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15900 Introduction to Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The objective of this course is to present the basic concepts of statistical inference, i.e., the development of the mathematical methods provided in statistics to confirm hypotheses or the characteristics of a population using the information provided by data. In addition to the techniques of classical statistics, recent widely-used methods of estimation will be examined. In the initial part of the course, emphasis will be placed on the calculation of probabilities and on sampling theory, the basic concepts for developing the techniques and methods examined in this course. CURRICULUM: Introduction and methodology How markets function Measuring economic variables Money and the financial system Approximations of the theory of Keynes The role of government in the economy Inflation Introduction to the theory of international trade Growth, development and cycles EVALUATION: LECTURERS AISA RIVED, ROSA MARIA ALMUDI HIGUERAS, ISABEL DUARTE PAC, MARIA ROSA FUENTES CASTRO, DANIEL GARCÍA MAINAR, INMACULADA MARCEN PEREZ, MIRIAM MONTUENGA GOMEZ, VICTOR MANUEL PEREZ XIMENEZ DE EMBUN, DOMINGO SANSO NAVARRO, MARCOS SANZ GRACIA, FERNANDO VALLEJO AZNAR, EDUARDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Argandoña, A.; García-Durán, J. A. Introducción a la Macroeconomía Española. 1ª ed. Madrid :McGraw-Hill, 1989 [*] BEGG, D.; FISCHER, S.; DORNBUSCH, R. Economía. 8ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1989 [*] Díaz-Giménez, J. Macroeconomía: Primeros Conceptos. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 1999 [*] Escribá, F. J.; Blanco, J. M.; Galán J. Introducción Práctica a la Economía. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1995 [*] García-Pardo, J.; MAZÓN, C.; Sebastián, M. Ejercicios de Introducción a la Microeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2003 [*] Gimeno ULLASTRES, J. A.; González, C.; Ruiz Huerta, J. Introducción a la Economía. Macroeconomía. 1ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2000 [*] Gimeno ULLASTRES, J. A.; C. GUIROLA LÓPEZ, J.M. Introducción a la Economía. Microeconomía. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2003 [*] Introducción a la Economía: Libro de prácticas: Macroeconomía. Gimeno Ullastres, J. A. (coord.). 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] JUAN, Rebeca de. Principios de Economía. Libro de Problemas. 3ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2006 [*] Lipsey, R. G.; Chrystal, K. A. Introducción a la Economía Positiva. 13ª ed. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 1999 [*] Lipsey, R. G.; Harbury, C. Principios de Economía. 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 1996 [*] Mankiw, N. G. Principios de Economía. 4ª ed. Madrid: Thomson, 2007 [*] McConnell, C. R.; Brue, S. L. Economía: principios, problemas y políticas. 14ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2000 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F. Principios de Economía. 3ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2005 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F. Economía: teoría y política. 5ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2005 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F.; GARCÍA-ALARCÓN, B.; MOCHÓN A. Principios de Economía. Libro de Problemas. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F.; JUAN, Rebeca de Principios de macroeconomía: ejercicios 1ª ed. Madrid: Ediciones académicas,Pág.:1 2006 Year2008 - 2009 [*] SAMUELSON, P. A.; NORDHAUS, W.D. Economía. 18ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2006 [*] SCHILLER, B. R. Principios Esenciales de Economía. 4ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] SEBASTIÁN, Miguel; GARCÍA-PARDO, Jimena. Ejercicios de Introducción a la Macroeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004 [*] SLOMAN, John. Introducción a la Microeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F.; GARCÍA-ALARCÓN, B.; MOCHÓN A. Principios de Economía. Libro de Problemas. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] Mochón MORCILLO, F.; JUAN, Rebeca de Principios de macroeconomía: ejercicios 1ª ed. Madrid: Ediciones académicas, 2006 [*] SAMUELSON, P. A.; NORDHAUS, W.D. Economía. 18ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2006 [*] SCHILLER, B. R. Principios Esenciales de Economía. 4ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] SEBASTIÁN, Miguel; GARCÍA-PARDO, Jimena. Ejercicios de Introducción a la Macroeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004 [*] SLOMAN, John. Introducción a la Microeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000 [*] SLOMAN, John. Introducción a la Macroeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2001 [*] Stiglitz, J. E. Economía. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 1995 [*] STIGLITZ, J. E. Microeconomía. 1ª ed., de la 2ª ed. inglesa, 4ª reimp. Barcelona: Ariel, 2003 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:2 15901 Introduction to Law Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Civil Law Private Law CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The objective of this course is to provide students with the precise knowledge which will permit them, through a study of the legal system, to become familiar with the fundamental content of the Spanish Constitution, especially the bases for the economic system, the norms and institutions of civil law, as well as general private law, as vehicles for developing and regulating economic activity. It will likewise provide students with the precise knowledge and concepts which comprise the basis of our legal administrative system. CURRICULUM: I. The legal system. 1. The law in general. Public law and private law. 2. Legal rule and the sources of law. The Spanish Constitution. 3. Application and effectiveness of regulations. 4. EU law and the Spanish legal system. 5. Subjective rights. 6. The subjects of law. 7. The aim of law. 8. The judicial safeguarding of rights. II. Basic institutions of law. 1. Property and real rights. 2. Obligations and Contract law. 3. Family. 4. Inheritance. EVALUATION: Theory and practical assessment. LECTURERS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] LACRUZ BERDEJO, José Luis. Nociones de derecho civil patrimonial e introducción al derecho. 6ª ed. rev. Madrid: Dykinson, 2008 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*]Curso de derecho privado. Beltrán Sánchez, Emilio (dir.). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2008, 11ª ed. [*] CALVO GARCÍA, MANUEL, Teoría del derecho. Mardrid: Tecnos, 2004, 2a. ed., rev. y aum., 2ª reimp. [*] Manual de derecho civil aragonés. Delgado Echeverría, Jesús (dir.). Zaragoza : El Justicia de Aragón, 2007, 2ª ed. [*] ESCUIN PALOP, Vicente. Elementos de derecho público. Madrid: Tecnos, 2008, 5ª ed. [*] Diccionario jurídico. Fernández Martínez, Juan Manuel (coord.). Pamplona: Aranzadi, 2006, 4ª ed. [*]LACRUZ BERDEJO, José Luis...[et al. ] Elementos de derecho civil, I, II, III, IV. Madrid: Dykinson [*] LASARTE ÁLVAREZ, Carlos. Curso de derecho civil patrimonial: Introducción al derecho. Mardrid: Tecnos, 2008, 14ª ed. [*]MARTÍNEZ DE AGUIRRE Y ALDAZ, Carlos...[et al.]. Curso de derecho civil, Vols. I-IV. Madrid: Colex, 2007-2008 [*] POSNER, Richard A. El análisis económico del derecho. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:3 15902 Foundations of Accounting Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Financial Economics and Accountancy Accountancy and Finance CREDITS Length: Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The main aim of this course is that students grasp the theoretical concepts and common methodology of accounting as a system of information for economic units. As this is the first subject of the degree which students will take, it will furnish them with enough knowledge to tackle the rest of the course’s subjects. A process of international harmonisation of accounting practices is currently underway, based on the plans of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and within its international regulations. This process will directly affect the European Union and thus Spain. As an introduction to the basics of Financial Accounting, this subject cannot shy away from this reality. Therefore, it will focus on the conceptual framework of the accounting model set out in the IASB’s international regulations. At the same time, it will explore the field of company Financial and External Accounting so that, on an initial level, students can solve any problems in this field. CURRICULUM: PART 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND ACCOUNTING METHODS Lesson 1. - ACCOUNTING AS A COMMON BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM AND LANGUAGE. 1. Economic activity and information needs. 2. Accounting as an information system. 3. Assets and their types: wealth and company income. 4. Regulations governing financial accounting. 5. Regulations of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Lesson 2. - THE IASB’S CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1. The conceptual framework used in drawing up the financial statements designed by the IASB. 2. Users and targets of financial information. 3. Qualitiative features of financial information. 4. Basic hypothesis. 5. Elements of financial statements and their accounting recognition. Lesson 3. - ACCOUNTING METHODS AND DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING CYCLE. 1. Economic and accounting deeds. 2. Accounting methods. 2.1. The duality principle. 2.2. Measurement and valuation. 2.3. Representative forms. 2.4. Aggregation. 3. Accounts as an instrument of accounting representation. 4. The accounting cycle. a. Opening accounting stage. b. Accounting of trading year operations stage. c. Closing of accounts. REGISTRATION TECHNIQUES: THE PART 2. COMPONENTS OF WEALTH AND BUSINESS PROFITS. Lesson 4. - FIXED ASSETS 1. Concepts and types of fixed assets. 2. Material fixed assets. a. Recognition and valuation. b. Valuation changes. c. Depreciation accounting. Year2008 - 2009 d. Disposal and write-off of material fixed assets. 3. Intangible fixed assets. Lesson 5. - INVENTORY. Pág.:4 b. Valuation changes. c. Depreciation accounting. d. Disposal and write-off of material fixed assets. 3. Intangible fixed assets. Lesson 5. - INVENTORY. 1. Concepts and types of inventory. 2. Recognition and valuation. 3. Accounting procedures. 4. Valuation changes. Lesson 6. - FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. 1. Financial instruments: concept and definition. 2. Financial assets. a. Concept, typology and aims of financial investment. b. Categorisation of financial assets. c. Recognition and valuation. 3. Financial liabilities a. Concept and types. b. Recognition and valuation. Lesson 7. - DEBTORS AND CREDITORS: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND PAYABLE. 1. Accounts receivable: recognition and valuation. 2. Other debtors. 3. Accounts payable: recognition and valuation. 4. Other creditors. Lesson 8. - EQUITY CAPITAL 1. Concept and components. 2. Capital 3. Reserves 4. Other equity items. Lesson 9. - INCOME, EXPENDITURE AND RESULTS. 1. Income a. Concept and types. b. Recognition and valuation. 2. Expenditure a. Concept and types. b. Recognition and valuation. 3. Accrual of income and expenditure. 4. Results. Lesson 10. - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 1. Concept and types. 2. Balance sheets. 3. Profit and loss account. 4. Other financial statements. EVALUATION: Assessment will be based on a final theoretical-practical exam. There will also be continuous assessment of work and case studies done by students during the year, which will act as an additional means of assessment. LECTURERS BLASCO BURRIEL, MARIA PILAR BRUSCA ALIJARDE, MARIA ISABEL COSTA TODA, ALICIA ZARDOYA ALEGRIA, ANA ISABEL BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] MONTESINOS JULVE, V (Coord.): Introducción a la Contabilidad Financiera: Un Enfoque Internacional. 4ª ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 2007 [*] "Aplicación de las normas internacionales de contabilidad". 2ª Ed. Madrid : CISS, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:5 15903 Economic History I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Economic History and Institutions Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: In his History of Economic Analysis, J.A. Schumpeter defines economists by their command of three disciplines: economic history, statistics, and economic theory. Economic history shows students the most representative forms of economic organisation of the different stages of the history of humanity. Following Schumpeter and other prestigious economists, it is our understanding that this subject is essential in the training of economists for at least the following reasons: 1. Some of the keys to understanding the characteristics and problems of present-day society can be found in the process of its formation. Assessing the economy from this perspective may likewise aid us in finding possible solutions to those problems. 2. The relation between economic organisation and economic growth in the different periods of history permits us to make useful observations concerning the temporal and spatial causes of the pace of development. 3. Among other tools, economic history uses economic theory to analyse and comprehend how past societies functioned. The debate concerning the problems derived from this application is of much interest from an educational perspective. From this viewpoint, economic history may be seen as an appropriate testing ground for contrasting the results of the theoretical observations of economists, while at the same time contributing to its advancement. 4. Since it confronts students with a great variety of social organisations and theoretical and practical problems which arise when attempting to understand them, it is of much interest for the training of professionals who will work within a society in constant change, requiring an open and flexible education in order to be able to adapt to that society. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1.- Introduction. Economics and History 2.- Population 3.- Rural economy 4.- Urban economy and overseas expansion 5.- The dynamics of the European economy during the 17th and 18th centuries 6.- The Spain of the “Ancien Régime” 7.- Industrialisation and economic growth 8.- Industrialisation and new forms of economic organisation 9.- The international economy in the 19th century 10.- The British industrial revolution: a long-term analysis (1770-1870) 11.-The commencement of industrialisation: Continental Europe and the United States 12.- The Spanish economy until 1870 13.- The non-industrialised world until 1870 EVALUATION: LECTURERS COLLANTES GUTIERREZ, FERNANDO FERNANDEZ CLEMENTE, ELOY GALLEGO MARTINEZ, DOMINGO SILVESTRE RODRÍGUEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Cameron, Rondo. Historia económica mundial: desde el Paleolítico hasta el presente. 4ª ed. Madrid: Alianza, 2005 [*] Carreras, Albert; TAFUNELL, Xavier. Historia económica de la España contemporánea. 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 [*] Cipolla, Carlo M. Entre la historia y la economía: introducción a la historia económica Barcelona: Crítica, 1991 [*] Cipolla, Carlo M. Historia económica de la población mundial. Barcelona: Crítica, 2000 [*] COMIN, Francisco; LLOPIS, Enrique (eds. lit.). Historia económica de España: siglos X-XX. . 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona: Crítica, 2005 [*] COMIN, Francisco; HERNÁNDEZ, Mauro; LLOPIS, Enrique (eds. lit.). Historia económica mundial: siglos X-XX. Barcelona: Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:6 Crítica, 2005 [*] Maddison, Angus. Historia del desarrollo capitalista, sus fuerzas dinámicas: una visión comparada a largo plazo. Barcelona: Ariel, 1991 [*] Palafox, Jordi (coord.). Curso de historia económica. 2a. ed. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 1999 [*] COMIN, Francisco; LLOPIS, Enrique (eds. lit.). Historia económica de España: siglos X-XX. . 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona: Crítica, 2005 [*] COMIN, Francisco; HERNÁNDEZ, Mauro; LLOPIS, Enrique (eds. lit.). Historia económica mundial: siglos X-XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 2005 [*] Maddison, Angus. Historia del desarrollo capitalista, sus fuerzas dinámicas: una visión comparada a largo plazo. Barcelona: Ariel, 1991 [*] Palafox, Jordi (coord.). Curso de historia económica. 2a. ed. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 1999 [*] Valdaliso Gago, Jesús María; LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Santiago. Historia económica de la empresa. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 [*] VITTORIO, A. di (ed. lit.). Historia económica de Europa: siglos XV-XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 [*] Zamagni, Vera. Historia económica de la Europa contemporánea: de la revolución industrial a la integración europea. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Bairoch, Paul. Economics and world history: myths and paradoxes. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993 [*] Bairoch, Paul. Victoires et déboires: histoire économique du monde du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Paris: Gallimard, 1997 [*] BERG, Maxine. La era de las manufacturas, 1700-1820: una nueva historia de la revolución industrial británica . Barcelona: Crítica, 1987 [*] Bloch, Marc. La historia rural francesa: caracteres originales. Barcelona: Crítica, 1978 [*] Braudel, Fernand. Civilización material, economía y capitalismo: siglos XV-XVIII. Tomos 1-3. Madrid: Alianza, 1984 [*] Bulmer-Thomas, Victor. La historia económica de America Latina desde la Independencia. 1ª ed. en español, 2ª reimp. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003 [*] Cipolla, Carlo M. (ed. lit.).Historia económica de Europa. Vol. 1-6. Barcelona: Ariel, 1981-1991 [*] Cipolla, Carlo M. Historia económica de la Europa preindustrial. Barcelona: Crítica, 2002 [*] Dabat, Alejandro. Capitalismo mundial y capitalismos nacionales. Vol. 1, La transición europea al capitalismo, el mercantilismo y el primer sistema colonial. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1994. [*] Foreman-Peck, James. Historia económica mundial: relaciones económicas internacionales desde 1850. 2ª ed., reimp. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000 [*] Freeman, Christopher. As time goes by: from the industrial revolutions to the information revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001 [*] Gerschenkron, Alexander. Atraso económico e industrialización. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 1973 [*] Hobsbawm, Eric J. En torno a los orígenes de la revolución industrial. México: Siglo Veintiuno, 1988 [*] Hobsbawm, Eric J. Industria e imperio: historia de Gran Bretaña desde 1750 hasta nuestros días. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001 [*] Hobsbawm, Eric J. La era de la revolución, 1789-1848. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] Hobsbawm, Eric J. La era del capital, 1848-1875. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] Hobsbawm, Eric J. La era del imperio, 1875-1914. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] Jones, Eric Lionel. Crecimiento recurrente: el cambio económico en la historia mundial. Madrid: Alianza, 1997 [*] Jones, Eric Lionel. El milagro europeo: entorno, economía y geopolítica en la historia de Europa y Asia. 1ª ed., 3ª reimp. Madrid: Alianza, 1994 [*] Kenwood, A.G. Historia del desarrollo económico internacional. Madrid: Istmo, 1995 [*] Kriedte, Peter. Feudalismo tardío y capital mercantil: líneas maestras de la historia económica europea desde el siglo XVI hasta finales del XVIII. 11ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 1994 [*] Kriedte, Peter. Industrialización antes de la industrialización. Barcelona: Crítica, 1986 [*] Kuznets, Simon. Crecimiento económico moderno. 1ª ed. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973 [*] Landes, David S. Progreso tecnológico y revolución industrial. Madrid: Tecnos, 1979 [*] Landes, David S. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones: por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras son tan pobres. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] LA PARRA, Emilio... [et al.]. El legado económico del Antiguo Régimen en España. Llopis, Enrique (ed. lit.). 1ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2004 [*] Livi-Bacci, Massimo. Ensayo sobre la historia demográfica europea: población y alimentación en Europa. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 1988 [*] Livi-Bacci, Massimo. Historia mínima de la población mundial. Barcelona: Ariel, 1990 [*] Maddison, Angus. Contours of the world economy, 1-2030AD: essays in macro-economic history. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 [*] Marcos Martín, Alberto. España en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII: economía y sociedad. Barcelona: Crítica, 2000 [*] Mokyr, Joel. La palanca de la riqueza: creatividad tecnológica y progreso económico. Madrid: Alianza, 1993 [*] Mokyr, Joel (ed. lit.). The Oxford encyclopedia of economic history. Nueva York: Oxford University Press, 2003 [*] Nadal, Jordi. El fracaso de la revolución industrial en España, 1814-1913. 1ª ed., 16ª reimp. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999 [*] Nadal, Jordi (dir.). Atlas de la industrialización de España: 1750-2000. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] North, Douglass Cecil. Estructura y cambio en la historia económica. Madrid: Alianza, 1994 [*] North, Douglass Cecil. El nacimiento del mundo occidental, una nueva historia económica (900-1700). Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1978 [*] O"Rourke, Kevin H. Globalization and history: the evolution of a nineteenth-century Atlantic economy. 1ª ed., 3ª reimp. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000 [*] Pollard, Sidney. La conquista pacífica: la industrialización de Europa: 1760-1970. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias, 1991 [*] Pomeranz, Kenneth. The great divergence: China, Europe, and the making world economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000 [*] Prados de la Escosura, Leandro. De imperio a nación: crecimiento y atraso económico en España (1780-1930). 1ª ed. Madrid: Alianza, 1988 [*] Prados de la Escosura, Leandro. De imperio a nación: crecimiento y atraso económico en España (1780-1930). 1ª ed. Madrid: Alianza, 1991 [*] Prados de la Escosura, Leandro. El progreso económico de España (1850-2000). Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2003 [*] Prak, Maarten (ed. lit.). Early modern capitalism: economic and social change in Europe, 1400-1800. Londres: Routledge, 2001 [*] Ringrose, David R. España, 1700-1900, el mito del fracaso. Madrid: Alianza, 1996 [*] Tilly, Charles. Coerción, capital y los Estados europeos, 990-1990. Madrid: Alianza, 1992 [*] Tortella Casares, Gabriel. El desarrollo de la España contemporánea: historia económica de los siglos XIX y XX. 1ª ed., 6ª reimp. Madrid: Alianza, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:7 [*] Tylecote, Andrew. The long wave in the world economy: the present crisis in historical perspective. Londres: Routledge, 1993 [*] Vries, Jan de. La urbanización de Europa 1500-1800. Barcelona: Crítica, 1987 [*] Vries, Jan de. La economía de Europa en un período de crisis, 1600-1750. 5ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992 [*] Wallerstein, Immanuel. El moderno sistema mundial. Vol. 1-3. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1984-1999 [*] Tilly, Charles. Coerción, capital y los Estados europeos, 990-1990. Madrid: Alianza, 1992 [*] Tortella Casares, Gabriel. El desarrollo de la España contemporánea: historia económica de los siglos XIX y XX. 1ª ed., 6ª reimp. Madrid: Alianza, 2006 [*] Tylecote, Andrew. The long wave in the world economy: the present crisis in historical perspective. Londres: Routledge, 1993 [*] Vries, Jan de. La urbanización de Europa 1500-1800. Barcelona: Crítica, 1987 [*] Vries, Jan de. La economía de Europa en un período de crisis, 1600-1750. 5ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992 [*] Wallerstein, Immanuel. El moderno sistema mundial. Vol. 1-3. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1984-1999 [*] Wolf, Eric R. Europa y la gente sin historia. 2ª ed. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005 [*] Wrigley, E.A. Historia y población: introducción a la demografía histórica. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 1985 [*] Wrigley, E.A. Historia y población: introducción a la demografía histórica. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Crítica, 1990 [*] Wrigley, E. A. Gentes, ciudades y riqueza: la transformación de la sociedad tradicional. Barcelona: Crítica, 1991 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:8 15904 Mathematics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To train students in the abstract thinking and thoroughness which characterise mathematical reasoning, and in the analysis and use of basic mathematical methods, especially those of linear algegra and differential calculus. CURRICULUM: Euclidean vector space IRn Linear applications. Matrices Functions in IRn. Continuity and differentiation Quadratic forms Optimisation without constraints EVALUATION: LECTURERS CALVO YANGUAS, MARIA DEL CARMEN CANDEAL HARO, JUAN CARLOS GIMENEZ NADAL, JOSE IGNACIO JARNE JARNE, MARIA GLORIA RAMOS GUTIERREZ, ARTURO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ALEGRE, P... [et al.]. Ejercicios resueltos de Matemáticas Empresariales I. Madrid: AC, 1993 [*] BALBAS DE LA CORTE, Alejandro; ,GIL FANA, José Antonio; GUTIÉRREZ VALDEÓN, Sinesio. Análisis Matemático para la economía. I, Cálculo diferencial. Madrid: AC, 1991 [*] GARCÍA CASTRO, Fernando; GUTIÉRREZ GÓMEZ, Andrés. Cálculo infinitesimal I. Vol. 1. 5ª ed. Madrid: Pirámide, 1992 [*] GARCÍA CASTRO, Fernando; GUTIÉRREZ GÓMEZ, Andrés. Cálculo infinitesimal II. Vol. 1. 4ª ed. Madrid: Pirámide, 1992 [*] GUTIÉRREZ VALDEÓN, SINESIO. Algebra lineal para la economía. 2ª ed., 1ª reimp. Madrid: AC, 2002 [*] HERAS MARTÍNEZ, Antonio; VILAR ZANÓN, José Luis. Problemas de álgebra lineal para la economía. Madrid: AC, 1988 [*] JARNE JARNE, Gloria; PÉREZ GRASA, I.; MINGUILLÓN CONSTANTE, E. Matemáticas para la economía. álgebra lineal y cálculo diferencial. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1997 [*] SYDSATER, Knut; HAMMOND, Peter. Matemáticas para el análisis económico. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2004 [*] MUÑOZ, Francisco... [et al.]. Manual de álgebra lineal. 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. Barcelona: Ariel, 1990 [*] MINGUILLÓN CONSTANTE, E.; JARNE JARNE, Gloria; PÉREZ GRASA, Isabel: Matemáticas para la economía :álgebra lineal y cálculo diferencial : libro de ejercicios. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:9 15905 Techniques of Applied Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To gain a knowledge of the economist’s basic tools which permit him to assess the structure and functioning of the national economy using its figures. To that end, the basic concepts and sources will be presented, and exercises will be performed to extract the relevant information from national accounts. Each lesson includes an explanation of the subject content, as well as exercises which aid in learning those concepts while giving them practical application. The student’s initiative in solving these exercises in class will be taken into account. Likewise, other practical exercises and projects will be proposed, comprising a part of the student’s final mark. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Economic aggregates National accounting Balance of payments Input-output tables Growth, inflation and exchange rates EVALUATION: LECTURERS BARBERAN LAHUERTA, MIGUEL ANGEL BARBERO LAHOZ, ENRIQUE FILLAT CASTEJON, CARMEN PÉREZ PÉREZ, LUIS FRANCISCO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] DELGADO, MARÍA JESÚS... [ET AL.]. INTRODUCCIÓN A LA ECONOMÍA APLICADA: METODOLOGÍA, FUENTES ESTADÍSTICAS Y CASOS PRÁCTICOS. 1ª ED. BARCELONA: ARIEL, 2002 [*] DOMINGO SEGARRA, TERESA... [ET AL.]. MÉTODOS Y EJERCICIOS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA. 3ª ED. MADRID: PIRÁMIDE, 1990 [*] PROBLEMAS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA. FUENTES PASCUAL, RAMÓN; HIDALGO MORATAL, MOISES (COORDS.). MADRID: PIRÁMIDE, 1994 [*] MUÑOZ CIDAD, CÁNDIDO. LAS CUENTAS DE LA NACIÓN I: INTRODUCCIÓN A LA ECONOMÍA APLICADA. 3ª ED. MADRID: CIVITAS, 2008 [*] MUÑOZ CIDAD, CÁNDIDO. LAS CUENTAS DE LA NACIÓN II: EJERCICIOS. 3ª ED. MADRID: CIVITAS, 2007 [*] EJERCICIOS Y PRÁCTICAS DE CONTABILIDAD NACIONAL. ROBLES TEIGEIRO, LUIS (COORD.). 1ª ED. MADRID: CÍVITAS, 1995 [*] SERRANO PÉREZ, JOSÉ. INSTRUMENTOS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA. MADRID: PIRÁMIDE, 2004 [*] EUROPEAN COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2006. LUXEMBURGO: OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, 2000- Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:10 15906 Microeconomics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim of this course is to introduce students to the appropriate reasoning processes to enable them to solve microeconomic problems using the analytic and graphic approaches typical of economic theory. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: The conceptual framework of microeconomics Utility: consumer preferences and choice The functions of consumer demand Theory of revealed preferences Gross and net demand The consumer as offeror of employment Intertemporal choice Extensions and other approaches to consumer behaviour EVALUATION: LECTURERS ALMUDI HIGUERAS, ISABEL ANDALUZ FUNCIA, JOAQUIN FEIJOO BELLO, MARIA LUISA LARRAMONA BALLARIN, GEMMA MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, YOLANDA OLIVER PÉREZ-SANTACRUZ, ENRIQUE PEROTE PEÑA, JUAN SANSO NAVARRO, MARCOS VALLEJO AZNAR, EDUARDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] VARIAN, Hal R. Microeconomía Intermedia: un enfoque moderno. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 1994 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO, Juan; TUGORES QUES, Juan. Fundamentos de Microeconomía. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1989 [*] GRAVELLE, Hugh; REES, Ray. Microeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid: Pearson, 2005 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:11 15907 Economic History II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Economic History and Institutions Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The main aim of this course is the study of contemporary economies which are linked to industry-led economic growth. The programme begins with an introduction (Chapt. 1) which will break down the general features of economic growth during the 20th century. From there, we will look at the two great historical economic junctures between the wars (Chapt. 2-4) and the post-Second World War period (Chapt. 5-8). For each juncture, distinction will be made between developed economies, centrally planned economies and backward or developing economies. Two specific topics will also be devoted to analysing the Spanish economy. CURRICULUM: Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - An overview of the world economy in the 20th century. - Economics in the interwar period. - The creation of the Soviet Union. - The Spanish economy in the first third of the 20th century. - Developed countries since 1945. - Socialist countries since 1945. - Countries in development since 1945. - The Spanish economy since 1936. EVALUATION: Exam and reading. LECTURERS GERMAN ZUBERO, LUIS IRIARTE GOÑI, JOSE IGNACIO PINILLA NAVARRO, VICENTE JOSE SILVESTRE RODRÍGUEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# #HISTORIA ECONÓMICA MUNDIAL # [*] ALDCROFT, Derek Howard. Historia de la economía europea, 1914-2000. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003 [*] Historia de América Latina. Vol. 1-16. Bethell, Leslie (ed. lit.) Barcelona: Crítica, 1998-2002. [*] CAMERON, Rondo; NEAL, Larry. Historia económica mundial: desde el paleolítico hasta el presente. 4ª ed. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2005 [*]Clark, Gregory: A Farewell to Alms:a brief economic history of the world. Princeton: Princeton University Press Princeton 2007. [*] FELIU, Gaspar; SUDRIÁ, Carles. Introducción a la historia económica mundial. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, 2007 [*] FOREMAN-PECK, James. Historia de la economía mundial: las relaciones económicas internacionales desde 1850. Barcelona: Ariel, 1985 [*] HISTORIA ECONóMICA DE EUROPA. Vol. 1-6. Cipolla, C.M. (dir.) Barcelona: Ariel, 1977-1991 [*] Historia económica de Europa. Vol.5-6. Habakkuk, H.J.; Postan, M. (dirs.). Madrid: Editoriales de Derecho Reunidas, Madrid, 1977-1981 [*] Kindleberger, Charles P. La crisis económica: 1929-1939. En: Historia económica mundial del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 1985 [*] Aldcroft, Derek Howard. De Versalles a Wall Street: 1919-1929. En: Historia económica mundial del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 1985 [*] Hardach, Gerd. La Primera Guerra Mundia: 1914-1918. En: Historia económica mundial del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 1986 [*]Maddison, Angus. Contours of the World Economy, I-2030 AD. Essays in Macro-Economic History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 [*] Wee, Herman van der. Prosperidad y crisis: reconstrucción, crecimiento y cambio, 1945-1980. En: Historia económica mundial del siglo XX. Barcelona. Crítica, 1986 [*] Milward, Alan S. La Segunda Guerra Mundial, 1939-1945. En: Historia económica mundial del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 1986 [*] KENWOOD, A.G.; LOUGHEED, A.L. Historia del desarrollo económico internacional. Vol. 1-2. Madrid: Istmo, 1973 [*] MADDISON, Angus. La economía mundial 1820-1992: análisis y estadísticas. París: OCDE, 1997 [*] MASSA- P... [et al.]. Historia Económica de Europa, siglos XV-XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 Year2008 2009 Pág.:12 [*] AZAGRA, Joaquín...[et al.]. Curso de historia económica. Palafox, Jordi (coord.). 2ª ed. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 1999 [*] POLLARD, Sidney. La Conquista pacífica: la industrialización de Europa, 1760-1970. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1991 [*] TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel. La Revolución del siglo XX: capitalismo, comunismo y democracia. Madrid: Taurus, 2000 [*] KENWOOD, A.G.; LOUGHEED, A.L. Historia del desarrollo económico internacional. Vol. 1-2. Madrid: Istmo, 1973 [*] MADDISON, Angus. La economía mundial 1820-1992: análisis y estadísticas. París: OCDE, 1997 [*] MASSA P... [et al.]. Historia Económica de Europa, siglos XV-XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 [*] AZAGRA, Joaquín...[et al.]. Curso de historia económica. Palafox, Jordi (coord.). 2ª ed. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 1999 [*] POLLARD, Sidney. La Conquista pacífica: la industrialización de Europa, 1760-1970. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1991 [*] TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel. La Revolución del siglo XX: capitalismo, comunismo y democracia. Madrid: Taurus, 2000 [*] ZAMAGNI, Vera. Historia Económica de la Europa contemporánea. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001 [*] Historia económica mundial: siglos X-XX. Comín, Francisco; Hernández, Mauro, Llopis, Enrique (eds. lit.). Barcelona: Crítica, 2005 # #LA ECONOMÍA ESPAÑOLA EN EL SIGLO XX # [*] BARCIELA LÓPEZ, Carlos...[et al.]. La España de Franco (1939-1975): economía. 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. Madrid: Síntesis, 2005 [*] CARRERAS, Albert. y TAFUNELL Xavier. Historia Económica de España Contemporánea. 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona: Crítica, 2007 [*] Historia Económica de España: siglos X-XX. Comín, Francisco (ed. lit.). 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona: Crítica, 2005 [*] DOMÍNGUEZ MARTÍN Rafael. La riqueza de las regiones: las desigualdades económicas regionales en España, 1700-2000. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2002 [*] ABAD, Carlos...[et al.]. Economía española de la transición y la democracia, 1973-1986. García Delgado, José Luis (dir.). Madrid: CIS, 1990 [*] GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis. Un siglo de España: la economía. 2ª ed. ampliada, 1ª reimp. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2003 [*] Historia agraria de la España contemporánea. Vol. 1-3. García Sanz, Ángel (ed. lit.). Barcelona: Crítica, 1985-1986 [*] GERMAN, Luis... [et al.]. Historia Económica Regional de España, siglos XIX y XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001 [*] CARMONA BADÍA, Xoan ...[et al.]. Pautas regionales de la industrialización española: siglos XIX y XX. Nadal, Jordi ; Carreras, Albert (dirs.). Barcelona: Ariel, 1990 [*] NADAL, J.; CARRERAS, A.; MARTIN ACEÑA, P. España, 200 años de tecnología. Madrid: Ministerio de Industria y Energía, 1988 [*] ARANGO, Joaquín...[et al.]. La economía española en el siglo XX: una perspectiva histórica. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 1994 [*] PEREZ PICAZO, Mª Teresa. Historia de España del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica, 1996 [*] PUJOL, Jordi... [et al.]. El pozo de todos los males: sobre el atraso de la agricultura española contemporánea. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001 [*] PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, Leandro. De imperio a nación: crecimiento y atraso económico en España (1780-1930). Madrid: Alianza, 1988 [*] PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, Leandro. El progreso económico de España 1850-2000. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2003 [*] El desarrollo económico en la Europa del sur: España e Italia en perspectiva histórica. Prados de la Escosura, Leandro; Zamagno, Vera (eds. lit.). Madrid: Alianza, 1992 [*] La modernización económica de España 1830-1930. Sánchez Albornoz, Nicolás (comp.). 3ª ed. rev. y ampl. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1991 [*] SIMPSON James. La Agricultura española (1765-1965): la larga siesta. Madrid: Alianza, 1997 [*] TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel. El desarrollo de la España contemporánea: historia económica de los siglos XIX y XX. 1ª ed., 6ª reimp. Madrid: Alianza, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:13 15908 Spanish Accounting Planning Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Financial Economics and Accountancy Accountancy and Finance CREDITS Length: Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The principal objective of this subject, taught within the Curriculum of Studies during the second quarter of the first year in the degree programme, is to provide students with a knowledge of how to apply the content of the General Accounting Plan (GAP), as it relates to the material studied during the first quarter in “Foundations of Accounting”, its specific objectives being linked to that course. From this perspective, we will show the GAP as an accounting model developed from the Basic Model for Calculation of Values, based on which students should be able to identify the content of each of the parts in which that text is divided and, in accordance with its principles and rules of valuation, to develop a complete accounting cycle and prepare annual accounts. CURRICULUM: Part I: The Spanish Accounting System. Lesson 1: The General Accounting Plan. Part II: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Lesson 6: Lesson 7: Analysis of the variation in wealth. Basic internal financing. Basic external financing. Tangible fixed assets. Intangible fixed assets and deferred expenses. Financial investments. Inventories. Part III: Analysis of financial flows. Lesson 8: Trade creditors and trade debtors. Lesson 9: Financial accounts and foreign currencies. Part IV: Analysis of real economic flows. Lesson 10: Expenses and income. Lesson 11: Accounting for tax on profits. Lesson 12: Profit/loss. Part V: Submitting annual accounts. Lesson 13: Annual accounts. EVALUATION: LECTURERS BELLOSTAS PEREZGRUESO, ANA FUERTES CALLÉN, YOLANDA ROYO MONTAÑES, SONIA YETANO SANCHEZ DE MUNIAIN, JOSÉ ANA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] APELLÁNIZ GÓMEZ, Paloma... [et al.]. Planificación Contable Española. Madrid: Pirámide, 2005 [*] ESPAÑA. PLAN GENERAL DE CONTABILIDAD. Plan General de Contabilidad. Madrid: bMcGraw-Hill, 2008 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:14 15909 Statistics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Length: Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory 2nd four-month Troncal Theoretical Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course seeks to show students the importance and utility of statistical methods applied in the economic-business environment. To that end, students should learn to use the most appropriate methods and techniques for the correct processing and analysis of information provided by the data generated by economic activity. To do so, we will begin by consolidating students’ knowledge of unidimensional and bidimensional descriptive statistics (Parts I and II of the Programme), while moreover introducing new concepts related to the area of economics, such as measures of concentration and index numbers (Part III). Part IV will provide an introduction to probability theory from its most basic principles, analyzing in detail the discrete and continuous distributions most frequently used in economics. Development of the course The course will be taught in four weekly sessions during the second quarter, and will include both theoretical material and practical exercises. Evaluation The final mark will be calculated by adding the mark obtained on the final exam in June to the marks on the voluntary theoretical and practical projects which will be assigned during the course. These marks will be taken into account provided that the mark obtained on the exam is at least 3,5 or above. Mark for voluntary projects: 0,5 maximum points Mark for practical exercises: 1,5 maximum points CURRICULUM: PART 0: INTRODUCTION LESSON 0: Introduction Concept of statistics: significance and historical evolution. Statistical methods in the decision-making process. The importance of statistical methods in the scope of economic business activities. PART I: UNIDIMENSIONAL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS LESSON 1: Obtaining, measuring and representing data. Basic concepts: data, variable, sample, population. Measurement and measurement scales. Tabulating data: frequency distributions. Graphic presentations: bar charts, pie charts, pictogrammes, histogrammes, frequency polygons, tree charts. LESSON 2: Measures of position Introduction. Measures of central tendency: mean, weighted mean, median, mode, geometric mean. Measures of non-central position: quartiles, deciles, percentiles, quantiles. LESSON 3: Measures of dispersion Introduction. Measures of absolute and relative dispersion. Sample, interquartile, decile and percentile ranges. Absolute mean and median deviation. Variance and standard deviation. Standardisation of variables. Relative measures of dispersion: relative range, variation coefficients, semi-interquartile range and dispersion index with respect to the median. LESSON 4: Measures of form and concentration. Measures of asymmetry: asymmetry coefficients of Bowley, Pearson and Fisher. Measures of kurtosis: Fisher’s kurtosis coefficients. Measures of concentration: the Lorenz curve and the Gini index. PART II: BIDIMENSIONAL Year2008 - 2009 STATISTICAL LESSON 5: Bidimensional distributions Introduction. Bidimensional frequency dependence: types of dependence. ANALYSIS tables: marginal Pág.:15 and conditional distributions. Statistical PART II: BIDIMENSIONAL STATISTICAL LESSON 5: Bidimensional distributions Introduction. Bidimensional frequency dependence: types of dependence. ANALYSIS tables: marginal and conditional distributions. Statistical LESSON 6: Simple linear regression Introduction: regression and correlation. Simple linear regression. Correlation. Non-linear regression. PART III: INDEX NUMBERS LESSON 7: Index numbers Introduction. Simple index numbers. Complex index numbers. Price, quantic and value indices: the Laspeyres and Paasche formulae. Deflation of economic series. Links and changes of base. Participation and repercussion. Significant indices: Consumer Price Index, Industrial Production Index, Industrial Price Index, Wage Index, Foreign Trade Indices, Securities Exchange Indices. PART IV: CALCULATION OF PROBABILITIES LESSON 8: Introduction to the theory of probability Concept of probability. Kolmogorov’s equation: consequences. Conditional probability. Dependence and independence of events. Total probability theory. Bayes’ theory. LESSON 9: Discrete random variables Concept of random variable. Discrete random variables. Distribution and probability functions. Characteristics of a discrete random variable. Change of variable. Significant discrete distributions: binomial, geometric, negative binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson. LESSON 10: Continuous random variables Continuous random variables. Distribution function and density function. Characteristics of a continuous random variable. Change of variable. Significant continuous distributions: uniform, exponential, gamma, and normal. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ANDRES ESTEBAN, EVA MARIA FRANCO MARTÍNEZ, JUAN AGUSTÍN GREGORIO RUBIO, SANTIAGO JIMENEZ TEJERO, JOSE ANTONIO PEREZ XIMENEZ DE EMBUN, CARLOS TERÁN AGRAZ, PEDRO NICOLÁS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] AGUARÓN, Juan... [et al.]. Problemas resueltos de cálculo de probabilidades para economistas. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2001 [*] ARNALDOS GARCÍA, Fuensanta... [et al.]. Estadística descriptiva para economía y administración de empresas: cuestiones tipo test y ejercicios con Microsoft Excel. 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Madrid: Thomson: Editorial AC, 2003. [*] Martín Pliego, Francisco Javier. Introducción a la estadística económica y empresarial: teoría y práctica. 3ª ed. rev. y act. Madrid: Thomson, 2004 [*] Martín Pliego, Francisco Javier; RUIZ-MAYA PÉREZ, Luis. Estadística I: probabilidad. 2ª ed. Madrid: Thomson, 2004 [*] Peña Sánchez de Rivera, Daniel; Romo, Juan. Introducción a la estadística para las ciencias sociales. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2003 [*] PÉREZ LÓPEZ, César. Estadística aplicada a través de Excel. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2002 [*] PÉREZ SUÁREZ, Rigoberto... [et al.]. Análisis de datos económicos I. Vol. 1. Métodos Descriptivos. Madrid: Pirámide, 1997 [*] SANZ, José A... [et al.]. Problemas de estadística descriptiva empresarial. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Ariel, 1996 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:16 15910 Mathematics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Introduction to mathematical optimisation and to economic dynamics, so that students will be capable of solving problems which may arise in other disciplines. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Optimisation without restraints Optimisation with equality restraints Simple integration Multiple integration Differential equations Equations in differences EVALUATION: LECTURERS ARROJO AGUDO, PEDRO CABEZA LAGUNA, JOSEFINA CALVO YANGUAS, MARIA DEL CARMEN CANDEAL HARO, JUAN CARLOS JARNE JARNE, MARIA GLORIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ALEGRE, P...[et al.]. Matemáticas Empresariales. Madrid: AC, 1995 [*] ALEGRE, P...[et al.]. Ejercicios resueltos de matemáticas empresariales. Vol. 1-2. 1ª ed., 3ª reimp. Madrid: AC, 2004 [*] BALBAS DE LA CORTE, Alejandro; GIL, José Antonio. Programación Matemática. 2ª ed, 3ª reimp. Madrid: AC, 2005 [*] BALBAS DE LA CORTE, Alejandro; GIL FANA, José Antonio; GUTIÉRREZ VALDEÓN, Sinesio. Análisis matemático para la economía II. Cálculo integral y sistemas dinámicos. Madrid: AC, 1990 [*] BARBOLA, Rosa; CERDÁ, Emilio; SANZ, Paloma. Optimización: cuestiones, ejercicios y aplicaciones a la economía. 1ª ed.reimp. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2006 [*] BLANCO GARCÍA, Susana; GARCÍA PINEDA, Pilar; POZO GARCÍA, Eva del. Matemáticas empresariales I: enfoque teórico-práctico. Vol. 2, Cálculo diferencial. 1ª ed. Madrid: Editorial AC, 2004 [*] CABALLERO FERNÁNDEZ, Rafael E... [et al.]. Matemáticas aplicadas a la economía y a la empresa: 434 ejercicios resueltos y comentados. Madrid: Pirámide, 2003 [*] HERAS MARTÍNEZ, Antonio... [et al.]. Programación matemática y modelos económicos: un enfoque teórico-práctico. Madrid: AC, 1990 [*] PÉREZ GRASA, Isabel; MINGUILLÓN CONSTANTE, Esperanza; JARNE JARNE, Gloria. Matemáticas para la economía: programación matemática y sistemas dinámicos. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2001 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] CHIANG, Alpha C.; WAINWRIGHT, Kevin. Métodos fundamentales de economía matemática. 4ª ed. México [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, 2006 [*] Sydsaeter, Knut; Hammond, Peter. Matemáticas para el Análisis Económico. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2004 [*] Luenberguer, David G. Introducción a la programación lineal y no lineal. Argentina: Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 1989 [*] Pardo Llorente, Leandro. Programación lineal continua: aplicaciones prácticas en la empresa. 1ª ed. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, 1987 [*] MOCHOLI ARCE, Manuel; SALA GARRIDO, R. Programación lineal: ejercicios y aplicaciones. Madrid: Tebar Flores, 1984 [*] Ayres, Frank. Ecuaciones diferenciales. México: McGraw-Hill, 2001 --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Proyecto Descartes (Ministerio de Educación y Cultura) CURSO BÁSICO DE MATEMÁTICAS PARA ESTUDIANTES DE ECONÓMICAS Y EMPRESARIALES Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:17 Proyecto Descartes (Ministerio de Educación y Cultura) CURSO BÁSICO DE MATEMÁTICAS PARA ESTUDIANTES DE ECONÓMICAS Y EMPRESARIALES Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:18 15911 International Economic Structure Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 1 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course concerns the most relevant economic relations between countries: commercial exchange and financial transactions. Based on trade figures and the financial flows of the last few years, we will analyse the causes explaining trade; the economic policy measures which may interfere with trade; how the exchange rate is fixed; and finally, the implact of the increasing worldwide commercial and financial interdependence of national economies. In order to do so, we will use theoretical elements which, with a view to underscoring concepts, will be illustrated with practical examples and comments concerning real data and the latest tendencies in commercial and financial policy. The charts and readings to be discussed for each class will be available at the school’s photocopy centre. CURRICULUM: Introduction Theories explaining trade Intervention in trade: political and institutional Types of exchange and international monetary systems Interdependence and integration EVALUATION: LECTURERS BARCENILLA VISUS, SARA MARIA BERDUN CHELIZ, MARIA PILAR GADEA RIVAS, MARIA DOLORES GIMENEZ ESTEBAN, GREGORIO GAUDIOSO GOMEZ SANCHO, JOSE MARIA LÓPEZ PUEYO, MARÍA DEL CARMEN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] TUGORES QUES, Juan. Economía internacional: globalización e integración regional. 6ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2006 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] [*] [*] [*] [*] BARCENILLA, Sara... [et al.]. Lecciones sobre economía mundial. 3ª ed. Madrid: Civitas, 2007 KRUGMAN, Paul R.; OBSTFELD, Maurice. Economía internacional: teoría y política. 7ª ed., reimp. Madrid: Pearson, 2006 REQUEIJO, J... [et al.]. Estructura económica mundial: introducción y técnicas básicas. 3ª ed., 3ª reimp. Madrid: AC, 2005 MUÑOZ CIDAD, Cándido. Estructura económica internacional. 3ª ed. Madrid: Civitas, 2003 La productividad en la economía española. Segura, Julio (coord.). Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:19 15912 The Economic Structure of Spain Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Through the use of instruments and techniques of structural economic analysis, this course on the economic structure of Spain seeks to comprehend the Spanish economic situation, studying its process of development with a view to obtaining the necessary historical perspective. Subsequently, the production factors and sectors of economic activity will be reviewed. To complete the course, several classes will be devoted to the study of institutional and organisational aspects which affect this activity. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1.- Stages and features of Spanish industrialisation 2.- Economic growth and structural change 3.- Natural and human resources 4.- Savings and formation of capital 5.- Innovation and technological change 6.- The business factor 7.- The agricultural sector 8.- The industrial sector 9.- The energy sector 10.- The services sector 11.- The job market 12.- Financial system and markets 13.- The public sector 14.- Functional and personal distribution of income 15.- Territorial distribution of income 16.- The foreign sector 17.- Spain’s integration into the European Union EVALUATION: LECTURERS GOMEZ SANCHO, JOSE MARIA SAEZ PEREZ, LUIS ANTONIO VALLES GIMENEZ, JAIME BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] García Delgado, José Luis; Myro, Rafael (dir.). Lecciones de economía española. 8ª ed. Madrid: Civitas, 2007 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Barea Tejeiro, José. La politica economica española desde la entrada en la Unión Monetaria : un análisis crítico. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2006. [*] García de la Cruz, José Manuel; Ruesga Benito, Santos M (coords.). Economía española: estructura y regulación. Madrid : Thomson, 2007. [*] Requeijo González, Jaime, et al. Economía española. Madrid : Delta, D.L. 2007 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:20 15913 Statistics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The fundamental objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of statistical inference, i.e., to the development of the mathematical methods of statistics to test hypotheses or characteristics of a population using the information provided by data. In addition to the techniques of classical statistics, the goal is to develop recent estimation methods which are in general use. A deeper understanding of the foundations of STATISTICAL METHODS will be provided, as well as the calculation of probabilities and sampling theory. Evaluation To pass this course, a minimum mark of 5 is required. This mark may be obtained by adding the mark from the quarterly exam to the points obtained for voluntary exercises or papers assigned in class using a standard statistical package. Basic concepts. Maximum likelihood test: Neyman-Pearson lemma. Test of credibility reasoning. Testing of significant hypotheses. CURRICULUM: LESSON 0: INTRODUCTION Concept of statistics: Significance and historical evolution. Importance of statistical inference in decision making. LESSON 1: UNIDIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES Concept of unidimensional random variables. Function of distribution. Discrete and continuous random variables: function of probability and function of density. Notable distributions: binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential, gamma. LESSON 2: MULTIDIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES Concept of multidimensional random variables. Discrete and continuous variables. Study of mean vectors and variance-covariance matrices. Dependence and independence of random variables. NORMAL MULTIVARIATE distribution: Study of marginal distributions. LESSON 3: INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF SAMPLING Basic concepts: population, sample and statistics. Types of sampling. Distribution of a statistics in sampling. The Monte Carlo method. Study of limit distribution. Determination of sample size. LESSON 4: PRECISE ESTIMATION Introduction of the theory of estimation. Properties of an estimator: unbiasedness, consistency and efficiency. Methods of constructing estimators: method of moments, method of maximum credibility, chi squares. LESSON 5: ESTIMATION USING INTERVALS Concept of confidence intervals. Method of constructing significant confidence intervals suing the usual statistical distributions in the sampling of normal populations. Applications of interest. LESSON 6: TESTING PARAMETRIC HYPOTHESES Basic concepts. Most powerful test: Neyman-Pearson lemma. Test of likelihood criteria. Tests of significant hypotheses. LESSON 7: NONPARAMETRIC TESTS Bounded adjustment: Pearson's c2 test, Kolmogorov's test. Randomness and sample independence tests. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ALTUZARRA CASAS, ALFREDO FRANCO MARTÍNEZ, JUAN AGUSTÍN GREGORIO RUBIO, SANTIAGO BIBLIOGRAPHY Year2008 - 2009BASICA---BIBLIOGRAFIA Pág.:21 [*] ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur; FINN, J.D. The new statistical analysis of data. New York: Springer, 1996. [*] CANAVOS, George C. Probabilidad y Estadística: aplicaciones y métodos. 1ª ed. en español, reimp. Madrid: Mc-Graw-Hill, 2003. GREGORIO RUBIO, SANTIAGO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur; FINN, J.D. The new statistical analysis of data. New York: Springer, 1996. [*] CANAVOS, George C. Probabilidad y Estadística: aplicaciones y métodos. 1ª ed. en español, reimp. Madrid: Mc-Graw-Hill, 2003. [*] CASAS SÁNCHEZ, José Miguel. Inferencia estadística : (Incluye ejercicios resueltos). 2ª ed. Madrid: Centro de Estudio Ramón Areces, 1997. [*] CASAS SÁNCHEZ, José Miguel, et al. Problemas de estadística: descriptiva, probabilidad e inferencia. Madrid: Pirámide, 1998. [*] FERNANDEZ-ABASCAL TEIRA, Hermenegildo, et al. Ejercicios de cálculo de probabilidades: resueltos y comentados. Barcelona: Ariel, 1995. [*] MARTIN PLIEGO, Francisco Javier; RUIZ-MAYA, Luis. Estadística. I, Probabilidad. 2ª ed. Madrid: Thomson, 2004 [*] RUIZ-MAYA, Luis; MARTIN PLIEGO, Francisco Javier. Estadística. II, Inferencia. 2ª ed., 3ª reimp. Madrid: AC, 2005 [*] MARTIN PLIEGO, Francisco Javier; Montero Lorenzo, José María; RUIZ-MAYA, Luis. Problemas de inferencia estadística. 3ª ed. Madrid: Thomson, 2005 [*] NEWBOLD, Paul. Estadística para los negocios y la economía. 4ª ed., 4ª reimp. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000 [*] PEÑA Sánchez de Rivera, Daniel; ROMO, Juan. Introducción a la estadística para las ciencias sociales. Madrid: Mc Graw-Hill, 2003 [*] PÉREZ Suárez, Rigoberto; López Menéndez, Ana Jesús. Análisis de datos económicos II. Vol. 2, Métodos inferenciales. Madrid: Pirámide, 1997 [*] UÑA JUÁREZ, Isaías; Tomeo Perucha, Venancio; San Martín Moreno, Jesús. Lecciones de cálculo de probabilidades: curso teórico-práctico. Madrid: Thomson, 2003 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:22 15914 Macroeconomics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The goal is observe the In this first basic pillars to provide students with simple but complete macroeconomic models which will enable them to multiple interrelations which exist among the variables in a standard economy. part, the objective is to design a model which reflects the problem of prices, to centre on the of the IS-LM model, i.e., income equilibrium in an economy with constant prices. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to macroeconomics. Basic aggregate magnitudes. The financial system. The classic model. The simple Keynesian income-spending model. The IS-LM model at constant prices. Introduction to monetary and fiscal policy. EVALUATION: LECTURERS CLEMENTE LOPEZ, JESUS SERAFIN FUENTES CASTRO, DANIEL GARCIA CASTRILLO, PEDRO PONZ ESPALLARGAS, MARÍA MONSERRAT PUEYO BALDELLOU, FERNANDO SAURA BACAICOA, MARÍA DEL DULCE NOMBRE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] BAJO RUBIO, Oscar; MONÉS, María Antonia. Curso de Macroeconomía. 2a. ed. Madrid: Antoni Bosch, 2000 [*] BLANCHARD, Olivier. Macroeconomía. 4ª ed. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:23 15915 Microeconomics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The principal objective of this course is to provide students with a series of analytical concepts and instruments to enable them to comprehend the behaviour of individual economic agents and the functioning of markets. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Technology. Production and costs. Individual product supply and factor demand. Competitive markets. Non-competitive markets. General equilibrium. Welfare economics. EVALUATION: LECTURERS AISA RIVED, ROSA MARIA ESTEBAN ALVAREZ, MARIA DOLORES HERNANDEZ GARCIA, JOSE MARIA LARRAMONA BALLARIN, GEMMA MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, YOLANDA PEREZ XIMENEZ DE EMBUN, DOMINGO PEROTE PEÑA, JUAN VALLEJO AZNAR, EDUARDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Katz, Michael L.; Rosen, Harvey S. Microeconomía intermedia. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, cop. 2007 [*] Nicholson, Walter. Microeconomía intermedia y aplicaciones. 9ª ed. Madrid: Thomson, 2006 [*] Pindyck, Robert S.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Microeconomía. 5ª ed., reimp. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:24 15916 Introduction to Econometrics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: An exposition of the fundamental instruments of econometrics. CURRICULUM: PART I: THE NATURE OF ECONOMETRICS Lesson 1. Concept and strategies in econometric research. Lesson 2. Econometric models. PART II: SIMPLE LINEAR MODELS Lesson 3. Specification and estimation Lesson 4. Validation and prediction PART III: Lesson 5. Lesson 6. Lesson 7. GENERAL LINEAR MODEL Specification and estimation Validation and prediction Non-linear models PART IV: EXTENSIONS OF THE GENERAL LINEAR MODEL Lesson 8. Models with non-scaling variance and covariance matrices Lesson 9. Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation Lesson 10. Other topics EVALUATION: LECTURERS APARICIO ASPAS, MARÍA TERESA MEDRANO ADAN, LUIS ANGEL MUR LACAMBRA, JESÚS DOMINGO NIEVAS LOPEZ, JAVIER REYES GARCÍA, MARCELO ADRIÁN TRIVEZ BIELSA, FRANCISCO JAVIER VILLANUA MARTIN, INMACULADA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Trívez Bielsa, Francisco Javier. Introducción a la econometría. Madrid: Pirámide, 2004 [*] Aznar Grasa, Antonio; García Ferrer, Antonio; Martín Arroyo, Antonio. Ejercicios de econometría. Madrid: Pirámide, 1994. 2 vol. + 1 disquete [*] JOHNSTON, J.; Dinardo, J. Métodos de econometría. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 2001 [*] Novales Cinca, Alfonso. Econometría. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2002 [*] MADDALA, G.S. Introduction to Econometrics. 2º ed. New York: Macmillan; London: Collier, 1988 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:25 15917 Macroeconomics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The goal is to provide students with a simple but complete macroeconomic model which will enable them to observe the multiple interrelationships existing among the variables in a typical economy. In this second part, the objective is to prepare a model which includes the problem of prices and the foreign sector, i.e., income equilibrium in an open economy with variable prices. The aim is to provide a simple model comprising the fundemental macroeconomic problemes such as unemployment, inflation and external imbalance. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Calculating income levels with variable prices. Static comparison of the variable-price model. Inflation and unemployment. Calculating exchange rates. Calculating income levels in an open economy. Complements to the basic model. EVALUATION: LECTURERS FUENTES CASTRO, DANIEL GARCIA CASTRILLO, PEDRO PONZ ESPALLARGAS, MARÍA MONSERRAT PUEYO BALDELLOU, FERNANDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] BAJO RUBIO, Oscar. Curso de macroeconomía. 2ª ed. Madrid: Antoni Bosch, 2000 [*] BLANCHARD, Olivier: Macroeconomía. 4ª ed. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2006 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:26 15918 Public Finance I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The subject Public Finance I introduces students to the study of the public sector's economic role. This theme is continued in the subjects Public Finance II, Public Economics I and Public Economics II, as well as in the optional subjects in the specialised study of "Public Economy" that is taught in the second cycle of the Economics Degree. The subject is therefore designed as an initial introduction to the theory of Public Economics. It aims to give students the conceptual and analytical tools to allow them to understand the reasons for public intervention in the economy and the operation of the intervening political institutions. The aim is to give students the necessary education to deal with, in future studies, the analysis of the most characteristic public actions in developed economies: public spending and taxation programmes, economic regulation, decentralisation of the public sector, public management techniques, redistributive policies, or the latest reform movements in the public sector. The programme is structured into six lessons. The first lesson introduces students to Public Economics as a scientific discipline and to the public sector as an object of one of its lines of study. The second lesson deals with the study of the regulatory analysis tools. This lesson seeks to define the general framework that enables students to organise ideas on the appeal of different public actions. Lessons three and four analyse the theory of the two main market mistakes: public goods and externalities. The lessons will focus on the features, economic problems and intervention tools through which distortions that occur in the economic system may be corrected. The fifth lesson covers the methodology of cost-benefit analysis as the main practical tool to evaluate and support decision-making regarding public expenditure policies. Finally, the sixth lesson deals with studying public intervention from a positive perspective. The lesson highlights the problems inherent to the process of collective choice, both those generated by the imperfections of different voting rules and those derived from the behaviour of the participating agents in this process. CURRICULUM: Lesson 1: The Public Sector and the Public Economy Lesson 2: Regulatory analysis tools Lesson 3: Public property Lesson 4: Externalities Lesson 5: Cost benefit analysis Lesson 6: The economic theory of politics EVALUATION: Continuous assessment and final examination LECTURERS BARBERAN ORTI, RAMON ESCARIO LATAS, REGINA MARIA MANCEBON TORRUBIA, MARIA JESUS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Albi Ibáñez, Emilio; González-Paramo, José Manuel; Zubiri, Ignacio. Economía pública I : fundamentos, presupuesto y gasto, aspectos macroeconómicos. 2a. ed. act., 3a. reimp. Barcelona: Ariel, 2006 [*] Boadway, Robin W.; WILDASIN, David E. Economía del sector público. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1986. [*] FREY, Bruno S. Para una política económica democrática. Madrid: Alianza, 1987. [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, Enrique. Hacienda pública. Introducción y presupuesto. [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1990 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:27 [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, Enrique. Hacienda pública. Principios y estructura de la imposición. [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1990 [*] MUELLER, Dennis C. Elección pública. Madrid: Alianza, 1984 [*] MUSGRAVE, Richard A.; MUSGRAVE, Peggy B. Hacienda pública teórica y aplicada. 5ª ed. Madrid: McGraw Hill, 1991 [*] ROSEN, Harvey S. Hacienda pública. 7ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2007 [*] Boadway, Robin W.; WILDASIN, David E. Economía del sector público. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1986. [*] FREY, Bruno S. Para una política económica democrática. Madrid: Alianza, 1987. [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, Enrique. Hacienda pública. Introducción y presupuesto. [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1990 [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, Enrique. Hacienda pública. Principios y estructura de la imposición. [S. l.]: [s. n.], 1990 [*] MUELLER, Dennis C. Elección pública. Madrid: Alianza, 1984 [*] MUSGRAVE, Richard A.; MUSGRAVE, Peggy B. Hacienda pública teórica y aplicada. 5ª ed. Madrid: McGraw Hill, 1991 [*] ROSEN, Harvey S. Hacienda pública. 7ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2007 [*] WOLF, Charles. Mercados o gobiernos : elegir entre alternativas imperfectas. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1995 [*] STIGLITZ, Joseph E. La economía del sector público. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 2002 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:28 15919 Mathematics III Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To examine the significance and methods of mathematical programming and to introduce game theory. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Convex sets and convex functions Classic programming with and without constraints Non-linear programming. Kuhn-Tucker programming Linear programming and duality Introduction to game theory. Solution to zero-sum games using linear programming. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ARROJO AGUDO, PEDRO CALVO CALZADA, MARIA ELENA ELVIRA DONAZAR, CARMEN JARNE JARNE, MARIA GLORIA PEREZ GRASA, ISABEL SANCHEZ CHOLIZ, JULIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Balbás de la Corte, Alejandro; Gil, José Antonio. Programación matemática. 2ª ed, 3ª reimp. Madrid : AC, 2005. [*] Binmore, K.G. Teoría de juegos. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1996. [*] Carbonell, Lorenzo; Peris, Josep E. Problemas de matemáticas para economistas. Barcelona: Ariel, 1986. [*] Pérez Grasa, Isabel; Minguillón Constante, Esperanza; Jarne Jarne, Gloria. Matemáticas para la economía : programación matemática y sistemas dinámicos. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:29 15920 Accounting Analysis Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Financial Economics and Accountancy Accountancy and Finance CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To study the content, requisites and objectives of business accounting information. To gain a knowledge of the presentation, principles, objectives, significance and preparation of annual accounts and other instruments of information which businesses use. To introduce students to the knowledge and practice of the most widely-used instruments and methods of analysis of financial statements. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: Accounting information. 2: Financial statements: The Balance Sheet. 3: Financial statements: The Profit and Loss Account. 4: The Annual Report. 5: Complementary financial statements (I). 6: Complementary financial statements (II). 7: The Chart of Annual Financial Changes. 8: The Cash-flow Statement. 9: Objectives and scope of the analysis of financial statements. 10: Introduction to the analysis of business enterprises using their financial statements. EVALUATION: LECTURERS GASCA GALAN, MARIA DEL MAR GONZALEZ PASCUAL, JULIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] GONZÁLEZ PASCUAL, JULIÁN: Análisis de la empresa a través de su información, económico-financiera : fundamentos teóricos y aplicaciones. 2ª ed. Madrid: Pirámide, 2008 [*] GONZÁLEZ PASCUAL, JULIÁN: Análisis de la empresa a través de su información económico-financiera : aplicaciones prácticas. 2ª ed. Madrid: Pirámide, 2008 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] González Pascual, Julián: El concurso de acreedores : una nueva solución para las empresas insolventes : perspectiva contable, financiera y jurídica, de la Ley 22/2003, de 9 de julio, concursal. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Financieros, 2003 [*] Real Decreto 1514/2007, de 16 de Noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Plan General de Contabilidad. [*] Real Decreto Legislativo n.º 1564/1989, de 22 de diciembre : texto refundido de la Ley de Sociedades anónimas. [*] Urías Valiente, Jesús. Análisis de estados financieros. 2ª ed., [reimp.]. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:30 15921 Economic Policy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The "Economic Policy" course is a part of the programme of studies toward the degree in Economics which includes a series of subjects whose objective is to analyse the causes, objectives, implementation and consequences of the intervention of the public sector in market economies. Thus, this course on "Economic Policy" is principally related to three other courses in the second-year programme: "Public Finance I" which analyses market failures which justify public intervention, and "Macroeconomics I and II" which provide the basic theoretical knowledge of different markets and of the calculation of national income. Dealing with such broad issues, it is logical that each subject will concentrate on the analysis of certain specific aspects of public intervention. In that regard, "Economic Policy" is devoted preferably to the study of the short and long-term objectives of public intervention, examining their significance and measurement, the economic theories which support these objectives and the general policies for achieving them. After completing this course, students will have sufficient knowledge to continue in the second cycle with other subjects which are also related to public intervention in the economy. Thus, during the third year, the course in "Current Policy I" will examine implementation policies (monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, income) and the course "Current Policy II" will analyse sectorial policies (industrial, commercial, agricultural) as well as those devoted to the objective of economic growth (involving technology, human resources and infrastructures). Finally, the course on "Economic Policy" will provide a good starting point for the study of other practical subjects such as "The Spanish Economy", "The Economics of the European Union" and "International Economics". CURRICULUM: The subject is divided into THREE PARTS. In the FIRST, Economic Policy is introduced by means of an initial, conceptual approach, followed by an overview of the schools of economic thought revolving around government intervention in the economy. A study is made of the traditional idea of both long and short-term Economic Policy objectives-instruments according to the different schools of thought. Subsequently, the problems involved in public sector decision-making and the forces conditioning choice of Economic Policy instruments will be analysed. In the SECOND PART, short-term Economic Policy objectives (full employment, inflation, and balance of trade) will be analysed, taking into account their conception, indicators, theory, and possible conflicts between them. The THIRD PART deals with the analysis of long term Economic Policy objectives (growth, distribution of wealth, quality of life, and the environment); as with short-term objectives, this takes into account their conception, indicators, theory, and possible conflicts between them. Upon completion of each part PRACTICAL CLASSES will be held. PART I. BASIC CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF ECONOMIC POLICY. Topic 1. Economic Policy Methodology 1.1 Positive/normative distinction and economic policy. Aims and resources in economic policy (FD. Chap. 2) 1.2. Current policy and structural policy: objectives and scope (FD. Chap. 5) Topic 2. Economic Policy in Economic Thought 2.1 An historical overview of the main Schools of Thought (Photocopied material and on Digital Teaching Ring-ADD) 2.2. General outline of Economic Policy and its limitations (FD. Chap. 3 Epigraph 3.5 and Blanca Simón Chap. 1. Epigraph 1.1.) PRACTICAL CLASSES PART 1 PART II. ATTAINING SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION. Economic cycles (Rubén Garrido et al. Chap. 3) Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:31 Topic 3. Full use of production resources 3.1 Categories of unemployment and their importance (FD. Chap. 6. Epigraphs 6.3 and 6.4) 3.2 Measuring the job market (CR. Chap. 6. Epigraph 6.3) 3.3 Theories: classical position, keynesian, keynesian/neo-classical synthesis, and other theoretical PART II. ATTAINING SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION. Economic cycles (Rubén Garrido et al. Chap. 3) Topic 3. Full use of production resources 3.1 Categories of unemployment and their importance (FD. Chap. 6. Epigraphs 6.3 and 6.4) 3.2 Measuring the job market (CR. Chap. 6. Epigraph 6.3) 3.3 Theories: classical position, keynesian, keynesian/neo-classical synthesis, and other theoretical approaches (FD. Chap. 6. Epigraphs 6.1 and 6.2) 3.4 Employment Policy (CR. Chap. 6. Epigraph 6.5) Topic 4. Price level stability 4.1. Inflation - relevant concepts, quantification, forecast, and effects (CR. Chap. 7 Epigraphs 7.1 and 7.3) 4.2. Causes of inflation: Quantitative theory, demand inflation, cost inflation, monetarist explanation, structural inflation, and anti-inflationary policies (FD. Chap. 7 Epigraphs 7.1 to 7.6) Topic 5. The unemployment-inflation conflict 5.1. Phillips curve instability: Monetarist view, neo-keynesian perspective, and the rational expectations approach (FD. Chap. 7. Epigraph 7.7) 5.2. Stagflation-combatting measures and deflation strategies (FD. Chap. 7. Epigraph 7.9) Topic 6. Balance of trade 6.1. Trade imbalance: macro-economic significance, causes, and economic policy alternatives (CR. Chap. 13. Epigraph 13.2) 6.2.The Balance of Payments equation and adjustment mechanisms: different approaches (FD. Chap. 8. Epigraphs 8.2 and 8.3) PRACTICAL CLASSES PART II PART III. ATTAINING LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES Topic 7. Economic growth 7.1. Short and long-term growth (CR. Chap. 8. Epigraph 8.2). Differences between growth and development, and stylised facts of economic growth (FD. Chap. 10. Epigraphs 10.1 and 10.2) 7.2. Theoretical approaches:classical theory, keynesian approach, neo-classical approach, and endogenous growth theory (CR. Chap. 8. Epigraph 8.3, FD. Chap. 10. Epigraph 10.6 and Sala-i-Martin) 7.3. Growth accounting, real convergence and economic policy for growth (FD. Chap. 10. Epigraphs 10.7 to 10.9) Topic 8. Distribution of wealth 8.1. Basic concepts and causes of inequality (CR. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.1). 8.2. Theoretical reasons for unequal distribution of wealth (FD. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.5) 8.3. Unequal distribution of wealth indicators (CR. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.2 and FD. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.6) 8.4. Instruments of redistribution policy (CR. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.3). 8.5. Unequal distribution of wealth in Spain and the world (FD. Chap. 9. Epigraph 9.7) Topic 9. Quality of life and the environment 9.1. Quality of life: definition and indicators (CR. Chap. 10) 9.2. The environment: evaluation and policies (Diego Azqueta article) PRACTICAL CLASSES PART III EVALUATION: There are two modes of assessment depending on whether or not students choose to undertake practical activities. IF STUDENTS WISH TO DO PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES, they must complete the activities assigned for each part of the subject, contributing a maximum of three points towards the final assessment. The remainder of the assessment will consist of a multiple-choice exam where the basic concepts of the subject will be tested. This exam will be out of ten points. IF STUDENTS DO NOT WISH TO DO PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES, assessment of the subject will be made by means of a multiple-choice exam with a pass mark of 5 out of 10. In addition, there will be an optional written exercise for these students to be corrected in the case where they obtain a mark equal to or greater than 4.5 but under 5. Participation by these students in practical classes will also be taken into account, even though they have not undertaken the practical activities programme. LECTURERS GONZALEZ ALVARADO, SONIA SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, ANTONIO Year2008 - 2009 SIMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, MARÍA BLANCA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-- Pág.:32 LECTURERS GONZALEZ ALVARADO, SONIA SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, ANTONIO SIMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, MARÍA BLANCA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] CUADRADO ROURA, J. R. (dir) (2006): Política económica : objetivos e instrumentos, Mc Graw-Hill, 3ª ed., Madrid. [*] FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, A., PAREJO GÁMIR, J. A. y RODRÍGUEZ SAIZ, L. (2006): Política económica, Mc Graw-Hill, 4.ª ed. Madrid. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-AZQUETA OYARZUN, D. (1996) “Valoración eonómica del medioambiente: una revisión crítica de los métodos y sus limitaciones”, Información Comercial Española, nº 751, p. 37-46 [*] GARRIDO, R. FERNÁNDEZ, J. MAÑAS, E Y PEINADO, M.L (2003): Análisis del entorno económico de la empresa, Ed. Pirámide, Madrid. [*] SIMON, B. (1997): Las subvenciones a la industria en España : una aplicación de la teoría de los grupos de presión, CES, Madrid. [*] SALA-I- MARTÍN, X. (2002): Apuntes de crecimiento económico, Antoni Bosch Editor, 2ª ed. Barcelona. [*] ARASA MEDINA, C. (1994): Lecciones de Política Económica, Dykinson, Madrid. [*] ARIAS, X. C. (1996): La formación de la política económica, Madrid, Civitas. [*] BACKHOUSE, R. (1988): Historia del análisis económico moderno, Alianza Editorial, Madrid. [*] BARBER, W. J. (1998): Historia del pensamiento económico, Alianza Editorial, 1ªed., 16ª reimp., Madrid [*] BUCHANAN, J. M. (1984): "Búsqueda de rentas y búsqueda de beneficios" en Buchanan, J. M.; R. E. Mc.Cormick y R. D. Tollison (eds.), El análisis económico de lo político, págs. 205-231, 1984, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Económicos. BUCHANAN, J. M. (1987): "La constitución de la política económica", Papeles de Economía Española, vol. 30-31, págs. 526-533. [*] BUCHANAN, J. M. y G. TULLOCK (1980): El cálculo del consenso : fundamentos lógicos de la democracia constitucional. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe. [*] CASAHUGA, A. (1985): Fundamentos normativos de la acción y organización social, Ariel, Barcelona. [*] DOWNS, A. (1973): Teoría económica de la democracia, Madrid, Aguilar. [*] EGGERTSSON, T. (1995): El comportamiento económico y las instituciones, Alianza Editorial, Madrid. [*] FREY, B. (1987): Para una política económica democrática, Madrid, Alianza. [*] JORDÁN GALDUF, J. M Y GARCIA RECHE, A. (coord.) (1995): Política económica : objetivos, instrumentos, sectores y territorio. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia. [*] GAMIR, L. (coord.) (2000): Política Económica de España, Alianza Universidad, 7ª ed., Madrid [*] GREFFE, X. (1993): Política económica : programas, instrumentos, perspectivas, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2ª ed., rev. y puesta al día, Madrid. [*] MUELLER, D. (1984): Elección Pública, Alianza, 1984, Madrid. NISKANEN, W. A. (1968): "La peculiar economía de la burocracia", Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 52, 1978, págs. 266-275. [*] NORTH, D.C. (1994): Estructura y cambio en la historia económica, Alianza Editorial, Madrid. [*]OLSON, M. (1992): La lógica de la acción colectiva, México, Limusa. [*] SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1994): Historia del análisis económico, Ariel, Barcelona. [*] SPIEGEL, H.W. (1990): El desarrollo del pensamiento económico, Ediciones Omega, 3ª reimp., Barcelona. [*] TORRES LOPEZ, J. (1992): Introducción a la economía política, Madrid, Civitas. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:33 15922 Sociology Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Sociology Psychology and Sociology CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Given that this course lasts for one term, and in order not to separate the general theory from the major sociological problems, from the outset, students will be encouraged to deal with a specific social situation, not necessarily here and now. In groups of 5, students will work on socio-economic aspects of any small city anywhere in the world. Research carried out will be worth 40% of the subject. The idea is that the other 60% will be awarded through continuous assessment, without restricting the students from taking an oral or written exam on it. The topics covered, given the short duration of the course, will not be fixed and to simply memorise. Instead they will be extensive and will change each year, depending on the most current social issues at the time. All of the programmes' lessons may not be covered. The official legal required level as stated in the current regulation of industrial and sociology of work will always be covered. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Social attitudes. Nature. Education. Measurement and change. Social science problems in a technological civilisation. Difficulties and contradictions in defining sociology. The controversy over the purpose and perception of social reality. The controversy about time in sociology Human motivation The sociology of emotions Altruism and pro-social behaviour. Social order and social control. Social inequalities and their contradictory nature Gender and age inequalities. Social mobility and emigration. A microsociological focus on its effects Social conflict. Approaches. Schismogenesis Workers, employees, self-employed and unemployed persons. Future labour trends EVALUATION: See objectives LECTURERS CASAÑOLA ANDRES, MERCEDES GASTON SANZ, ENRIQUE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] [*] [*] [*] Gastón, Enrique: Sociología. 1ª ed., reimp. Zaragoza : Egido, 2004 Giddens, Anthony: Sociología. 5ª ed. Madrid : Alianza, 2007 González Seara, Luis: La sociología : aventura dialéctica. 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Madrid : Tecnos, 1983 Macionis, John J.; Plummer, Ken: Sociología. 3ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Pearson : Prentice Hall, 2007 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:34 15939 Market Analysis Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics Marketing Economics Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Degree and Market Research and Business Management CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical Theoretical : 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical ? (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The "Market Analysis" course is optional in the first cycle and represents 6 credits in the Economics degree programme. The fundamental objective of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of markets and their environment, to enable them to analyse and take the essential commercial decisions. The course programme commences by presenting the introductory concepts of marketing, to later approach more specific subjects concerning the environment, markets and demand. Subsequently, content including market segmentation, market research and consumer behaviour will be presented, later adding four lessons concerning the four classic variables of marketing, in which product policy, advertising, pricing and business distribution will be analysed respectively. Finally, the programme includes two lessons devoted to the analysis of the procedures for developing an international market strategy and a marketing plan. The presentation of the subject matter will be complemented with practical examples, as well as exercises and cases to be solved by students in order to stimulate active participation in the classroom through the expression of opinions and open debate. As for the system of evaluation, there will be a final examination with questions on theory and practical exercises to evaluate the knowledge students have acquired. To be able to take the exam, students must have prepared and turned in the practical exercises assigned by the professors of the course during the semester. The final mark may be raised based on students' active participation in the classroom when practical cases are solved. CURRICULUM: · · · · · · · · · · · · · Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: Introduction to marketing 2: Environment 3: Markets 4: Analysis of demand 5: Market segmentation 6: Market research 7: Consumer behaviour 8: Product policies 9: Pricing policies 10: Communication policies 11: Distribution policies 12: Marketing policies on international markets 13: Marketing plans EVALUATION: LECTURERS CASADO ROMAN, LUIS FRANCISCO DELGADO DE MIGUEL, JUAN FRANCISCO MARZO NAVARRO, MERCEDES PEDRAJA IGLESIAS, MARTA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ESTEBAN TALAYA, A., et al. Principios de marketing. 2ª ed. Madrid : ESIC, 2006 KOTLER, Philip y ARMSTRONG, G. Marketing : an introduction. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005. [*] KOTLER, P.; ARMSTRONG G.; SAUNDERS, J. y WONG, V. Introducción al marketing. 2ª ed. europea, reimp. Madrid [etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2005. [*] KOTLER, Philip, CÁMARA, D., GRANDE, I. y CRUZ, I. Dirección de marketing. Ed. del milenio, 10a ed. Madrid : Prentice-Hall, 2005. [*] SANTESMASES, Miguel. Marketing : conceptos y estrategias. 5ª ed. revisada. Madrid : Pirámide, 2007. Year2008 - 2009 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-- Pág.:35 [*] Alegre Saz, Luis Alberto; BERNE, C., y GALVE, C. Fundamentos de economía de la empresa : perspectiva funcional . 2ª ed. actualizada. Barcelona : Ariel, 2000. [*] SANTESMASES, Miguel. Marketing : conceptos y estrategias. 5ª ed. revisada. Madrid : Pirámide, 2007. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Alegre Saz, Luis Alberto; BERNE, C., y GALVE, C. Fundamentos de economía de la empresa : perspectiva funcional . 2ª ed. actualizada. Barcelona : Ariel, 2000. [*] GUILTINAN, J. P., PAUL, G. W., y MADDEN, T. J. Gerencia de Marketing : estrategias y programas. 6ª ed. Santafé de Bogotá [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 1998. [*] MIQUEL, S., BIGNÉ, E., LEVY, J., CUENCA, C. y MIQUEL, M. J. Investigación de mercados. Madrid : McGraw Hill. 1997. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:36 15945 Administrative Law Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Administrative Law Public Law CREDITS Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The public administration and its beneficiaries. Acts, contractual procedures. Administrative organisation. Legal-administrative gurantees. Public employment. Foundations of the legal system of the economy. The general framework of administrative intervention in the economy. The Constitution and public financial activity. Special referemce to certain economic sectors. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction The legal-administrative system Organisation Acts, procedures, guarantees Human and material resources Intervention in economic activities EVALUATION: LECTURERS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] COSCULLUELA MONTANER, L. Manual de Derecho administrativo. 19ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2008. [*] BERMEJO VERA, J. (coaut. y dir.). Derecho administrativo básico. Parte general. 8ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Civitas, 2008. [*] BERMEJO VERA, J. (dir.). Derecho administrativo. Parte especial. 6ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Civitas, 2005. [*] GARCIA DE ENTERRIA, E y FERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, T.R. Curso de derecho administrativo. (T. I). 13a. ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2006. [*] GARCIA DE ENTERRIA, E y FERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, T.R. Curso de derecho administrativo. (T. II). 10a. ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2006. [*] MARTIN-RETORTILLO, S. (dir.). Derecho administrativo económico. 2 v. Madrid : La Ley, 1988-1991. [*] PARADA VAZQUEZ, J. R. Derecho administrativo. I, Parte general. 16ª ed. Madrid : Marcial Pons, 2007. [*] PARADA VAZQUEZ, J. R. Derecho administrativo. II, Organización y empleo público. 19ª ed. Madrid : Marcial Pons, 2007. [*] PARADA VAZQUEZ, J. R. Derecho administrativo. III, Bienes públicos. Derecho urbanístico. 11ª ed. Madrid : Marcial Pons, 2007. [*] PAREJO ALFONSO, L.; ORTEGA ÁLVAREZ, L. y JIMÉNEZ BLANCO, A. Manual de derecho administrativo. 2 vol. 5a. ed. corr., aum. y puesta al día. Barcelona: Ariel, 1998. [*] SANTAMARIA PASTOR, J.A.: "Fundamentos de Derecho Administrativo I". Ceura, Madrid Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:37 15958 Public Finance II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Length: Year: 2 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 3 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course provides an introduction to the economics of taxation and has a double objective: on the one hand it seeks to complement the knowledge gained in Public Finance I and, on the other, to serve as a foundation for subsequent courses in Public Economics and Tax Systems. The course is divided into three parts. In the first, the basic concepts of the subject are introduced, defining and classifying taxes, describing the principles of taxation and systematising the elements of the structure of taxes. The second part concerns the most significant taxes in any fiscal system -personal income tax, corporate income tax and value-added tax- choosing the most relevant problems which they pose for tax specialists. These problems are approached by conducting a theoretical analysis, but also by examining the solution chosen in each case by the Spanish legislator. In the second part, tax evasion and fraud will be examined. Finally, the third part of the programme looks at the spatial dimension of taxation. Lesson seven analyses -once again, from a double theoretical and practical perspective- the problems arising from the existence of different tax systems in different states. CURRICULUM: PART I. BASIC CONCEPTS 1. Public revenue. Types: taxes, fees and special contributions. The Spanish tax system. The principles of taxation. 2. Elements of the tax structure. PART II. THE TAX SYSTEM 3. Individual income tax. Choice of taxable unit. Progressive nature of the tax. Determining the taxable period. 4. Corporate income tax. Integration with individual income tax. 5. Taxation of sales volume. VAT. 6. Tax fraud and evasion. PART 7. III. MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL International taxation. TAXATION EVALUATION: LECTURERS LOPEZ LABORDA, JULIO ANTONIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Costa, Mercè, et al. Teoría básica de los impuestos : un enfoque económico. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2006 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] ALBI, E.; J.M. GONZÁLEZ-PÁRAMO; I. ZUBIRI. Economía Pública II : teoría de la imposición. Sistema impositivo. Otros ingresos públicos. Economìa pública internacional. 2ª ed. act. Barcelona : Ariel, 2004. [*] Bustos Gisbert, Antonio. Lecciones de Hacienda Pública. 4ª ed. Madrid : Colex, 2007. [*] Domínguez Martínez, José M; Carrasco Castillo, Germán. Ejercicios de hacienda pública. Madrid : Pirámide, 1998. [*] Fuentes Quintana, Enrique. Hacienda pública. Principios y estructura de la imposición. [S. l.] : [s. n.], 1990 (Madrid : Rufino García Blanco). [*] Musgrave, Richard A.; Musgrave, Peggy B. Hacienda Pública teórica y aplicada. 5ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 1991. [*] Rosen, Harvey S. Hacienda Pública. 7ª ed. Madrid : McGraw Hill, 2007 [*] Stiglitz, Joseph E. La economía del sector público. 2a. ed. ,[reimpr.]. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1997 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:38 15923 Econometrics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: The goal is to introduce students to univariate analysis of time series and to complete their basic knowledge of econometrics, examining aspects of a methodological nature. CURRICULUM: Introductory aspects of the analysis of time series. Stochastic models of time series. Univariate analysis of time series (I): General outline and identification. Univariate analysis of time series (II): Estimation, checking and prediction. Introduction to asymptotic theory. Estimation of maximum credibility. EVALUATION: LECTURERS AYUDA BOSQUE, MARÍA ISABEL BEN-KAABIA BEN-KAABIA, MONIA MEDRANO ADAN, LUIS ANGEL MUR LACAMBRA, JESÚS DOMINGO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Greene, William H. Análisis econométrico. 3ª ed., reimp. Madrid: Prentice-Hall, 2001 [*] Peña Sánchez de Rivera, Daniel. Análisis de series temporales. Madrid: Alianza, 2005 [*] Pérez López, César. Problemas resueltos de econometría. Madrid: Thomson, 2006 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] AZNAR GRASA, A.; GARCÍA FERRER, A.; MARTÍN ARROYO, A. Ejercicios de econometría. Madrid: Pirámide, 1994 [*] AZNAR GRASA, A.; TRÍVEZ, F. J. Métodos de predicción en economía. Vol. 2, Análisis de series temporales. Barcelona: Ariel, 1993 [*] Caridad y Ocerín, Jose María. Econometría: Modelos econometricos y series temporales con los paquetes uTSP y TS. (2 Vols.) Barcelona: Reverté, 1998 [*] Otero Moreno, José María. Econometría: series temporales y predicción. Madrid: AC, 1993 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:39 15924 Current Economic Policy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: To gain a knowledge of the concept, measurement, sources and interrelations among fundamental variables in order to analyse the current economic situation in which the different economic agents (companies, savers, investors, etc...) conduct their activities, with special emphasis on the role of the government in modifying those variables. Thus, the course is essentially intended to study how stabilisation policies function, using Spain and the European Union as the framework of reference. CURRICULUM: Lesson 1.- Analysis of the current situation of the economy Lesson 2.- Monetary policy MONETARY POLICY APPENDIX: Monetary and financial statistics. Lesson 3.- Fiscal policy Lesson 4.- Coordination of economic policies Lesson 5.- Income policy and direct control policies EVALUATION: LECTURERS BURRÓ FERRER, MARÍA JESÚS FABRO ESTEBAN, GEMA GÓMEZ LOSCOS, ANA GONZALEZ ALVARADO, SONIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] BANCO CENTRAL EUROPEO: Boletín mensual: BCE (1999), El Eurosistema y el Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales (SEBC), Boletín Mensual, enero. BCE (1999), La estrategia de política monetaria del Eurosistema orientada hacia la estabilidad, Boletín Mensual, enero. BCE (1999), Los agregados monetarios en el área del euro y su papel en la estrategia de política monetaria del Eurosistema, Boletín Mensual, febrero. BCE (1999), El marco operativo del Eurosistema: descripción y primera evaluación, Boletín Mensual, mayo. BCE (1999), El marco institucional del Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales, Boletín Mensual, julio. BCE (2000), La transmisión de la política monetaria en la zona del euro, Boletín Mensual, julio. BCE (2000), Los dos pilares de la estrategia de política monetaria del BCE, Boletín Mensual, noviembre. BCE (2000), La política monetaria única en la tercera fase: Documentación general sobre los instrumentos y los procedimientos de la política monetaria del Eurosistema, noviembre. BCE (2001), El sistema de activos de garantía del Eurosistema, Boletín Mensual, abril. BCE (2004), La aplicación de la política monetaria en la zona del euro, febrero. BCE (2005), La reforma del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento, Boletín Mensual, agosto. [*] BANCO DE ESPAÑA: Cuentas financieras de la economía española. [*] BANCO DE ESPAÑA: Boletín estadístico [*] BANCO DE ESPAÑA: Balanza de pagos de España [*] CUADRADO ROURA, J.R. (coord.) (1997): Introducción a la política económica, MacGraw Hill, (Cap. 14). [*] CUADRADO ROURA, J.R. (dir.) (2003): Política Económica. Objetivos e instrumentos. 3ª ed. Macgraw Hill, (cap. 11 a 13). [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, E. (dir.) (2004): Economía y Economistas españoles: La economía como profesión, vol 8, Galaxia-Gutenberg, Barcelona. [*] GONZÁLEZ IBÁN, ROBERTO; AHIJADO QUINTILLÁN, MANUEL (1999): El Banco Central Europeo y la política monetaria común: el banco que gobernará Europa, Pirámide. [*] MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA, informes/indicadores económicos. [*] PAPELES DE ECONOMÍA ESPAÑOLA, varios números [*] SERVICIO DE ESTUDIOS DEL BANCO DE ESPAÑA (1997): La política monetaria y la inflación en España, Alianza, Madrid. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:40 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:41 15925 Business Economics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics Company Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Degree Organisation and Business Management Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: It is hoped that students will comprehend the significance and reason for business enterprises, as well as the decision-making processes and the rational actions of companies as economic agents. They should understand the role of modelling as an instrument to abstract from a complex and multidimensional reality the relationships and major trends which will enable them to define problems with precision and to propose the appropriate methods for solving them. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. Business enterprises: concept and categories Business enterprises and their environment Real logistic processes: sales Real logistic processes: production The financial logistics process Business management Division of labour in business enterprises The decision-making process Business enterprises and size The location of business enterprises Controlling business activities EVALUATION: LECTURERS ALCALDE FRADEJAS, NURIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] AGUIRRE, A. (dir) et al. (1992): Fundamentos de Economía y Administración de Empresas. Pirámide, Madrid. [*] BUENO, E. ; CRUZ, I. y DURAN, J.J. (2002): Economía de la Empresa. Análisis de las Decisiones Empresariales. Pirámide, Madrid. [*] CLAVER, E.; LLOPIS, J.; LLORET, M. y MOLINA, H. (2002): Manual de Administración de Empresas. Civitas, Madrid. 4a. ed., reimp. [*] CUERVO, A. (dir) et al. (2005): Introducción a la Administración de Empresas. Civitas, Madrid. 5ª ed., reimp. [*] SERRA, A. (2003): Mercados, Contratos y Empresa. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions, Barcelona. 2ª ed. corr. y ampl. [*] SUAREZ, A. (2003): Curso de Economía de la Empresa. Pirámide, Madrid. 7a. ed., reimp. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:42 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:43 15926 Public Economics I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: Public Economics deals with the economic analysis of the presence of the state in civil society. Among the many forms which that presence may take are those which have a direct effect on budgets through taxes and spending measures, as well as those which regulate the activity of economic agents. In this course, Public Economics I, students are provided with a conceptual and analytical overview which completes the introduction provided in the previous course Public Finance I. In this course the economic theory of taxation and public spending will be studied with a view to achieving a better understanding of the nature of economics and the effects of income and spending programmes. Together with the preceding subject and Public Economics II in the next quarter with which it is paired, this subject provides a basic knowledge of the economics of the public sector which, for those students who wish to do so, may be complemented with additional optional courses offered in the corresponding area of specialisation. CURRICULUM: PART I: THEORY OF TAXATION Lesson 1.- Introduction to the theory of taxation Lesson 2.- Principles of taxation and the optimum tax system Lesson 3.- Distributive impact of taxation Lesson 4.- Effects of tax incentives PART II: THEORY OF PUBLIC SPENDING Lesson 5.- Effects of public spending incentives Lesson 6.- Distributive impact of public spending EVALUATION: Assessment will be by means of two alternate systems. At the start of the module, students must choose to follow one or the other: First system: this has the sole requirement of one written exam in which the student must write essays to answer a series of questions with a theoretical and practical nature Second system: in this case the student’s final result will be obtained through the assessment of two separate sections: a) the result for the first section will be obtained by means of an essay and presentation/discussion in class for each of the questions and exercises set by the lecturer after explaining a topic b) the result for the second section is obtained by means of an exam in which students must write essays to answer a series of theory and practical questions. A result lower than 4 in this section will mean the subject has been failed and it will not be possible to combine it with the mark from the first section to obtain an average. Detailed conditions for inclusion in the second assessment system will be given by the lecturer in the first classes. LECTURERS RODRIGO SAUCO, VALLES GIMENEZ, FERNANDO JAIME BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Albi Ibáñez, Emilio: "Economía Pública I: fundamentos, presupuesto y gasto, aspectos macroeconómicos". Barcelona : Ariel, 2006. 2ª ed. act., 3ª reimp. [*] Albi Ibáñez, Emilio: "Economía Pública II: teoría de la imposición. Sistema impositivo. Otros ingresos públicos". Barcelona : Ariel, 2004. 2ª ed. act. [*] Boadway, R. W. y D. E. Wildasin (1986): Economía del Sector Público, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid. [*] Fuentes, E. (1986): Hacienda Pública. Principios y Estructura de la Imposición, Ed. R. García Blanco, Madrid. [*] Musgrave, R. y P. Musgrave (1991), Hacienda Pública. Teórica y Aplicada, 5ª edición, McGraw-Hill, Madrid. [*] Pablos Escobar, Laura de y A. Valiño Castro (2000), Economía del gasto público: control y evaluación. Madrid : Civitas. 1ª ed. [*] Rosen, H. S. (2002), Hacienda Pública, 5ª ed., McGraw-Hill, Madrid. [*] Sevilla Segura, J. V. (2004), Política y técnica tributarias, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:44 [*] Stiglitz, J. E. (2002); La Economía del Sector Público, 3ª edición, Antoni Bosch, Barcelona. [*] [*] [*] [*] Pablos Escobar, Laura de y A. Valiño Castro (2000), Economía del gasto público: control y evaluación. Madrid : Civitas. 1ª ed. Rosen, H. S. (2002), Hacienda Pública, 5ª ed., McGraw-Hill, Madrid. Sevilla Segura, J. V. (2004), Política y técnica tributarias, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid Stiglitz, J. E. (2002); La Economía del Sector Público, 3ª edición, Antoni Bosch, Barcelona. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:45 15927 Microeconomics III Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: Broadening knowledge of the self-evident basis of consumer theory, the development of which will place special emphasis on issues such as duality, the problem of integrability of differential equations of preferences and on restrictions on demand functions. Wider analysis of the consumer-worker setting allows the plotting of work supply curves and income demand in Robbins’ terms. Here, income earned with productive effort varies in the same way as individual welfare. Under different axioms, the theories of Neumann-Morgenstern utility and revealed preference complete the consumer framework. CURRICULUM: Topic 1. Additions to the consumer-worker, production and market theories. Model suppositions and construction. Topic 2. Income distribution and equilibrium in the consumer goods market system (taking production decisions as given). Topic 3. Existence, unique nature and stability of equilibrium in the consumer goods market system. Topic 4. Social indifference curves, income distribution and the problem of social preference transitivity. (I). Consumer equilibrium in terms of social indifference curves. Appendix (optional). Chamberlin’s large and small “groups”. EVALUATION: Students will complete a final exam, the assessment of which will also take into account the marking of exercises put forward and outlined during the course. LECTURERS ANDALUZ FUNCIA, JOAQUIN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] SEGURA, JULIO: “Análisis microeconómico”. Madrid: Alianza, 2002 [*] GRAVELLE, HUGH: "Microeconomía". Madrid: Pearson, 2005 [*] VILLAR, ANTONIO: "Lecciones de microeconomía". Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 1999 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:46 15928 Econometrics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: The course seeks to complete students’ basic training in the use of econometric methods, introducing a series of topics related to the general linear model. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review of the general linear model Non-linear models Multicollinearity and fictitous variables Review of the case of sphericity of random perturbation Dynamic models EVALUATION: LECTURERS BEN-KAABIA BEN-KAABIA, MONIA MEDRANO ADAN, LUIS ANGEL MONTAÑES BERNAL, ANTONIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Wooldridge, J. M. (2003). Introductory Econometrics: a modern approach. Australia: Thomson. [*] Wooldridge, J. M. (2006). Introducción a la Econometría: un enfoque moderno. Thomson. 2ª ed. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Aparicio, M. T. y Villanua, I. (2003). “Univariate linear regresión model”. En: Computer-Aided Introduction to Econometrics (Rodríguez-Poo, J. M., ed.). Berlín: Springer, pp. 1-44. [*] Goldberger, A. S. (2001). Introducción a la Econometría. Barcelona: Ariel, 1ª ed. [*] Gujarati, D. N. (2004). Econometría. México: McGraw-Hill. 4ª ed. [*] Hill, R. C., Griffiths, W. E. y Judge, G. G. (2001). Undergraduate econometrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2ª ed. [*] Johnston, J. y Dinardo, J. (2001). Métodos de Econometría. BArcelona: Vicens-Vives. [*] Moral, I. y Rodríguez-Poo, J. M. (2003). “Multivariate linear regresión model”. En: Computer-Aided Introduction to Econometrics (Rodríguez-Poo, J. M., ed.). Berlín: Springer, pp. 45-120. [*] Pérez López, César: "Problemas resueltos de econometría". Madrid : Thomson, D.L. 2006 [*] Trívez Bielsa, Francisco Javier (UZ): "Introducción a la econometría". Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2004 # #Libros de ejercicios # [*] Aznar, A., García Ferrer, A. Y Martín, A. (1994). Ejercicios de econometría, Vol. 1-2. Madrid: Pirámide [*] Carrascal, U., González, Y. y Rodríguez, B. (2001). Análisis econométrico con Eviews. Madrid: Ra-ma Year2008 [*] Fernández, - 2009A. I., Gonzalez, P., Regulez, M. , Moral, M. P. y Esteban, M. V. (2005). Ejercicios de Econometría. Pág.:47 Madrid: McGraw-Hill. 2ª ed. [*] Aznar, A., García Ferrer, A. Y Martín, A. (1994). Ejercicios de econometría, Vol. 1-2. Madrid: Pirámide [*] Carrascal, U., González, Y. y Rodríguez, B. (2001). Análisis econométrico con Eviews. Madrid: Ra-ma [*] Fernández, A. I., Gonzalez, P., Regulez, M. , Moral, M. P. y Esteban, M. V. (2005). Ejercicios de Econometría. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. 2ª ed. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:48 15929 Current Economic Policy II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: The subject aims to analyse the factors that help generate long-term economic growth. Understanding these factors will enable students to understand how they can and should develop efficiently the public interventions aimed at achieving economic stability and growth. Therefore, the first topic will reflect on the importance of the trend of economic growth and its impact on development. Topics two to five will cover some of the most important growth factors: investment in physical capital, human capital, technology and institutions. In addition, this topic will examine economic policies that encourage their accumulation. Although, throughout the whole programme, special attention will be paid to Spanish case studies, topic six proposes a more detailed study of the structural factors of the Spanish economy, with an analysis of its special features and economic policies that best fit its needs. CURRICULUM: SYLLABUS: 1. Introduction: economic growth. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 The experience on growth and development. 2. The accumulation of physical capital. 2.1 Investment as a growth engine. Policies for encouraging investment. 2.2 The Solow model 3. Human capital. 3.1 The concept of human capital. 3.2 Health as human capital. 3.3 Investment in human capital. 3.4 Public intervention in education. 3.5 The importance of human capital for development. 3.6 Current overview. The situation in Spain. 4. Investment in technology. 4.1 The nature of technical progress. 4.2 Determining factors for R & D spending. 4.3 Intellectual property rights and economic growth. 4.4 The economy of ideas. 4.5 The national system of innovation. 4.6 The technological innovation policy. 4.6.1 Reasons justifying public intervention in the technology sector. 4.6.2. Principle policy instruments for technological innovation. 4.7 Technology transfer 5. The Government's Role Introduction. Government intervention in the economy. Government and growth: respect for the law. Why do governments do things that harm growth? Why do poor countries have bad governments? 6. A structural Year2008 - 2009 analysis of the Spanish economy. Long-term economic policy. Introduction. Existing factors. Population. Participation, occupation and quality of the workforce. Pág.:49 6. A structural analysis of the Spanish economy. Long-term economic policy. Introduction. Existing factors. Population. Participation, occupation and quality of the workforce. " Characteristics of the Spanish labour market. " Employment policies. Capital and technology. Production and commercial specialisation: the competitiveness of the Spanish economy. Why is competitiveness so important now? Markets: liberalisation and competition. The Spanish economy at the beginning of the 21st century. EVALUATION: ASSESSMENT: The final mark of the subject is based on both the examination and the practical work. The multiple choice exam will be worth 7.75 points and the practical work 2.25 points. To pass the subject, it is essential to score at least 40% in the examination, i.e. 3.10 points. The practical work system is detailed below. PRACTICAL WORK: The subject's practical work is designed to help clarify the theory concepts. Thus, carrying out this assignment will serve to support or rebut ideas, using empirical evidence. The data to conduct the assignments is available in an Excel document on the subject's website within the folder for each assignment. It is easy to download and handle the Excel data. In addition to the data, each Excel document contains an additional sheet with the definitions and sources of the variables used. Students who have never used Excel can consult introductory guidelines for the programme, also available on the subject's website. Students who are already familiar with Excel but have some doubts about the commands needed to carry out the practical work will find the tips useful that are provided at the end of each sentence. The assessment of the subject's group assignment is worth 2.25 points. There are two options: 1. Voluntary attendance and completing a group work assignment choosing from topics 1 to 5 of the subject. Students interested in this system must inform the tutor their intention to do so, so that groups can be organised in sufficient time. To do so, send an email to Lecturer Gregory Gimenez through his Digital Teaching Ring account. In the body of the message include, in capital letters: SURNAME, NAME GROUP TO WHICH STUDENT BELONGS Example: GÓMEZ GARCÍA, MARÍA ELENA GROUP 36 The deadline to send the email for enrolment will be 25 February. After this date, it will be assumed that students who have not sent a mail to the Digital Teaching Ring opt for the non-attendance system Once students wishing to do so have enrolled, the work groups will be assigned, as well as the assignment for each group. This allocation will be done exclusively by surname; groups may not be formed to the student's discretion nor can the assignment to be completed be chosen. The number of people in each working group will depend on the total number registered. In this system, class attendance will be taken with an attendance sheet, about 0.75 points, prorated by the number of practical sessions the student has attended, in relation to the total number of course sessions, which will take place on Thursdays between March 6 and May 22. The group practical work is to be submitted, without exception, on the date specified for each group in order to be assessed. As follows: Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Group Group Group Group Group 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 April 15 May The group members will present the conclusion of their work in class during their assigned session. The work will be worth 1.5 points, taking into account the quality of the work and its presentation. Each group member will receive the same mark. Failure to submit work on the agreed date will result in zero points. Thus, in total, the practical work will have a potential joint value of 2.25 points. While the students who choose this option must only submit and present in class the assignment that they have worked on with their group (one document signed by all group members), all students attending practical classes must read and understand the other groups' assignments. During the practical classes in which the students work is presented, questions will be answered and press-related material will be read connected with subjects dealt with in the theory classes. Year2008 Pág.:50 2. There- 2009 is the other option of not attending the practical classes and carrying out the practical assignment which will be worth the full 2.25 points. Students who opt for this system need not attend practical classes nor sign the attendance sheet. The practical work to be carried out is on the subject's website and is called "distance learning practical press-related material will be read connected with subjects dealt with in the theory classes. 2. There is the other option of not attending the practical classes and carrying out the practical assignment which will be worth the full 2.25 points. Students who opt for this system need not attend practical classes nor sign the attendance sheet. The practical work to be carried out is on the subject's website and is called "distance learning practical LECTURERS GIMENEZ ESTEBAN, GREGORIO GÓMEZ LOSCOS, ANA GAUDIOSO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] AZQUETA, D.: Introducción a la economía ambiental, McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 2007, 2ª ed. [*] CAÑIBANO SÁNCHEZ, C. Economía del conocimiento y la innovación. Pirámide, 2008 [*] CUADRADO ROURA, J. R. (coord.): Política Económica: objetivos e instrumentos. McGraw-Hill, 2006, 3ª ed. [*] CUADRADO ROURA, Juan R. (coord.): Introducción a la política económica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1997 [*] EASTERLY, William.: En busca del crecimiento económico: andanzas y tribulaciones de los economistas del desarrollo. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 2003 [*] FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, A.; PAREJO GÁMIR, J. A. y RODRÍGUEZ SÁIZ, L.: Política económica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2006, 4ª ed. [*] FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, A. (Director): Fundamentos y papel actual de la política económica, Madrid: Pirámide, 1999 [*] GARCÍA RECHE, A. (Coord.): Política económica sectorial y estructural, Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2003 [*] JONES, C. I.:Introducción al crecimiento económico, México: Pearson Educación, 2000, 1ª ed. [*] JORDÁN GALDUF, J.M., ANTUÑANO, I. (coord.): Política económica: fundamentos, objetivos e instrumentos, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2003 [*] JORDÁN GALDUF, J.M., GARCÍA RECHE, A. y ANTUÑANO, I. (coords.): Política económica y actividad empresarial, Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 1999 [*] SALA I MARTÍN, Xavier: Economía liberal para no economistas y no liberales. Barcelona: Debolsillo, 2007, 3ª ed. [*] SERVICIO DE ESTUDIOS DEL BANCO DE ESPAÑA. El análisis de la economía española, Madrid: Alianza, 2005 [*] VALLÉS FERRER, J. (Dir.): Política económica de España, Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2002 [*] WEIL, David N.: Economic growth, Boston: Pearson education, 2005 [*] WEIL, David N.: Crecimiento económico. Boston: Pearson education, 2006 [*] BANCO MUNDIAL. World development indicators. (CD-ROM). Washington: World Bank, 2004-2006. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL- Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:51 15930 Business Economics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics Marketing Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Degree and Market Research and Business Management Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: In essence, the content of this course, Business Economics II seeks to cover the basic concepts of the functional area of sales, in the context of the organisational structure of the company. Consequently, the course is essentially descriptive and general, leaving the responsibility for learning specific aspects for specialised courses offered in the following years. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Commercial activity and the marketing plan Analysis of the business environment Market research Decisions concerning products Decisions concerning communication Decisions concerning distribution Decisions concerning pricing EVALUATION: The assessment of the subject will be made based on the following concepts: weekly practical classes and practical work in groups; final exam. LECTURERS GUINALIU BLASCO, MIGUEL GURREA SARASA, RAQUEL BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Alegre Saz, Luis Alberto. Fundamentos de economía de la empresa: perspectiva funcional. Barcelona: Ariel, 2000. 2ª ed. [*] JOBBER, David; FAHY, John. Fundamentos de marketing. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2007, 2ª ed. [*] KOTLER, Philip. Dirección de marketing. Madrid: Pearson Educación, 2007. 12ª ed. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:52 15931 Public Economics II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: At present we are currently witnessing an extension of political decentralization throughout the world. To the classic federations of the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Australia, recently numerous developing or developed countries have been added, one of them being Spain. Territorial organisation in various levels having autonomous decision-making powers gives rise to many challenges for the public economy: How should the functions of the public sector be distributed among the different levels of government? How should the fiscal resources of a country be allotted among the central and regional governments? What role should transfers among jurisdictions play in a decentralised state? The branch of Public Economics which seeks to address these questions is known as the Economics of Fiscal Federalism. Thus, in this course a course in fiscal federalism will be offered in both its theoretical and practical aspects. The first part of the programme will introduce the basic results of the theory of distribution of functions and income among the different levels of government. The second part will deal with the economic problems associated with decentralisation arising from the Spanish Constitution of 1978, examining the levels of government presently existing in our country: central, regional and local. CURRICULUM: PART I. THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF DECENTRALISATION Lesson 1.- Economic arguments in favour of decentralisation: distribution of the functions of the public sector among different levels of government Lesson 2.- Determining the optimum size of the jurisdictions providing public goods and services Lesson 3.- Distribution of resources and income among the different levels of government (I): taxes and fees Lesson 4.- Distribution of resources and income among the different levels of government (II): transfers PART II. Lesson 5.Lesson 6.Lesson 7.Lesson 8.- DECENTRALISATION IN SPAIN General aspects of decentralisation Financing the Autonomous Communities which have normal tax regimes Financing the Autonomous Communities which have special tax regimes Financing local entities EVALUATION: LECTURERS BARBERAN ORTI, RAMON LOPEZ LABORDA, JULIO ANTONIO MANCEBON TORRUBIA, MARIA JESUS RODRIGO SAUCO, FERNANDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] CASTELLS, A. (1988): Hacienda autonómica: una perspectiva de federalismo fiscal. Barcelona: Ariel. GIMÉNEZ MONTERO, A. (2003): Federalismo fiscal: teoría y práctica. Valencia: Tiranto lo Blanch, 2ª ed. KING, D.N. (1984): Fiscal Tiers: The Economics of multi-level government. Londres: George Allen and Unwin. KING, D.N. (1988): La economía de los gobiernos multi-nivel. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. MONASTERIO, C. y SUÁREZ, J. (1998): Manual de hacienda autonómica y local. Barcelona: Ariel, 2ª ed. OATES, W.E. (1977): Federalismo fiscal. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios de Administración Local. SALINAS, J. (dir.) (2002): El nuevo modelo de financiación autonómica (2002) Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:53 15932 Microeconomics IV Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: Commencing with the model constructed in Microeconomics III, the technical study of production will be extended by incorporating the production functions of each industry (in terms of the production functions of the companies of which it is composed), analysing the production possibilities frontier of the economy based on the scaled output and the intensity of factors. Once the equilibrium of the factors market system and the equilibrium curve for the production sector (ECPS) have been determined, the results obtained in Micro III will enable us to establish the equilibrium curve for the consumer sector (ECCS), which together with the ECPS will provide an explanation for "general" equilibrium with rigid factor offers, as well as the process of tatonnement which through the bons of Walras facilitate recontracting in a competitive economy with production. That general equilibrium is subsequently formulated as a tangential situation between the transformation curve of the economy and a social indifference curve on a transitive chart (which obliges us to adopt very restrictive hypotheses concerning social preferences). Later, the normative properties of general equilibrium will be examined, underscoring how the "great theorem" of welfare economics shows that a perfectly competitive market satisfies all of the conditions of the Pareto optimum for a classic environment. Finally, an (optional) appendix will be added to study the imperfections of the mechanisms of the market within the framework of general equilibrium. CURRICULUM: Lesson 1. Technical aspects of the production sector and possible forms of the transformation curve. Lesson 2. Equilibrium of the factor market system. Lesson 3. Equilibrium curves of the consumer sector and the production sector. Lesson 4. General equilibrium with rigid supply factors and Walsarian rules of dual adjustment of the tatonnement process in an economy with production. Lesson 5. Social indifference curves, income distribution and the problem of transitivity of social preferences (II). General equilibrium with rigid supply factors in terms of social indifference curves. Lesson 6. Normative properties of general equilibrium. Appendix (optional). Imperfections of market mechanics in the framework of general equilibrium. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ESTEBAN ALVAREZ, MARIA DOLORES BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] JULIO SEGURA.: Análisis Microeconómico. Editorial Alianza, Madrid, 2002 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:54 15938 Exploratory Data Analysis and Model Simulation Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: After studying the current methods of exploratory data analysis, the basic concepts of simulation of variables will be presented. Subsequently, the statistical models most widely used in economics will be simulated. Classes will combine subject matter with practical exercises, and simple computer techniques will be developed. CURRICULUM: 1. Introduction to the course. Objectives. Stages in exploratory data analysis. Computational aspects. 2. Exploratory analysis of a data series. Smoothing methods applied to histograms. 3. Joint analysis of two or more variables. 4. The objectives of simulation. Simulation models. 5. Generating random variables. 6. The statistical models most often used in economics. Simulation. 7. Resampling methods. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ESCOBAR URMENETA, MARIA TERESA TERÁN AGRAZ, PEDRO NICOLÁS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ESCOBAR, M. (1999): ANÁLISIS GRÁFICO/EXPLORATORIO. COLECCIÓN CUADERNOS DE ESTADÍSTICA. ED. LA MURALLA HESPÉRIDES. [*] KELTON, W.D.; SADOWSKI, R.P.; SADOWSKI, D.A. (2007): SIMULATION WITH ARENA. MCGRAW-HILL. 4ª ED. [*] NAYLOR T.H. (1982): EXPERIMENTOS DE SIMULACIÓN EN COMPUTADORAS CON MODELOS DE SISTEMAS ECONÓMICOS. ED. LIMUSA. [*] PARDO L. Y VALDÉS T. (1987): SIMULACIÓN: APLICACIONES PRÁCTICAS EN LA EMPRESA. ED. DÍAZ DE SANTOS S.A [*] PÉREZ, C. (2005): TÉCNICAS ESTADÍSTICAS CON SPSS 12. ED. PRENTICE-HALL [*]WINSTON W. (2000): FINANCIAL MODELS USING SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION. ED. PALISADE. 2ª ED. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:55 15940 Exploratory Data Analysis and Multivariate Techniques Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical Theoretical : 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical ? (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim is for students to learn to correctly use a series of tools for data analysis and simulation which will enable them to confidently approach decision-making within an economic context. First, the techniques of exploratory data analysis will examined, teaching students to explore data series to determine their most relevant characteristics. Subsequently, students will be taught to design models of economic systems and to test them for use in simulation. Once these tests have been run, the results will be interpreted to determine the decision which should be taken within the system under study. This course is essentially practical in nature and will teach students to use different computer tools (SPSS and EXCEL) to carry out exploratory data analysis using a series of data and to simulate economic models. For that reason, classes of a theoretical nature will be alternated with practical exercises in which some of the examples examined in class will be implemented in the computer. Criteria for evaluation To achieve the above-mentioned objectives and given the practical nature of the course, an on-going learning process is essential. Thus, in order to complete this course, students' continued attendance in class will be required to enable the professor to evaluate their progress in assimilating the material being taught. There are two means for passing this course: by taking a final examination or by conducting a group project which simulates the behaviour of a economic system and which must be presented in class. In addition, throughout the course other voluntary projects will be suggested to be carried out individually and which will contribute to the final mark obtained in the course. CURRICULUM: PART I: LESSON LESSON LESSON Exploratory data analysis 1: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). 2: Exploratory analysis of a set of data. Graphical methods. 3: Treatment and detection of atypical data. Treatment of missing data. PART II: Simulation of models LESSON 4: Nature and methodology of simulation. LESSON 5: Generation of random numbers and random variables. LESSON 6: Design and statistical analysis of simulation. LESSON 7: Simulation of models used in economics. EVALUATION: LECTURERS OLAVE RUBIO, MARÍA PILAR BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] GRANDE ESTEBAN, I; ABASCAL FERNÁNDEZ, E.. (1989) Métodos multivariantes para la investigación comercial: teoría, aplicaciones y programación BASIC. Barcelona: Ariel [*] ANDERSON, T.W. (2003) An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 3ª ed. [*] CHAMBERS, J.M...[et al.] (1983) Graphical methods for data analysis. Wadsworth & Books [*] HAIR, J.F... [et al.]. (2005) Análisis multivariante. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 5ª ed. [*] JAMBU, M. (1991) Exploratory and multivariate analysis. Boston: Academic Press. [*] URIEL JIMÉNEZ, E. (1995) Análisis de datos: series temporales y análisis multivariante. Madrid: AC. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:56 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:57 15941 Public Accountancy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Financial Economics and Accountancy Accountancy and Finance CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: a) To understand the accounting problems of public entities from both a theoretical and practical perspective by means of an approach based on preparing information which will facilitate decision-making on the part of those using this data. 1 . To analyse the current situation of public accounting in the different entities comprising the Spanish public sector, and to justify the need for implementing cost accounting and management by objectives in public institutions. 2 . To review the different types of control to which public entities are subject. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: Accounting in the public sector. The legal framework of public accounting in Spain. Principles and rules of public accounting. Expense budget accounting. Income budget accounting. Fixed assets and debt accounting. Accounting of non-budged operations and expenses with affected financing. The annual accounts of the Public Administrations. Analysis and interpretation. Management in the Public Administrations. Control and auditing in the public sector. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ACERETE GIL, JOSE BASILIO MARTI LOPEZ, CARIDAD PINA MARTINEZ, VICENTE JOSE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE CONTABILIDAD Y ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS (AECA): "Marco conceptual para la información financiera de las entidades públicas". Madrid: AECA, 2001 [*] INTERVENCIÓN GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL ESTADO: "Principios contables públicos: documentos 1 a 8”. Madrid: Centro de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda, 2003 [*] INTERVENCIÓN GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL ESTADO: "Manual de contabilidad pública. Tomo 1-3". Madrid: Centro de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda, 2003 ORDEN de 6 de Mayo de 1994 por la que se aprueba el Plan General de Contabilidad Pública (BOE 20-5-94) [*] PINA V. y TORRES L.: “Análisis de la información externa financiera y de gestión de las Administraciones Públicas”. Madrid: ICAC, 1999. 2ª ed. act. [*] TORRES, L. y PINA, V.: “Manual de contabilidad pública: casos prácticos”. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Financieros, 2004. 4ª ed. [*] TORRES, L. y CABEZA, I.: “Auditoría de entidades locales”. Madrid: Instituto de Auditores-Censores de Cuentas de España, 1995 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:58 15942 International Cooperation Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Sociology Psychology and Sociology CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 2nd four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject has many aims: 1 .- Analyse the sociogenesis of the development concept in the context of modernity and modernisation of Western societies. 2 .- Study international cooperation within the framework of sociology of development and international relations. 3 .- Understand the main agents of international cooperation and their most frequently used actions. 4 .- Identify new ways of social mobilisation and actions of the modern citizen as a new subject in globalised international relations centred on international cooperation. 5 .- Become familiar with the main models and practical methods used in international cooperation to channel development aid. CURRICULUM: I. . MODERNITY AND MODERNISATION. 1. Modernity and modernism. 2. Social change and contemporaneity. 3. Modernisation theories. 4. Globalisation and its effects. II. DEVELOPMENT 1. Historical background of the beginning of the notion of development 2. Focus on development: modernisation, dependency and critical analysis 3. Development and ethnocentrism 4. Neoliberalism and poverty 5. Sustainable human development 6. Women and development III. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN FAVOUR OF DEVELOPMENT. 1. Aid and cooperation concepts 2. Development Cooperation agents 3. The institutional architecture of cooperation in favour of development 4. Spanish Aid in favour of Development. IV. IDENTITY, CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBALISATION 1. Privatisation and Citizenship 2. Identity and links in the network society 3. New international agents, human rights and globalisation. EVALUATION: LECTURERS ULDEMOLINS JULVE, JOSÉ ENRIQUE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Rist, Gilbert: "El desarrollo: historia de una creencia occidental". Madrid: Catarata, 2002 [*] Sachs, Jeffrey D.: "El fin de la pobreza". Barcelona: Debate, 2005 [*] Sen, Amartya Kumar: "Desarrollo y libertad". Barcelona: Planeta, 2000 [*] Tortella Casares, Gabriel: "Los orígenes del siglo XXI: un ensayo de historia social y económica contemporánea". Madrid: Gadir, 2005 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:59 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-# #MODERNIDAD Y MODERNIZACIÓN # [*] Agnew, John A.: "Geopolítica: una re-visión de la política mundial". Madrid: Trama, 2005 [*] Berman, Marshall: “Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire: la experiencia de la modernidad”. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1991 [*] Entrena Durán, Francisco: "Modernidad y cambio social". Madrid: Trotta, 2001 [*] Chang, Ha-Joon: "Retirar la escalera: la estrategia del desarrollo en perspectiva histórica". Madrid: Catarata, 2004 [*] Solé, Carlota: "Modernidad y modernización". Rubí (Barcelona): Anthropos, 1998 # #DESARROLLO # [*] Amin, Samir: "El fracaso del desarrollo en Africa y en el Tercer Mundo: un análisis político". Madrid: Iepala, 1994 [*] BANCO MUNDIAL: “Evaluación de la ayuda al desarrollo: análisis de los éxitos y fracasos”. México: Mundiprensa, 1999 Esteva, Gustavo (1996): "Desarrollo" en SACHS, W. (ed.), Diccionario del Desarrollo. Una guía del conocimiento [*] GARCÍA, E.: Medio ambiente y sociedad: la civilización industrial y los límites del planeta. Madrid: Alianza, 2005 [*] "La controversia del desarrollo: críticas desde la antropología". Madrid: Los libros de la catarata, 1999 [*] Halliday, Fred: "Las relaciones internacionales en un mundo en transformación". Madrid: Catarata, 2002 [*] López Mendez, Irene: "Integrando el análisis de género en el desarrollo: manual para técnicos de cooperación". Madrid: Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperacion, 2001 [*] “Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2004. La libertad cultural en el mundo diverso de hoy”. Madrid: PNUD [*] Sampedro, José Luis: “Conciencia del subdesarrollo veinticinco años después". Madrid: Taurus, 1996 # #LA COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL AL DESARROLLO # “Ong et développment: société, économie, politique”. París: Karthala, 1988 [*] Alonso, José Antonio (dir.): "Estrategia para la Cooperación Española". Madrid: Secretaria de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamerica, 199 [*] Alonso, José Antonio (ed.): "Los organismos multilaterales y la ayuda al desarrollo". Madrid: AECI : Civitas, 2000 [*] Mosley, P. (ed.): “La eficacia de la cooperación internacional al desarrollo: evaluación de la ayuda”. Madrid: Civitas, 1999 [*] Gómez Galán, Manuel: "El sistema internacional de cooperación al desarrollo: una aproximación a sus actores e instrumentos". Madrid: Cideal, 1999 [*] Iglesia-Caruncho, Manuel: "El impacto económico y social de la cooperación para el desarrollo". Madrid: Catarata, 2005 [*] "El desarrollo y la cooperación internacional". Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 1997 [*] Sogge, David (ed.): “Compasión y cálculo: un análisis crítico de la cooperación no gubernamental al desarrollo”. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial, 1998 [*] Sogge, David: “Dar y tomar: ¿qué ocurre con la ayuda internacional?”. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial, 2002 [*] “Globalización, pobreza y desarrollo: los retos de la cooperación internacional” Enara Echart, Luis Miguel Puerto, José Angel Sotillo (coords.). Madrid: Catarata, 2005 [*] "Evaluación de la ayuda al desarrollo: análisis de los éxitos y fracasos". México: Mundi Prensa, 1999 [*] García, Ernest: "Medio ambiente y sociedad: la civilización industrial y los límites del planeta". Madrid: Alianza, 2005. 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. # #LA PRÁCTICA DE LA COOPERACIÓN: EL CICLO DEL PROYECTO Y METODOLOGÍAS DE TRABAJO # [*] AA.VV. “Gestión de la ayuda humanitaria”. Biblao: Universidad de Deusto, 1998 [*] AA.VV. “La gestión de las organizaciones no lucrativas”. Bilbao: Deusto, 2004 [*] “Metodología de evaluación de la cooperación española II”. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 2001 CAMACHO, H. et al. (2001): El enfoque de marco lógico: 10 casos prácticos. Cuaderno para la identificación y diseño de proyectos de desarrollo, Madrid, CIDEAL-ADC. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Year2008 - 2009 Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2004. La libertad cultural en el mundo diverso de hoy Plan Director para la Cooperación Española 2005-2008. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional Pág.:60 --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2004. La libertad cultural en el mundo diverso de hoy Plan Director para la Cooperación Española 2005-2008. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional Guía para la gestión del ciclo de proyecto El enfoque del marco lógico: 10 casos prácticos. Cuaderno para la identificación y diseño de proyectos de desarrollo Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:61 15944 Economic Growth Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The objective of this course is to introduce students to the complex subjects of economic growth and development, which require establishing basic concepts, and justifying and studying the more simple models such as Domar’s, Harrod’s, Solow’s, and the bisectorial model of Uzawa. Together with the study of cycles and optimal growth, the course will end with a review of the recent developments in endogenous growth. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. Introduction to growth theory: concepts, instruments and empirical evidence. 2. The classical view of economic growth. 3. The Harrod-Domar growth model. 4. Solow’s neoclassical model. The golden rule. 5. Technical change in single-sector models. 6. The neoclassical two-sector model. 7. Cyclical growth models. 8. Neoclassical models: Ramsey’s model. 9. Introduction to models of endogenous growth: the AK model. 10. Growth models with human capital. 11. Other models of endogenous growth. 12. The empirical evidence. EVALUATION: This subject will be assessed by taking into account the result obtained in the final exam, in addition to those obtained in the two revision tests sat during the course, set exercises, and attendance. The final exam has a weighting of 70% of total assessment. All students are to do an assignment consisting of the analysis of data and characteristics corresponding to the economic growth of a country other than Spain. The choice of country is left to students and the activity may be carried out individually or in pairs. Only one country is allowed per assignment with coordination in the hands of the lecturer. The assignment will have a minimum length of 15 A4 pages and will contribute a maximum of 1.5 points to the final mark. Additionally, each student may choose topics of his/her own interest, or extend the study of the previously studied country in a new assignment. These assignments will allow the final mark to be raised, provided that this, taking in the exam mark and other prerequisites, has reached a total of 4 points. LECTURERS SAURA BACAICOA, MARÍA DEL DULCE NOMBRE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Argandoña Rámiz, Antonio: "Macroeconomía avanzada II: fluctuaciones cíclicas y crecimiento económico”. Madrid: McGraw-Hill , 1997 [*] Jones, C.H.: “Introducción al Crecimiento Económico”. México: Prentice Hall, 2000 [*] Helpman, Elhanan. “El misterio del crecimiento económico”. Barcelona: Antonio Bosch, 2007 [*] Novales, Alfonso: "Análisis macroeconómico. Vol. 2". Madrid: Marcial Pons, 1999 [*] Romer, David: “Macroeconomía avanzada” McGraw-Hill, 2006, 3ª ed. [*] Sala i Martín, Xavier: "Apuntes de crecimiento económico". Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 2002, 2ª ed. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:62 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:63 15949 Economics of Social Policy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course on the Economics of Social Policy seeks to address the basic issues of social policy using the tools of economic analysis. Two clarifications should be offered before explaining the programme in greater detail. First, the course attempts to demonstrate that economics may play an important role in the study of problems which have traditionally been approached from non-economic perspectives. But secondly, the course also seeks to highlight the normative content of social policy, identifying when possible the limits of economic analysis. The objective of the course is logically to study a series of benefits and services that are fundamentally provided by the public sector and which are generally grouped under the heading of social spending or the welfare state. However, the relevant presence of the private sector in areas such as education, housing, health care and, more recently, pensions requires taking into consideration the social problems beyond an analysis of the public sector in the strict sense. Thus we must consider quasi-markets in education, of competition among for-profit and non-profit hospitals, of management systems for social services and of the rental-housing market which is overwhelmingly in private hands. The program is composed of five lessons divided into two parts. The first part, Economic Foundations of Social Policy, offers an integrated perspective of social policy by presenting the theoretical bases and the analytical tools which economics provides and which are indispensable in the subsequent study of each of the social benefits and services. Therefore we will study the theory of externalities and its correction mechanisms, the problems arising from uncertainty and its coverage in the insurance markets and the relations between social policy and the objectives of equity and justice. The constant goal is to relate theoretical developments to social services and benefits by using specific examples and applications, as is the case involving externalities in education, health care or housing, or in the insurance markets with regard to pensions or unemployment. This first part is complemented with a study of the behaviour of voters, politicians, bureaucrats and pressure groups, and its impact on the volume and composition of social programmes, while at the same time proposing a revision of the functions, benefits and costs of the modern welfare states, attempting to project present tendencies onto the horizon of their financial feasibility. The second part concerning the Economics of Social Services in a Welfare State undertakes a full analysis of three of the principal social policy programmes: health care, education and housing. Naturally, the problems discussed in each case certainly do not exhaust subjects such as health economics or educational economics. However, the approach is always the same: to analyse the behaviour of demand, the conditions of supply, the structure and degree of competition in the market, the problems of efficiency and equity, and public intervention. Thus, emphasis will be placed on the characteristics of the markets, and analysing each of the above-mentioned areas in detail will require a deeper knowledge of what may be termed the technology of the sector -education, health care and housing-; the economic evaluation of alternative techniques for treating heart failure, the measurement of the output of educational centres or the application of hedonic prices in housing are problems, which can only be treated with rigor by economists if they have the cooperation of the corresponding experts in these matters. This is not what we are seeking. But at the end of the course, students should be capable of determining which analytical instruments should be used in each case and the limitations of their "toolbox". CURRICULUM: PART I: THE ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL POLICY Lesson 1. Conditions for efficiency in the allotment of social services: general and specific, and absolute and relative external factors Lesson 2. Uncertainty, the insurance market, and social security Lesson 3. Equity and social policy. PART II: Lesson 4. Lesson 5. Lesson 6. THE The The The Year2008 - 2009 ECONOMICS economics of economics of economics of OF SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE WELFARE STATE health education housing PART III: FEASIBILITY AND REFORM OF THE WELFARE STATE Lesson 7. The welfare state as a part of the social contract. Lesson 8. The future of the welfare state; scenarios and reforms. Pág.:64 Lesson 5. The economics of education Lesson 6. The economics of housing PART III: FEASIBILITY AND REFORM OF THE WELFARE STATE Lesson 7. The welfare state as a part of the social contract. Lesson 8. The future of the welfare state; scenarios and reforms. EVALUATION: LECTURERS SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, ANTONIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Barr, Nicholas: "The economics of the welfare state". London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004, 4ª ed. [*] Culyer, Anthony John: "The political economy of social policy". Aldershot, [etc.]: Ashgate, 2001 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:65 15952 Economics of the Spanish Public Sector Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject is taught in the first term of the Degree in Economy’s third year and is optional. In the degree’s diploma stage, students will have taken the compulsory subjects “Public taxation I” and “Public Economy I”. In these, justification was given from a theoretical point of view for public sector intervention in the economy due to market failings, as well as because of pressure from interested parties. In this subject, students will learn the structure and workings of the Spanish public sector. The programme begins by rationalising public sector presence in the economy, both on a central government and subcentral administration (autonomous communities and local authorities) level. Lastly, a topic will be devoted to the study of state-owned companies. CURRICULUM: Topic 1. Definition, organisation and dimension of the Spanish public sector. 1.1. The role of the public sector: aims and means 1.2. Institutional organisation 1.3. The public sector dimension Topic 2. General state budgets 2.1. Concept and regulations 2.2. Content and structure 2.3. The budgetary cycle Topic 3. Income and expenditure in general state budgets. 3.1. Economic dimension 3.2. Expenditure, income and public deficit 3.3. General Budgets for 2006 Topic 4. The public deficit and its financing 4.1. Definition and dimension of the deficit 4.2. The Budgetary Stability law 4.3. The financing of the public deficit. Public debt Topic 5. The welfare state 5.1. Social protection 5.2. Social security benefits 5.3. Other benefits Topic 6. Territorial authorities 6.1. The decentralisation model in Spain 6.2. Autonomous communities 6.3. Local authorities Topic 7. State-owned companies 7.1. Institutional demarcation, historical background and current organisation of the state-owned company sector. 7.2. Privatisation. 7.3. Public financing institutions. EVALUATION: Assessment will be through an end-of-term written exam, in which students must attain a minimum of 5/10 mark in order to pass and which will represent 80% of their final mark. The remaining 20% will be awarded depending on participation in class debates and public presentations on suggested topics. Participation in class will be compulsory in this respect. LECTURERS EGEA ROMÁN, PILAR BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-- Year2008 - 2009 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-- Pág.:66 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] "Economía, trabajo y sociedad: memoria sobre la situación socioeconómica y laboral". Madrid: Consejo Economico y Social, 2006 [*] González-Páramo, José Manuel: "Costes y beneficios de la disciplina fiscal: la ley de estabilidad presupuestaria en perspectiva”. Madrid: Ministerio de Hacienda: Instituto de Estudios de Fiscales, 2001 [*] López López, María Teresa: "Lecciones sobre el sector público español". Madrid: Civitas, 2000 [*] Utrilla de la Hoz, Alfonso.: "La economía pública en Europa". Madrid: Síntesis, 2001. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Prestaciones del IMSERSO Prestaciones por desempleo Seguridad Social Presupuestos públicos Memoria sobre la situación socioeconómica y laboral Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:67 15963 Computing for Economists Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: A first objective is to standardise certain knowledge during the course, such as terminology. For that reason, it will be assumed that students do not have any prior knowledge of the material. Once this first objective has been achieved, the essential part of the subject will be presented, which aims for students to acquire a given level of skills in using software for making economic calculations. CURRICULUM: 1.- Basic concepts of computing. The Windows graphic environment. Part 1: Office automation 2.- Word processing: Word 6 3.- Spreadsheets: Excel 5 4.- Databases: Access 2 Part 2: An integrated statistics package 5.- Introduction to MS-DOS 6.- T.S.P. EVALUATION: LECTURERS CABEZA LAGUNA, JOSEFINA REYES GARCÍA, MARCELO ADRIÁN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Carrascal Arranz, Ursicino: "Análisis econométrico con EViews". Madrid: Ra-ma, 2001 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:68 15964 English for Economists Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree English Philology English and German Philology CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course seeks to provide students with an intermediate-advanced command of the lexical, grammatical and communication skills of the English language register in the area of business and economics. Students are required to have an intermediate level of general English. The Faculty of Economics and Business Studies offers English for Economists in the Economics BSc. degree programme and Business English in the Business Management and Administration BSc. degree programme. Both are optional 6-credit subjects and may also be chosen by students from other degree programmes. CURRICULUM: UNIT 1: ECONOMICS & ECONOMY - Reading comprehension and word study: Definitions of Economics, Economy and Production. - Language focus: . Connectors: focusing and linking. . Asking for and giving opinions: discussion on economic matters. -Text analysis: structure and content of the introduction text of The End of Poverty. Jeffrey Sachs(2005) Assignment: oral and written comment on a text. UNIT 2: BANKING - Glossary - Reading comprehension: the Banking System; Traditional Banking and New Ways of Banking. - Word study: banking services - Language focus: ."allow", "enable" and "let" expressing possibility. . 1st and 2nd conditional. - Reading comprehension & vocabulary exercises: Internet banking. - How to say numerical expressions. - Case study: Applying for a loan. UNIT 3: THE STOCK EXCHANGE & DESCRIPTION OF TRENDS - Stock Exchange Glossary - Reading comprehension: Introduction to the Stock Market. - Language focus: Speculating about the past: 3rd conditional sentences . - Language to describe trends. Assignment: Written description of a graph. UNIT 4: BUSINESS REPORTS - Structure and sections of a business report - Language used in a business report - Study of some examples Assignment: Writing a business report UNIT 5: INTERNATIONAL - Glossary Year2008 - 2009 TRADE Pág.:69 - Reading comprehension and word study: Import and Export. - Handling documents involved in an international commerce transaction, incoterms and methods of payment. - Commercial letters UNIT 5: INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Glossary - Reading comprehension and word study: Import and Export. - Handling documents involved in an international commerce transaction, incoterms and methods of payment. - Commercial letters Assignment: writing a commercial letter UNIT 6: BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS - The art of negotiation: some techniques and key points of a successful negotiation. - Negotiating across cultures. - Stages and functions in a negotiation: challenging, establishing common ground, making excuses, etc. - Language for the different stages of negotiations. Assignments: simulation of a business negotiation Final test. EVALUATION: There will be a number of assignments during the term which will be assessed and a final written exam paper only for students whose assignments have not been evaluated positively. LECTURERS FOZ GIL, MARIA DEL CARMEN GÓMEZ DE VALENZUELA, MARTA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# INGLÉS ESPECÍFICO PARA LA EMPRESA # # Práctica gramatical # [*] EMERSON, P. Business Builder: modules 1-9. Oxford: Macmillan, 1999 [*] EMERSON, P. Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan, 2002 [*] STRUTT, P. Market Leader: Business Grammar and Usage. Harlow: Pearson, 2004 # Diccionarios # [*] ALCARAZ, E. ; HUGHES, B. Diccionario de términos económicos financieros y comerciales: inglés-español, Spanish-English. Barcelona: Ariel, 2004, 4ª ed. [*] Longman Business English Dictionary. Harlow (Essex): Pearson, 2004 [*] Oxford Dictionary of Business English: for learners of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-# INGLÉS GENERAL # # Revisión Gramatical: Teoría y práctica # [*] MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students: with answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004 [*] THOMPSON, A.J. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 [*] THOMPSON, A.J. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 [*] THOMPSON, A.J. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 # Ejercicios de vocabulario # [*] HEATON, JB. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. Workbook .2002 [*] McCARTHY, Michael. English Vocabulary in Use: advanced. Cambridge . Cambridge University Press, 2005. [*] McCARTHY, Michael. English Vocabulary in Use: upper-intermediate. Cambridge . Cambridge University Press, 2005. [*] McCARTHY, Michael. Test your English Vocabulary in Use: upper-intermediate. Cambridge .Cambridge University Press, 2001 [*] McCARTHY, Michael. English Vocabulary in Use: elementary. Cambridge . Cambridge University Press, 1999. [*] REDMAN, Stuart. Test your English Vocabulary in Use: pre-intermediate and intermediate. Cambridge . Cambridge University Press, 2000. [*] ROBBINS, Sue. Collins Cobuild business Vocabulary in Practice. Glasgow: Harper Collins, 2003 [*] TURTON,ND. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors, 2003 # Certificados de Cambridge # [*] Cambridge certificate in advanced English 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 [*] Cambridge certificate of proficiency in English 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:70 [*] Cambridge certificate of proficiency in English 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 [*] CAPEL, Annette: Objective first certificate: Self-study student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2005 [*] HASHEMI, Louise: Cambridge grammar for first certificate with answers: self-study grammar reference and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 # [*] Cambridge certificate in advanced English 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 [*] Cambridge certificate of proficiency in English 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 [*] Cambridge certificate of proficiency in English 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 [*] CAPEL, Annette: Objective first certificate: Self-study student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2005 [*] HASHEMI, Louise: Cambridge grammar for first certificate with answers: self-study grammar reference and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 [*] O'DELL, Felicity: Objective CAE: self-study student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2005 [*] POWELL, Debra: Common mistakes at CAE and how to avoid them. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 [*] SPRATT, Mary: The Cambridge CAE course: self-study student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 [*] TAYFOOR, Susanne: Common mistakes at First Certificate-and how to avoid them. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 # Lectura y DVDs # SPEAK UP. Barcelona: RBA Revistas, 1985- ISSN 0214-1418 # INGLÉS ESPECÍFICO PARA LA EMPRESA # # Práctica gramatical # [*] BRIEGER, Nick ; SWEENWY, Simon. The Language of Business English, Grammar&Functions. Prentice Hall International, 1994 [*] DUCKWORTH, Michael. Business Grammar and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003 # Cursos de inglés empresarial # [*] BARRALL, Irene. Intelligent Business Elementary: Coursebook. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2008 [*] COTTON D., FALVEY D., & KENT S. Intermediate Business English: Course Book. London: Longman, 2007, 3ª ed. [*] COTTON D., FALVEY D., & KENT S. Upper Intermediate Business English: Course Book. London: Longman, 2007, 3ª ed. [*] COTTON, D. Intermediate Business English: Course Book CDS. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2005 [*] FREITAG-LAWRENCE, A. Business Presentations. Pearson Education Limited 2005. [*] JACKSON, T.; JACKSON E. The Perfect CV. Piatkus, 1991. [*] JOHNSON, C. Banking and Finance: Business English. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2000 [*] JOHNSON, Christine. Intelligent business pre-intermediate: Coursebook. Harlow (England) : Pearson Education, 2007 [*] MASCULL, Bill. Intermediate Business English: Teacher's resource book. Harlow (England) :Pearson Education, 2005 [*] MASCULL, Bill. Upper intermediate Business English. Teacher's book. Harlow : Longman, 2006 [*] MASCULL, Bill. Upper intermediate Business English. Teacher's resource book. Harlow : Longman, 2001 [*] PILE, Louise. Intermediate Business English :Test File. Harlow (England) :Pearson Education, 2006 [*] ROGERS, John. Upper intermediate Business English. Practice file. Harlow : Longman, 2007 [*] SMITH, T. Market Leader. Business Law.. Longman. [*] TEJADA: English for Professional Success. Text with Audio CD. Heinle [*] TEJADA : English for Professional Success . Teacher's Resource Book . Heinle [*] TEJADA : English for Business. Text with Audio Audio CD. Heinle [*] TEJADA: English for Business .Teacher's Resource Book. Heinle [*] TRAPPE, Tonya. Intelligent Business: Coursebook. Intermediate. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2006 [*] TRAPPE, Tonya. Intelligent Business: Coursebook. Intermediate. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2006 [*] TRAPPE, Tonya. Intelligent Business: Coursebook. Upper Intermediate. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2007 [*] TRAPPE, Tonya. Intelligent Business: Coursebook. Upper Intermediate. Harlow (England): Pearson Education, 2007 [*] TULLIS, Graham. New insights into Business. Student's book. Harlow, England : Pearson Education, 2002 [*] TULLIS, Graham. New insights into Business. Teacher's book. Harlow, England : Pearson Education, 2007 [*] TULLIS, Graham. New insights into Business. Workbook. Harlow, England: Pearson Education, 2004 # Correspondencia comercial en inglés # [*] ASHLEY, A. Correspondence Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. [*] ASHLEY, A. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003 [*] FAYET, M., MANN, A. Correspondencia comercial en inglés. Barcelona: Ediciones Gestión 2000, 2002 # Vocabulario # [*] BETHELL, George. Test your Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. [*] GREASBY, Liz. Check your Vocabulary for Banking and Finance: a workbook for users. Middlesex, UK: Peter Collin, 1999. [*] FLOWER, John. Build your Business Vocabulary. Hove, England: Language Teaching Publications 1990. [*] MASCUL, Hill. Business Vocabulary in Use: advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:71 15969 The International Monetary System Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Length: Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To gain a deeper knowledge of and to analyse the functions of the international monetary system from a theoretical and institutional perspective. CURRICULUM: PART 0: INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM PART 1: BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, FOREIGN-EXCHANGE MARKETS AND EXCHANGE RATES Lesson 1.- The exchange rate as price on the foreign-exchange market Lesson 2.- The equilibrium of stocks on the exchange market Lesson 3.- Relative prices as a long-term argument PART 2: MONETARY AREAS AND POLICY COORDINATION Lesson 4.- Economic policy and floating exchange rates Lesson 5.- Costs and benefits of monetary integration PART 3: THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM Lesson 6.- From the gold standard to the fixed parity of the 60s. Lesson 7.- The controled flotation of the 70s Lesson 8.- The European Monetary System and the Euro in the context of the current international monetary system. EVALUATION: LECTURERS AIXALA PASTO, GRACIA ANDIA, JOSE ANA BELEN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# #PARTE II # [*] CHACHOLIADES, M.: “Economía Internacional”. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1993 # #PARTE III Y IV # [*] KRUGMAN, P. Y OBSTFELD, M: "Economía internacional: teoría y política". Madrid: Pearson educación, 2006, 7ª ed. [*] LINDERT, Peter H.: "Economía internacional". Barcelona: Ariel, 1994 [*] SALVATORE, Dominick: "Economía internacional". Mexico: Prentice Hall, 1999, 6ª ed. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-- Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:72 15972 Techniques of Applied Research Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim of the course is to brief students in techniques of nonparametric density and regression estimation. The course is primarily practical and involves the use of the Xplore computer program. This is a specially-designed program for the calculation of the estimators outlined above. CURRICULUM: 1. Introduction and examples of techniques of nonparametric density and regression estimation. 2. Nonparametric density estimation. 2.1. Histograms 2.2. Density estimation through the nucleus. 2.3. Theoretical properties. 2.4. Choice of bandwidth. 2.5. Building of confidence intervals. 2.6. Bootstrap resampling and subsampling methods. 3. Nonparametric regression estimation. 3.1. Naradaya-Watson estimator. 3.2. Theoretical properties. 3.3. Choice of bandwidth. 3.4. Building of confidence intervals. 3.5. Bootstrap resampling and subsampling methods. 3.6. Other nonparametric regression estimators. 4. Multidimensional estimation techniques. Faults with dimensionality. 5. Generalised additive models. 6. Partially linear additive models. EVALUATION: Students will be assessed on the presentation and explanation of work which must include application of what they have learned during the course. LECTURERS MEDRANO ADAN, LUIS ANGEL BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-MORAL, I. y J.M. Rodríguez Poo: “Introducción a los métodos de estimación no paramétricos de la regresión”. En: Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento, (2002), 2 (2), pp. 217-232 [*] Rodríguez poo, J.M.: “Métodos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos en la especificación de modelos econométricos”. En: Cuadernos Económicos de Información Comercial Española, (1994), 56, pp. 109-144 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Härdle, Wolfgang: "Applied nonparametric regression". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 [*] Pagan, Adrian: "Nonparametric econometrics". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 [*] Silverman, Bernard W.: "Density estimation for statistics and data analysis". London: Chapman and Hall, 1998 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:73 15973 Game Theory in Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course is an extension of the two mathematics courses offered during the first cycle. It should also establish a basis for solid training in mathematics for all students who choose Economic Analysis as their area of specialisation. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. Introduction to games and game theory 2. Two-player games 3. Mixed strategies and equilibrium in mixed strategies 4. Normal form n-player games 5. Normal form non-cooperative market games 6. Credibility and perfect equilibrium in subgames 7. Repeated games 8. Two-player negotiations 9. Arbitration 10. Negotiations among n-players. The nucleus of a game EVALUATION: LECTURERS JARNE JARNE, MARIA GLORIA PEREZ GRASA, ISABEL SANCHEZ CHOLIZ, JULIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Friedman, James W.: "Teoría de juegos con aplicaciones a la economía". Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1991 [*] GARDNER, Roy: "Juegos para empresarios y economistas". Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 1999 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] [*] [*] [*] Binmore, K.G.: "Teoría de juegos". Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1996 Friedman, James W.: "Game theory with applications to economics". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991 Luce, R. Duncan: "Games and decisions". New York [etc.]: John Wiley & Sons, 1957 Moulin, Hervé: "Game theory for the social sciences". New York: New York University Pres, 1986, 2nd ed. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:74 15974 Theory of International Trade Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: In the last few decades the volume of commercial trade among countries has shown an unmistakable upward trend, both in absolute terms and in terms of a percentage of GNP. What are the reasons for this increasing globalisation? What determines whether a country exports certain goods and imports others? When is it beneficial to establish import tariffs? This course seeks to provide answers to questions of this nature. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Theory of comparative advantage Theory of factorial proportions International growth and economic growth Theory of trade policy Other theories of international trade. EVALUATION: LECTURERS SANZ GRACIA, FERNANDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Salvatore, Dominick. Economía internacional. Mexico: Prentice Hall, 1999. 6ª ed. [*] Krugman, Paul R. Economía internacional: teoría y política. Madrid: Pearson educación, 2006. 7ª ed. [*] Helpman, Elhanan; Krugman, Paul R. Market structure and foreign trade: increasing returns, imperfect competition and the international economy. Cambridge: MIT, 1986. 2ª ed. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:75 15983 International Trade Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 3 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To initiate students in the study and analysis of the principal models of international trade and to the effects and directions of commercial policy. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Traditional explanations of international trade New theories to explain international trade International mobility of production factors The instruments of trade policy Economic policies and trade policies Economic integration EVALUATION: LECTURERS LÓPEZ PUEYO, MARÍA DEL CARMEN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] KRUGMAN, P. y OBSTFELD, M.: Economía internacional: teoría y política. Madrid: Pearson educación, 2006, 7ª ed. [*] ROBSON, P.: The economics of international integration. London: Rowtledge, 1993 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] ALONSO, J.A. (dir.): Diez lecciones sobre la economía mundial. Madrid: Civitas, 2000 [*] Appleyard, Dennis R.: Economía internacional. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2003, 4ª ed. [*] Bhagwati, Jagdish N.: El proteccionismo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1991 [*] Bhagwati, Jagdish N.: En defensa de la globalización: el rostro humano de un mundo global. Barcelona: Debate, 2005 CIMOLI, M. (1988): "Technological Gaps and Institutional Asimmetries in a Noryh-South Model with a Continuum of goods", En: Metroeconomica, vol. 39, nº 3, pp. 245-274. [*] DUNNING, H.J.: Multinational enterprises and the global economy. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley, 1993 EI-AGRAA, A.M. (ed.): International Economic Integration. 2nd ed. McMillan Press, 1988 [*] Ethier, Wilfred J.: Modern international economics. New York; London: Norton, 1995. 3ª ed. [*] GRAHAM, E.M. (1992): "Los determinantes de la inversión extranjera directa: teorías alternativas y evidencia internacional". En: Moneda y Crédito nº 194, págs. 13-57 [*] Claves de la economía mundial. Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, 2008. [*] Kenen, Peter B.: The international economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 4ª ed. [*] Lindert, Peter H.: Economía internacional. Barcelona: Ariel, 1994 [*] Salvatore, Dominick: Economía internacional. Mexico: Prentice Hall, 1999. 6ª ed. [*] Sánchez Muñoz, M. Paloma: El comercio exterior de España. Madrid: Pirámide, 2007. 2ª ed. # #LIBROS PARA COMENTAR (en pregunta opcional de examen) # [*] Bhagwati, Jagdish N.: En defensa de la globalización: el rostro humano de un mundo global. Barcelona: Debate, 2005 [*] Krugman, Paul R.: El internacionalismo moderno: la economía internacional y las mentiras de la competitividad. Barcelona: Crítica, 2004 [*] Stiglitz, Joseph E.: El malestar en la globalización. Madrid: Santillana ediciones generales, 2004. 3ª ed. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Doing Business Year2008 - 2009 2008 Spain Pág.:76 3725/Rendered/PDF/430110Doing0Business0WP020080Spain0.pdf --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Doing Business 2008 Spain 3725/Rendered/PDF/430110Doing0Business0WP020080Spain0.pdf Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:77 15933 Macroeconomics III Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: The models and basic aspects of traditional short-term macroeconomics are presented in detail, and critical assessment is offered concerning the appropriateness of certain proposals to explain significant phenomena, especially the dynamics inherent in asset accumulation. Thus, based on the above, the requisites for a model to be consistent will be established, the microeconomic foundations of behavioural functions will be reviewed, and a complete short-term model will be developed. CURRICULUM: Topic Topic Topic Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction and basic models. Consistency and microeconomic concepts of a macroeconomic model. Analysis of a short-term, complete static model. Analysis of a long-term macroeconomic model. EVALUATION: Exam LECTURERS BIELSA CALLAU, JORGE PONZ ESPALLARGAS, MARÍA MONtSERRAT BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Sanso Frago, Marcos; Ponz Espallargas, Montserrat. Curso de macroeconomía superior. Tomo 1, Consistencia macroeconómica, fundamentos microeconómicos y modelos de corto plazo. Zaragoza : Librería General, 2000. [*] Romer, David. Macroeconomía avanzada. 3ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2006. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Sargent, Thomas J. Teoría macroeconómica. Volumen I, Macroeconomía no estocástica. 2ª ed. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1988. [*] Turnovsky, Stephen J. Macroeconomic analysis and stabilization policies. 1st ed., repr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1979 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:78 15934 Macroeconomics IV Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 4,5 ECTS Credits: 3,6 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 3 0 (Hr total) Practices: 1 5 (Hr total) AIMS: With respect to Macroeconomics III, the temporal perspective is broadened to medium and long term, placing special emphasis on the dynamic nature of the models and the role which expectations play. The most relevant aspects of open economies will be studied, presenting two types of explanations for economic fluctuations (equilibrium cycles and imperfections in the markets), and the explanation of unemployment rate equilibrium will be discussed. CURRICULUM: Topic Topic Topic Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. Alternative open economy models. Stylised representations of economic fluctuations: competitive balance cycles. Stylised representations of economic fluctuations: market rigidity. Economic growth models. EVALUATION: Exam LECTURERS BIELSA CALLAU, JORGE SANSO FRAGO, MARCOS BERNARDINO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Sanso Frago, Marcos; Ponz Espallargas, Montserrat . Curso de macroeconomía superior. Tomo 2, Modelos dinámicos y fluctuaciones económicas. Zaragoza : Librería General, 2000. [*] Romer, David. Macroeconomía avanzada. 3ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2006 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Blanchard, Olivier Jean; FISCHER, Stanley. Lectures on macroeconomics. 11th. ed. Cambridge (Massachussets) : MIT Press, 1998. [*] Cuthbertson, Keith. Macroeconomic systems. 1st ed., repr. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1988. [*] Layard, Richard; NICKELL, Stephen J.; JACKMAN, Richard. Unemployment : macroeconomic performance and the labour market. [1st. ed. 1991], repr. 2003. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2003. [*] Malinvaud, Edmond. Una reconsideración de la teoría del paro. [Barcelona] : Antoni Bosch, 1979 Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:79 15935 Econometrics III Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: 1st. four-month Obligatory Theoretical Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Support a strategy which will direct empirical work, paying special attention to the different forms adopted by econometric models, insofar as estimation, contrast and results analysis can be conditioned by model form. Likewise, there will be an in-depth study of the concepts of seasonality, integration and co-integration, while all the course’s knowledge will be brought together through exercises covering actual cases in the Spanish economy. CURRICULUM: PART I. REVISION OF CONCEPTS PART II. NON-SEASONAL DATA PROCESSING PART III. MODEL FORMS PART IV. SPHERICITY CONTRASTS PART V. FORECASTS PART VI. CRITERIA FOR CHOOSING THE BEST MODEL EVALUATION: Exam and completion of research work. LECTURERS APARICIO ASPAS, MARÍA TERESA AZNAR GRASA, ANTONIO NIEVAS LOPEZ, JAVIER BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Aznar Grasa, Antonio. Curso de econometría. Ed. rev. Zaragoza : Copy Center, 2005. [*] Aznar Grasa, Antonio; TRÍVEZ, Francisco Javier. Métodos de predicción en economía. Vol. 1, Fundamentos, input-output, modelos econométricos y métodos no paramétricos de series temporales. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Novales Cinca, Alfonso. Econometría. 2ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 2002. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Ejercicios, problemas y lecciones de Econometría elaborados por el profesor Antonio Aznar Grasa, en: Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:80 15936 Welfare Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Welfare economics is the branch of microeconomics devoted to explaining the level of collective welfare which a society enjoys. It seeks to provide answers to the following questions: Once resources corresponding to a situation of equilibrium have been alloted, what can be said of the properties of optimality from a social perspective? Is that the best possible allotment for society? In summary, the objective is to assess a given social situation from a collective viewpoint, making it necessary to rely on certain criteria of social choice. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Paretian welfare economics Market failures The new welfare economics (I): The neo-Paretian approach The new welfare economics (II): The neo-utilitarian approach The social choice theory EVALUATION: LECTURERS MAINAR CAUSAPE, ALFREDO JOSE MARCEN PEREZ, MIRIAM MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, YOLANDA MOLINA CHUECA, JOSE ALBERTO VALLEJO AZNAR, EDUARDO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Gravelle, Hugh; Rees, Ray. Microeconomía. 3ª ed. Madrid : Pearson, 2005. Gravelle, Hugh; Rees, Ray. Microeconomics. 2nd ed., 4th impr. London; New York : Longman, 1996. Jehle, Geoffrey Alexander. Advanced microeconomic theory. 2nd ed. Reading (Massachusetts) : Addison-Wesley, 2000. Kreps, David M. Curso de teoría microeconómica. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 1994. Segura, Julio. Análisis microeconómico. 3a ed., reimp. Madrid : Alianza, 2002. Varian, Hal R. Análisis microeconómico. 3a. ed., reimp. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1998. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:81 15937 Tax Systems I Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject seeks to meet the following objectives: 1 . To provide the necessary instruments to enable students to approach at any moment in their future professional careers the study of problems related to tax issues. This requires closely defining concepts and basic fiscal relations and knowing how to consult the fundamental regulations and academic writing on the subject. 2 . Making use of these instruments, to gain a solid knowledge of the present Spanish tax system. CURRICULUM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introducction. Basic concepts. Local taxes: property tax, business tax, tax on increased value of urban land. Wealth tax. Tax on business transactions. Value-added tax. Personal income tax. Corporate income tax. EVALUATION: LECTURERS BARBERAN LAHUERTA, MIGUEL ANGEL BURRÓ FERRER, MARÍA JESÚS DOMINGUEZ BARRERO, FELIX RODRIGO SAUCO, FERNANDO TRUEBA CORTÉS, MARÍA CARMEN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# #Obras de referencia: # [*] Albi Ibañez, Emilio. Sistema fiscal español. 2 v. 22ª ed. rev. y puesta al día. Barcelona : Ariel, 2007-2008. [*] Domínguez Barrero, Félix; LÓPEZ LABORDA, Julio. Planificación fiscal. Barcelona : Ariel, 2001. [*] Moreno Moreno, María del Carmen; PAREDES GÓMEZ, Raquel. Fiscalidad individual y empresarial : ejercicios resueltos. 11ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Thomson Civitas, 2007. # #Legislación: # [*] CALERO, Juan; ESCRIBANO, Francisco; NAVAS, Rafael (rec.). Legislación básica del sistema tributario español. 21ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas, 2007. [*] DOMÍNGUEZ BARRERO, F.; LÓPEZ LABORDA, J. Sistema fiscal español: selección de legislación, 19ª ed. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias, 2007. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:82 15943 Current Economic Affairs Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject should provide students with a test of their maturity in the last stage of their degree programme. The specific objective of this study is the present situation of the Spanish economy which will be examined from a double perspective. First, the most reliable current reports will be studied, and on that basis students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge and capacity to analyse the keys to economic trends. Second, those who wish to complete their training (which will be reflected in the final mark) may read one of the books listed in the "Selected Readings" section of the course Bibliography. A 2-3 page summary and critical commentary should be submitted to be discussed in class in groups formed for that purpose. These discussions will be held commencing after Easter Week, but before 15 March students should indicate the title of the book chosen, submitting a file card with photo at the Department, indicating the title of the book and the date the paper will be turned in. CURRICULUM: * PART I: Lesson 1.Lesson 2.Lesson 3.Lesson 4.Lesson 5.- THE SITUATION IN 2001 Introduction: cyclical trends The international environment. The real sector. Monetary factors. Perspectives and predictions * PART II: MAJOR ISSUES CONCERNING THE SPANISH CENTURY Lesson 6.- Introduction: Historical evolution. Lesson 7.- Internationalisation. Lesson 8.- Use of productive factors. Lesson 9.- Deregulation, jurisdiction and the public sector. Lesson 10.- Real convergence ECONOMY AT THE DAWN OF THE 21st EVALUATION: LECTURERS GRACIA ANDIA, ANA BELEN SERRANO SANZ, JOSE MARIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# OBRAS GENERALES # [*] Fuentes Quintana, E. (dir.) (2004): Economía y economistas españoles. Vol. 8, La economía como profesión. Barcelona : Galaxia Gutenberg : Círculo de Lectores. [*] SERVICIO DE ESTUDIOS DEL BANCO DE ESPAÑA (2005): El análisis de la economía española. Madrid : Alianza. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-# LECTURAS SELECCIONADAS # [*] Baena, Antonio y Pueyo, A. (2007): Competitividad y cambio climático : nuevos retos para la industria española. Fundacion EOI, Madrid [*] Buesa, M. y otros (2007): La cooperación en innovación en España y el papel de las ayudas públicas, IEF, Madrid. [*] CEREIJO, E. (2007): Indicadores de convergencia real para las regiones españolas, FUNCAS, Madrid. [*] Domínguez, R. (2007): Inmigración: crecimiento económico e integración social, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. [*] Garcia Delgado, J.L.; Alonso, J.A.; Jiménez, J.C. (2007): Economía del español : una introducción, Ariel, Barcelona. [*] Garrido, R. (2007): Localización y movilidad de empresas en España, Fund. EOI, Madrid. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:83 [*] Goerlich, F.; Mas, M. (dir.) (2007): Actividad y Territorio. Un siglo de cambios, Fundación BBVA, Madrid [*] Jimeno, J.F. y Moreno, F.J. (2007): La sostenibilidad económica y social del modelo migratorio español, CEPC, Madrid [*] Lago, S. y otros (2007): La financiación del Estado de las Autonomías: perspectivas de futuro, IEF, Madrid. [*] Mas, M., Pérez García, F. y Uriel Jiménez, E. (dir.) (2007): El stock y los servicios del capital en España y su distribución [*] Domínguez, R. (2007): Inmigración: crecimiento económico e integración social, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. [*] Garcia Delgado, J.L.; Alonso, J.A.; Jiménez, J.C. (2007): Economía del español : una introducción, Ariel, Barcelona. [*] Garrido, R. (2007): Localización y movilidad de empresas en España, Fund. EOI, Madrid. [*] Goerlich, F.; Mas, M. (dir.) (2007): Actividad y Territorio. Un siglo de cambios, Fundación BBVA, Madrid [*] Jimeno, J.F. y Moreno, F.J. (2007): La sostenibilidad económica y social del modelo migratorio español, CEPC, Madrid [*] Lago, S. y otros (2007): La financiación del Estado de las Autonomías: perspectivas de futuro, IEF, Madrid. [*] Mas, M., Pérez García, F. y Uriel Jiménez, E. (dir.) (2007): El stock y los servicios del capital en España y su distribución territorial (1964-2005). Nueva metodología, Fundación BBVA, Madrid. [*] Pérez García, F. (2007): Claves del desarrollo a largo plazo de la economía española, Fundación BBVA, Madrid [*] Utrilla, A. (2006): El sector público empresarial, autonómico y local, IEE, Madrid [*] VV.AA. (2007): Innovaciones en política territorial : comarcas y otras experiencias internacionales de cooperación intermunicipal, Fundear, Zaragoza. [*] VV.AA. (2007): La inmigración en la economía aragonesa : dos estudios, Fundear, Zaragoza. [*] VV.AA. (2007): CAI en el siglo XXI. La economía, CAI, Zaragoza. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:84 15946 Applied Econometrics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim of this subject is to use developments in theoretical Econometrics to empirically contrast hypotheses formulated by Economic Theory. In other words, this is intended to give an empirical dimension to Economic Science. Real case studies from the Spanish and international economies will be studied, which students must resolve with assistance from econometric software packages such as MICROFIT, SCAGRAF or EVIEWS. CURRICULUM: Part Part Part Part 1. 2. 3. 4. Exercises Exercises Exercises Exercises on on on on data processing with Microfit. non-linear single equation models and restricted models. models with fictional variables, non-spherical perturbation and exogeneity contrast. models with integrated variables and cointegration, VAR models. EVALUATION: The assessment carried out during the official examination period in June will consist of a series of applied econometrics exercises, which students must do alone, or in pairs, aided by a computer. Subsequently the exercises will be presented and discussed in class. Attendance will be compulsory for this kind of assessment. Where students are assessed in the official examination period in September, an oral or written exam with computer will be held based on coursework. LECTURERS NIEVAS LOPEZ, JAVIER BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# Apuntes de clase y bibliografía complementaria que se indicará a lo largo del curso # [*] Alegre, Joaquín, et al. Ejercicios y problemas de econometría. Madrid : AC, 1995. [*] Novales Cinca, Alfonso. Econometría. 2ª ed. Madrid : McGraw-Hill, 2002 RAMAJO, J.; MÁRQUEZ, M.A.; NOGALES, L. Econometría aplicada: técnicas y modelos básicos. UNIVERSITAS Editorial, 2004. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:85 15947 The Aragonese Economy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject is aimed at studying the economic features that characterise the Autonomous Region of Aragon. Aragon will be studied in relation to the rest of Spain and in the new context that implies the growth of the economic integration process, following the achievement of the Monetary Union, which has allowed the introduction of the euro and the further enlargement of the EU to twenty-seven members after the incorporation of Bulgaria and Romania. A new institutional framework is taking shape where economic activity in each Spanish region is developing. This in turn coexists in an increasingly globalised world, however, with advanced decentralisation in the provision of public goods as a result of the development of autonomous processes. Examples of additional subject areas that are dealt with throughout the subjects of Economic Policy, Analysis and Structure are: the spatial distribution of macromagnitudes and their evolution over time resulting in disparities, the location of economic activities in territories that are increasingly affected by processes of outsourcing, or the study of regional policy objectives. This study focuses on economic activities in the territory of the Autonomous Region of Aragon: our immediate environment. CURRICULUM: GENERAL ASPECTS I.- Towards a definition of the Aragonese economy . 1.1. Most important dimensions of the Aragonese economy 1.2. Recent developments in economic activity in Aragon 1.3. Aragon as a region of the twenty-five Member European Union 1.4. Sources available for understanding the Aragonese economy II .- The historical layout of the regional economic structure. 2.1. Industrialisation and regional growth 2.2. The Aragonese economy between 1940 and 1975 2.3. Demand in Aragon as an autonomous region: economic matters 2.4. The Aragonese economy in 2008 III .- Population resources and territory in Aragon. 3.1. Population trends and perspectives 3.2. The labour market in Aragon 3.3. The internal differences and its evolution: the district development process 3.4. Quality of life and social problems SECTORIAL ASPECTS IV .-Primary sector activities. 4.1. Brief history and recent developments in the sector 4.2. The importance of the irrigation transformation 4.3. Different sub-sectors: the agri-food complexes and the importance of livestock 4.4. The impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and prospects V. - The industrial sector. 5.1. An overview of regional industry 5.2. The GM facility in Figueruelas, and its importance 5.3. Conclusions of TIOs and industrial structure 5.4. Major companies in the sector VI .- The process of tertiarisation in the Aragonese economy: most noteworthy activities. 6.1. The advance of tertiarisation in the Aragonese economy 6.2. The location of activities in the territory: the regional role of Zaragoza Year2008 - 2009 6.3. The major activities of the service sector 6.4. The exterior perception of the Aragonese economy VII .- Regional policy in Aragon Pág.:86 6.1. The advance of tertiarisation in the Aragonese economy 6.2. The location of activities in the territory: the regional role of Zaragoza 6.3. The major activities of the service sector 6.4. The exterior perception of the Aragonese economy VII .- Regional policy in Aragon 7.1. The competitive framework designed by the Statute of Autonomy 7.2. Public capital and infrastructure investments 7.3. The incentives policy and recent measures 7.4. Regional Development Agencies in Aragon VIII .- Sub-central taxation in the Aragonese economy 8.1. The takeover of power and its budgetary impact 8.2. Development and regional taxation issues 8.3. Local government financing and the survival of provincial councils 8.4. Financial Perspectives at different governmental levels: the consequences of the enlargement of the European Union EVALUATION: Final exam. As an additional mark, class participation will be taken into account either through reviewing recommended materials or through individual or group work exercises, which will be supervised by the tutor. n connection with this work, a specific bibliography will be provided and will be subsequently presented in class. In order to achieve a high level of student participation, these interventions will also be taken into account in the final grades. LECTURERS BIESCAS FERRER, JOSE ANTONIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-ALCAIDE, J., CUADRADO, J. R. y FUENTES, E. “El desarrollo económico español y la España desigual de las autonomías” en Papeles de Economía Española, nº 45, Madrid, 1990. [*] BIESCAS, J. A. Introducción a la economía de la región aragonesa. Zaragoza : Alcrudo, 1977. [*] BIESCAS, J. A.; LOPEZ LABORDA, J. “Financiación vía FCI y desarrollo regional desde la Constitución”, en El Fondo de Compensación Interterritorial : memoria de un cambio. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1992. BIESCAS, J. A.; MANCEBÓN TORRUBIA, M. J. “Enseñanza Superior en Aragón: una valoración económica (1926-2001)”, en Economía Aragonesa, Zaragoza : IberCaja, 2002. [*] BONO RIOS, F.; CHOLIZ FRUTOS, R. Renta Comarcal de Aragón 1985. Zaragoza : Diputación General de Aragón, Departamento de Economía, 1989. [*] Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas. Europa 2000 : perspectivas de desarrollo del territorio de la Comunidad : Comunicación de la Comisión al Consejo y al Parlamento Europeo. Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas, 1991. [*] IBERCAJA. Estructura productiva de la economía aragonesa : tablas input-output : año 1992. Zaragoza : Ibercaja, 1995. [*] IBERCAJA. Marco Input-Output de Aragón 1999 : estructura productiva de la economía aragonesa. Zaragoza : Ibercaja, 2003. [*] ISARD, Walter. Métodos de análisis regional : una introducción a la ciencia regional. 2ª ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1973. [*] KRUGMAN, Paul R. Geografía y comercio. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1992. PAPELES DE ECONOMIA ESPAÑOLA: “Economía de las Comunidades Autónomas”, nº 10, dedicado a Aragón, Madrid, 1991. PAPELES DE ECONOMIA ESPAÑOLA: “Valle Medio del Ebro”, Zaragoza, 2001 [*] Salas Fumás, Vicente; Sanaú Villarroya, Jaime. Capitalización y crecimiento de la economía aragonesa 1955-1977. Bilbao : Fundación BBV, 1999. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:87 15948 The Economics of Public Enterprises Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The objective of this course is to analyse the behaviour of public enterprises in mixed economies. Considering criteria of efficiency, equity and profitability, we will study different rules for setting prices, especially the rule that price equals marginal costs. CURRICULUM: Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Lesson 6: uncertainty. Intervention of the public sector in the economy: regulatory and positive approaches. Public companies. Characteristics and objectives. Organisational aspects of public companies. Incentives and control. Public companies in a first-preference economy: pricing, investments and financing. Public companies in a second-preference economy. Determining prices and the investments of public companies under conditions of EVALUATION: LECTURERS GIL SANZ, AGUSTIN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] BÖS, Dieter. Public enterprise economics : theory and application. Amsterdam ; Oxford : North-Holland, 1986. [*] BÖS, Dieter. Pricing and price regulation : an economic theory for public enterprises and public utilities. 3a. ed. Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier, 1994. [*] NOVALES, A.; SEBASTIAN, C.; SERVEN, L.; TRUJILLO, J. A. La empresa pública industrial en España. [Madrid] : Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 1987. [*] REES, R. Teoría económica de la empresa pública. I REES, Ray. Teoría económica de la empresa pública. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1979. [*] RICART, J. E. Incentivos y control de la empresa pública. Barcelona : Ariel, 1991. [*] VOGELSANG, I. Public enterprise in monopolistic and oligopolistic industries. Chur [etc.] : Harwood Academic Publishers, 1990. [*] WEBB, M.G. Pricing Policies for Public Enterprises. WEBB, M.G.: Pricing policies for public enterprises. McMillan, London, 1976. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:88 15950 The Economics of the European Union Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To study the process of formation of the European Union from its origins to the present, with a view to underscoring and analysing in detail the economic effects it has had in the different countries in the area. At the same time, a comparison will be made of the economic evolution of the European Union as a whole with the other two great economic areas, the US and Japan. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1.- The long road toward the European Union. 2.- Long-term economic growth in the European Union. 3.- Short-term economic growth: cyclical fluctuations. 4.- Convergence. 5.- Economic integration. 6.- Monetary and foreign-exchange policies. 7.- Public finance and fiscal policies. 8.- The labour market. 9.- The present economic situation of the European Union. EVALUATION: LECTURERS GÓMEZ LOSCOS, ANA SANZ VILLARROYA, ISABEL BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Hitiris, Theo; Vallés, José. Economía de la Unión Europea. [1ª ed. en español de la] 4ª ed. [inglesa]. Madrid [etc.] : Prentice-Hall, 1999. [*] Jordan Galduf, Josep María (coord). Economía de la Unión Europea. 5ª ed. Madrid : Civitas, 2005. [*] Myro, R. (dir.). Economía europea : crecimiento, integración y transformaciones sectoriales. Madrid : Civitas, 2000. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Aldcroft, Derek Howard. Historia de la economía europea : 1914-2000. Nueva ed. ampl. y act. Barcelona : Critica, 2003. Banco Central Europeo, Boletín Mensual. [*] Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas. Informe económico anual 1997. Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas, [19--?]- Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:89 15951 Economics of Organisations Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics Company Economics Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Degree Organisation and Business Management CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Analysis of the strategic problems of business enterprises from the perspective of general management. CURRICULUM: I.0. The business enterprise as an empirical reality I.1. Economic calculations in business enterprises I.2. Decisions under conditions of uncertainty I.3. Attitudes toward risk and decision-making processes I.4. Contractual structures in the organisation of transactions: business enterprise and market. I.5. Staff and unions I.6. Self-management or hierarchy I.7. Authority and responsibility. I.8. Non-supervised hierarchy: agency contracts or power of attorney I.9. Supervised hierarchy I.10. Structure and control I.11. Participation and joint management in business enterprises I.12. Coalitions and power groups I.13. Summary: The contribution of economics to organisational methods. EVALUATION: LECTURERS GARCÉS AYERBE, CONCEPCIÓN GINER BAGÜES, ENRIQUE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Salas Fumás, Vicente. Economía de la empresa : decisiones y organización. 2ª ed. amp. y act. Barcelona : Ariel, 1996. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:90 15953 The Spanish Economy Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: An overview of the current economic situation. The course also allows the professor to reach a higher level of communication than was possible in other subjects with a greater degree of abstraction. However, seeking to approach the economic realities of our country may prompt us to commit the error of converting Spanish Economy into a descriptive course, reducing it to a succession of data without any theoretical content. This is not our objective; at all times all explanations of economic reality must be accompanied by a theoretical framework which will enable students to reason based on the instruments at their disposal. CURRICULUM: Introduction Lesson 1.- Economic crisis and political transition, 1975-1977 Lesson 2.- The long adjustment, 1977-1985 Lesson 3.- Expansion, imbalance, 1985-1991 Lesson 4.- An unexpected crisis, 1992-1994 Lesson 5.- Under the sign of nominal convergence, 1995-1999 Lesson 6.- The present situation EVALUATION: LECTURERS GADEA RIVAS, MARIA DOLORES SABATE SORT, MARCELA SERRANO SANZ, JOSE MARIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Fuentes Quintana, Enrique. El modelo de economía abierta y el modelo castizo en el desarrollo económico de la España de los años 90. Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1995. [*] García Delgado, J. L. (dir.). España, economía : ante el siglo XXI. Madrid : Espasa, 1999. [*] García Delgado, J. L. y Serrano Sanz, J. M. “La Economía”, en M. Tuñon de Lara: Historia de España. Tomo 10. Parte 2, Transición y Democracia : (1973-1985). [1ª ed., 1ª reimp.]. Barcelona : Labor, 1992. [*] Pérez García, Francisco. Claves del desarrollo a largo plazo de la economía española. Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2007. [*] Sebastián, Carlos. Las fluctuaciones de la economía española : (1971-1996) : un ensayo en la teoría de los ciclos . Madrid : Marcial Pons, 1997. [*] Serrano Sanz, J. M.; Costas Comesaña, A. (sel.): Diez ensayos sobre economía española. Madrid : Pirámide, Madrid, 1995. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:91 15954 Labour Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The basic elements of the labour market will be examined from a theoretical perspective, without ignoring institutional aspects, placing special emphasis on human resources in labour supply, the determination of wages and the problem of unemployment. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction and prior concepts. Topics to be discussed Labour supply Labour demand Trade unions and collective bargaining Efficiency wages Calculation of wages and employment The structure of unemployment EVALUATION: LECTURERS CLEMENTE LOPEZ, JESUS SERAFIN BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Bentolila, S. y Toharia, L. (comp.). Estudios de economía del trabajo en España. Vol. III, El problema del paro. Madrid : Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1991. [*] Blanchard, Olivier. Macroeconomía. 4ª ed. Madrid, [etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2006. [*] Centre for Economic Policy Research. El paro en España ¿tiene solución? Madrid : Consejo Superior de Cámaras de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de España, 1994. [*] Ehrenberg, Ronald G.; Smith, Robert Stewart. Modern labor economics : theory and public policy. 9th ed. New York : Pearson, cop. 2006 [i.e. 2005]. [*] Fallon, Peter. The economics of labour markets. New York [etc.] : Philip Alan, 1988. [*] Layard, Richard; Nickell, Stephen J.; Jackman, Richard. El paro : los resultados macroeconómicos y el mercado de trabajo. Madrid : Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1994. [*] Marshall, F.Ray. Economía laboral : salarios, empleo, sindicalismo y política laboral. Madrid : Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1987. [*] McConnell, Campbell R. Economía laboral. 7ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2007. [*] Solow, Robert M. El mercado de trabajo como institución social. Madrid : Alianza, 1992. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:92 15955 Monetary Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: To advance the knowledge of theoretical bases of money supply and demand and the workings of monetary economies. Students will be instructed in the different concepts of money in the various schools of thought, and on this basis, study the workings of money supply and demand. The study of a monetary economy corresponds to an open economy and analysis of the strong interrelations and influences arising from capital flow and the workings of the currency markets. CURRICULUM: Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Basic concepts Money within different theoretical approaches. Money supply Money demand Monetary policy transfer mechanisms Determination of interest rate theories Determination of exchange rate theories Open economy EVALUATION: The assessment for this subject will be divided into two parts: the results obtained from tests given upon completion of each topic as the course progresses (70%) and the results obtained from an assignment (30%). The final exam (out of 7 points) will be for those students who do not pass the coursework, or for those students who wish to raise the marks obtained through the partial exams and assignment. All students are to do an assignment consisting of an analysis of monetary policy, inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, or any phenomenon associated with them, from a list of countries or topics prepared by the lecturer. The assignment may deal with the evolution of a specific financial or monetary problem. The choice will be left up to the student; the assignment will be individual, and only one topic or country may be analysed individually. The lecturer will coordinate work and monitor assignment preparation. Students will have at least three meetings with the lecturer before the work is accepted for reading. In the first meeting, the student is to present the project and justify his/her interest in the country or topic. In the second, the work in progress is to be presented with the purpose of redirecting it, or modifying the scope of the different parts of the assignment, if necessary. In the third meeting, the student must submit a CD and hard copy of the finished work for modification or correction, if this is deemed appropriate. This meeting will be held in tutorial hours, before 3rd May; the deadline for final submission will be 10th May. The assignment will have a minimum length of 10 A4 pages, and will be presented to the class as of 17th May. LECTURERS SAURA BACAICOA, MARÍA DEL DULCE NOMBRE BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Banco de España. Servicio de Estudios, (ed.). La política monetaria y la inflación en España. Madrid : Alianza : Banco de España, 1997. [*] Parejo Gamir, José Alberto, et al. Manual de sistema financiero español. 20ª ed. act. Barcelona : Ariel, 2007. [*] Argandoña Rámiz, Antonio. La teoría monetaria moderna : de Keynes a la década de los 80. 2a. ed. rev. y amp. Barcelona [etc.] : Ariel : Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Barcelona, 1981. [*] Fernández Díaz, A., et al. Política monetaria. 1, Fundamentos y estrategias. Australia, [etc.] : Thomson, D.L. 2003. [*] Fernández Díaz, A., et al. Política monetaria. 2, Enfoques alternativos. Madrid : Thomson, cop. 2003. [*] Laidler, David E. W. La demanda de dinero : teorías y evidencia empírica. 2a. ed. Barcelona : Bosch, D.L. 1980. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:93 15956 Regional and Urban Economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: AIMS: Rigorously interpret the territorial dimension inherent in all economic situations. This implies that the teaching and learning of the subject must be directed at three basic and complementary aspects: 1. Intellectual: -. Understand the spatial logic of economic activities through theoretical analysis and applied reasoning. -. Identify Spanish territorial dynamics and explain them through various theoretical and conceptual frameworks. -. Understand the territorial policies and be capable of assessing any public intervention. 2. Methodology: -. Use concepts, paradigms and other contents of the subject rigorously until students can use and understand these concepts with ease. -. Ability to search for bibliographic information and statistics, know how to apply and assess their quality. -. Read with a critical eye, interpret and reflect on scientific and educational texts that address issues of economic geography. -. Effectiveness and clarity when communicating arguments. 3. Attitudes: -. Consider scientific knowledge as a fundamental tool to detect and solve problems related with territories and their citizens. -. Recognise the quality and validity of arguments based on scientific, social and ethical criteria. -. Assess the quality and validity of territorial public interventions according to scientific, social and ethical criteria. -. Encourage curiosity and concern regarding issues of economic space. -. Adopt positions on issues addressed in the subject. -. Ability to work in a team. -. Ability to apply a logical critique in discussions and even self-criticism. METHODS: 1. Students' efforts must be focused on the following points: a) personal study of the basic materials and consulting recommended bibliography b) research and study of topics related to the content of the subject c) paying attention during the explanations given in class and contributing in the classes d) exchanging ideas, thoughts and experiences with other students and teachers e) participation in any additional activities (seminars, conferences, field trips) f) monitoring the social society in which students live and where they can appreciate the topics discussed in class g) making full use of tutorials, understanding that it is an additional time and opportunity to resolve doubts and to focus on specific issues. 2. A critical selection process must be carried out for the different information sources (notes, manuals, Digital Teaching Ring, bibliographic and electronic references, audiovisuals, experiments), and a restructuring to methodise some basic, useful knowledge. 3. Daily -use of the skills that are acquired throughout the subject. Year2008 2009 Pág.:94 METHOD: Many aspects are covered by all territory and society residing therein. Therefore, a plural approach is restructuring to methodise some basic, useful knowledge. 3. Daily use of the skills that are acquired throughout the subject. METHOD: Many aspects are covered by all territory and society residing therein. Therefore, a plural approach is required, including the various strands of knowledge of Economics and the rest of Social Sciences. Due to this subject's cross-disciplinary relationships (with other areas of Economics) and bearing in mind that it taken in the final year of the degree, students must use and reformulate a lot of their knowledge: " Economic Theory subjects, particularly issues relating to economic growth" subjects from Applied Economics, in which they will strengthen their grasp of spatial logic in economies and the correction of market failures and those of public intervention. " Economic History, which provides a collection of quite useful interpretations, given that the majority of territorial changes are due to long-term causes; In a more general and inter-disciplinary - but equally advisable - way students must maintain a receptive attitude toward the analysis of territories and population that is conducted in other social sciences. The study of additional coursework in the fields of geography, sociology, demography, law, anthropology, etc. will be important. Accordingly, Regional and Urban Economics will demand multi-disciplinary and open analysis methods, as it integrates different dimensions that may obstruct each other. CURRICULUM: PART ONE: CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS Topic 1: Basic notions on territory and economy. Topic 2: Basic notions on demographics. Topic 3: Theories on regional growth Topic 4: The configuration of the Spanish economy. PART THREE: PUBLIC INTERVENTIONS Topic 5: The geographic dimension of EU policies. Topic 6: Economic policies of territorial impact in Spain. EVALUATION: The mark will depend on a final examination, class participation and additional activities. The final examination will represent 70% of the mark. In the final exam, there will be questions on comments and exercises carried out through the year together with the classes given by guest lecturers. The assessment of class participation has to do with the rigour of the interventions carried out during the feedback session of the exercises that are studied, together with questions, comments or assessments that crop up during class. Those students who wish may take other additional activities. In all additional activities, it is necessary to hold four interviews, as a minimum, with the tutor, within the deadlines set in class: two prior to starting (topic proposal and work schedule; setting of objectives and defining sources); another, during the preparation phase (in which a draft or preliminary version will be submitted); and a final interview on the submission deadline to verify to what extent the different authors have contributed and to explain students' learning. These additional activities may consist of: 1. Writing a review of aspects of the subject not covered in class. 2. Analysis of a territory, explaining its dynamics and applied policies. 3. Reading and reviewing books, chapters, scientific papers, reports from government agencies. 4. Monitoring the press to stay up-to-date on any aspect related to the subject, analysing and reviewing media content in accordance with class critique; to be documented in a folder (written or electronic). 5. Documentation, contribution and review of Internet links with information on territorial dynamics, regional policies etc. 6. Review on documentaries and films which have their main themes related to the subject. If an educational version of these activities is shown in class, once their quality is proven, a higher grade may be obtained. LECTURERS SAEZ PEREZ, LUIS ANTONIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Domínguez Martín, Rafael. La riqueza de las regiones : las desigualdades económicas regionales en España, 1700-2000. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2002. [*] Sexto -informe Year2008 2009 periódico sobre la situación y la evolución socioeconómica de las regiones de la Unión Europea. Luxemburgo Pág.:95: Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas, 1999. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-- [*] Domínguez Martín, Rafael. La riqueza de las regiones : las desigualdades económicas regionales en España, 1700-2000. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2002. [*] Sexto informe periódico sobre la situación y la evolución socioeconómica de las regiones de la Unión Europea. Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas, 1999. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Alcaide Inchausti, Julio. Evolución económica de las regiones y provincias españolas en el siglo XX. Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2003. [*] Castells, Antonio; Bosch, Núria (eds. lit.). Desequilibrios territoriales en España y Europa. Barcelona : Ariel, 1999. [*] Collantes Gutiérrez, Fernando. El declive demográfico de la montaña española (1850-2000) : ¿un drama rural? Madrid : Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Secretaría General Técnica, 2004. [*] Costa Campi, María Teresa. Factores de la localización empresarial. Madrid : Fundación Argentaria, 1997. [*] Escolano Utrilla, Severino (dir.). Despoblación y ordenación del territorio. Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico (CSIC), 2003. [*] Fujita, Masahisa; Krugman, Paul R.; Venables, Anthony J. Economía espacial : las ciudades, las regiones y el comercio internacional. Barcelona : Ariel, 2000. [*] Furió Blasco, Elies. Evolución y cambio en la economía regional. Barcelona : Ariel, 1996. [*] Garrido Yserte, Rubén. Cambio estructural y desarrollo regional en España. Madrid : Piramide, 2002. [*] Goerlich Gisbert, Francisco José. La evolución económica de las provincias españolas : (1955-1998). Vol. 1, Capitalización y crecimiento. 2ª ed. Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2002. [*] Goerlich Gisbert, Francisco José. La evolución económica de las provincias españolas : (1955-1998). Vol. 2, Desigualdad y convergencia. 2ª ed. Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2002. [*] JordÁn Galduf, Josep María (coord). Economía de la Unión Europea. 5ª ed. ed. Madrid : Civitas, 2005. [*] Krugman, Paul R. Desarrollo, geografía y teoría económica. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1997. [*] Krugman, Paul R. Geografía y comercio. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1992. [*] Marín Quemada, José María; García-Verdugo Sales, Javier. Bienes públicos globales, política económica y globalización. Madrid : Ariel, 2003. [*] Molinero Hernando, Fernando (coord.). Atlas de la España rural. Madrid : Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Subsecretaría. Secretaría General Técnica, 2004. [*] New approaches to rural policy : lessons from around the world. Paris : OECD, 2005. [*] Pike, Andy. Local and regional development. London [etc] : Routledge, 2006. Polèse, Mario. Economía urbana y regional : introducción a la relación entre territorio y desarrollo. Cartago, Costa Rica : Libro Universitario Regional, 1998. [*] Regidor, Jesús G. El futuro del medio rural en España : agricultura y desarrollo económico. Madrid : CES, 2000. [*] Reques Velasco, Pedro; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Vicente . Atlas de la población española. [Santander] : Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cantabria, 1998. [*] Richardson, Harry W. Economía regional y urbana. Madrid : Alianza, 1986. [*] Riera Micaló, Pere. Manual de economía ambiental y de los recursos naturales. Madrid : Thomson : Paraninfo, 2005. [*] Scheifler, María Antonia. Economía y espacio : un análisis de las pautas de asentamiento espacial de las actividades económicas. Bilbao : Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco, 1991. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Comisión Europea (2007): “Cuarto Informe sobre la cohesión económica y social. Crecimiento de las regiones, desarrollo de Europa” Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:96 15957 Public Management Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Students will learn how to apply the main economic concepts (picked up in the first three years of the degree) to management of the organisations which make up the public sector. A theoretical approach will be combined with case studies arising from the various Spanish public administrations. The subject does not attempt to provide a problem-solving manual, but rather enough to enable future degree-holders to face real situations in public organisations with economic logic. CURRICULUM: Topic 1. The public management framework 1.1 Introduction 1.2. Features of public organisations 1.3. Organisational efficiency Topic 2. Cost-benefit analysis 2.1 Theoretical bases 2.2. Stages in the project assessment process 2.3. Appraisal of benefits and costs. Shadow prices. 2.4. Risk and uncertainty consideration 2.5. Criticism of the use of CBA Topic 3. Public Administration in Spain 3.1. Organisation and structure of public administrations in Spain 3.2. Administrative management limitations 3.3. Budgeting, accounting and control of public management Topic 4. Public sector incentives 4.1. Monetary incentives 4.2. Other incentives 4.3. Results and performance assessment Topic 5. Organisation coordination 5.1. Market and organisations 5.2. Internal structure and coordination 5.3. Coordination with interested parties in disputes: hierarchies Topic 6. Institutional reforms and public management 6.1. Quasi-markets as a management tool 6.2. The third sector in public management EVALUATION: Students will take a written end-of-term exam in which they must achieve a minimum mark of 5 in order to pass the subject. This mark can be supplemented through participation in debates and practical classes during the course. The written exam will count for 80% of the overall mark, with the above mentioned participation accounting for the remaining 20%. LECTURERS EGEA ROMÁN, PILAR BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-- --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-Year2008 - 2009 [*] Albi Ibañez, Emilio. Gestión pública : fundamentos, técnicas y casos. Barcelona : Ariel, 1997. [*] Lasheras, Miguel Angel. La regulación económica de los servicios públicos. Barcelona : Ariel, 1999. [*] Milgrom, Paul. Economía, organización y gestión de la empresa. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. Pág.:97 --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] Albi Ibañez, Emilio. Gestión pública : fundamentos, técnicas y casos. Barcelona : Ariel, 1997. [*] Lasheras, Miguel Angel. La regulación económica de los servicios públicos. Barcelona : Ariel, 1999. [*] Milgrom, Paul. Economía, organización y gestión de la empresa. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. [*] PAPELES DE ECONOMÍA ESPAÑOLA (2003), nº 95: Sector públicoy eficiencia. Número monográfico. [*] Pasqual i Rocabert, Joan. La evaluación de políticas y proyectos : criterios de valoración económicos y sociales. Barcelona : Icaria, 1999. [*] Rus, Ginés de. "Inversión en infraestructuras : análisis coste-beneficio del tren de alta velocidad". En Análisis coste-beneficio : evaluación económica de políticas y proyectos de inversión. 3ª ed. act. Barcelona : Ariel, 2008, p. 281-304. [*] Sajardo Moreno, A. “La economía política de la colaboración entre el sector público y el sector no lucrativo: posibilidades y límites de una oferta mixta de bienestar social". Hacienda Pública Española. 1997, nº 141-142, p. 415-426. [*] Stiglitz, J. E. (et al.). El papel económico del Estado. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1993. BIBLIOGRAFÍA PARA CLASES PRÁCTICAS: [*] Aberbach, J. D.; Rockman, B.A. "Reinventar el gobierno: problemas y perspectivas". Gestión y análisis de políticas públicas. 1999, nº 15, p. 3-17. [*] Arruñada, B. (2000): "Gestión de la competencia en el sector público". En CASES, Lluís (dir.). Anuario de la competencia. 1999. Madrid : Fundación ICO, 2000, p. 267-311. [*] PAPELES DE ECONOMÍA ESPAÑOLA (2003), nº 95: Sector públicoy eficiencia. Número monográfico, p. 78-92. [*] Rus, Ginés de. Análisis coste-beneficio : evaluación económica de políticas y proyectos de inversión. 3ª ed. act. Barcelona : Ariel, 2008. [*] Zapico, E. (2003): "Condiciones para el desarrollo del control por resultados en la gestión pública". Papeles de Economía Española. 2003, nº 95, p. 78-92. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:98 15959 History of International Economic Development Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Economic History and Institutions Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The objective of this course is to offer a theoretical and historical analysis of international economic development. The focal point of the programme will be to analyse the means for overcoming underdevelopment, comparing positive experiences with those countries which still have serious imbalances (high levels of population in conditions of poverty, high percentages of the active population in the informal sector or high levels of unemployment). To approach the problem of how to overcome economic underdevelopment we have chosen to begin by examining the more general theories, to end with a study of several specific countries. The programme commences with a synthesis of ideas concerning economic growth based on the central corpus of economic theory (Lessons 1 through 3). Subsequently the principal theories of economic development will be presented (Lessons 4 and 5). The latter bring us closer to the central problem of the course (the means for overcoming underdevelopment), since the bases of the majority of development theories are heavily influenced by the specific historical experiences of countries and economic circumstances (to a great extent they are models designed for the analysis of particular cases). The theoretical part ends (Lesson 6) with a chapter summarising the contributions of the different theories studied. This synthesis is undertaken from the perspective that these theories are complementary rather than contradictory. Their different approaches are to a large extent the result of the differences between the cases and circumstances studied, and are likewise the result of the different perspectives from which the same historical processes are analysed. After this theoretical part, we will enter the part which takes a historical perspective (Lessons 7 through 12). We will commence with successive overviews of the economic evolution of the major areas of the world, proceeding after analysing each zone to study certain specific countries. In the development of this historical part, we will use the tools introduced in the lessons on theory. After studying different historical conditions which led to development or sustained underdevelopment, we will be in a position to offer some general observations concerning the elements which determine the forms of economic evolution in different societies (Lesson 13). CURRICULUM: PART I. THEORIES OF GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Lesson 1.- The first steps. Lesson 2.- Consolidated growth. Lesson 3.- Limited growth. Lesson 4.- Theories of economic development I. Lesson 5.- Theories of economic development II: Lesson 6.- Assessment of the theories analysed: analysis of the factors prompting growth and underdevelopment. PART II. ECONOMIC HISTORY OF GROWTH, LACK OF GROWTH AND UNDERDEVELOPMENT. Lesson 7.- The means of economic development in advanced countries. Lesson 8.- Obstacles to economic growth in Latin America I (1800-1939). Lesson 9.- Obstacles to economic development in Latin America (1940-1990). Lesson 10.- Asia between the new industrialised countries and economic dualism. Lesson 11.- Africa or the persistence of underdevelopment. Lesson 12.- From socialism and central planning to the transition toward capitalism. Lesson 13.- Assessment of the historical experiences analysed. EVALUATION: LECTURERS GALLEGO MARTINEZ, DOMINGO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:99 # (De los libros resaltados en negrita hay que elegir uno para hacer sobre él una recensión. Los textos señalados con el signo + son los que se consideran más útiles para completar los temas tratados en clase). # BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# (De los libros resaltados en negrita hay que elegir uno para hacer sobre él una recensión. Los textos señalados con el signo + son los que se consideran más útiles para completar los temas tratados en clase). # # PRIMERA PARTE (TEÓRICA) # # Tema 1: los primeros pasos. # [*] +NAREDO, José Manuel. La economía en evolución : historia y perspectivas de las categorías básicas del pensamiento económico. 3ª ed., act. Madrid : Siglo XXI de España editores, 2003 (primera edición en 1987). [*] +SCHUMPETER, Joseph A. Teoría del desenvolvimiento económico. [2ª ed.]. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997 (primera edición en 1912). # Tema 2: el crecimiento formalizado. # [*] +HARROD, Roy F. "Un ensayo de teoría dinámica". En: ROJO DUQUE, L. A. (ed. lit.) Lecturas sobre la teoría económica del desarrollo, Madrid : Gredos, 1966, pp. 71-89 (1ª ed. en 1939). [*] +SOLOW, Robert M. "Una contribución a la teoría del desarrollo económico". En: ROJO, Luis Ángel (ed.). Lecturas sobre la teoría económica del desarrollo. Madrid, Gredos, 1966, pp. 133-157 (primera edición en The Quarterly Journal of Economics, febrero de 1956). [*] +SRAFFA, Piero. Producción de mercancías por medio de mercancías : Preludio a una crítica de la Teoría Económica. 3a. ed. Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona) : Oikos-tau, 1983 (primera edición en 1960). # Tema 3: el crecimiento limitado. # [*] GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, Nicholas "Energía y mitos económicos". El Trimestre Económico. 1975, vol. 42 (4), nº 168, pp. 779-836. [*] +NAREDO, José Manuel. La economía en evolución : historia y perspectivas de las categorías básicas del pensamiento económico. 3ª ed., act. Madrid : Siglo XXI de España editores, 2003 (primera edición en 1987). # Tema 4 y 5: teorías del desarrollo I y II # [*] AMIN, Samir. La ley del Valor y el materialismo histórico. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1981 (primera edición en 1977). [*] +BARAN, Paul A. La economía política del crecimiento. 1a ed. en español, 6a. reimp. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1977, pp. 192-262 (primera edición en 1957). [*] Bhagwati, Jagdish N. La economía de los países subdesarrollados. Madrid : Guadarrama, 1965 (1ª ed. en 1965). [*] Chenery, Hollis. Cambio estructural y politica de desarrollo. Madrid : Tecnos, 1980, pp. 21-76 (1ª ed. en 1979). [*] Chenery, Hollis; SIRQUIN, Moisés. La estructura del crecimiento económico : un análisis para el periodo 1950-1970. Madrid : Tecnos, 1978, pp. 67-84 (1ª ed. en 1975). [*] FURTADO, Celso. La formación económica del Brasil. [2a. ed. en español]. México ; Buenos Aires : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1974 (primera edición en 1959). [*] FURTADO, Celso. Breve introducción al desarrollo :un enfoque interdisciplinario. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1983 (primera edición en 1980). [*]GERSCHENKRON, Alexander. El atraso económico en su perspectiva histórica. Barcelona : Ariel, 1968, pp. 15-59 (primera edición en 1962). [*] HARBERGER, Arnold C. "La política económica y el crecimiento económico". En: HARBERGER, Arnold C. (comp.). El crecimiento económico en el mundo. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988, pp. 459-475 (primera edición en 1984). [*] HIRSCHMAN, Albert O. La estrategia del desarrollo económico. 1a. ed., 4a. reimp. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1981 (primera edición en 1958). [*] KUZNETS, Simon. Crecimiento económico moderno. Madrid : Aguilar, 1973, pp. 208-222 (primera edición en 1966). [*] LAL, Deepak. The poverty of development economics. 3rd ed. Westminster (London) : Institute of Economic Affairs, 2002. [*]LEWIS, W. Arthur. "El desarrollo económico con oferta ilimitada de trabajo". En: AGARWALA, A. N.; SINGH, S. P. (sel. y dir.). La economía del subdesarrollo. 1a ed., 1a reimp. Madrid : Tecnos, 1973, pp. 333-374 (primera edición en 1954). [*] LEWIS, W. Arthur. Teoría del desarrollo económico. 1a ed., 5a reimp. Bogotá : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1976, pp. 459-475 (primera edición en 1955). [*] LEWIS, W. Arthur. Crecimiento y fluctuaciones : 1870-1913. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1983 (primera edición en 1978). [*] Michie, Jonathan (ed. lit.). The handbook of globalisation. Cheltenham (Reino Unido) [etc.] : Edward Elgar, 2003. [*] Morawetz, David. Veinticinco años de desarrollo económico, 1950 a 1975. Madrid : Tecnos, 1979. [*] MYRDAL, Gunnar. Teoría económica y regiones subdesarrolladas. 1a ed., 5a reimp. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1979 (primera edición en 1957). [*] Myrdal, Gunnar. Solidaridad o desintegración : tendencias actuales de las relaciones económicas internacionales en el mundo no soviético. 3a. ed. en español. México ; Buenos Aires : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1966. [*] NURKSE, Ragnar. Equilibrio y crecimiento en la economía mundial. Madrid : Rialp, 1964, pp. 320-380 (primera edición en 1961). [*] PREBISCH, Raúl. Capitalismo periférico: crisis y transformación. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1981, pp. 183-202. [*] Ray, Debraj. Economía del desarrollo. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 2002 (1ª ed. 1998). [*] ROSTOW, W. W. Las etapas del crecimiento económico : un manifiesto no comunista. Madrid : Centro de Publicaciones, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1993, pp. 26-102 (primera edición en 1960). [*] ROSTOW, W.W., et al. La economía del despegue hacia el crecimiento autosostenido. Madrid : Alianza, 1967 (primera edición Year2008 Pág.:100 en 1960).- 2009 [*] Thirlwall, A. P. Growth and development : with special reference to developing economies. 8th ed. Houndmills [etc.] : Macmillan, 2006 (1ª ed. en 1972). [*] TODARO, Michael P. El desarrollo económico del tercer mundo. Madrid : Alianza, 1988, pp. 94-117; 175-214 y 295-336 (primera edición en 1985). [*] ROSTOW, W. W. Las etapas del crecimiento económico : un manifiesto no comunista. Madrid : Centro de Publicaciones, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1993, pp. 26-102 (primera edición en 1960). [*] ROSTOW, W.W., et al. La economía del despegue hacia el crecimiento autosostenido. Madrid : Alianza, 1967 (primera edición en 1960). [*] Thirlwall, A. P. Growth and development : with special reference to developing economies. 8th ed. Houndmills [etc.] : Macmillan, 2006 (1ª ed. en 1972). [*] TODARO, Michael P. El desarrollo económico del tercer mundo. Madrid : Alianza, 1988, pp. 94-117; 175-214 y 295-336 (primera edición en 1985). # Tema 6: Teorías del desarrollo III (enfoque institucional). # [*] BHADURI, Amit. Estructura económica de la agricultura atrasada. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987. [*] BHADURI, Amit. “Eficiencia económica e instituciones agrarias”. Historia Agraria. 1998, nº 15, pp. 15-25. [*] COASE, R. H. “La naturaleza de la empresa”. En: Coase, R. H. La empresa, el mercado y la ley, Madrid: Alianza, 1994, pp. 33-49 (1ª ed. en 1937). [*] GAUTHIER, David. La moral por acuerdo. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2000 (1ª ed. en 1986). [*] HIRSCHMAN, Albert O. De la economía a la política y más allá. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1984 (primera edición en 1981). [*] HIRSCHMAN, Albert O. Salida, voz y lealtad : respuestas al deterioro de empresas, organizaciones y estados. México [D. F.] : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1977 (1ª ed. en1970). [*] HIRSCHMAN, Albert O. El avance en colectividad : experimentos populares en la América Latina. México D. F. : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986 (1ª edición en 1984). [*] Hodgson, Geoffrey Martin. Economìa y evolución : revitalizando la economía. Madrid : Colegio de Economistas de Madrid : Celeste ediciones, 1995 (1ª ed. 1993). [*] IBARRA, Pedro; UNCETA, Koldo (coords.). Ensayos sobre el desarrollo humano. Barcelona : Icaria, 2001. [*] LOPEZ, S.; VALDALISO, J. M. “Economía, biología y evolución. Algunas reflexiones sobre la economía evolutiva y la importancia de la historia”. Anthropos. 1999, nº 182, pp. 30-41. [*] North, Douglass C. Instituciones, cambio institucional y desempeño económico. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993 (1ª ed. en 1990). [*] Olson, Mancur. La lógica de la acción colectiva : bienes públicos y teoría de grupos. México[etc.] : Limusa, 1992, pp. 202-235 (1ª ed. 1971). [*] Olson, Mancur. Poder y prosperidad : la superación de las dictaduras comunistas y capitalistas. Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno, 2001 (1ª ed 2000). [*] SEN, Amartya. Desarrollo y libertad. Barcelona : Planeta, 2000 (primera edición en 1999). [*] SEN, Amartya. "Las teorías del desarrollo en el siglo XXI". Leviatán : revista de hechos e ideas. 2001, nº 84, pp. 65-84 (1ª edición en 1995). [*] SEN, Amartya. La desigualdad económica. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2001 (1ª edición en 1997). Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:101 15960 History of Economic Thought Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory 1st. four-month Troncal Theoretical Theoretical : Optional Practical ? (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This subject´s main aims are for students to: - get a full grasp of the guidelines linking current economic thought and previous theoretical developments; - study the relation between the problems which each model attempts to analyse and the features of the economic context in which they have been created; - compare the effectiveness and problems of the theoretical systems competing with each other in the same historical context. CURRICULUM: PART ONE: THE PRE-SCIENTIFIC STAGE OF ECONOMIC PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE TOPIC 1. THE PROGRESS OF ECONOMIC SCIENCE AND ITS HISTORY: A METHODOLOGICAL DISCUSSION 1.1 Economic science’s family tree 1.2. Why study economic history? Economic thought and analysis. Different ways to create a history of economic thought. 1.3. Absolutism and relativism. Science and ideology. 1.4. Eras of economic theory. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aside from class notes which may serve as a guide, the following are also recommended: BARBÉ, Ll. (1996), El curso de la economía, Barcelona, Ariel, chapters 1 and 2, pgs 13-34 BLAUG, M. (1985), Teoría económica en retrospección, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, pgs 25-33 and 814-845 - (1986), La metodología de la economía, Madrid, Alianza, parts I and II EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), Historia de la teoría económica y de su método, Madrid, McGraw Hill, chapter 1, pgs 3-14 RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "A cosa serve la storia dell'economia politica?", in A. Roncaglia, La ricchezza delle idee. Storia del pensiero economico, Roma-Bari, Laterza, chapter 1, pgs 3-22 SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1994), Historia del análisis económico, Barcelona, Ariel, chapter 1, pgs 37-46 and chapter 2, pgs 47-84 SCREPANTI, E. y S. ZAMAGNI (1997), "Introducción" a Panorama de historia del pensamiento económico, Barcelona, Ariel, pgs 13-26 TOPIC 2. DISTANT ROOTS. SCHOLASTIC ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND PERIOD. 2.1. Greek forerunners. Aristotlean philosophy and medieval economic thought. 2.2. Different scholastic stages and the Salamanca School. 2.3. Mercantile theories and practice. The balance of payments doctrine. 2.4. Different takes on mercantilism. 2.5. Mercantilism in Spain THE MERCANTILISM BIBLIOGRAPHY EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), chapters 2 and 3, pgs 15 to 56 GÓMEZ CAMACHO, F. (1999), "El pensamiento económico en la Escuela de Salamanca", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), Economía y economistas españoles, vol. 2, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg-Funcas, pgs 177-207 GRICE-HUTCHINSON, M. (1982), El pensamiento económico en España (1177-1740), Barcelona, Crítica, chapter 3, pgs 107-161 - (1999), "En torno a la Escuela de Salamanca", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 2, pgs 163-176 KEYNES, J.M. (1997), "Nota sobre el mercantilismo", in Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:102 dinero, México, F.C.E. MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ, M. (1999), "Subdesarrollo y desarrollo económico en el mercantilismo español", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 2, pgs 359-402 PERROTTA, C. (1993), "Early Spanish mercantilism: the first analysis of underdevelopment", in L. - (1999), "En torno a la Escuela de Salamanca", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 2, pgs 163-176 KEYNES, J.M. (1997), "Nota sobre el mercantilismo", in Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero, México, F.C.E. MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ, M. (1999), "Subdesarrollo y desarrollo económico en el mercantilismo español", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 2, pgs 359-402 PERROTTA, C. (1993), "Early Spanish mercantilism: the first analysis of underdevelopment", in L. Magnusson (ed.), Mercantilist economics, Boston-Dordrecht-Lancaster, Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 2, pgs 17-58 RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "La preistoria dell'economia politica", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 2, pgs 23-60 SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1994), part II, chapter 1, pgs 87-183 SCREPANTI, E. y S. ZAMAGNI (1997), chapter 1, pgs 27-40 VINER, J. (1977), Enciclopedia de las ciencias sociales, vol. 7, "El pensamiento mercantilista", Madrid, Aguilar PART TWO: CLASSIC ECONOMIC POLICY TOPIC 3. R. CANTILLON, F. QUESNAY AND THE PHYSIOCRACY 3.1. W. Petty and political arithmetic 3.2. The first critiques. P. Boisguillebert, R. Cantillon and D. Hume 3.3. F. Quesnay and the tableau économique 3.4. Natural order and economic policy. The physiocracy's interpretation 3.5. Agronomics and physiocracy in Spain BIBLIOGRAPHY CANTILLON, R. (1950), Ensayo sobre la naturaleza del comercio en general, México, F.C.E., first and second part EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), pgs 81-87 LLOMBART, V. (2000), "El pensamento económico de la Ilustración en España", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 3, pgs 7-89 LLUCH, E. y ARGEMÍ, Ll. (1985), "La fisiocracia en España", in Agronomía y fisiocracia en España (1750-1820), Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, chapter II, pgs 45-100 MEEK, R.L. (1975), La fisiocracia, Barcelona, Ariel, chapter 6 NAPOLEONI, C. (1974), Fisiocracia, Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Vilassar de Mar, Oikos-tau, chapter 2 and document 1, pgs 17-30 and 115-132 QUESNAY, F. (1980), El tableau économique y otros escritos, México, F.C.E. RONCAGLIA, A. (1980), Petty. El nacimiento de la economía política, Madrid, Pirámide - (2003), "William Petty e la nascita dell'economia politica" and "Dal corpo politico alle tavole economiche", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 3, pgs 61-85 and chapter 4, pgs 86-126 SCREPANTI, E. and S. ZAMAGNI (1997), pgs 46-65 TOPIC 4. ADAM SMITH 4.1. The Scottish school and the theory of moral sentiments 4.2. The wealth of nations. Theory of value and distribution 4.3. Economic freedom and the role of the state 4.4. Adam Smith's reception in Spain BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBÉ, Ll. (1996), chapter 4, pgs 49-57 DIATKINE, D. (1991), "Présentation" a Adam Smith, La richesse des nations, París, Flammarion EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), chapter 5, pgs 105-133 FUENTES QUINTANA, E. and L. PERDICES DE BLAS (1996), Introducción" a A. Smith, Investigación de la naturaleza y causas de la riqueza de las naciones (ed. facsímil), Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, pgs 17-114 NAPOLEONI, C. (1974), chapter III and document nº 2 O'BRIEN, D.P. (1989), Los economistas clásicos, Madrid, Alianza RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "Adam Smith" and "Gli economisti all'epoca della rivoluzione francese", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 5, pgs 127-168 and chapter 6, pgs 169-191 SCREPANTI, E. and S. ZAMAGNI (1997), pgs 66-82 SKINNER, A. (1979), "Adam Smith y el papel del Estado", Hacienda Pública Española, 59, pgs 317-332 SMITH, A. (1999), La riqueza de las naciones, Madrid, Alianza. Introduction, Books One and Two; chapters I and IX of Book Four and chapter I of Book Five VINER, J. (1971), "Adam Smith y el laissez-faire", in J.J. Spengler and W.R. Allen, El pensamiento económico de Aristóteles a Marshall, Madrid, Tecnos, pgs 320-343 TOPIC 5. T.R. MALTHUS, DAVID RICARDO AND J. STUART MILL 5.1. The political economy in the era of the French Revolution 5.2. Malthus and the principles of population 5.3. The cereal model and the differential rent theory 5.4. The principles of D. Ricardo. Theory of value and distribution. The seasonal state. 5.5. Ricardians, Ricardian socialists and anti-Ricardians. 5.6. J.S. Mill and the latest representatives of the classical school 5.7. The reception of classic thought in Spain Year2008 - 2009 BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBÉ, Ll. (1996), pgs 83-128 BLAUG, M. (1985), chapter IV Pág.:103 5.5. Ricardians, Ricardian socialists and anti-Ricardians. 5.6. J.S. Mill and the latest representatives of the classical school 5.7. The reception of classic thought in Spain BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBÉ, Ll. (1996), pgs 83-128 BLAUG, M. (1985), chapter IV EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), chapters 6, 7 and 8, pgs 135-215 HOLLANDER, S. (1988), La economía de D. Ricardo, México, F.C.E. LLUCH, E. y ALMENAR S. (2000), "Difusión e influencia de los economistas clásicos en España (1776-1870)", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 4, pgs 93-170 NAPOLEONI, C. (1974), chapter 4 and document nº 3 O'BRIEN, D.P. (1989) RICARDO, D. (1959), Principios de economía política y tributación, chapters 1-7 and 31, México, F.C.E. - (1974), "Ensayo sobre los beneficios" in C. Napoleoni, pgs 151-180 RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "David Ricardo" and "I "ricardiani" e il declino del ricardismo", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 7, pgs 192-221 and chapter 8, pgs 222-256 SCREPANTI, E. and S. ZAMAGNI (1997), pgs 59-82 TOPIC 6. KARL MARX AND THE MARXIST TREND 6.1. Hegelian philosophy, historical materialism and the critique of the classic political economy. H. de Saint-Simon, Ch. Fourier, R. Owen and P.J. Proudhon 6.2. Karl Marx. Capital. Theory of value and surplus value 6.3. The primitive accumulation of capital. The laws of the capitalism movement and its crisis. 6.4. Marxism after Marx 6.5. The reception of utopian socialism and Marxism in Spain BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBÉ, Ll. (1996), chapters 8, 9 and 10 DESAI, M. (1981), Lecciones de teoría económica marxista, México, Siglo XXI, chapters 1-9 and 17-19 EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), chapter 10, pgs 247-264 and chapter 11, pgs 275-301 FONTANA, J. (2001), "El pensamiento económico marxista en España", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 5, pgs 747-763 MARX, K. (1975), El Capital, Barcelona, Grijalbo - (2004), Contribución a la crítica de la economía política, Granada, Comares PÉREZ DÍAZ, V. (1983), "El proyecto moral de Marx cien años después", Papeles de Economía Española, 17, pgs 66-109 ROJO, L.A. (1983), "La crítica de Marx a la economía política clásica", Papeles de Economía Española, 17, pgs 24-65 RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "Karl Marx", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 9, pgs 257-295 SÁNCHEZ HORMIGO, A. (2001), "Fourieristas y cabetianos", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 5, pgs 581-610 - (2001), "El pensamiento saint-simoniano en España", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 5, pgs 623-648 SCREPANTI, E. y S. ZAMAGNI (1997), pgs 129 1 154 SERRANO, J.Mª, A. SÁNCHEZ HORMIGO y J.L. MALO (2001), "Introducción. Las críticas a la economía clásica", in E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.), vol. 5, pgs 7-124 PART THREE: MARGINALISM AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MODERN ECONOMY TOPIC 7. THE ORIGINS OF MARGINALISM 7.1. Utilitarianism. From J. Bentham to J. Stuart Mill 7.2. The forerunners: A. Cournot, L. Dupuit, J.H. Von Thünen and H. Gossen 7.3. The marginalist revolution: S. Jevons, C. Menger and L. Walras 7.4. Stanley Jevons. The theory of value and exchange. 7.5. Leon Walras and the theory of general economic equilibrium. BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBÉ, Ll. (1996) BLAUG, M. (1985), chapter 8 EKELUND, R.B. and R.F. HÉBERT (1997), chapter 12, pgs 305-333; chapter 14, pgs 373-394 and chapter 16, pgs 443-471 HUTCHISON, T.W. (1967), Historia del pensamiento económico, 1870-1923, Madrid, Gredos, chapters 1 and 2 RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), "La rivoluzione marginalista: la teoria soggettiva del valore" and "L'equilibrio economico generale", in A. Roncaglia, chapter 10, pgs 296-326 and chapter 12, pgs 355-371 SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1994), pgs 1086-1115 SCREPANTI, E. y S. ZAMAGNI (1997), chapter 5, pgs 155-186 STIGLER, G. (1971), "El desarrollo de la teoría de la utilidad", in J.J. Spengler and W.R. Allen, pgs 617-669 VECCHI, M. de (1980), Jevons, Madrid, Pirámide WALRAS, L. (1987), Elementos de economía política pura, Madrid, Alianza TOPIC 8. THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL. C. MENGER AND E. BÖHM-BAWERK EVALUATION: Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:104 Final development exam, along with a voluntary essay-type work for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the subject’s contents and gain a higher mark. LECTURERS WALRAS, L. (1987), Elementos de economía política pura, Madrid, Alianza TOPIC 8. THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL. C. MENGER AND E. BÖHM-BAWERK EVALUATION: Final development exam, along with a voluntary essay-type work for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the subject’s contents and gain a higher mark. LECTURERS GONZALEZ ALVARADO, SONIA SANCHEZ HORMIGO, ALFONSO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-# Manuales recomendados: # [*] BARBÉ, LL. (1996), El curso de la economía : grandes escuelas, autores y temas del discurso económico, Barcelona, Ariel. [*] EKELUND, R.B. y R.F. HÉBERT (1997), Historia de la teoría económica y de su método, 3a ed., Madrid, McGraw Hill. [*] FUENTES QUINTANA (dir.) (1999-2004), Economía y economistas españoles: 1. Una introducción al pensamiento económico; 2. De los orígenes al mercantilismo; 3. La Ilustración; 4. La economía clásica; 5. Las críticas a la economía clásica; 6. La modernización de los estudios de economía; 7. La consolidación académica de la economía; 8. La economía como profesión; 9. Cronología, bibliografía e índices, 9 vol., Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg-Funcas. [*] RONCAGLIA, A. (2003), La riqueza de las ideas : una historia del pensamiento económico. Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2006. [*] SCREPANTI, E. y S. ZAMAGNI (1997), Panorama de historia del pensamiento económico, Barcelona, Ariel # Otros manuales: # [*] ARGEMÍ, Ll. (1987), Las raíces de la ciencia económica : una introducción histórica, Barcelona, Barcanova. [*] BARCELÓ, A. (1998), Economía política radical, Madrid, Síntesis. [*] BLAUG, M. (1988), Teoría económica en retrospección, 2a. reimp., México, F.C.E. [*] RIMA, I. HAHNE (1995), Desarrollo del análisis económico, 1a. ed. en español de la 5a. en inglés, México, Irwin [*] SCHUMPETER, J. A. (1994), Historia del análisis económico, Barcelona, Ariel # Otras referencias: # [*] ALMENAR, S. (1980), “Estudio preliminar”. En: Flórez Estrada, A. Curso de economía política, Ed. facs. de la 4a. ed. de 1835, 2 v. Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. [*] ARROW, K. J. "Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy". Econometrica. 1954, vol. 22, pp. 265-290. ARRUFAT, A. (1974), “Les noves teories realistes del comerç internacional”. Banca Catalana. 1974, jun. (33), p. 23-33. AUGELLO, M.M. (1990), Joseph Alois Schumpeter : a reference guide, Berlín, Springer. [*] BACKHOUSE, R. (1988), Historia del análisis económico moderno, Madrid, Alianza. [*] BARAN, P.A.; P.M. Sweezy (1974), Capital monopolista: ensayo sobre el orden económico y social de Estados Unidos. 19a ed. en esp. México [etc.] : Siglo XXI, 1986. [*] BASTIAT, F. Armonías económicas. Madrid : Librería de Mariano Escribano : Librería de Leocadio López, 1870 [*] BELTRÁN, L. (1993), Historia de las doctrinas económica, 5a. ed., Barcelona, Teide. [*] BENTHAM, J. "Manual de economía política". En: BENTHAM, J. Escritos económicos. México [D.F.] : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1978. [*] BLAUG, M. La metodología de la economía o Cómo explican los economistas. Madrid, Alianza, 1993. [*] BRETON, Y.; M. LUTFALLA (dir.) (1991), L'économie politique en France au XIX siècle, París, Economica. [*] BROCK, W.A.; W.D. DECHERT. "Non-linear dynamical systems: instability and chaos in economics". En: Arrow, Kenneth Joseph; Intriligator, Michael David (eds. lit.). Handbook of mathematical economics. Vol. 4. 1st ed., 2nd print. Amsterdam [etc.] : North-Holland, 1991, pp. 2209-2235. CAIRNES, J. E. (1874), Some leading principles of political economy newly expounded, Londres, Macmillan. [*] CANTILLON, R. Ensayo sobre la naturaleza del comercio en general. 1a. ed., 1a. reimp. México : F.C.E, 1978. [*] CHAMBERLIN, E. Teoría de la competencia monopólica. 2a. ed. en español. México : F.C.E., 1956. [*] COASE, R. (1994), La empresa, el mercado y la ley, Madrid, Alianza. [*] COLE, G.D.H. (1974), Historia del pensamiento socialista, Vol. 1. Los precursores (1789-1850), México, F.C.E. [*] DENIS, H. (1970), Historia del Pensamiento Económico, Barcelona, Ariel [*] DESAI, M. (1977), Lecciones de teoría económica marxista, México, Siglo XXI. DIATKINE, D. "Présentation". En: Smith, Adam. La richesse des nations, París : Flammarion, 1991. [*] DOBB, M. (1988), Teorías del valor y de la distribución desde Adam Smith : Ideología y teoría económica.9a ed. Madrid [etc.] : Siglo Veintiuno, 1988. [*] Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro. Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences. New York : Augustus M. Kelley, 1967. [*] ESTAPÉ, F. (1971), Ensayos sobre historia del pensamiento económico, Barcelona, Ariel [*] ESTAPÉ, F. (1990), Introducción al pensamiento económico : una perspectiva española. Madrid : Espasa Calpe FAWCETT, H. (1863), Manual of political economy, Londres, Macmillan. [*] FEYERABEND, P. Contra el método : esquema de una teoría anarquista del conocimiento. 2ª ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1989. [*] FRIEDMAN, M. (1967), Ensayos sobre economía positiva, Madrid, Gredos. [*] FUENTES QUINTANA, E.; PERDICES DE BLAS, L. (pr.). “Introducción". En: Smith, Adam. Investigación de la naturaleza y causas de la riqueza de las naciones (ed. facsímil). Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura, 1996, pp. XVII-CXIV. [*] GALBRAITH, J. K. (1984), El nuevo estado industrial, Barcelona, Ariel. GAREGNANI, P. (1981), Marx e gli economisti classici, Turín, Einaudi. GAREGNANI, P. (1990), "Sraffa: Classical versus marginalist analysis". En: Bharadwaj, K.; Schefold, B., Essays on Piero Sraffa. Critical perspectives on the revival of classical theory, Londres, Routledge, pp. 112-141. [*] GENERÉS, M. D. Reflexiones políticas y económicas sobre la población, agricultura, artes, fábricas y comercio del Reyno de Aragón, Ed. facs., Zaragoza : Gobierno de Aragón, Institución Fernando el Católico, 1996. GENOVESI, A. (1785), Lecciones de comercio o bien de economía civil, Madrid, Joachin Ibarra. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:105 [*] GEORGE, H. (1985), Progreso y miseria : tierra ociosa, hombres ociosos, Madrid : Ministerio de Agricultura, 1985. [*] GIOIA, V. (2000), "L'école historique allemande d'économie", en A. Beraud y G. Faccarello, Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, París, La Découverte. [*] GÓMEZ CAMACHO, F. (1998), Economía y filosofía moral: los orígenes del pensamiento económico europeo en la escolástica [*] GENERÉS, M. D. Reflexiones políticas y económicas sobre la población, agricultura, artes, fábricas y comercio del Reyno de Aragón, Ed. facs., Zaragoza : Gobierno de Aragón, Institución Fernando el Católico, 1996. GENOVESI, A. (1785), Lecciones de comercio o bien de economía civil, Madrid, Joachin Ibarra. [*] GEORGE, H. (1985), Progreso y miseria : tierra ociosa, hombres ociosos, Madrid : Ministerio de Agricultura, 1985. [*] GIOIA, V. (2000), "L'école historique allemande d'économie", en A. Beraud y G. Faccarello, Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, París, La Découverte. [*] GÓMEZ CAMACHO, F. (1998), Economía y filosofía moral: los orígenes del pensamiento económico europeo en la escolástica española, Madrid, Síntesis. [*] GRICE-HUTCHINSON, M. (1982), El pensamiento económico en España (1177-1740), Barcelona, Crítica [*] GRICE-HUTCHINSON, M. (1995), Ensayos sobre el pensamiento económico en España, Madrid, Alianza. GROENEWEGEN, P. (1995), A soaring eagle: Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924, Aldershot, Edward Elgar. [*] HARROD, R.F. (1985), La vida de John Maynard Keynes, México, F.C.E. [*] HAYEK, F.von (1946), La teoría pura del capital, Madrid, Aguilar [*] HAYEK, F.von (1990), Camino de servidumbre, Madrid, Alianza. [*] HECKSCHER, E.F. (1983), La época mercantilista, México, F.C.E. [*] Heilbroner, Robert L. Vida y doctrina de los grandes economistas. 2 vol. Barcelona : Orbis, 1984. [*] HICKS, John Richard, Sir. Valor y capital : investigación sobre algunos principios fundamentales de teoría económica. 1a ed., 4a reimp. Bogotá : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1976. [*] HIRSCHMAN, A. O. La estrategia del desarrollo económico. 1a. ed., 4a. reimp. México, D. F. : F.C.E., 1981. [*] HIRSCHMAN, A. O. (1994), Retóricas de la intransigencia, México, F.C.E [*] HIRSCHMAN, A. O. (1996), Tendencias autosubversivas : ensayos, México, F.C.E. [*] HIRSCHMAN, A. O. Crossing boundaries : selected writings. New York : Zone books, 2001. [*] HIRSCHMAN, A. O. Las pasiones y los intereses : argumentos politicos en favor del capitalismo previos a su triunfo. Barcelona, : Península, 1999. [*] HOLLANDER, S. (1988), La economía de David Ricardo. México, F.C.E. [*] HUME, D. Tratado de la naturaleza humana : autobiografía. Madrid : Tecnos, 1988. [*] HUTCHISON, T.W. (1967), Historia del pensamiento económico, 1870-1923, Madrid, Gredos. HUTCHISON, T.W. (1988), Before Adam Smith. The emergence of political economy, 1662-1776, Oxford, Blackwell. INED (Institut National D'études Démographiques) (1958), François Quesnay et la physiocratie, 2 vols., París, Institut National D'études Démographiques. [*] JEVONS, W.S. "Richard Cantillon y la nacionalidad de la política económica". En: Cantillon, R.Ensayo sobre la naturaleza del comercio en general, México : F.C.E, 1978. [*] JEVONS, W.S. (1998), La teoría de la economía política, Madrid, Pirámide. [*] JOHNSON, H.G. "La revolución keynesiana y la contrarrevolución monetarista". En: Johnson, H.G. Inflación y revolución y contrarrevolución keynesiana y monetarista. Barcelona : Orbis, D.L. 1988 [*] JONES, H. (1988), Introducción a las teorías modernas del crecimiento económico, 2ª ed., Barcelona, Antoni Bosch. [*] KALECKI, M. (1976), Economía socialista y mixta: selección de ensayos sobre crecimiento económico, México, F.C.E. [*] KEYNES, J.M. (1983), "La teoría general del empleo", Hacienda Pública Española, 83, pp. 367-372. [*] KEYNES, J.M. (1988), Ensayos de persuasión, Barcelona, Crítica. [*] KEYNES, J.M. (1992), Ensayos biográficos: políticos y economistas, Barcelona, Crítica. [*] KEYNES, J.M. Breve tratado sobre la reforma monetaria. 1ª ed. en español de la 2ª en inglés, 1ª reimp. México : F.C.E, 1996. [*] KEYNES, J.M. Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero. 2a. ed. en español, corr., 10a reimp. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987. [*] KEYNES, J.M. (2002), Las consecuencias económicas de la paz, Barcelona, Crítica. [*] KRUGMAN, P. (1992), Geografía y comercio, Barcelona, Antoni Bosch. [*] KRUGMAN, P. (1994), Vendiendo prosperidad: sensatez e insensatez en una era de expectativas limitadas, Barcelona, Ariel. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:106 15961 Economic History of Aragon Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Economic History and Institutions Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course offers a long-term analysis of the Aragonese economy from a historical perspective, comparing its economic evolution with that of other regional economies within the context of the growth of the contemporary Spanish economy. This type of long-term analysis is complemented with a sectorial approach and a chronological review of the different phases of economic growth in Aragon during the 19th and 20th centuries. Guest professors will participate in the course. CURRICULUM: PART I: Modern economic growth and spatial analysis. 1. Characteristics of modern economic growth 2. Economic growth and spatial analysis PART II. Features of the Aragonese economy within the different types of regional economic growth in Spain (19th and 20th centuries). 1. Toward a definition of regional economic growth in contemporary Spain. 2. General features of the Aragonese economy. PART III: The Aragonese economy in the transition toward capitalism. 1. The Aragonese economy during the “Ancien Régime”. 2. Institutional change during the transition toward capitalism in Aragon. PART IV. The Aragonese economy during the 19th century. IV. A. Stages in the economic growth of the Aragonese economy during the 19th century. 1. The agricultural crisis at the beginning of the 19th century 2. Expansion of the Aragonese agricultural economy (1830-1880) 3. The depression at the end of the century (1880-1895) IV. B. Sectorial analysis of the Aragonese economy during the 19th century. 1. The agricultural sector 2. The industrial sector: manufacturing, energy and construction 3. The financial system 4. Transportation 5. Foreign trade 6. Population PART V. The Aragonese economy during the 20th century. Circumstances and sectors. V. A. : Stages in the economic growth of Aragon 1. The Aragonese economy during the first third of the 20th century (1898-30) 2. Economic stagnation in the Aragonese economy between 1930 and 1950. 3. Economic expansion and structural change (1950-1975) 4. Toward a new model of economic growth in Aragon between 1975 and 1995. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.: Sectorial analysis of the Aragonese economy (1900-1995). The agricultural sector. The secondary sector: manufacturing, construction. Infrastructures: energy, transportation and telecommunications. The tertiarisation of the economy The financial system Foreign trade Population EVALUATION: Year2008 - 2009 LECTURERS GERMAN ZUBERO, BIBLIOGRAPHY Pág.:107 LUIS EVALUATION: LECTURERS GERMAN ZUBERO, LUIS BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Asso y del Río, I. J. de. Historia de la economía política de Aragón : Zaragoza, 1798. Zaragoza : Guara, 1983. [*] AZNAR GRASA A. (coord.). Aragón. Bilbao : Servicio de Estudios del Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, 1998 ( nº monográfico de la colección: Situación. Serie Estudios Regionales). En especial, arts. de GERMÁN ZUBERO, L. "Del Cereal al Metal " (pp. 145-164); TRIVEZ, J. sobre la coyuntura 1976-1996 (pp. 165-184) y de FILLAT C. y LOPEZ C. sobre comercio exterior (pp. 393-410). [*] BIELZA de ORY, V. La población aragonesa y su problemática actual. 2ª ed. Zaragoza : Librería General, 1979. [*] BIESCAS FERRER, J. A.Introducción a la economía de la región aragonesa. Zaragoza : Alcrudo, 1977. [*] CUADRADO J. R., et al. “Economía de las Comunidades Autónomas. Aragón”. Papeles de Economía Española. 1991, nº 10. [*] Delgado, J. M. (coord.). Actas del I Simposio sobre las relaciones económicas entre Aragón y Cataluña (ss. XVIII-XX) : Roda de Isábena, mayo 1990. Huesca : Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 1990. [*] FERNÁNDEZ CLEMENTE, E. Gente de orden : Aragón durante la dictadura de Primo de Rivera 1923-1930. T. III, La economía. [Zaragoza] : Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja, 1997. [*] GALLEGO MARTÍNEZ, D.; GERMÁN ZUBERO, L.; PINILLA NAVARRO, V. “Crecimiento económico, especialización productiva y disparidades internas en el Valle Medio del Ebro, 1800-1935. Un ensayo". Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía. 1993, vol. 3, nº 2, pp. 277-320. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO L. "La industrialización de Aragón: atraso y dualismo interno". En: Nadal, J.; Carreras, A. (dir. y coord.). Pautas regionales de la industrialización española : (siglos XIX Y XX). Barcelona : Ariel, 1990, pp. 185-218. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO L. "Pertinaz sequía. La economía aragonesa entre 1940 y 1960". En: Lacarra Ducay, M. C.(coord.). Zaragoza, 1940-1960 : cultura, economía y sociedad. Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico, 1996. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO L. "Red ferroviaria y evolución del comercio interregional de la economía aragonesa : 1875-1930 ". En: MUÑOZ, M.; SANZ, J; VIDAL, J. Siglo y medio del ferrocarril en España : 1848-1998 : economía, industria y sociedad. Alicante : Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil Albert : Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo ; Madrid : Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, 1999. pp. 517-532. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO L. "Del cereal al metal. La trayectoria de la economía aragonesa”. En: GERMÁN, L., et al. (eds.). Historia económica regional de España, siglos XIX y XX. Barcelona : Crítica, 2001. pp. 331-356. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO L. (ed. lit.). Eléctricas Reunidas de Zaragoza (1910-1990) : el desarrollo del sector eléctrico en Aragón. Zaragoza : Institución Fernando el Católico : Eléctricas Reunidas de Zaragoza, 1990. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO, L.; FORCADELL, C. "La crisis finisecular en la agricultura interior. El caso de Aragón". En: Garrabou, R. (ed.). La crisis agraria de fines del siglo XIX : (I Seminari Internacional d'Història de Girona). Barcelona : Crítica,1988. pp. 69-93. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO, L.; PINILLA NAVARRO, V. "Transformaciones agrícolas e industrialización en Aragón (1860-1935)". Áreas : revista de ciencias sociales. 1990, núm. 12, pp. 187-200. [*] IBARRA, P.; PINILLA NAVARRO, V. “Regadíos y transformaciones agrarias en Aragón (1880-1990). En: GARRABOU, R.; NAREDO, J. M. (eds.). El agua en los sistemas agrarios : una perspectiva histórica. Madrid : Fundación Argentaria, 1999. pp. 391-426. [*] PÉREZ SARRIÓN, G. Aragón en el Setecientos : crecimiento económico, cambio social y cultura, 1700-1808. Lleida : Milenio, 1999. [*] PINILLA NAVARRO, V. Entre la inercia y el cambio : el sector agrario aragonés 1850-1935. Madrid : Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, 1995. [*] PINILLA NAVARRO, V. "La Historia Económica contemporánea de Aragón : un estado de la cuestión". En: RÚJULA, P.; PEIRÓ, I. La historia local en la España contemporánea : estudios y reflexiones desde Aragón : [actas del I Congreso de Historia Local de Aragón...]. Zaragoza : Departamento de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea, Universidad de Zaragoza ; Barcelona : L'Avenç, 1999. pp. 169-195. [*] SALAS FUMÁS, V.; Sanaú Villarroya, J. J. Capitalización y crecimiento de la economía aragonesa : 1955-1997. Bilbao : Fundación BBV, 1999. [*] SERRANO SANZ J. M. (dir.). Estructura económica del Valle del Ebro. Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 1991 [*] SERRANO SANZ, J. M. (1990). "Aragón : una década de crecimiento". Papeles de Economía Española, nº 45, pp. 101-114. [*] TABLAS INPUT-OUTPUT DE LA ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA. Años 1972, 1978, 1985 y 1992 editadas por CAJA DE AHORROS DE ZARAGOZA, ARAGON Y RIOJA (CAZAR)-iberCaja. Dirigidas las tres últimas por F. BONO. [*] TORRAS J. "La economía aragonesa en la transición al capitalismo". En: TORRAS, J.; FORCADELL, C.; FERNÁNDEZ CLEMENTE, E. Tres estudios de Historia Económica de Aragón. [Zaragoza] : Departamento de Historia Económica, Facultad de CC. EE. y Empresariales, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1982, pp. 9-32. --BIBLIOGRAFIA URL-Ejemplar digitalizado de: ASSO I. J. de. Historia de la Economía política Year2008 - 2009 de Aragón. Zaragoza, 1798. Pág.:108 15962 Economic History of Contemporary Spain Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Economic History and Institutions Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The subject will provide students will a long-term view of the Spanish economy’s performance, with the aim of helping them better understand its current state as well as the historical configuration of the problems which affect it. Therefore, the syllabus is in three parts. The first (topic 1) outlines a general historiographic overview of the Spanish economy’s modernisation. The second (topics 2 to 5) analyses the main conjunctures of the last two centuries, incorporating in each the most relevant economic, political and social aspects. Lastly, the third part (topics 6 to 10) deals with the sectoral development of the Spanish economy, providing a fuller picture of some of the variables and problems set out in the second. CURRICULUM: INTRODUCTION Topic 1. - The modernisation of the Spanish economy: an historiographical overview. PART Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic ONE: STAGES OF SPANISH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 2.- The Spanish economy in the modern age 3.- Crisis in the ancien regime and beginnings of industrialisation 4.- The turn-of-the-century crisis and the interwar period 5.- The economy under Francoism 6.- The crisis in the seventies and integration in Europe PART TWO: A SECTORIAL OVERVIEW ON SPANISH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTURIES). Topic 7.- Population. Topic 8.- Agriculture. Topic 9.- The industrial sector. Energy. Transport. Topic 10.- Monetary and financial systems. Public finances. Topic 11.- An historical overview of the economic integration process (19TH AND 20TH EVALUATION: Work and final exam LECTURERS IRIARTE GOÑI, JOSE IGNACIO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ARTOLA, Miguel (dir.). Enciclopedia de Historia de España. Vol.1, Economía. Sociedad. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1993. [*] ARTOLA, Miguel (dir.). Enciclopedia de Historia de España. Vol.2, Instituciones políticas. Imperio Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1988. [*] ARTOLA, Miguel (dir.). Enciclopedia de Historia de España. Vol.3, Iglesia. Pensamiento. Cultura. Madrid : Alianza, 1988. [*] BARCIELA LÓPEZ, C., et al. La España de Franco (1939-1975) : economía. 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, 2005. [*] BRODER, Albert. Historia económica de la España Contemporánea. [1a. ed. en "Manuales"]. Madrid : Alianza, 2000. [*] Carreras, A. (coord.). Estadísticas históricas de España : siglos XIX-XX. Madrid : Fundación Banco Exterior ; Barcelona : Distribución, Edhasa/Diagonal, 1989. [*] Carreras, A.; Tafunell Sambola, X.(coords.). Estadísticas históricas de España : siglos XIX-XX. 2 ed. rev. y aum. 3 vol.+ CD-ROM. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA , D. L. 2005. [*] CARRERAS, A. y TAFUNELL, X. Historia económica de la España contemporánea. 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona : Crítica, 2007. [*] CATALÁN VIDAL, Jordi. La economía española y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Barcelona : Ariel, 1995. [*] COLL, Sebastián; FORTEA PÉREZ, José Ignacio. Guía de fuentes cuantitativas para la historia económica de España. Vol. I. Recursos y sectores productivos. Madrid : Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios, 1995. [*] COMÍN, F.; HERNÁNDEZ, M.; LLOPIS, E. Historia económica de España : siglos X-XX. 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona : Crítica, imp. 2005. [*] ESTAPE Y RODRIGUEZ, Fabián: Ensayos sobre economía española. Barcelona : Departamento de Teoría Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad : Ariel, 1972. [*] ETXEZARRETA, Miren (coord.): La reestructuración del capitalismo en España, 1970-1990. Barcelona : Icaria ; Madrid : Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:109 Fuhem, 1991. [*] FONTANA, J. Cambio económico y actitudes políticas en la España del siglo XIX. 5a. ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1983. [*] FONTANA, J. La quiebra de la Monarquía absolut [*] a : 1814-1820. 1, La crisis del Antiguo Régimen en España. Barcelona : Crítica, 2002. [*] FUSI, Juan Pablo y PALAFOX, Jordi. España: 1808-1996 : El desafío de la modernidad. 5ª ed. Madrid : Espasa, 2003. [*] ESTAPE Y RODRIGUEZ, Fabián: Ensayos sobre economía española. Barcelona : Departamento de Teoría Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad : Ariel, 1972. [*] ETXEZARRETA, Miren (coord.): La reestructuración del capitalismo en España, 1970-1990. Barcelona : Icaria ; Madrid : Fuhem, 1991. [*] FONTANA, J. Cambio económico y actitudes políticas en la España del siglo XIX. 5a. ed. Barcelona : Ariel, 1983. [*] FONTANA, J. La quiebra de la Monarquía absolut [*] a : 1814-1820. 1, La crisis del Antiguo Régimen en España. Barcelona : Crítica, 2002. [*] FUSI, Juan Pablo y PALAFOX, Jordi. España: 1808-1996 : El desafío de la modernidad. 5ª ed. Madrid : Espasa, 2003. [*] GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis (dir.). España, economía : ante el siglo XXI. Madrid : Espasa, 1999. [*] GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis (dir.). Economía española de la transición y la democracia, 1973-1986. Madrid : Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 1990. [*] GARCIA DELGADO, J.L y JIMENEZ, J.C. Un siglo de España : la economía. 2ª ed. ampliada, 1ª reimp. Madrid : Marcial Pons, 2003. [*] GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis (ed.): Coloquios de historia contemporánea de España. 8 v. Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1985-1992. [*] GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, M. J. GONZALEZ, M.J.: La economía política del franquismo (1940-1970): Dirigismo, mercado y planificación. Madrid : Tecnos, 1979. [*] GERMÁN ZUBERO, L., et al. Historia económica regional de España, siglos XIX y XX. Barcelona : Crítica, 2001. [*] HARRISON, J. La economía española de la Guerra Civil a la Comunidad Europea. Madrid : Istmo, 1998. [*] MARCOS MARTÍN, Alberto. De esclavos a señores : estudios de historia moderna. Valladolid : Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1992. [*] MARTÍNEZ SERRANO, J. A., et al. Economía española 1960-1980 : crecimiento y cambio estructural. [1a. ed., 4a. reimp.]. Madrid : Hermann Blume, 1987 [*] Moreno Redondo, Alfonso (coord.). El Banco de España : una historia económica. Madrid : [Banco de España], 1970. [*] NADAL, J.; CARRERAS, A.; SUDRIA, C. La economía española en el siglo XX : una perspectiva histórica. [5a. ed.]. Barcelona : Ariel, 1994. [*] NADAL, J. (dir.). Atlas de la industrialización de España : 1750-2000. Barcelona : Crítica, 2003. [*] PALAFOX GAMIR, J. Atraso económico y democracia : la Segunda República y la economía española, 1892-1936. Barcelona : Crítica, 1991. [*] PASCUAL, Pere. Agricultura i industrializació a la Catalunya del segle XIX : formació i desestructuració d'un sistema econòmic. Barcelona : Crítica, 1990. [*] PÉREZ PICAZO, M. T. Historia de España del siglo XX. Barcelona : Crítica, 1996. [*] Perpiñá y Grau, R. De economía hispana, infraestructura, historia. Barcelona : Ariel, 1972. [*] PERPIÑÁ y GRAU, R. De economía crítica (1930-1936). Valencia : Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo, 1982. [*] PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, L. De imperio a nación : crecimiento y atraso económico en España (1780-1930). Madrid : Alianza, 1991. [*] PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, L.; ZAMAGNI, Vera (eds.). El desarrollo económico de la Europa del Sur: España e Italia en perspectiva histórica. Madrid : Alianza, 1992. [*] PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, L. El progreso económico de España (1850-2000). Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2003. [*] PUJOL, J., et al. El pozo de todos los males : sobre el atraso en la agricultura española contemporánea. Barcelona : Crítica, 2001. [*] RINGROSE, David R. España, 1700-1900, el mito del fracaso. Madrid : Alianza, 1996. [*] ROLDÁN, Santiago; GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis. La formación de la sociedad capitalista en España : 1914-1920. Vol.1, Análisis global del ciclo expansivo y de algunos aspectos generales de la economía española durante la I Guerra Mundial. Madrid : Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorro, 1973. [*] ROLDÁN, Santiago; GARCIA DELGADO, José Luis. La formación de la sociedad capitalista en España, 1914-1920La formación de la sociedad capitalista en España : 1914-1920. Vol.2, Análisis sectorial del proceso de acumulación de capital en el transporte marítimo, en la minería del carbón y en el sector bancario durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Madrid : Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorro, 1973. [*] SÁNCHEZ-ALBORNOZ, N. Jalones en la modernización de España. Esplugues de Llobregat : Ariel, 1975. [*] SÁNCHEZ-ALBORNOZ, N. España hace un siglo, una economía dual. [2ª ed.]. Madrid : Alianza, 1988. [*] SÁNCHEZ ALBORNOZ, N. (comp.). La modernización económica de España : 1830-1930. 3a. ed. rev. y ampl. Madrid : Alianza, 1991. [*] SCHWARTZ, Pedro (coord.). Ensayos sobre la economía española a mediados del siglo XIX. Madrid : Ariel, 1970. [*] TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel. Los orígenes del capitalismo en España : banca, industria y ferrocarriles en el siglo XIX. 3ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 1995. [*] TORTELLA CASARES, Gabriel. El desarrollo de la España contemporánea : historia económica de los siglos XIX y XX. [1ª ed., 6ª reimp.]. Madrid : Alianza, 2006. [*] TUSEL, Javier; SOTO, Alvaro. Historia de la transición (1975-1986). Madrid : Alianza, 1996. [*] VV. AA. "La vía nacionalista del capitalismo español", Cuadernos Económicos de ICE. 1978, nos. 5 a 8. [*] VV. AA. "La nueva cara de la historia económica de España", Papeles de Economía Española. 1984, nº 20. [*] VV. AA. Papeles de economía española. 1999, nº 85. [*] VV. AA."El fracaso de la revolución industrial en España", Información Comercial Española. 1985, nº 623. [*] VELARDE FUERTES, Juan. Lecturas de economía española. Madrid : Gredos, 1969. [*] VICENS VIVES, Jaime. Manual de historia económica de España. 9a. ed., 8a. reed. Barcelona : Vicens Vives, 1985. [*] VICENS VIVES, Jaime. Coyuntura económica y reformismo burgués y otros estudios de historia de España. [4a. ed.]. Barcelona : Ariel, 1974 (artículos escritos entre 1954 y 1960). [*] YUN CASALILLA, B. (coord.). Estudios sobre capitalismo agrario, crédito e industria en Castilla : siglos XIX y XX, [Valladolid] : Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Cultura y Bienestar Social, 1991. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:110 15965 Prediction Methods Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim is to study the different prediction methods used in economics, placing special emphasis on both non-parametric and parametric methods applied to time series. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. Foundations of economic prediction 2. Informational base 3. Input-output model 4. Nonparametric methods 5. Introduction to the parametric approach to the analysis of time series 6. Stochastic time series models 7. Seasonal stochastic models 8. Univariate analysis of time series (I): General diagram and identification 9. Univariate analysis of time series (II): Estimation, checking and prediction 10. Analysis of intervention and outliers 11. Transfer function models EVALUATION: LECTURERS ATWI , MAJED BARAKAT TRIVEZ BIELSA, FRANCISCO JAVIER BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] AZNAR GRASA, ANTONIO; Trívez Bielsa, Francisco Javier. Métodos de predicción en economía. Vol.1, Fundamentos, input-output, modelos econométricos y métodos no paramétricos de series temporales. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. [*] AZNAR GRASA, ANTONIO; Trívez Bielsa, Francisco Javier. Métodos de predicción en economía. Vol. 2, Análisis de series temporales. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:111 15966 Regional Models Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The aim of the subject is to bring in a new element such as space to applied economic analysis. The subject is essentially econometric in nature, though it also concentrates on other matters, both different and complementary, which have shown their usefulness in the field of regional economic analysis. CURRICULUM: Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Descriptive instruments for regional analysis. Spatial stochastic processes. Econometric transversal cut models. Panel data: static models. Panel data: dynamic models. EVALUATION: Work and exam LECTURERS ANGULO GARIJO, ANA MARIA MUR LACAMBRA, JESÚS DOMINGO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Anselin, Luc. Spatial econometrics : methods and models. Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic, 1988. [*] Baltagi, Badi H. Econometric analysis of panel data. 3rd ed. Chichester [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, 2005. [*] Moreno Serrano, Rosina. Técnicas econométricas para el tratamiento de datos espaciales : la econometría espacial. Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona, 2000. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:112 15967 Selection of Models Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The goal is to examine the different criteria proposed in econometric scholarship for evaluating the quality of a model, once the model has passed the tests of sphericity. Analysis is proposed for both nested and non-nested models, distinguishing between those criteria which use classical hypothesis testing as a fundamental tool and those (known as preferentialist) which approach the problem of choice within the framework of decision theory, which compares models in terms of their loss functions. CURRICULUM: Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General approach. Selection strategies Criteria of verification for nested models Criteria of verification for nonnested models Criteria of preferences in nested models Criteria of preferences in nonnested models Evaluation of criteria EVALUATION: LECTURERS AYUDA BOSQUE, MARÍA ISABEL BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-[*] AZNAR GRASA, A.; TRIVEZ F. J. Métodos de predicción en economía. Vol.1, Fundamentos, input-output, modelos econométricos y métodos no paramétricos de series temporales. Barcelona : Ariel, 1993. [*] JUDGE, George G., et al. The theory and practice of econometrics. 2nd ed. New York : Wiley, 1985. [*] Otero Moreno, José María. Econometría : series temporales y predicción. Madrid : AC, 1993. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:113 15968 Tax Systems II Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: This course is designed as a logical continuation of the courses in which students have gained a basic knowledge of the Spanish tax system. Its objective is to provide both theoretical and practical introductory notions of tax planning. The goal is to analyse how taxes affect the decisions of individuals, both personally and professionally, and how certain rules can be derived to aid in making better decisions, taking into account these fiscal factors. The course is strucutred as follows: The first part is fundamentally theoretical, and is devoted to introducing the basic instruments and methods for engaging in tax planning activities. Parts two through four present the empirical aspects, and apply the previously-learned methods to specific problems of personal, business and international tax planning. CURRICULUM: Part 1. 2. 3. 4. I: methodology Introduction Instruments for use in tax planning Metodology of tax planning An initial application: the choice among different savings instruments Part 5. 6. 7. 8. II: corporate tax planning Choosing the corporate form Company operations. The financial structure of social firms Tax incentives on investment, employment and company location. Part III: personal tax planning 9. Tax payments based on different family units 10. Transmission of personal assets Part IV: international tax planning 11. Introduction to international tax planning **Web de consulta: EVALUATION: LECTURERS DOMINGUEZ BARRERO, FELIX BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Domínguez Barrero, Félix. Planificación fiscal. Barcelona : Ariel, 2001. [*] Meneu, Vicente; Jordá, María Paz; Barreira, María Teresa. Operaciones financieras en el mercado español. Barcelona : Ariel, 1994. [*] Scholes, Myron S. Taxes and business strategy. New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1992. --BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTARIA-JONES, S. M. Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning. Boston : McGraw Hill, 2000. [*] López Laborda, Julio (comp.). Lecturas de planificación y estrategia fiscal : metodología y aplicaciones. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2002. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:114 15970 Computer Systems to Assist in Decision-Making Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 1st. four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Continuing with our analysis of decision-making processes and, specifically, with the students’ introduction to the different models, methods and techniques which aid in taking decisions in the most scientific way possible, this course offers a series of procedures and tools which facilitate this task in the economic and business environment, both from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. Although included within the General Management area of specialisation (4th year), the course content would be useful in any area of specialisation, in the third year, if possible, since it facilitates conducting other projects (acquiring information in Internet, modelling, and presenting and communicating the results obtained). CURRICULUM: PART PART PART PART PART I: FOUNDATIONS II: OFFICE AUTOMATION TOOLS III: APPLICATIONS OF DECISION-MAKING SYSTEMS IV: CONSTRUCTION OF DECISION-MAKING SYSTEMS V: APPLICATIONS EVALUATION: LECTURERS AGUARON JOVEN, JUAN ALFREDO TURON LANUZA, ALBERTO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] CELMA GIMÉNEZ, M.; CASAMAYOR RÓDENAS, J. C.; MOTA HERRANZ, L. Bases de datos relacionales. Madrid : Pearson educación, 2003. [*] Águila Obra, Ana Rosa del; Padilla Meléndez, Antonio (coords.). E-Business y comercio electrónico : un enfoque estratégico. Madrid : Ra-ma, 2001. [*] GARFINKEL, S.; SPAFFORD, G. Seguridad y comercio en el Web. 1ª ed. en español. México [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1999. [*] LAUDON, K. C.; LAUDON, J. P. Administración de los sistemas de información : organización y tecnología. 3ª ed. México [etc.] : Prentice-Hall, 1996. [*] MALLACH, E. G. Understanding decision support systems and expert systems. Chicago [etc.] : Irwin, 1994. [*] O´BRIEN, J. A. ; Marakas, G. M. Sistemas de información gerencial. 7ª ed. México, [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2006. [*] SILBERSCHATZ, A.; KORTH, H. F.; Sudarshan, S. Fundamentos de bases de datos. 5ª ed. Aravaca (Madrid) : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2006. [*] SIMINIANI, M. Intranets, empresa y gestión documental : cómo enfocar en la práctica la tecnología desde la necesidad de eficiencia en todo tipo de empresas. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, [1997]. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:115 15971 Society and the State Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Sociology Psychology and Sociology CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Observations concerning society, democracy and citizenship. The process of building social identities. Sociogenesis of collective action. The international dimension of society and the state. CURRICULUM: 1. Civil society, political society and community society: - The concept of State - The development of civil society - Democracy and citizens’ rights - Nation and nationalisms - State and civil society in Spain 2. Social inequality - Structures of social inequality. - The dynamics of inequality. - Polarisation, fragmentation and social alienation 3. Culture, identity and society: - The search for one’s roots - Popular culture - Urban identities: - Youth identity - Identity by sex - Identity and corporate culture 4. Culture, identity and politics - Sociogenesis of collective action - Social networks and social organisation: - Relations between informal networks and formal networks 5. The development of citizenship - Toward a multicultural citizenry - Citizenship and representation in a society in transition - Civic participation and local power 6. The technological city. Social networks and telecommunications networks - Cities as models of differential socialisation - Citizens’ needs - Cities as places for innovation - Cooperation among cities 7. Social problems of contemporary society and social mobility - Problems: - Inequality and poverty - Population and migrations - Violence - Environmental damage - Ethnicity and social organisations in an urban context. Analysis of a case 8. Social welfare and social services - Debates concerning social policies. Neoliberalism, neomarxism and alternatives. - Ethics and social policy 9. From the society of nations to the global village - The dialectics of progress - The world system - The globalisation of human society EVALUATION: Year2008 - 2009 LECTURERS ROCHA ESAA, Pág.:116 MARIA BIBLIOGRAPHY SOLEDAD EVALUATION: LECTURERS ROCHA ESAA, MARIA SOLEDAD BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] ALABART, A.; GARCÍA, S.; GINER, S. (comps.). Clase, poder y ciudadanía. [Madrid] : Siglo Veintiuno de España, 1994. [*] GIDDENS, A. La tercera vía : la renovación de la socialdemocracia. 5ª ed. Madrid : Taurus, 2003. [*] GIDDENS, A. Política, sociología y teoría social : reflexiones sobre el pensamiento social clásico y contemporáneo. 1ª ed., reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Paidós, 2001. [*] Picó i López, Josep. Teorías sobre el Estado del Bienestar. [3ª ed.]. Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno de España, 1999. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:117 15975 Industrial Economic Theory Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Economic Analysis CREDITS Length: Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: Study of the function of markets under conditions of imperfect competition. Introduction to game theory. CURRICULUM: Lesson 1. Lesson 2. Lesson 3. Lesson 4. Lesson 5. Lesson 6. Lesson 7. Lesson 8. Lesson 9. Appendix. Introduction Discrimination of prices Theory of oligopolies Dynamic competition and tacit collusion. Differentiation of products Barriers to entry Mergers and acquisitions. Analysis of advertising and R+D. Governmental intervention Introduction to game theory EVALUATION: LECTURERS HERNANDEZ GARCIA, JOSE MARIA BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] [*] [*] [*] CABRAL, Luis. Economía Industrial. [Reimpr.]. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2002. GIBBONS, Robert. Un primer curso de teoría de juegos. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 2003. SEGURA, Julio. Teoría de la economía industrial. Madrid : Editorial Civitas, 1993. VARIAN, Hal R. Análisis microeconómico. 3a. ed., reimp. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 1998. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:118 15984 World economics Faculty: Qualification: Area: Department: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Zaragoza Economics Degree Applied Economy Economic History and Structure - Public Economics CREDITS Year: 4 Equiv. Credits: UZ Credits: 6 ECTS Credits: 4,8 Length: Obligatory Theoretical 2nd four-month Troncal Optional Practical Theoretical : 4 0 (Hr total) Practices: 2 0 (Hr total) AIMS: The subject will further student knowledge of the forces governing the development of the world economy. Firstly, the processes of economic growth and convergence (or lack of same) will be analysed, along with their respective main factors. The second part of the programme will begin with the characterisation and definition of the main world economic areas. There will be an in-depth study of the current situation and the problems which arise in each area and the solutions devised for them, both in the country in question and in international institutions. Special reference will be made to the growth factors previously dealt with and to the interdependences between various areas. CURRICULUM: PART I: WORLD ECONOMIC GROWTH 1. Economic growth 1.1 Economic growth and development: definition and measurement 1.2 Empirical evidence 1820-1990s 2. Governing factors of growth from a theoretical perspective 2.1 Classic views 2.2 “New” explanations 3. Economic convergence 3.1 Theoretical aspects 3.2 Empirical evidence PART II: ECONOMIC AREAS 4. Classification and overview 5. Most advanced economies 5.1 Economic structure 5.2 Development and current perspectives 6. Economies in transition 6.1 Economic structure and development 6.2 The transition process: reforms and current perspectives 7. Developing economies 7.1 Economic structure and development 7.2 Growth perspectives and challenges EVALUATION: LECTURERS GIMENEZ ESTEBAN, GREGORIO GRACIA ANDIA, ANA BELEN GAUDIOSO BIBLIOGRAPHY --BIBLIOGRAFIA BASICA-[*] Barro, Robert J. Economic growth. 2nd ed. Cambridge (Massachusetts) [etc.] : MIT Press, 2003. [*] Claves de la economía mundial. Madrid : Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, 2008. [*] Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial... [Ed. española]. Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, 1978[*] Maddison, Angus. La economía mundial 1820-1992 : análisis y estadísticas. París : OCDE, 1997. [*] Maddison, Angus. La economía mundial : una perspectiva milenaria. Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 2002. [*] OECD Economic outlook. [Ed. inglesa]. Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1967[*] Palazuelos, E. y Vara, M. J. (coords.). Grandes áreas de la economía mundial. [Barcelona] : Ariel, 2002. [*] Paz Báñez, Manuela A. de. Economía mundial : tránsito hacia el nuevo milenio. Madrid : Pirámide, 1998. [*] Perspectivas de la economía mundial. [Ed. española]. Washington : Fondo Monetario Internacional, 1986[*] Sala i Martín, Xavier. Apuntes de crecimiento económico. 2ª ed. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, 2002. [*] Alonso, José Antonio, dir. Lecciones sobre economía mundial : introducción al desarrollo y a las relaciones económicas internacionales. 3ª ed. Madrid : Civitas, 2007. Year2008 - 2009 Pág.:119