Download Sexual and seasonal plasticity in the emission of social electric

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Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
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Journal of Physiology - Paris
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j p h y s p a r i s
Sexual and seasonal plasticity in the emission of social electric signals.
Behavioral approach and neural bases
Ana Silva a,b,*, Laura Quintana a, Rossana Perrone a, Felipe Sierra a,c
De­parta­men­to de Neu­ro­fisiología, In­sti­tu­to de In­ves­ti­gac­i­ones Bi­ol­óg­i­cas Cle­mente Esta­ble, Avda Ita­lia 3318, 11600 Mon­te­vi­deo, Uru­guay
La­bor­at­ o­rio de Neu­ro­cien­cias, Fac­ul­tad de Cien­cias, Iguá 4225, 11400 Mon­te­vi­deo, Uru­guay
Un­i­dad Aso­ci­ada Neu­ro­fisiología-II­BCE, Fac­ul­tad de Cien­cias, Avda Ita­lia 3318, 11600 Mon­te­vi­deo, Uru­guay
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Elec­tric fish
Pace­maker nucleus
CNS sex­ual dimor­phism
CNS sea­sonal plas­tic­ity
a b s t r a c t
Behav­ior in elec­tric fish includes mod­ul­ a­tions of a ste­reo­typed elec­tric organ dis­charge (EOD) in addi­tion
to loco­mo­tor dis­plays. Gym­not­i­for­mes can mod­ul­ ate the EOD rate to pro­duce sig­nals that par­tic­i­pate in
dif­fer­ent behav­iors. We stud­ied the repro­duc­tive behav­ior of Brachy­hyp­o­po­mus pinni­caud­a­tus both in the
wild and lab­o­ra­tory set­tings. Dur­ing the breed­ing sea­son, fish pro­duce sex­u­ally dimor­phic social elec­tric
sig­nals (SES): males emit three types of chirps (dis­tin­guished by their dura­tion and inter­nal struc­ture),
and accel­er­a­tions, whereas females inter­rupt their EOD. Since these SES imply EOD fre­quency mod­u­la­
tions, the pace­maker nucleus (PN) is involved in their gen­er­a­tion and con­sti­tutes the main tar­get organ
to explore sea­sonal and sex­ual plas­tic­ity of the CNS. The PN has two types of neu­rons, pace­mak­ers and
relays, which receive mod­u­la­tory inputs from pre-pace­maker struc­tures. These neu­rons show an aniso­
tropic ro­stro-cau­dal and dorso-ven­tral dis­tri­bu­tion that is par­al­leled by dif­fer­ent field potential wave­
forms in dis­tinct por­tions of the PN. In vivo glu­ta­mate injec­tions in dif­fer­ent areas of the PN pro­voke
dif­fer­ent kinds of EOD rate mod­u­la­tions. Ven­tral injec­tions pro­duce chirp-like responses in breed­ing
males and EOD inter­rup­tions in breed­ing females, whereas dor­sal injec­tions pro­voke EOD fre­quency rises
in both sexes. In the non-breed­ing sea­son, males and females respond with inter­rup­tions when stim­u­
lated ven­trally and fre­quency rises when injected dor­sally. Our results show that changes of glu­ta­mate
effects in the PN could explain the sea­sonal and sex­ual dif­fer­ences in the gen­er­a­tion of SES. By means of
behav­ioral record­ings both in the wild and in lab­o­ra­tory set­tings, and by elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal and phar­
ma­co­log­i­cal exper­i­ments, we have iden­ti­fied sex­ual and sea­sonal plas­tic­ity of the CNS and explored its
under­ly­ing mech­a­nisms.
© 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Intro­duc­tion
One of the major goals of Neu­ro­sci­ence is to unravel the bases
of behav­ior, i.e., to under­stand how the brain receives and inte­
grates diverse infor­ma­tion (envi­ron­men­tal cues, social mod­u­la­
tions, and multiple changes of phys­i­o­log­i­cal states) to give rise
to com­plex behav­iors. This pur­pose requires the appli­ca­tion of
high tech­nol­ogy for an inti­mate com­bi­na­tion of behav­ioral and
ana­to­mo-func­tional stud­ies in performing ani­mals; and thus con­
tin­ues to be on the wish list of most behav­ioral sci­en­tists. Exper­i­
men­tal mod­els pro­vided by nature or arti­fi­cially devel­oped have,
none­the­less, allowed impor­tant con­tri­bu­tions, which are slowly
pav­ing the way to the ulti­mate under­stand­ing of behav­ior.
Elec­tric fish are advan­ta­geous mod­els for the study of behav­
ior since any given behav­ior (ago­nis­tic, repro­duc­tive, paren­tal
care, etc.) includes mod­u­la­tions of the elec­tric dis­charge (eas­ily
* Cor­re­spond­ing author. Address: De­parta­men­to de Neu­ro­fisiología, In­sti­tu­to de
In­ves­ti­gac­i­ones Bi­ol­óg­i­cas Cle­mente Esta­ble, Avda Ita­lia 3318, 11600 Mon­te­vi­deo,
Uru­guay. Tel.: +598 2 4875532; fax: +598 2 4875548.
E-mail address: asi­lva@ii­ (A. Silva).
0928-4257/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved.
recorded and reli­ably quan­ti­fied) in addi­tion to loco­mo­tor dis­plays
(Bass and Za­kon, 2005; Rose, 2004). The elec­tro­mo­tor sys­tem that
gov­erns the pro­duc­tion of the elec­tric organ dis­charge (EOD) is
well known and involves a few groups of neu­rons devoted to the
gen­er­a­tion of this elec­tro­mo­tor output (Ben­nett, 1971; Dye and
Meyer, 1986). The EOD car­ries infor­ma­tion with com­mu­ni­ca­tive
social value sig­nal­ing spe­cies and phys­i­o­log­i­cal state through­out
lifetime. Dur­ing breed­ing, more com­plex and pre­cise infor­ma­tion
is encoded in the EOD: sev­eral spe­cies of Gym­not­i­for­mes show
sex­u­ally dimor­phic EODs used for mate rec­og­ni­tion and selec­tion
(Haged­orn and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1985; Hop­kins, 1974a,b; Hop­kins et
al., 1990; Kramer and Otto, 1988; Za­kon and Dun­lap, 1999); and
indi­vid­u­als can tran­siently mod­u­late EOD rate and wave­form to
pro­duce social sig­nals that par­tic­i­pate in court­ship and spawn­ing
(Bas­tian et al., 2001; Haged­orn, 1988; Haged­orn and Hei­li­gen­berg,
1985; Hop­kins, 1974a,b; Ka­wa­sa­ki and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1989; Silva,
2002; Zu­panc, 2002). On the other hand, the cyclic nature of repro­
duc­tive behav­ior, par­tic­u­larly in Gym­not­i­for­mes from the tem­per­
ate zone, has been dem­on­strated by the assess­ment of elec­tri­cal
cues, some of which are also sex-depen­dent (Quin­tana et al., 2004;
A. Silva et al. / Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
Silva, 2002; Silva et al., 1999, 2002, 2003). On the whole, the elec­
tro­mo­tor sys­tem pro­vides an out­stand­ing model for the explo­ra­
tion of the under­ly­ing neu­ral cir­cuits and neu­roen­docr­i­no­log­i­cal
fea­tures of behav­ioral plas­tic­ity.
Our study closely inte­grates two approaches: (a) the behav­
ioral descrip­tion of court­ship elec­tri­cal dis­plays in the pulse-type
weakly elec­tric fish, Brachy­hyp­o­po­mus pinni­caud­a­tus from the
tem­per­ate zone; and (b) the elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal anal­y­sis of the
ence­phalic pace­maker nucleus (PN) that drives those dis­plays. We
there­fore tran­sit from behav­ior to the activ­ity of about 100 neu­
rons in the medulla and pro­vide new angles on under­stand­ing two
cur­rent key issues: sea­sonal plas­tic­ity and sex­ual dimor­phism of
the CNS.
Chirp A
50 ms
50 ms
Chirp B
2. Social elec­tric sig­nals (SES) in the repro­duc­tive behav­ior of
B. pinni­caud­at­ us
Gym­not­i­for­mes are noc­tur­nal fish that live in fresh­wa­ters in
a wide exten­sion of the Amer­i­can con­ti­nent (Kirs­ch­baum, 1995).
They show cyclic repro­duc­tion in the tro­pics, where the onset of
breed­ing is trig­gered by changes in water con­duc­tiv­ity due to the
alter­na­tion of rainy and dry sea­sons (Kirs­ch­baum, 1979, 1995);
and also in the tem­per­ate region, where onset responds to sea­
sonal changes of water tem­per­a­ture and prob­a­bly of pho­to­pe­riod
(Quin­tana et al., 2004; Silva et al., 2003). The pre­cise tem­po­ral
syn­chro­ni­za­tion for a suc­cess­ful repro­duc­tion via exter­nal fer­til­
iza­tion is achieved by the use of the elec­tric chan­nel of com­mu­
ni­ca­tion. There­fore, court­ship sig­nal­ing in this par­tic­u­lar group of
fish includes dis­tinc­tive and con­spic­u­ous elec­tric dis­plays. Sev­eral
stud­ies have ele­gantly dem­on­strated the role of elec­tric sig­nals
in repro­duc­tive behav­ior in Gym­not­i­for­mes (Bas­tian et al., 2001;
Haged­orn, 1988; Haged­orn and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1985; Hop­kins,
1974a,b; Ka­wa­sa­ki and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1989; Zu­panc, 2002).
We study the repro­duc­tive behav­ior of the pulse-type gym­
no­ti­form, B. pinni­caud­at­ us (Hop­kins, 1991), at the south­ern
bound­ary of its con­ti­nen­tal dis­tri­bu­tion (Uru­guay, 30–35°S) both
in the wild and in lab­o­ra­tory set­tings. In the tem­per­ate region,
B. pinni­caud­a­tus breeds dur­ing late spring and sum­mer (Novem­
ber–Jan­u­ary) in asso­ci­a­tion to high mean water tem­per­a­ture and
asym­met­ric pho­to­pe­riod (around 14 h L/10 h D) (Quin­tana et al.,
2004; Silva et al., 2003). B. pinni­caud­a­tus exhib­its mor­pho­log­i­cal
and elec­tro­phys­i­ol­ og­i­cal sex­ual dimor­phism dur­ing the breed­
ing sea­son. The male is larger than the female, exhib­its a broader
cau­dal fil­am
­ ent, and a longer EOD (Cap­uti et al., 1998; Hop­kins et
al., 1990; Silva et al., 1999). Indi­vid­u­als of B. pinni­caud­a­tus aggre­
gate in dense breed­ing col­o­nies in the wild (up to 20 indi­vid­u­als
per m2) with sex ratios of adults highly skewed toward females
(aver­age 3:1, Miranda et al., 2008). The extreme sex­ual dimor­
phism exhib­ited by this spe­cies and the biased sex ratio sup­port
the hypoth­e­sis that B. pinni­caud­a­tus is polyg­yn
­ ous, whereas the
dif­fer­en­tial use of space by males and females is con­sis­tent with
an exploded lek breed­ing sys­tem (Miranda et al., 2008).
Dur­ing breed­ing, male–female dyads of B. pinni­caud­a­tus pro­
duce social elec­tric sig­nals (SES) in addi­tion to the reg­u­lar emis­
sion of their biphasic EOD. Three dif­fer­ent SES are rec­og­nized in
repro­duc­tive con­text: chirps, accel­er­at­ ions, and inter­rup­tions,
shown with rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples in Fig. 1. The emis­sion of
SES always occurs dur­ing a char­ac­ter­is­tic noc­tur­nal increase of
EOD basal rate inter­preted as a prerequisite for court­ship dis­plays
(Silva et al., 2007a). Although most of the SES recorded occur dur­
ing night­time, some of them have been observed dur­ing day­time
(espe­cially around the arti­fi­cial sun­set and sun­rise). The SES are
sex­u­ally dimor­phic: males emit chirps and pro­duce accel­er­a­tions,
whereas females inter­rupt their EOD (Fig. 1).
In B. pinni­caud­a­tus chirps can be defined as tran­sient and brief
changes in dis­charge pattern (rang­ing from 25 to 260 ms in dura­
50 ms
50 ms
Chirp & Interruption
Chirp C
50 ms
50 ms
Fig. 1. SES pro­duced by male–female dyads of Brachy­hyp­o­po­mus pinni­caud­a­tus
dur­ing breed­ing. Dyads of freely mov­ing fish were recorded in a record­ing sta­tion
that mim­ics the nat­u­ral hab­i­tat and allowed us to record elec­tric sig­nals simul­ta­
neously with visu­al­i­za­tion of loco­mo­tor dis­plays. As described else­where (Silva et
al., 2007a), the EODs of the dyad (female EODs are indi­cated by dots, and iden­ti­fied
in an expanded time scale because they are shorter than male EODs) were recorded
from two pairs of fixed elec­trodes attached to the tank walls. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive
record­ings of the dif­fer­ent types of SES: three types of chirps (A, B, and C) emit­ted
by males, accel­er­a­tions also emit­ted by males, and inter­rup­tions of the EOD pro­
duced by females. Volt­age cal­ib
­ ra­tion bars are not included since EOD ampli­tude
depends on the rel­a­tive position of freely mov­ing fish with respect to the record­ing
tion) char­ac­ter­ized by an increase in EOD rate (with in­tra­chirp
EOD rate rang­ing from 170 to 1000 Hz), decrease in EOD ampli­
tude (rang­ing from 0% to 80% of basal EOD ampli­tude), and dis­
tor­tion of EOD wave­form (Ka­wa­sa­ki and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1989; Silva
et al., 2007b). In con­trast to chirps, accel­er­a­tions last longer, show
a smaller increase of EOD rate, and min­i­mum changes of the EOD
wave­form. We pro­pose that EOD inter­rup­tions should be con­sid­
ered as SES even though they con­sti­tute a cease in the emis­sion
of an active and otherwise per­ma­nent sig­nal. The com­mu­ni­ca­
tive value of the inter­rup­tion is strongly sug­gested because only
females inter­rupt their EOD in male–female inter­ac­tions, most
inter­rup­tions occur when the dyad is close together (less than 5 cm
between part­ners), and many of them are tem­po­rally cor­re­lated to
male chirp­ing (Fig. 1, Mac­a­dar and Silva, 2007).
There are three types of chirps dis­tin­guished by their dura­tion
and inter­nal struc­ture pro­duced by males in male–female inter­ac­
tions. This sug­gests a more com­plex and sophis­ti­cated com­mu­ni­
ca­tive value for this kind of sig­nal. Fig. 1 shows elec­tric record­ings
A. Silva et al. / Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
of dif­fer­ent exam­ples of chirp types: type A chirps are long twophase sig­nals (with an ini­tial phase of max­i­mal fre­quency increase
and min­i­mal ampli­tude, and a sec­ond phase with spindle-like
ampli­tude mod­u­la­tions); type B chirps are short increases of EOD
rate with dec­re­men­tal EOD ampli­tude; and type C chirps look like
a type B chirp fol­lowed by its mir­ror image. Three selected param­
e­ters (chirp dura­tion, time to min­i­mal intra-chirp EOD ampli­tude,
and sym­me­try index; see Fig. 2 leg­end for details) were enough to
Table 1
Clas­si­fi­ca­tion matrix show­ing per­cent­ages of cor­rect clas­si­fic­ a­tion of chirp types A,
B, and C in clus­ters 1, 2, and 3, respec­tively; and the accu­racy of clus­ters 1, 2, and 3
in rep­re­sent­ing chirp types A, B, and C, respec­tively.
Type A chirp
Type B chirp
Type C chirp
Accu­racy (%)
Cor­rect clas­si­fi­ca­tion
Symmetry inde
Du 150
ion 100
(m 50
e to
Chirp A
Chirp B
Chirp C
Factor 2
Factor 1
Fig. 2. Dis­crim­i­na­tion between dif­fer­ent types of male chirps. Three param­e­ters
were used to achieve the char­ac­ter­iza­tion of male chirps dur­ing breed­ing: (i) chirp
dura­tion (mea­sured from first intra-chirp EOD to the next basal EOD); (ii) time to
min­i­mal ampli­tude of intra-chirp EOD (in per­cent­age of chirp dura­tion); and (iii)
sym­me­try index (defined as the ratio of ampli­tudes between the last intra-chirp
EOD and the first intra-chirp EOD). (a) 3D rep­re­sen­ta­tion of chirp types clas­si­fied
by a trained observer: A (red), B (blue), and C (green) show­ing that chirps can be
accept­ably dis­crim­i­nated by these param­e­ters. (b) Plot of fac­tor scores of the cases
after prin­ci­pal com­po­nents anal­y­sis (PCA) with respect to Fac­tor 1 and Fac­tor 2.
Cor­re­la­tions between fac­tors and vari­ables: Fac­tor 1, chirp dura­tion (0.896), time
to min­i­mal ampli­tude (0.796), sym­me­try index (¡0.916); Fac­tor 2, chirp dura­tion
(0.317), time to min­i­mal ampli­tude (¡0.604), sym­me­try index (¡0.214). The dis­tri­
bu­tion of cases in three clus­ters is rep­re­sented as shaded areas (pink for clus­ter 1,
light blue for clus­ter 2, and light green for clus­ter 3) and was com­pared with our
visual clas­si­fi­ca­tion into three types of chirps (rep­re­sented as dots: red for type A;
blue for type B; and green for type C).
dis­crim­i­nate among chirp types as rep­re­sented in Fig. 2a. More­
over, a prin­ci­pal com­po­nents anal­y­sis (PCA) and ulte­rior k-means
clus­ter anal­y­sis was per­formed using the same selected param­e­
ters in a sam­ple of 176 chirps (see Fig. 2 leg­end for details). This
allowed us to iden­tify three types of chirps (shaded areas in Fig.
2b, Table 1) in accor­dance with our original visual clas­si­fic­ a­tion
done by a trained observer (dots in Fig. 2b, Table 1). This pro­ce­dure
was car­ried out using raw param­e­ters mea­sured directly on elec­
tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal record­ings; and though preliminary, it is strong
enough to dis­crim­i­nate among chirp types.
Dur­ing breed­ing nights, hun­dreds of chirps are emit­ted in an
irreg­u­lar tem­po­ral pattern, usu­ally in bouts, which are in turn
grouped through­out the night. For exam­ple, in one breed­ing dyad
(out of 10 ana­lyzed), the male emit­ted 828 chirps: 380 type A chirps
(45.9%), 248 type B chirps (29.95%), and 200 type C chirps (24.15%).
Dif­fer­ent types of chirps pre­dom­i­nate at dif­fer­ent moments of the
night: type A chirps are mainly observed dur­ing the even­ing and
early night, whereas types B and C pre­vail close to sun­rise (unpub­
lished data).
There are out­stand­ing sea­sonal dif­fer­ences in the emis­sion
of SES. Male accel­er­a­tions and female inter­rup­tions are never
observed dur­ing the non-breed­ing sea­son. The num­ber of chirps
emit­ted by males is more than 10-fold higher dur­ing the breed­
ing sea­son. In breed­ing dyads, males pro­duce over 500 chirps per
night, whereas in non-breed­ing dyads, chirps are rare (Silva et al.,
2007b). These unusual non-breed­ing chirps are longer and exhibit
a lower intra-chirp EOD fre­quency than breed­ing chirps, which
pre­cludes their clas­si­fi­ca­tion into any of the above-described cat­e­
go­ries of male breed­ing chirps.
Although beyond the scope of this study, we can­not but dis­cuss
the mean­ing of SES as court­ship sig­nals. In most mat­ing sys­tems,
the males dis­play sig­nals to attract pos­si­ble mates while females
choose among sig­nal­ers (Bat­eman, 1948; An­ders­son, 1994). Male
chirps can be inter­preted as tra­di­tional court­ship dis­plays, spe­ciesspe­cific sig­nals that favor repro­duc­tive iso­la­tion, and as con­spic­u­ous
dis­plays to syn­chro­nize the actions of males and females towards
mat­ing. Dif­fer­ences in the num­ber and types of chirps emit­ted by
males allow us to hypoth­e­size that male qual­ity is related to chirp­
ing activ­ity, and there­fore impor­tant for sex­ual selec­tion. Some
sex­ual selec­tion mod­els envis­age male sig­nal­ing to be costly in
order to be a reli­able indi­ca­tor of the qual­ity of potential mates for
choosy females (Gra­fen, 1990). It is not obvi­ous how chirp­ing activ­
ity cor­re­lates with male qual­ity. Is chirp­ing activ­ity risky for the
male? It is still a mat­ter of debate how a con­spe­cific or an elec­tro­
sen­so­ry pred­a­tor inter­prets chirp­ing in terms of the elec­tric image
evoked. It may be inter­preted as an elec­tric silence due to the
abrupt decrease in EOD ampli­tude or as a con­spic­u­ous elec­tri­cal
exhi­bi­tion. More­over, the met­a­bolic cost of chirp­ing activ­ity is also
unclear. Although the EOD con­sti­tutes 11–22% of the 24 h energy
bud­gets of males and 3% of energy bud­gets for females (Sal­a­zar
and Stod­dard, 2008), there are no esti­ma­tions of the ener­getic cost
of intra-chirp EODs in com­par­i­son to nor­mal dis­charge pattern.
With respect to the inter­pre­ta­tion of female inter­rup­tions as SES,
A. Silva et al. / Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
the ques­tion to be posed is: why do choosy females have to sig­nal
at all? Inter­rup­tion may be accep­tance sig­nals, sub­mis­sive ones,
or active inter­act­ing sig­nals nec­es­sary to syn­chro­nize spawn­ing in
these noc­tur­nal fish with exter­nal fer­til­iza­tion.
Sum­ma­riz­ing our behav­ioral obser­va­tions, dis­tinc­tive SES play
a role in the repro­duc­tive behav­ior of B. pinni­caud­a­tus. As court­
ship sig­nals from cyclic repro­duc­tive tem­per­ate fish, SES show
sea­sonal changes and are sex­u­ally dimor­phic. Since all SES imply
EOD rate mod­ul­ a­tions, the med­ul­lary pace­maker nucleus (PN) is
ulti­mately involved in their gen­er­at­ ion and becomes an inter­est­ing
tar­get organ to explore sea­sonal and sex­ual plas­tic­ity of the CNS.
100 µm
The elec­tro­genic capac­ity of Gym­not­i­for­mes relies ini­tially on
the activ­ity of the med­ul­lary PN, an endog­e­nous oscil­la­tor which
trig­gers each EOD by a sin­gle com­mand pulse. The PN has tra­di­
tion­ally been described as hav­ing two neu­ron types: pace­maker
neu­rons that fire in syn­chrony and gen­er­ate the rhythm, and neu­
rons that relay the pace­maker com­mand pulse to the elec­tro­mo­
tor­neu­rons in the spinal cord. Except in the fam­ily Aptero­not­i­dae,
these elec­tro­mo­tor­neu­rons, in turn, inner­vate the elec­tric organ
and trig­ger its dis­charge. (Ben­nett, 1971; Dye and Meyer, 1986;
Ken­nedy and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1994).
In most Gym­not­i­for­mes, the PN has large relay cells, which
reside on the ven­tral mid­line of the medulla (Szab­o and Enger,
1964), and small pace­maker cells, half the size of relay cells, and
more dor­sally located. The con­nec­tion between pace­maker and
relay cells is sup­ported by mixed syn­apses (Ben­nett et al., 1967;
Ele­kes and Szab­o, 1981). Recently there has been a novel inter­neu­
ron described in Ap­ter­on­o­tus lep­torhyn­chus, which may be elec­
tro­ton­i­cally cou­pled with relay and pace­maker cells (Smith et al.,
2000; Turner and Moroz, 1995).
EOD rate mod­u­la­tions, as chirps and inter­rup­tions, arise from
descen­dent inputs to the PN in sev­eral gym­no­ti­form spe­cies includ­
ing the genus Brachy­hyp­o­po­mus (Ka­wa­sa­ki et al., 1988; Ka­wa­sa­ki
and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1990; Kel­ler et al., 1991).
With only the two neu­ro­nal types organized in a rather sim­
ple cir­cuit with exclu­sive feed for­ward con­nec­tions, the PN is
remark­able in its capac­ity to pro­duce not only steady rhyth­mic fir­
ing, but also out­puts with dis­tinct tem­po­ral dynam­ics. We set out
to explore the func­tional anat­omy of the PN in B. pinni­caud­a­tus,
which is crit­ic­ al in under­stand­ing and fur­ther explor­ing the gen­er­
a­tion mech­a­nisms of SES.
3.1. Ana­to­mo-func­tional orga­ni­za­tion of the PN in B. pinni­caud­a­tus
As described in other Gym­not­i­for­mes, relay cells are ven­tral and
pace­maker neu­rons are dor­sal in the PN of B. pinni­caud­a­tus (Fig. 3).
Relay cells cover a wide range of sizes (more than 25 lm in diam­
e­ter), whereas pace­maker neu­rons are smaller (less than 25 lm in
diam­e­ter). There is no evi­dence of other neu­ro­nal types in the PN,
although par­val­bu­min labeled fibers are pres­ent, appar­ently orig­
i­nat­ing from neigh­bor­ing neu­rons (Quin­tana et al., 2007). In addi­
tion to the expected dorso-ven­tral neu­ron dis­tri­bu­tion, there was
a clear ro­stro-cau­dal aniso­tropic dis­tri­bu­tion, as pace­maker cells
are dis­tinctly grouped in the ros­tral two thirds of the PN. Relay
cells are pres­ent ven­trally in the ros­tral part, and occupy the entire
cau­dal pole of the PN (Fig. 3).
In vivo elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal field potential record­ings of the
PN show a com­pound field potential phase locked with each EOD,
pre­ced­ing it by approx­im
­ ately 5 ms (Fig. 3). In dorso-ven­tral pen­
e­tra­tions of the PN, the field potential wave­form can be sep­a­rated
in an early com­po­nent that reaches its max­i­mal ampli­tude in
dor­sal sites reflect­ing the pace­maker neu­ron activ­ity; and a late
1 mV
4 ms
3. The pace­maker nucleus (PN): the ulti­mate tar­get of EOD rate
Fig. 3. Ana­to­mo-func­tional orga­ni­za­tion of the PN. Cen­ter: Sag­ital sec­tion (60 lm)
of the PN with Tri­ple Stain of Cajal-Gal­le­go, with over­lay­ing schematic draw­ing.
Pace­maker neu­rons are small, dor­sal, and mainly in the ros­tral region (enclosed in
the dot­ted line). Relay neu­rons are pres­ent along the ven­tral PN, and make up the
whole cau­dal end of the PN (enclosed in the dashed line). To the right and left of
the PN the field potential wave­forms of the indi­cated sites are shown. Dot­ted lines
show the align­ment of the relay field potential peak (RF) and the neg­a­tive peak of
the EOD. Over­all max­i­mum pace­maker (early) com­po­nent of the field potential is
recorded in the ros­tral pen­e­tra­tion. In the pen­e­tra­tion 200 lm cau­dal to this ros­tral
track, the relay com­po­nent reaches its over­all max­i­mum. R: ros­tral, C: cau­dal, D:
dor­sal, V: ven­tral.
com­po­nent, which reaches its max­i­mal ampli­tude more ven­trally
result­ing from the syn­chro­nized activ­ity of relay cells. The pro­file
of these dorso-ven­tral pen­e­tra­tions in ros­tral and cau­dal tracks
are dif­fer­ent, in cor­re­spon­dence to what has been described his­
to­log­i­cally. Over­all, max­i­mum pace­maker com­po­nent is recorded
in ros­tral tracks, whereas relay com­po­nents are larger in ven­tral
and cau­dal sites (Fig. 3). Dye mark­ing dur­ing the field potential
record­ings con­firm that the max­i­mum pace­maker com­po­nent is
recorded when the elec­trode is close to the pace­maker neu­ron
pop­u­la­tion whereas the max­i­mum relay com­po­nent is recorded in
the prox­im­ity of cau­dal relay pop­u­la­tion (data not shown).
In sum­mary, the his­to­log­i­cal and elec­tro­phys­i­ol­ og­i­cal results
pre­sented in this study show a com­plex cit­oar­qui­tec­tur­al orga­ni­
za­tion of the PN of B. pinni­caud­a­tus with aniso­tropic neu­ro­nal dis­
tri­bu­tion not only in the dorso-ven­tral axis but also in the ro­strocau­dal one. These topo­graphic dif­fer­ences within the PN might
give sup­port to its plas­tic func­tion­al­ity. It is gen­er­ally accepted that
the PN only con­trols the dis­charge rate whereas the descen­dent
path­way and the elec­tric organ trans­form each com­mand pulse
into a com­plex spatio-tem­po­ral pattern of elec­tric cur­rents that
are trans­ferred to the water around the fish (Cap­uti, 1999; Cap­uti
et al., 2005). How­ever, some reports sug­gest the PN may also be
involved in shap­ing the EOD. Stud­ies of ret­ro­grade trac­ing from
elec­tro­mo­tor­neu­rons in Gym­no­tus, sug­gest a soma­to­topic orga­ni­
za­tion within the PN (Ellis and Szab­o, 1980). Intra­cel­lu­lar stim­u­la­
tion of dif­fer­ent relay cells in Gym­no­tus acti­vates dis­tinct regions
of the elec­tric organ (Lore­nzo et al., 1993), and tran­sient local inac­
ti­va­tion of cer­tain regions of the ven­tral PN affects the EOD wave­
form (M. Borde, per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tion).
3.2. Dis­tinc­tive SES can be evoked by glu­ta­mate injec­tion in
par­tic­u­lar por­tions of the PN
As men­tioned above, the EOD rate mod­u­la­tions that B.
pinni­caud­a­tus dis­play in dif­fer­ent behav­ioral con­texts, orig­i­nate
from pre-pace­maker nuclei, which pro­vide mod­u­la­tory inputs to
the PN. In par­tic­u­lar, chirps are pro­duced by a gluta­ma­ter­gic input
to the PN from dien­ce­phalic nuclei, whereas inter­rup­tions are gen­
er­ated by gluta­ma­ter­gic input from sub­lem­ni­scal nuclei (Ka­wa­sa­ki
and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1990; Ken­nedy and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1994). Elec­
tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal exper­i­ments have shown that dif­fer­ent clas­ses of
glu­ta­mate recep­tors medi­ate the gen­er­a­tion of dif­fer­ent EOD rate
A. Silva et al. / Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
mod­u­la­tions. It has been pro­posed that chirps are med­i­ated by the
acti­va­tion of AMPA-ka­i­nate recep­tors upon the relay cells whereas
inter­rup­tions depend upon the acti­va­tion of NMDA recep­tors on
the same cells (Ka­wa­sa­ki and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1990). Injec­tions of
anter­o­grade trac­ers to the pre-pace­maker di­ence­pah­lic nuclei,
which mod­ul­ ate the PN to pro­duce chirps, reveal ter­mi­nals scat­
tered freely within the PN. Sim­il­ ar injec­tions to brain­stem nuclei,
which mod­u­late the PN to pro­duce EOD inter­rup­tions, yield ter­mi­
nals, clus­tered around the relay cell somata. It thus appears that
the two inputs to the relay cells are spa­tially segregated (Ken­nedy
and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1994).
We began the anal­y­sis of the mech­a­nisms respon­si­ble for sex­
ual and sea­sonal behav­ioral dif­fer­ences in the pro­duc­tion of SES by
focus­ing on the PN, and its response to glu­ta­mate. In vivo elec­tro­
­ ­log­i­cal exper­i­ments were per­formed in breed­ing males and
females (n = 38), and in non-breed­ing adults (n = 13). The cor­re­la­
tion between anat­omy and field potential wave­form was used to
chem­i­cally stim­u­late cer­tain areas of the PN in fish that had pre­
vi­ously been behav­ior­ally observed and recorded in male–female
dyads dur­ing both the breed­ing and non-breed­ing sea­sons.
Based upon the his­to­log­i­cal stud­ies, dorso-ven­tral pen­e­tra­tions
were per­formed in ros­tral and cau­dal areas of the PN. Glu­ta­mate
was injected in the dor­sal PN, where the pace­maker com­po­nent of
the field potential was larger, and in the ven­tral PN, where the relay
com­po­nent was max­i­mal. Glu­ta­mate injec­tions pro­voke dif­fer­ent
kinds of EOD mod­u­la­tions depend­ing on the site of injec­tion, the
sex of the ani­mal, and its repro­duc­tive state. As shown in Fig. 4,
glu­ta­mate stim­u­la­tion in the PN of breed­ing males pro­duce chirplike responses (in 12 out of 18 exper­i­ments) most clearly in ven­tral
areas of ros­tral tracks, and EOD inter­rup­tions in ven­tral areas of
cau­dal tracks (in 18 out of 18 exper­i­ments). Chirp-like responses to
glu­ta­mate fit the def­i­ni­tion of chirp (see Sec­tion 2) in terms of dura­
tion, rate increase, and ampli­tude dis­tor­tion. In con­trast, breed­ing
females inter­rupt their EOD when glu­ta­mate is injected in ven­tral
areas (20 out of 20 exper­im
­ ents) regard­less of the ro­stro-cau­dal
position (Fig. 4). Dur­ing breed­ing, males and females gen­er­ate EOD
fre­quency rises when stim­u­lated in dor­sal areas of the PN (data not
shown). Dur­ing the non-breed­ing sea­son, both males and females
gen­er­ate EOD fre­quency rises when stim­u­lated in dor­sal areas of
the PN and EOD inter­rup­tions when stim­u­lated in ven­tral areas of
the PN (13 out of 13 exper­i­ments, data not shown).
Our results show that the sea­sonal and sex­ual dif­fer­ences in the
gen­er­a­tion of SES are explained, at least in part, by changes in the
response to glu­ta­mate of the PN. In vivo and his­to­log­i­cal data sug­
gest that the cau­dal area of the PN, solely com­posed by relay cells,
remains unchanged; whereas the ros­tral area, namely where relay
neu­rons are ven­tral to pace­maker neu­rons, is sub­ject to mod­i­fi­ca­
tion. Chirps have been shown to occur in relay cells via the acti­va­
tion of AMPA recep­tors (Ka­wa­sa­ki and Hei­li­gen­berg, 1990). Results
from in vitro prep­a­ra­tions of the PN of B. pinni­caud­a­tus, indi­cate
that AMPA reli­ably induces neu­ro­nal chirp­ing-like activ­ity when
injected in the ven­tral PN of breed­ing males (Mac­a­dar et al., 2007).
There­fore, the sea­sonal and sex­ual dif­fer­ences in the response to
glu­ta­mate may be due to dif­fer­en­tial expres­sion (spe­cific local­i­
za­tion or den­sity) of AMPA recep­tors on a cer­tain group of relay
cells. This sur­pris­ingly nar­rows down our search for tar­gets that
respond to sea­sonal and sex­ual fac­tors to a few dozen neu­rons in
the PN. Par­tic­u­larly, within these few relay cells, we can pos­tu­late
that changes in dis­tri­bu­tion of AMPA recep­tors will be more likely
50 ms
Behavioral Recording Station
50 ms
Glutamate induced
500 ms
50 ms
Fig. 4. Sex­ual dimor­phism in the response of the ven­tral PN to glu­ta­mate dur­ing
breed­ing. Head-to-tail EOD record­ings from anes­the­tized (pen­to­bar­bi­tal, 25 lg/g)
breed­ing male (upper traces) and female (lower traces). Glu­ta­mate (10 mM) was
injected by pressure in dif­fer­ent por­tions of the PN (iden­ti­fied by their field potential
wave­forms). Glu­ta­mate injec­tions in the ven­tral PN, where the relay com­po­nent
of the field potential record­ing is max­i­mal, pro­voke dif­fer­ent effects in males and
females. In ros­tral sites (left record­ings), the male responded with chirp-like EOD
mod­u­la­tions whereas the female inter­rupted its EOD. In cau­dal sites (right record­
ings), both the male and the female inter­rupted their EOD.
Fig. 5. Type B chirps recorded with dif­fer­ent exper­i­men­tal approaches. The EODs
of freely mov­ing male–female dyads (smaller female EODs indi­cated by dots) were
recorded both in the wild (from 2 pairs of fixed elec­trodes placed in a restricted
area within the Laguna el Tigre, Uru­guay, 33°189S, 54°359W), and in the lab­o­ra­
tory record­ing sta­tion (see Fig. 1) dur­ing breed­ing. Hun­dreds of spon­ta­ne­ous type
B chirps are observed both in the wild and in the record­ing sta­tion dur­ing breed­ing
nights (rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples dis­played). Fur­ther­more, chirp-like responses can
be evoked by glu­ta­mate injec­tions in dis­tinct regions of the PN (see Fig. 4 for meth­
od­o­log­i­cal details).
A. Silva et al. / Journal of Physiology - Paris 102 (2008) 272–278
to occur on their den­dritic trees based on tract-trac­ing stud­ies by
Ken­nedy and Hei­li­gen­berg (1994). These inter­pre­ta­tions open sev­
eral inter­est­ing aspects to explore, from the influ­ence of andro­gens
on the PN to the role of sea­sonal changes of glu­ta­mate activ­ity in
both free-swim­ming dyads and phys­i­ol­ og­i­cal prep­a­ra­tions.
4. From behav­ior to the PN
In its sim­plest def­i­ni­tion neu­roe­thol­o­gy is the study of the neu­
ral mech­a­nisms under­ly­ing behav­ior (Pflü­ger and Men­zel, 1999).
Neu­roe­thol­o­gy is an approach to under­stand­ing the neu­ral con­trol
of behav­ior inte­grat­ing at least two lev­els: the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the
neu­ral cir­cuits involved and how infor­ma­tion is rep­re­sented and
pro­cessed in them; and, ulti­mately, how evo­lu­tion shaped behav­
iors and their neu­ral solu­tions (Rose, 2004). In the words of C.D.
Hop­kins, “the etho­log­i­cal approach of neu­roe­thol­o­gy empha­sizes
the cau­sa­tion, the devel­op­ment, the evo­lu­tion, and the func­tion of
behav­ior and neu­roe­thol­o­gists seek to under­stand this in terms of
neu­ral cir­cuits”.
Although elec­tric fish have been tra­di­tional model sys­tems in
neu­roe­thol­o­gy, few stud­ies have been able to com­bine field and
lab­or­ a­tory approaches. We have been able to iden­tify sex­ual and
sea­sonal plas­tic­ity of the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem and to ini­ti­ate the
explo­ra­tion of under­ly­ing mech­a­nisms by inte­grat­ing behav­ioral
record­ings both in the wild and in lab­o­ra­tory set­tings, and in vivo
elec­tro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal and phar­ma­co­log­i­cal approaches. Male chirps
recorded in behav­ioral lab­or­ a­tory set­tings are indis­tin­guish­able
from those recorded in the wild (for exam­ple, type B chirps shown
in Fig. 5). In addi­tion, equiv­a­lent chirp-like responses are recorded
after in vivo glu­ta­mate injec­tion in the breed­ing male PN (for
exam­ple, type B-like chirp shown in Fig. 5). In vitro, glu­ta­mate and
AMPA induce rate mod­u­la­tions in the male PN that also resem­ble
type B chirps (Mac­a­dar et al., 2007).
In con­clu­sion, we believe this study con­trib­utes to the inte­gra­
tive approach of neu­roe­thol­o­gy. More­over, the strong match of
diverse data orig­i­nated from behav­ior in the nat­u­ral envi­ron­ment
to the activ­ity of a small group of med­ul­lary neu­rons, rein­forces
the advan­ta­ges of this model in the explo­ra­tion of the neu­ral bases
of behav­ior.
We thank Omar Mac­ad
­ ar for exten­sive revi­sion of the man­
u­script and help­ful com­ments. We are espe­cially thank­ful to
Gonz­alo de Ar­mas for his help in the solu­tion and run­ning of the
PCA and clus­ter anal­y­sis. We also thank Ma­ira Co­la­cce for her
advice on mul­ti­var­i­ate sta­tis­tics. This study was par­tially sup­ported
by PEDEC­I­BA and DI­CYT (PDT 043). Col­lec­tions and exper­i­men­tal
pro­ce­dures were per­formed under the guide­lines and approval of
our local eth­i­cal com­mit­tee (Com­i­sión Hon­or­ aria de Ex­per­i­men­
ta­ción Ani­mal, Uni­vers­i­dad de la Rep­úb­li­ca, “Uso de ani­males en
ex­per­i­men­ta­ción, do­cen­cia e in­ves­ti­ga­ción Uni­vers­i­tar­ia”, CDC Exp
4332/99, Dia­rio Ofi­cial N 25467, Feb. 21/00).
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