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салон света De Light (495) 726-89-76 e-mail: [email protected] L L A A ámpara de marcado estilo mperio franc s. ealizada en bronce, decorada en acabado oro franc s y negro, destaca en su ornamenWDFLyQODÀJXUDIHPHQLQDFHQWUDOTXHUHSUHVHQWDOD YLFWRULDFX\RSLHVGHVFDQVDQÀJXUDGDPHQWHVREUH la bola del mundo. rench mpire bron e and gilt eight branch chandelier, the canopy is enriched with gilt metal open an thermion and supports the body of the chandelier which is surmounted by a ta a with neo classical decoration. The standing bron e classical maiden which represent the vic tory footsteping the terrestrian globe. : 650 0 102 cm Lámpara / Chandelier 8 (E14) 82 cm ámpara de estilo imperio, de bronce con chapa de metal en negro, diseñada a mediados del iglo y recuperada para nuestro catalogo en el año 00 . on decoración GH PDUFDGD LQÁXHQFLD HJLSFLD FRQVLJXH QXHYRV efectos al combinar en feliz juego de contrastes, ORVDGRUQRVFRQODVVXSHUÀFLHVOLVDV ÀQH TXDOLW\ HLJKW EUDQFK EURQ]H DQG JLOW empire chandelier created by ariner in the midde of the XX century and reintroduced into our catalogue in . ar ed by FOHDU(J\SWLDQGHFRUDWLYHLQÁXHQFHZLWKDEURQ]H crown of an thermion from wich is suspended a chain of bronze elements. The main dish itself is surmounted by a bronze tazza an is decorated with acantus leaf in high relief. : 191977 Lámpara / Chandelier Pantalla / Shade салон света De Light (495) 726-89-76 e-mail: [email protected] 100 cm 93 cm 8(E14) 1624-94