Download Free Assistance for Health Coverage and Social Services Programs

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Free Assistance for Health Coverage and
Social Services Programs
We can help you…
Apply for the following health insurance and social service programs:
Medi-Cal for Children and Pregnant Women
Medi-Cal for Adults
Healthy Families
Kaiser Permanente Child Health Plan (KPCHP)
CalFresh (Food Stamps) - Applications, Renewals and Eligibility Reports
CalWORKs (Cash Aid)
Connect your child to a low-cost community clinic through our
OC CARES Program
Understand your child’s health coverage benefits
Understand and access the following programs:
 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) – Electric and Gas bill discounts
 Women, Infants and Children (WIC) – Supplemental nutritional food and classes
 California Lifeline Telephone Program (CLTP) – Discounted home telephone service
 Cancer Detection Program (CDP) – Free cancer screenings
 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – Federal Income tax credit
 Family Planning, Access, Care & Treatment Program (Family PACT) – Family Planning
required to
For All Programs
For Some Programs
 Proof of Income (All Types)
 Birth Certificate
 Proof of Address
(So California Edison Bill Preferred)
 Proof of Identification
Proof of Citizenship
Social Security Card
Proof of Pregnancy
Immunization Record
Electricity & Gas Bill
Without these documents, we cannot begin your application
For more information or to make an appointment, please call:
Suzanna Lomeli
Tuesday 8:30am-12:30pm at Richman Community Center
Asistencia Gratuita para Seguro Médico y
Servicios Sociales
Le podemos ayudar a…
Aplicar para seguro médico y servicios sociales:
Medi-Cal para Niños y Mujeres Embarazadas
Medi-Cal para Adultos
Healthy Families
Kaiser Permanente Child Health Plan (KPCHP)
CalFresh (Estampillas de Comida) - Aplicaciones, Renovaciones y Reportes
CalWORKs (Asistencia Monetaria)
Referir a sus hijos a clínicas comunitarias con el programa de
Entender los beneficios del seguro medico de sus hijos
Lo referimos con los siguientes programas:
 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) –Descuentos en sus servicios de electricidad y
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) – ayuda con comida y clases de nutrición infantil
California Lifeline Telephone Program (CLTP) – Descuento en su servició telefónico de su hogar
Cancer Detection Program (CDP) – Exámenes de detección de cáncer gratis
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – Crédito tributario sobre los impuestos federales
Family Planning, Access, Care & Treatment Program (Family PACT) – Planificación familiar
para aplicar:
Para todos los programas
Para algunos programas
 Comprobante de ingresos.
 Actas de nacimiento
 Comprobante de dirección
(So California Edison Bill Preferid)
 Identificación personal
Comprobante de ciudadanía
Tarjetas de seguro social
Comprobante de embarazo
Tarjeta de vacunas
Facturas de electricidad y gas
Sin estos documentos no podemos empezar su aplicación
Para mas información o para hacer una cita, comuníquese con:
Suzanna Lomeli
Martes 8:30AM-12:30PM en Richman Community Center