Download twenty-first sunday in ordinary time
January 31st, 2016 ST.PHILIP NERI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, January 31st Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Gretta Hogan (L) 9:00 Ángel Sánchez & María Tejada Acción de Gracias al Sagrado Corazón Maria Elena Gonzales 11:15 Edward Dickman (L) 05:30 John Teti MONDAY, February 1st Weekday 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 John Brosman TUESDAY, February 2nd The Presentation of the Lord 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 Marie T. & Garth Walker Family (L) WEDNESDAY, February 3rd Weekday-Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr; Saint Ansgar, Bishop 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 Joseph Creagh THURSDAY, February 4th Weekday 8:00 James Reilly 12:00 Joseph Creagh FRIDAY, February 5th Weekday-Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 James Treavor (L) SATURDAY, February 6th Weekday-Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyr 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 Sr. Catherine Marie Jordan 5:30 Joseph Gariola 7:00 Rafaela España Edwin Silva Acción de Gracias al Divino Niño Online Contributions Anyone interested in making their weekly contributions to St. Philip Neri electronically may call the Parish Pay program at 1-866-Parish1 or visit The parish benefits greatly from the regularity of the system and detaches the issue of church support from such factors as the weather, vacations, etc PAGE 2 FEBRUARY MEMORIALS Bread and Wine James J. Travers *Suggested donation for a Monthly Memorial is $150. Collection Report Due to the bad weather, the first collection last weekend came to $1965. Annual Contribution Report Parishioners who contributed $100 or more to St. Philip Neri through the envelope system will be receiving a statement for income tax purpose at the end of January. We thank them very much for their support. A special prayer Dear Friends of Saint Phili Neri, Due to health reasons, our Pastor Msgr. Kevin O’Brien will be away for the next couple of weeks. He is doing fine and recovering. His family and staff members of the parish want to thank you for your continuous prayers for the health of our Pastor. We will keep you informed on his health on the next upcoming bulletins. Please continue to pray for his health. Thank you! Pray for the sick Msgr. Kevin O’Brien; Rose Natalizio; Carmelo Díaz; Blane de Lucia; Sol Divina Maria Henriquez; Myles Regan; Garth Walker; Gloria Harris; Joan, Edward, Linda and Mildred Margherita; Terry Briggs; Margaret Schroder; Antonio Santos; John Franco; Shirley Twum; Jimmy Acevedo; Celestina Enriquez; Ariana Cintron; Carmelo Díaz Jr; Jovita Rodríguez; Patricia Wood January 31st, 2016 ST.PHILIP NERI CHURCH Feeding our Neighbors We begin this year’s Catholic Charities one week drive to help replenish the dwindling stock of food available in food pantries. Do your part to make sure that no hungry neighbor is turned away from a pantry. Here at St. Philip Neri we will not wait until January 24. We will continue to use the box in the rear corner of the church to collect your food donations. They will be sent to the Franciscan Sisters’ pantry on Bainbridge Avenue. In addition, you may make a monetary donation either at the rectory or through the Sunday basket. Some may even be able to volunteer time to help out at a local pantry. Please note: for reasons of safety not all food contributions can be accepted. Any can or box with a past due expiration date, for example, will have to be discarded. Please see the list of most needed items and of unusable items posted in the church lobby. It is also to be found elsewhere in this bulletin. Save the Date On March 6 we will be hosting our annual St. Patrick’s Dinner. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming bulletins. Saint Blaise On Wednesday February 3 after the 8am and 12 noon masses we will conduct the blessing of throats. PAGE 3 The 2016 Cardinal’s Appeal has begun “You are the light of the world. Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify our heavenly Father” Matthew 5:14-16 During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are called to help one another and be merciful, as Jesus is for all of us. It is only with your help that the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal continues to be a beacon of hope for our brothers and sisters through our ministries and charities. Answer the call and donate today! To make an online gift, visit The Little Sisters of the Elderly Poor are accepting applications for seniors who have limited assets and require nursing home services. For more information call Robert Damen at Jeanne Jugan Residence at 347-3291738 or 347-887-6328 UPK St. Philip Neri School hosts a UPK program. Any parent interested is invited to pick up a directory book in the parish office. Please do not call the school for information or registration however you may call 718-9352067. Registration opens on January 25 until March 4. 31 de enero del 2016 IGLESIA DE SAN FELIPE NERI Domingo 31 de enero, 2016 Cuarto domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Informe de Ofrenda Debido al mal tiempo la primera colecta del fin de semana pasado fue de $1965 dólares. Seguimos orando Pedimos mucha oración por la salud y pronta recuperación de nuestro Pastor, Monseñor Kevin O’Brien. ¡Lo esperamos en casa! Anuncios El día lunes 1o de febrero habrá reunión para los grupos parroquiales a las 19:30 horas. Se les pide aquellos fieles de la parroquia que tengan algún familiar enfermo, pasar a la rectoría y escribir el nombre de la persona delicada de salud en nuestra lista de enfermos. De esta manera se les podrá llevar la comunión. UPK Aquí en San Felipe Neri contamos con el programa Universal de Pre-Kinder mejor conocido como UPK (por sus siglas en ingles) Aquellos padres de familia interesados en el programa pueden pasar a la rectoría y llevarse el directorio de las escuelas en el Bronx que ofrecen este programa o llamar al 718-935-2067 Registraciones empiezan a partir de enero 25 a marzo 4. PAGINA 4 Inicia la Campaña de Compromiso Anual del Cardenal “Ustedes son la luz del mundo. De la misma manera, que la luz de ustedes alumbre delante de todos, para que todos vean sus buenas obras y glorifiquen a su Padre, que está en los cielos.” San Mateo 5:14-16 Durante este año del Jubileo de la Misericordia como cristianos nos debemos esforzar en ayudarnos el uno al otro así como Jesús nos enseña actuar con misericordia. Es gracias al apoyo de ustedes que La Campaña Anual del Cardenal continua siendo una luz de esperanza para nuestros hermanos y hermanas a través de nuestras organizaciones caritativas y ministros. Pude enviar su donativo ya a través de la página de internet ¡Gracias! Proveer al vecino Empezando el 24 de enero, Caridades Católicas nuevamente llevara a cabo su semana anual de recaudación de alimentos para beneficio de los almacenes de comida. Esta ayudara a reabastecer los alimentos necesarios y así poder alimentar al prójimo. Usted puede apoyar a esta causa trayendo comida no perecedera o con donaciones monetarias que pueden dejar en la rectoría o durante la ofrenda dominical. Aquí en San Felipe Neri, empezaremos aceptar donaciones a partir de HOY. Todas sus donaciones serán enviadas a las Hermanas Franciscanas localizadas en la avenida Bainbridge. Aquellos que deseen pueden servir como voluntarios en su almacén de comida local. Por favor, tome nota: por razones de seguridad alimentos ya expirados o embotelladlos en vidrio, serán desechados. En la última página del boletín hay una lista de alimentos necesarios, podrán escoger de esa lista los alimentos. Acceptable Food Items/Los siguientes alimentos son aceptable Thank you for participating in the “Feeding Our Neighbors: A Catholic Response.” Your efforts will help support pantries feeding Catholics and Non-Catholics across the Archdiocese/Gracias por participar en “Nutrición al Prójimo: Una respuesta Católica.” Con su apoyo ayudaremos a proveer alimentos a nuestros hermanos más necesitados. The Archdiocese of New York Network needs the following nutritious food/ Esta es una lista de alimentos que pueden donar Vegetables/Vegetales Canned vegetables/vegetales enlatados Tomato sauce/salsa de tomate Vegetable soup/sopa de vegetales Fruits/Frutas Canned fruits (in juice or light syrup)/fruta enlatada (baja en jugo dulce o miel) Dried Fruits/fruta seca 100% fruit juices/ 100% jugos naturales Proteins/Proteínas Beans-canned or dry/frijoles en lata o en bolsa Peanut Butter/mantequilla de maní/cacahuate Nuts/ nueces Canned meat (chicken, beef, ham)/ carnes enlatadas-pollo, res o jamon Canned fish (tuna, salmon, sardines)/pescado en lata (atún, salmón, sardinas) Canned stews (chicken or beef)/estofado de (pollo o res) en lata Rice (white,brown, flavored)/arroz (blanco, integral o en caja) Pasta or noodles/pastas o tallarines Dry cereal and hot cereal (grits, oatmeal, farina)/cereales (sémola, avena, (atole) Flour, cornmeal, baking mixes/harina, harina de maíz, harina ya preparada para hornear Whole wheat crackers/ galletas integrales Couscous/cuscús Dry milk packets/paquetes de leche en polvo Shelf stable milk/leche procesada Soy, almond, rice milk/leche de soya, almendra o arroz Nutritional beverages (Boost, Ensure, Carnation instant breakfast)/ bebidas nutricionales Spices/especias Coffee, tea/café, te Personal care items/Artículos para uso personal Grains/Granos Dairy/Pasteurizados Other items/Otros alimentos o artículos *Note, to ensure food safety please avoid perishable foods, foods in glass containers, alcoholic beverages open or used items or homemade items-those items will be discarded./ Por favor tome nota: por razones de seguridad alimentos ya expirados o embotelladlos en vidrio y/o bebidas alcohólicas serán desechadas.