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A declarative sentence "declares" or states
a fact, arrangement or opinion. Declarative
sentences can be either positive or
negative. Declarative sentences end with a
dot (.).
The interrogative asks a question. The
interrogative form ends with a question mark
The exclamatory form emphasizes a
statement with an exclamation point (!).
Exclamatory sentences can be either positive
or negative.
The ordinary structure of a declarative
sentence is:
The ordinary structure of an interrogative
sentence is:
Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb +
complement + ?
Subject + verb + complements
The ordinary structure of an exclamatory
sentencedepends on the tense of the verb we
Imperative: verb + complements + !
Other tenses: the same structure as
declarative sentences
They are at home
Are they at home?
Do it yourself!
They do not go to school
Don’t they go to school?
Don’t do that!
They are not at home
Can they speak English?
We have passed the exam!
Recuerda que:
.- una oración enunciativa afirmativa, con un verbo ordinario (no auxiliar o modal) para pasar a ser
negativa o interrogativa necesita ayudarse de la correspondiente forma del verbo To Do
I work here / I do not work here / Do you work here?
.- el propio verbo To Do se necesita a si mismo para formar la negativa y la interrogativa
He does his homework every day / He doesn’t do his homework every day /
does he do his homework every day?
.- si el verbo de la oración es auxiliar o modal añadimos Not para la negación e invertimos el orden
(sujeto-verbo) en la interrogativa
John can speak German / John cannot speak German / Can John speak German?
He is my friend / he is not my friend / Is he your friend?
.- los adjetivos calificativos van siempre delante del sustantivo al que califican y que son invariables
That old lady lives near my house / Those old ladies live near my house
.- la posición ordinariamente aceptada cuando hay más de un adjetivo que califica a un nombre es
Size Age Opinion
Color Material Origin Noun
big old wonderful black leather
Spanish bag
.- la posición de los adverbios de tiempo puede ser al principio o al final de la frase
Yesterday I was too tirad to g oto the party / I was too tirad to g oto the party yesterday
.- los adverbios de frecuencia se sitúan detrás de los verbos auxiliares y modales pero delante de los
verbos ordinarios
He is always tirad
/ they always come on Fridays
.- si hay más de un adverbio la posición normalmente aceptada es esta:
Manner - Place – Time
Peter sang the song happily in the bathroom yesterday evening.