Download Natural landscapes in the Comunidad de Madrid

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9 Ecosystems
Worksheet 1 (1)
Natural landscapes in the Comunidad de Madrid
We can observe a great variety of natural landscapes in the Comunidad de Madrid. Many are
classified as protected areas. These include Nature Parks, Natural Areas of National Interest,
Nature Reserves, Animal Refuges, Scenic Landscapes, Natural Monuments of National Interest
and Regional Parks.
La Cumbre, Circo y Lagunas de Peñalara.
This Nature Park is located in the Sierra de
Guadarrama. It includes many glacial lakes.
La Peña del Arcipreste de Hita.
This Natural Monument of
National Interest includes the
promontory, natural spring, pine
forests and other vegetation.
Hayedo de Montejo. This Natural Area
of National Interest is the only beech
forest in the Comunidad de Madrid.
La Cuenca Alta del Manzanares.
This Regional Park includes the
upper course of the River
Manzanares. It is very close to
urban Madrid.
Hayedo de Montejo
Cumbre, Circo y
Lagunas de Peñalara
El Pinar de Abantos
y la zona de la
Herrería. This
Scenic Landscape
is covered by dense
pine forest.
Peña del
Arcipreste de Hita
Sotos del Henares. This Natural
Area contains one of the most
important riparian forests in the
Comunidad de Madrid.
Cuenca Alta
del Manzanares
Pinar de Abantos
y zona de la Herrería
Sotos del
Curso medio del río
Guadarrama y su entorno
Cursos bajos de los
ríos Manzanares y Jarama
Cursos bajos de los
ríos Manzanares y
Jarama. This area
is designated as a
Regional Park.
Laguna de San Juan
© Oxford University Press España, S. A.
Curso medio del río Guadarrama
y su entorno. This Regional Park
surrounds the middle course of the
River Guadarrama.
El Regajal–Mar de Ontígola. This Nature
Reserve is home to many riparian
butterflies, and the Mar de Ontígola
provides refuge for many birds.
Regajal-Mar de Ontígola
Natural Area of National Interest
Nature Park
Natural Monument of National Interest
Regional Park
Scenic Landscape
Animal Refuge/Nature Reserve
Laguna de San Juan. This Animal Refuge
provides a safe place where many bird
species can rest and build their nests.
9 Ecosystems
© Oxford University Press España, S. A.
Worksheet 1 (2)
Look at the pictures. What types of protected area do they show?
Peña del Arcipreste de Hita.
Hayedo de Montejo.
La Pedriza (Cuenca Alta
del Manzanares).
Laguna de San Juan.
Pinar del Monte Abantos.
Laguna de Peñalara.
Match the natural areas with the elements they contain:
Hayedo de Montejo
Glacial lakes
Soto del Henares
La Cumbre, Circo
y Lagunas de Peñalara
Area where birds can rest and build
their nests.
Laguna de San Juan
El Regajal – Mar de Ontígola El Pinar de Abantos
y la zona de la Herrería
Butterflies and many bird species
Pine forest
Beech forest
Riparian forest
9 Ecosystems
Worksheet 1 (1)
Natural landscapes in the Comunidad de Madrid
We can observe a great variety of natural landscapes in the Comunidad de Madrid. Many are
classified as protected areas. These include Nature Parks, Natural Areas of National Interest,
Nature Reserves, Animal Refuges, Scenic Landscapes, Natural Monuments of National Interest
and Regional Parks.
La Cumbre, Circo y Lagunas de Peñalara.
This Nature Park is located in the Sierra de
Guadarrama. It includes many glacial lakes.
La Peña del Arcipreste de Hita.
This Natural Monument of
National Interest includes the
promontory, natural spring, pine
forests and other vegetation.
Hayedo de Montejo. This Natural Area
of National Interest is the only beech
forest in the Comunidad de Madrid.
La Cuenca Alta del Manzanares.
This Regional Park includes the
upper course of the River
Manzanares. It is very close to
urban Madrid.
Hayedo de Montejo
Cumbre, Circo y
Lagunas de Peñalara
El Pinar de Abantos
y la zona de la
Herrería. This
Scenic Landscape
is covered by dense
pine forest.
Peña del
Arcipreste de Hita
Sotos del Henares. This Natural
Area contains one of the most
important riparian forests in the
Comunidad de Madrid.
Cuenca Alta
del Manzanares
Pinar de Abantos
y zona de la Herrería
Sotos del
Curso medio del río
Guadarrama y su entorno
Cursos bajos de los
ríos Manzanares y Jarama
Cursos bajos de los
ríos Manzanares y
Jarama. This area
is designated as a
Regional Park.
Laguna de San Juan
© Oxford University Press España, S. A.
Curso medio del río Guadarrama
y su entorno. This Regional Park
surrounds the middle course of the
River Guadarrama.
El Regajal–Mar de Ontígola. This Nature
Reserve is home to many riparian
butterflies, and the Mar de Ontígola
provides refuge for many birds.
Regajal-Mar de Ontígola
Natural Area of National Interest
Nature Park
Natural Monument of National Interest
Regional Park
Scenic Landscape
Animal Refuge/Nature Reserve
Laguna de San Juan. This Animal Refuge
provides a safe place where many bird
species can rest and build their nests.
9 Ecosystems
Worksheet 1 (2)
Look at the pictures. What types of protected area do they show?
Peña del Arcipreste de Hita.
Hayedo de Montejo.
Natural Monument
Natural Area
of National Interest
of National Interest
Laguna de San Juan.
Pinar del Monte Abantos.
© Oxford University Press España, S. A.
Regional Park
Laguna de Peñalara.
Scenic Landscape
Animal Refuge
La Pedriza (Cuenca Alta
del Manzanares).
Nature Park
Match the natural areas with the elements they contain:
Hayedo de Montejo
Glacial lakes
Soto del Henares
La Cumbre, Circo
y Lagunas de Peñalara
Area where birds can rest and build
their nests.
Laguna de San Juan
El Regajal – Mar de Ontígola El Pinar de Abantos
y la zona de la Herrería
Butterflies and many bird species
Pine forest
Beech forest
Riparian forest