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No. 456 - Junio - 2011 USA 126 The Strategy of Peace. Senator John F.Kennedy. / John F. Kennedy. -- New
York: Harper & Brothers. -- 233 p.
USA 127
Who runs Congress? / Mark I. Green. –Toronto: Barton/Grossman Book, 1974.
-- 307 p.
USA 128
Los límites del capitalismo americano. / Robert L Heilbroner. -- Barcelona:
Editorial Kairos, 1968. -- 151 p.
USA 129 El programa económico de Kennedy y una mirada hacia el futuro. / Seymour E .
Harris. -- México: Unión Tipográfica Editorial Hispano Americana., 1966. -280 p. tablas.
USA 130
Tides of crisis. A primer of foreign relations. / Adolf A. Berle, Jr. -- New York:
Reynol & Company, 328 p. -- 328 p.
USA 131
The two-party system in the United States. / William Goodman. -- New York: D.
Van Nostrand Company, Inc, 1956. -- 649 p. Fots, tabl.
USA 132 The faces of power. Constancy and change in United States foreign policy from
Truman to Reagan. / Seyon Brown. -- New York: Columbia University Press,
1983. -- 672 p. -- ISBN 0-231-04736-3
USA 133 Foreign Policy in perspective. Strategy Adaptation decision making / John P.
Lovell. - New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1970. -- 370 p. - ISBN 03078315-1
USA 134 The roots of American foreign policy. An Analysis of power and purpose. / Gabriel
Kolko. -- Boston: Beacon Press, 1972. -- 166 p.
U.S. foreign policy in a changing world. The Nixon administration 1969-1973. /
Alan M. Jones. New York: David Mc Kay Company, Inc., 1974. -- 379 p.
USA 136
Capital expansion, employment, and economic stability. / Harold G. Moalton, et al.
-- Washington, D,C. : The Brookings Institution, 1940. -- 413 p. tabls, grafs.
USA 137 Editorial research reports on the American future. -- Washington, D.C. :
Congressional Quarterly, Inc, 1976. -- 192 p. tabls, gráfs. ilus. -- SBN 0-87187086-X.
USA 138 Our economic society and its problems. / Howard C. Hill y Rexford Guy Tagwell. -New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1987. -- 565 p. ilust, map, tabls.
USA 139 We can be friends / Carl Marzani. -- New York: Tropical Books Publishers, 1952. - 380 p. ilus., Fots.
USA 140 The politics of democracy. American parties in action. / Herring Pendleton. -- New
York: WW Norton and Company Inc Publishers, 1940. -- 468 p. fots.
USA 141 The information machine. The United States Information Agency and American
foreign policy./ Robert E. Elder. -- New York: Syracuse University Press, 1968. –
356 p.
USA 142
Measuring business cycles. / Arthur F. Burns y Wisley C. Mitchell. -- New York:
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. -- 560 p. gráfs, tabls.
USA 143 The consumer society: a history of American capitalism / Peter d´A. Jones. -Middlesex : Penguin Books, 1965. -- 407 p.
USA 144 The U.S. economy under stress. -- Washington D.C. : Congressional Quarterly,
Inc, 1975. -- 186 p. grafs.,maps., tabls., ilus. -- ISBN 0-87187-082-7
USA 145
La economía del pueblo de los Estados Unidos. Progreso, problemas,
perspectivas. / Gerlard Colm y Theodore Geiger. -- México D.F. : Editorial
Letras, S.A., 1958. -- 175 p. tablas, grafs.
USA 146 Black Power, The politics of liberation in America. / Stokely Carmichael y Charles
V. Hamilton. -- New York: Vintage Books, 1967. -- 198 p.
USA 147 Labor fact Book 8. / Labor Research Association. -- New York: International
Publishers, 1947. -- 208 p. tabls.
USA 148 Expansión económica de los Estados Unidos: Europa Occidental / URSS.
Academia de Ciencias. -- Moscú: Ciencias Sociales Contemporáneas, 1986. –
183 p.
USA 149 The politics of Chicano Liberation / Olga Rodríguez, ed. -- New York: Pathfinder
Press, 1977. -- 159 p. ilus., Fots. -- ISBN 0-87348-513-0
USA 150 New directions in the new world. / Adolf A. Berle Jr. -- New York : Harper&
Brothers Publishers, 1940. -- 141 p.