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January 10th, 2016
SUNDAY, January 10th
The Baptism of The Lord
7:30 Edward Dickman (L)
9:00 Elvin Silva
Acción de Gracias a San Judas Tadeo
Maria L. Rodríguez
11:15 David Paul Díaz
05:30 Antonia Rosa
MONDAY, January 11th
Weekday- First Week in Ordinary Time
8:00 Marion Byrnes
12:00 John & Luke Nee
TUESDAY, January 12th
8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L)
12:00 Kathleen Sullivan
WEDNESDAY, January 13th
Weekday-Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L)
12:00 Mary Dobeck
THURSDAY, January 14th
8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L)
12:00 Maureen Brassil
FRIDAY, January 15th
8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L)
12:00 Timothy Foley and the Deceased members of the Foley
and Heneghan Families
SATURDAY, January 16th
8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L)
12:00 Maureen Brassil
5:30 Myles Reagan (L) & the Deceased members of the Regan
7:00 María Rodríguez
Acción de Gracias para la Virgen de Guadalupe
Lucio Ochoa Cardenas
Online Contributions
Anyone interested in making their weekly contributions to St.
Philip Neri electronically may call the Parish Pay program at
1-866-Parish1 or visit The parish
benefits greatly from the regularity of the system and detaches
the issue of church support from such factors as the weather,
vacations, etc
Bread and Wine
Joseph Patrick Creagh
Joseph Patrick Creagh
*Suggested donation for a Monthly Memorial is $150.
Christmas Collection
We are most grateful to our parishioners and
friends who donated $18, 753 towards the
Christmas Collection. Every year we depend
heavily on this collection as a major piece of our
annual budgeted income
Collection Report
New Year’s Day collection was $1933. Last
weekend’s collection was $3981. The second
collection for Catholic University and the Catholic
Communications Campaign came to $1441. We
thank those who are so conscientious about
supporting the parish.
Annual Contribution Report
Parishioners who contributed $100 or more to St.
Philip Neri through the envelope system will be
receiving a statement for income tax purpose at
the end of January. We thank them very much for
their support.
Pray for the sick
Rose Natalizio; Carmelo Díaz; Blane de Lucia; Sol
Divina Maria Henriquez; Myles Regan; Garth
Walker; Gloria Harris; Mary Rocco; Joan, Edward,
Linda and Mildred Margherita; Terry Briggs;
Margaret Schroder; Antonio Santos; John Franco;
Shirley Twum; Jimmy Acevedo; Celestina
Enriquez; Ariana Cintron; Carmelo Díaz Jr; Jovita
January 10th, 2016
Feeding our Neighbors
This year again Catholic Charities is mounting
a one week drive starting on January 24 to
help replenish the dwindling stock of food
available in food pantries. Do your part to
make sure that no hungry neighbor is turned
away from a pantry. Here at St. Philip Neri
we will not wait until January 24. We will
continue to use the box in the rear corner of
the church to collect your food donations.
They will be sent to the Franciscan Sisters’
pantry on Bainbridge Avenue. In addition,
you may make a monetary donation either at
the rectory or through the Sunday basket.
Some may even be able to volunteer time to
help out at a local pantry. Please note: for
reasons of safety not all food contributions can
be accepted. Any can or box with a past due
expiration date, for example, will have to be
discarded. Please see the list of most needed
items and of unusable items posted in the
church lobby. It is also to be found elsewhere
in this bulletin.
Healing and Forgiveness
Tune in to every Tuesday
at 5pm ET on Tuesdays for their new one hour
program hosted by Kathleen Keefe. The
weekly program called “The Healing Mercy of
God” will address healing in the light of God’s
mercy and forgiveness. Keefe is known to
many in New York parishes and throughout
the US for her long years of teaching and
promoting the Mercy of God. For more
information visit or call
712-832-8065 for program schedule or
download the application radiomaria to your
Are you considering Catholic Education for
your Child? Are you interested in learning
more about Catholic schools serving children
of the Norwest and South Bronx in grades
Pre-Kindergarten through 8th?
If so, please register to visit our schools on
touring Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 from
9AM-11AM or by appointment! Touring
Tuesdays are universal open houses scheduled
periodically throughout the year at Catholic
elementary schools across the Archdiocese of
New York. Pre-registration is required. To
register please call 347-733-4820 and/or to
reach a bilingual assistant please call 646-7942885
Baby Bottles
We thank those who have already returned a
baby bottle with offerings to be sent to
Expectant Mother Care. We will close the
drive this week and report the results in a
future bulletin. Please return the bottles no
later than next Sunday, January 17.
10 de enero del 2016
Domingo enero 10, 2016
El Bautizo del Señor
Informe de Ofrenda
El fin de semana pasado durante la ofrenda
de Año Nuevo logramos recaudar un total de
$1933. La colecta del fin de semana pasado
fue de $3981. La segunda colecta en beneficio
a la Universidad Católica y la Campaña de
Comunicaciones Católica fue de $1441.
Gracias a todos por su cooperación y ayuda.
Informe de Ofrenda Navideño
Estamos sumamente agradecidos con todos
nuestros feligreses y amigos que donaron la
cantidad de $18,753 dólares cuales benefician
y apoyaran al presupuesto anual de la
parroquia. Cada año la parroquia depende
sumamente de esta ofrenda. ¡Gracias!
Proveer al vecino
Empezando el 24 de enero, Caridades
Católicas nuevamente llevara a cabo su
semana anual de recaudación de alimentos
para beneficio de los almacenes de comida.
Esta ayudara a reabastecer los alimentos
necesarios y así poder alimentar al prójimo.
Usted puede apoyar a esta causa trayendo
comida no perecedera o con donaciones
monetarias que pueden dejar en la rectoría o
durante la ofrenda dominical. Aquí en San
Felipe Neri, empezaremos aceptar
donaciones a partir de HOY. Todas sus
donaciones serán enviadas a las Hermanas
Franciscanas localizadas en la avenida
Bainbridge. Aquellos que deseen pueden
servir como voluntarios en su almacén de
comida local. Por favor, tome nota: por
razones de seguridad alimentos ya expirados
o embotelladlos en vidrio, serán desechados.
En la última página del boletín hay una lista
de alimentos necesarios, podrán escoger de
esa lista los alimentos.
¿Esta considerando una escuela primaria
católica para su hijo/a? ¿Le interesa saber
mas sobre las escuelas catolicas para curso
de Pre-Kinder al octavo grado en el sur y
noroeste del condado del Bronx?
Pues, inscríbase ya para poder visitar a una
de las escuelas durante la gira cual se llevara
a cabo el día martes 12 de enero de 9AM11AM. Las guías de visita durante los martes
para las escuelas primarias catolicas
universales de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva
York se llevan a cabo periódicamente durante
el año escolar, es necesario registrarse antes
de visitar a una escuela, para más
información llamar al 347-733-4820 si necesita
a un agente bilingüe llame al 646-794-2885
Acceptable Food Items/Los siguientes alimentos son aceptable
Thank you for participating in the “Feeding Our Neighbors: A Catholic Response.” Your efforts will help support
pantries feeding Catholics and Non-Catholics across the Archdiocese/Gracias por participar en “Nutrición al Prójimo:
Una respuesta Católica.” Con su apoyo ayudaremos a proveer alimentos a nuestros hermanos más necesitados.
The Archdiocese of New York Network needs the following nutritious food/ Esta es una lista de alimentos
que pueden donar
 Canned vegetables/vegetales enlatados
 Tomato sauce/salsa de tomate
 Vegetable soup/sopa de vegetales
 Canned fruits (in juice or light syrup)/fruta
enlatada (baja en jugo dulce o miel)
 Dried Fruits/fruta seca
 100% fruit juices/ 100% jugos naturales
 Beans-canned or dry/frijoles en lata o en bolsa
 Peanut Butter/mantequilla de maní/cacahuate
 Nuts/ nueces
 Canned meat (chicken, beef, ham)/ carnes
enlatadas-pollo, res o jamon
 Canned fish (tuna, salmon, sardines)/pescado
en lata (atún, salmón, sardinas)
 Canned stews (chicken or beef)/estofado de
(pollo o res) en lata
Rice (white,brown, flavored)/arroz (blanco,
integral o en caja)
Pasta or noodles/pastas o tallarines
Dry cereal and hot cereal (grits, oatmeal,
farina)/cereales (sémola, avena, (atole)
Flour, cornmeal, baking mixes/harina, harina
de maíz, harina ya preparada para hornear
Whole wheat crackers/ galletas integrales
Dry milk packets/paquetes de leche en polvo
Shelf stable milk/leche procesada
Soy, almond, rice milk/leche de soya, almendra
o arroz
Nutritional beverages (Boost, Ensure, Carnation
instant breakfast)/ bebidas nutricionales
Coffee, tea/café, te
Personal care items/Artículos para uso personal
Other items/Otros alimentos o artículos
*Note, to ensure food safety please avoid perishable foods, foods in glass containers, alcoholic beverages
open or used items or homemade items-those items will be discarded./ Por favor tome nota: por
razones de seguridad alimentos ya expirados o embotelladlos en vidrio y/o bebidas alcohólicas
serán desechadas.