Download 1. Atiyah, M. F. Collected works. Oxford : Oxford University Press

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1. Atiyah, M. F. Collected works. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988
2. Atiyah, M. F. Elliptic operators and compact groups. Berlin [etc.] :
Springer, 1974.
3. Atiyah, M. F. Fields medallists' lectures. Singapore [etc.] : World
Scientic : Singapore University Press, cop. 1997.
4. Atiyah, M. F. The Geometry and physics of knots. Cambridge [etc.] :
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
5. Atiyah, M. F. Introducción al álgebra conmutativa. Barcelona, etc. :
Reverté, 1978 (Litoclub).
6. Atiyah, M. F. Introducción al álgebra conmutativa. Barcelona, etc. :
Reverté, (S.a.: 1980) (Badalona : Márquez).
7. Atiyah, M. F. Introducción al álgebra conmutativa. Barcelona, etc. :
Reverté, 1973.
8. Atiyah, M. F. Introducción al álgebra conmutativa. Barcelona [etc.] :
Reverté, cop. 1989.
9. Atiyah, M. F. Introduction to commutative algebra. Reading (Mass.) :
Addison-Wesley, 1969.
10. Atiyah, M. F. K-theory. New York : Benjamin, 1967.
11. Atiyah, M. F. Lectures in modern analysis and applications. Berlin
[etc.] : Springer, 1969.
12. Atiyah, M. F. Miscellanea mathematica. Berlin [etc.] : Springer, cop.
13. Representation theory of Lie groups : proceedings of the SRC/LMS
Research Symposium on Representations of Lie Groups, Oxford, 28
June-15 July 1977. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press,
14. Seminar on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. Princeton (N.J.) :
Princeton University Press, 1965.
15. Vector bundles on algebraic varieties : papers presented at the
Bombay Colloquium 1984. Bombay [etc.] : Published for the Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research [by] Oxford University Press, 1987.