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Control Number : 41687
Item Number: 89
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Mailstop BI F02-12A
4001 Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72212
Hung Tran
Analyst 11-Regulutory
Z015 JU' - ^ AH 9: 59
fax. 501.748.6583
L r `
wi ndstream
June 7, 2016
Filing Clerk
Public Utility Commission of Texas
P.O. Box 13326
Austin, TX 78711-3326
Project 41687 - Lifeline Annual Bill Message Notice
Dear Filing Clerk:
Texas Windstream, LLC, Valor Telecommunications of Texas, LLC dba Windstream
Communications Southwest, Windstream Communications Kerrville, LLC, and Windstream
Sugar Land, LLC (collectively "Windstream"), hereby notifies the Public Utility Commission of
Texas ("Commission") of its Lifeline Annual Bill Message.
Pursuant to Commission Substantive Rule § 26.412(g)(2)(D)(ii), attached please find
five (5) copies of Windstream's annual bill message notifying its customers of the availability of
Lifeline Services.
The message in both English and Spanish was included in Windstream's residential
customer invoices in the month of June, 2016.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
, ^ '^'c;,^t,, ►-t.
Hung Tran
Analyst II - Regulatory Reporting
cc: Public Counsel, Office of Public Utility Counsel, P.O. Box 12397, Austin, TX 78711
Windstream is proud to offer a financial assistance program
Windstream offers a federal telephone assistance program developed in response to concerns about the
affordability of telephone service for limited or fixed income citizens. If you currently participate in a public
assistance program, you might qualify for Lifeline services.
Only one non-transferable benefit per household, consisting of either wireline or wireless service is available
to qualifying customers for a discount of up to $12.75 off the monthly local telephone bill.
To qualify for this plan, customers must receive benefits from at least one
of the following programs:
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
The National School Free Lunch Program (NSLP)
Qualify under the State Child Health Plan (CHIP)
If your annual household income is at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, or you
are an eligible resident of tribal lands you may also qualify.
Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain the benefit can be punished by fine or
imprisonment or can be barred from the program.
If you have questions regarding the Windstream Lifeline Texas Program and/or your eligibility, please call
LITE-UP Texas at 1-866-454-8387 Or Email at
Mail the completed signed application and required documentation to:
P.O. Box 4060
Killeen, Texas 76540-4060
You may also FAX the signed application and required documentation to 1-877-215-8018
Windstream se enorgullece de ofrecer un programa de asistencia financiera
Windstream ofrece un programa federal de asistencia telefonica desarrollado en respuesta a preocupaciones
sobre ]a capacidad para costear el servicio telefonico para los ciudadanos con ingresos limitados o fijos. Si
participa actualmente en un programa de asistencia publica, podria calificar para los servicios Lifeline.
Solamente un beneficio no transferible por hogar, que consiste en ya sea linea fija o servicio movil, esta
disponible para los clientes que califican, con un descuento de hasta $12.75 en la factura mensual de telefono
Para calificar para este plan, los clientes deben recibir los beneficios de al menos uno
de los siguientes programas:
Programa de asistencia nutricional complementaria ( Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program,
Seguridad de ingreso suplementario (Supplemental Security Income, SSI)
Asistencia federal para vivienda pablica (Seccion 8) ( Federal Public Housing Assistance, Section 8)
Programa de asistencia de energia para hogares con ingresos limitados ( Low-Income Home Energy
Assistance Program, LIHEAP)
Asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas ( Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, TANF)
El Programa nacional de almuerzos gratuitos para las escuelas (The National School Free Lunch
Program, NSLP)
Calificar bajo el Plan de salud infantil (Child Health Plan, CHIP)
Si los ingresos anuales de su hogar son iguales o inferiores al 150% de ]a linea federal de pobreza, o
si es un residente elegible de tierras tribales, tambien podria calificar.
Los consumidores que voluntariamente hacen declaraciones falsas con el fin de obtener el beneficio pueden
ser castigados con una multa o encarcelamiento o pueden ser excluidos del programa.
Si tiene preguntas acerca del Programa Lifeline Texas de Windstream y/o su elegibilidad, por favor ]lame a
LITE-UP Texas al 1-866-454-8387 o envie un correo electronico a
Envie por correo la solicitud completada y firmada y la documentacion requerida a:
P.O. Box 4060
Killeen, Texas 76540-4060
Tambien puede enviar por FAX la solicitud firmada y la documentacion requerida al 1-877-215-8018