Download Course Unit Sensory Analysis ISCED Code 541 Degree| Course 1st

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Course Unit
Sensory Analysis
Degree| Course 1st Cycle | Food Engineering
Academic Year 2014/15
Delivery Model
Year of Study
Contact Hours
Face to Face
Distance Learning
School of Agriculture
Maria João Barata Carvalho
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
- Understanding the principal transport mechanisms and applications;
- Identifying transport processes in several operations of processing of foods;
- Working with transport equations;
- Problem solving;
Prerequisites (if applicable)
Not applicable
Course Contents
- Basic concepts, importance, evolution, application fields and possibilities of AS in evaluating complementary foods and instrumental
methods of analysis;
- Factors influencing the sensory analysis;
- Senses involved in Sensory analysis;
- Rules for the selection and training of assessors;
- Technical Solution preparation and submission of samples;
- Assays for differentiation;
- Methodology for the development of chips for quantitative descriptive sensory analysis;
- Methodology and specifications for the design of appropriate locations for sensory analysis;
- Equipment and methods used scales in sensory evaluation of food products;
- Techniques for preparation of test. Techniques for training the panel of tasters;
- Sensory tests used in Sensory Analysis;
- Procedures to perform tests for discriminatory, descriptive and hedonic tests;
- General rules for the interpretation of results of sensory evaluation of food;
- Analysis of data on discriminatory, descriptive and preference - acceptance tests.
- Statistics applied to sensory analysis. Instrumental analysis;
- Electronic nose;
- GC and HPLC;
- Colorimeters and UV;
- Calibrators, viscometers and texturometer;
Recommended Reading
- Alba J, Izquierdo J.R., Gutiérrez F., Vossen P. (2008) Aceite de Oliva Virgen. Análisis Sensorial. 2ª ed., Ed Agrícola Española, S.A. Madrid;
- Anzaldúa – Morales A., (1994). La evaluación sensorial de los alimentos en la teoría y la prática. Ed Acribia. Zaragoza;
- Costell E, Duran L (1981) El análisis sensorial en el control de calidad de los alimentos. I. Introducción. Rev. Agroquím. Tecnol. Aliment.,
211: 1-10;
- Costell E, Duran L (1982) El análisis sensorial en el control de calidad de los alimentos. Rev. Ag. Tec.Alim. 22(1):1-21.
- Hernández PT (2000) Bases cientificas da análise sensorial. Alimentaria, En.:155-164;
- Ibañez, F.C. & Y. Barcina (2001) Análisis sensorial de alimentos. Métodos y aplicaciones. Springer-Verlag Ibérica. Barcelona;
- ISO 4120(1983) Sensory analysis – Methodology – Triangular test. International Organization of Standardization. Genève;
- ISO 4121(1987) Sensory analysis – Methodology – Evaluation of food products by methods using scales. International Organization of
Standardization. Genève;
- ISO 5492 (1992) Sensory analysis. Vocabulary. International Organization of Standardization. Genève. NPpr 4263 (1994) Análise sensorial. Vocabulário. CT 114. IQA. Lisboa;
- ISO 6658 (1985) Sensory analysis -- Methodology -- General guidance, International Organization of Standardization. Genève; prNP
2000 (2000) Análise sensorial - Metodologia – Guia geral. IPQ, Caparica;
- ISO 8586-1 (1993). Sensory analysis - General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors. Part 1: Selected assessors. International Organization of Standardization. Genève; NP ISO 8586-1 (2001) Análise sensorial. Guia geral para a selecção, treino e
controlo dos provadores. Parte 1: Provadores qualificados. CT - 114 Ed. 1. IPQ, Caparica;
- ISO 8589 (1988). Sensory analysis -- General guidance for the design of test rooms, International Organization of Standardization.
Genève; corresponde a NP 4258 (1993) Análise sensorial.
- Mendoza J.E., Izquierdo J.R., Rosales F.G. (2003) Aceite de Oliva Virgen. Análisis Sensorial (La cata de aceite virgen). Ed. Agrícola Española, S.A. Madrid;
- PR XP V09-500 (2006) Directives générales pour la réalisation d’épreuves hédoniques effectuées avec dês consommateurs dans un
espace contrôlé. Avant-projet de norme. AFNOR. Paris;
- Regulamento (CEE) nº 2568/91 da Comissão, de 11 de Julho de 1991, relativo às características dos azeites e dos óleos de bagaço de
azeitona, bem como aos métodos de análise relacionados. JO L 248 de 5.9.1991, p. 1—83;
Teaching and Learning Methods
- Explanatory lessons.
- Problem solving;
- Other practical applications.
Assessment Methods
- Partial tests;
- Exames;
Language of Instruction