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IC CJCE appoiints directo d or gen neral 4 Occtober 2013 by Carlos Martin M Tornnero Printt Email The Instituto I de Censores Jurados J de Cuentas C de España E (ICJJCE) has apppointed Jav vier Quinntana as direector generaal of the Spaanish accou unting body.. Quinntana joins from f the Fuundación Intternacional y para Iberooamérica dee Adm ministracionees y Políticaas Públicas,, a public bo ody that proomotes interrnational coopperation andd developmeent, where he h worked as a director. Previously P hhe was an advissor to the Ministry M of Science S and Technology. Quinntana joins the t team of the recentlyy elected preesident Marrio Alonso, who is also o the chairrman and foounding parttner of Aureen, Spain's seventh larggest accounnting networrk, accorrding to Thee Accountannt's sister puublication th he Internatiional Accouunting Bulleetin. ICJC CE is one off the two Sppanish accouunting bodiees and has 5,200 5 membbers. Relaated link The Instituto I de Censores Jurados J de Cuentas C de España E Post to: Twittter Delicious Diigg redd dit Facebook Stum mbleUpon Share on faceboook Share onn twitter Shhare on email Share on print More Sharing Serviices 0