global crises and the crisis of global leadership, New York, Cambridge
University Press, 299 pp.
Gill, Stephen, A. Claire Cutler [2014], New constitutionalism and world order, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 368 pp.
Glaeser, Edward L., Todd Sinai [2013], Housing and the financial crisis, Chicago, The University of
Chicago Press, 431 pp.
Gold, Russell [2014], The boom: how fracking ignited the American energy revolution and changed
the world, New York, Simon & Schuster, 366 pp.
González, Andrés M, Manuel Álvarez [2013], El derecho ante la crisis: nuevas reglas de juego,
Barcelona, Atelier Libros Jurídicos, 222 pp.
Grahame, Thompson [2012], The Constitutionalization of the Global Corporate Sphere?, United
Kingdom, Oxford University Press.
Grant, Wyn, Graham Wilson [2012], The consequences of the global financial crisis: the rhetoric of
reform and regulation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 272 pp.
Griesgraber, Jo Marie [2011], “La economía global en 2010”, Anuario Internacional CIDOB,
Barcelona, España, 23-34 pp., julio.
Guillén, Héctor [2013], Las crisis: de la gran depresión a la primera gran crisis mundial del siglo XXI,
México, Ediciones Era, 459 pp.
Gutierrez, Orlando [2009], “América Latina en la economía mundial: entre la transnacionalización y la
financiarización”, Apuntes del CENES, 28(48):71-94.
Hardt, Michael, Antonio Negri [2012], Declaration, Madrid, Akal, 122 pp.
Harman, Chris [2010], Zombie capitalism: global crisis and the relevance of Marx, Chicago, Illinois,
Haymarket Books, 424 pp.
Harrop, Andrew [2013], The great rebalancing: how to fix the broken economy, London, Fabian
Society, 87 pp.
Harvey, David [2014], Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism, New York, Oxford
University Press, 352 pp.
Hawley, James P., Shyam J. Kamath y Andrew T., Williams [2011], Corporate governance failures:
the role of institutional investors in the global financial crisis, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
Press, 344 pp.
Heine, Jorge, Ramesh Thakur [2011], The dark side of globalization, New York, United Nations
University Press, 302 pp.
Hernández, Valeria, Pascale Phélinas y Monique Selim (coordinadoras) [2012], Crisis global,
crónicas locales: 2008 y después, Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblios, 276 pp.
Herschinger, Eva [2011], Constructing global enemies: hegemony and identity in international
discourses on terrorism and drug prohibition, New York, Routledge, 203 pp.
Hidalgo, Antonio Luis [2011], Economía política global: globalización, gobernanza y crisis,
Saarbrücken, Editorial Académica Española, 298 pp.
Hillebrand, Evan E. [2015], Energy, economic growth, and geopolitical futures: eight long-range
scenarios, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 230 pp.
Hoff, Lee Ann [2014], Crisis: how to help yourself and others in distress or danger, New York, Oxford
University Press, 327 pp.
Ho-Fung, Hung [2011], “O braço direito dos Estados Unidos? o dilema da República Popular da
China na crise global”, Scielo, Novos estud. – CEBRAP, São Paulo, 89, marzo.
Hönke, Jana [2013], Transnational companies and security governance: hybrid practices in a
postcolonial world, London, Routledge, 234 pp.
Huang, Yiping, Miaojie Yu [2013], China's new role in the world economy, New York, Routledge, 302
Huertas, Thomas [2011], Crisis: cause, containment and cure, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 223
Ichimura, Shinichi [2015], Japan and Asia: Economic Development and Nation Building, World
Scientific Publishing Co., 468 pp.
Iley, Richard A, Mervyn K. Lewis [2013], Global finance after the crisis: the United States, China and
the new world order, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 294 pp.
Jacob Braude, et al. [2013], The great recession: lessons for central bankers, Cambridge, MIT Press,
380 pp.
Jean, Carlo [2012], Geopolitica del mondo contemporáneo, Roma, Laterza, 335 pp.
Jenkins, Rhys [2013], Transnational corporations and uneven development the internationalization of
capital and the Third World, London, Routledge.
Joaquín, Estefanía [2012], La economía del miedo, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg: Círculo de
Lectores, 348 pp.
Johns, Jennifer [2014], Transnational Corporations, New York, Oxford University Press.
Jones, Colin, Michael White y Neil Dunse [2012], The challenges of the housing economy: an
international perspective, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 316 pp.
Kamminga, Menno T. [2014], Multinational Corporations in International Law, New York, Oxford
University Press.
Katusa, Marin [2015], The colder war: how the global energy trade slipped from America's grasp,
New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 246 pp.
Katz, Sebastián [2010], Centro y periferia: la propagación de la crisis global a las economías de la
región, Buenos Aires, Documentos de trabajo, Investigaciones Económicas, Banco Central de la
República Argentina, 42 pp.
Kedia, Ben, Subhash Jain [2013], Restoring America’s global competitiveness through innovation,
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 373 pp.
Kiichiro, Yagi, et al. [2013], Crises of global economies and the future of capitalism: reviving Marxian
crisis theory, London, Routledge, 329 pp.
Kissinger, Henry [2014], World order, New York, Penguin Press, 420 pp.
Knox, Paul, John Agnew y Linda McCarthy [2014], The geography of the world economy, New York,
Konzelmann, Suzanne J., Marc Fovargue-Davies [2013], Banking systems in the crisis: the faces of
liberal capitalism, New York, Routledge, 292 pp.
Kotz, David M. [2015], The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism, Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 288 pp.
Krugman, Paul [2011], La crisis económica mundial, México, Debolsillo Premium, 224 pp.
Kwa, Chong [2012], “Role of intelligence in international crisis management”, Singapore, S.
Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 16 pp.
Lapavitsas, Costas [2012], Financialisation in crisis, Boston, Brill, 260 pp.
Lederman, Daniel,, [2013], Latin American Entrepreneurs: Many Firms but Little Innovation,
Washington DC., World Bank Publications, 168 pp.
Lehmann, Sergio [2010], “China en la economía global y su impacto sobre el desempeño de América
Latina”, Documentos de política económica, Santiago, Banco Central de Chile, 39, 16pp.
Levine, Adam Seth [2015], American insecurity: why our economic fears lead to political inaction,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 302 pp.
Levy, Jonathan [2014], Freaks of fortune: the emerging world of capitalism and risk in America,
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 414 pp.
López-Vallejo, et al. [2013], Gobernanza global en un mundo interconectado, México, Universidad
Autónoma del Estado de Baja California, FEYRI, Facultad de Economía y Relaciones
Internacionales: AMEI, Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales, A.C.: UPAEP, 237 pp.
Louka, Elli [2011], Nuclear weapons, justice and the law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 440
Macdonald, Roderick [2012], Genesis of the financial crisis, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 178 pp.
Madoery, Oscar, Pablo Costamagna (compiladores) [2012], Crisis económica mundial y desarrollo
económico territorial: reflexiones y políticas, Buenos Aires, UNSAM Edita, 342 pp.
Madrick, Jeff [2014], Seven bad ideas: how mainstream economists have damaged America and the
world, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 272 pp.
Mamica, Łukasz, Pasquale Tridico [2014], Economic policy and the financial crisis, New York,
Routledge, 293 pp.
Marinov, Marin, Svetla Marinova [2013], Emerging economies and firms in the global crisis, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 390 pp.
Martínez, et al. [2011], Crisis económica y financiera global: interpretaciones e impactos, La Habana,
Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 328 pp.
Massa, Massimo, David Schumacher, Yan Wang [2016], “Who Is Afraid of BlackRock?”, INSEAD,
2015/60/FIN, enero 8,
Matías-Pereira, José [2013], “A economia brasileira diante da crise mundial: fragilidades e
perspetivas de crecimiento”, Revista Evidenciação Contábil & Finanças, Paraíba,1(2):6-21, juliodiciembre 2013.
Maya, Guillermo [2014], Crisis económica: la primera gran recesión del siglo XXI, Medellín,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas, 230 pp.
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