Download 6 Grade Shopping List - Evanston/Skokie School District 65

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6th Grade Shopping List
 1 Combination lock; Key locks are not permitted. Be sure you can open this
easily by yourself – Do not buy other than American or Master.
 Trapper Keeper – 2-inch rings; includes a pencil case and separate accordion
section; (We have found the brand that seems to hold up the best is “CaseIt ” Use of the
trapper keeper is part of a Team-wide organization program.
❒ 6 Pocket folders or Dividers with pockets for individual subjects used with the trapper
 1 pkg. Wide lined, loose-leaf paper kept in trapper keeper. Resupply as needed.
 Supply of standard black or blue, and red ink pens. Resupply as needed.
 Supply of pencils and large erasers. Resupply as needed.
 A scientific calculator – Texas Instrument Model TI – 30x IIs; solar is preferred, must have a
fraction key
 1 ½ inch View Binder for Math
 1 ½ inch Binder for Language Arts
 Spiral notebook preferably with graph paper for Math
 Set of 4 dividers for Math Binder
 Set of colored pencils
 Hand-held personal pencil sharpener (Staedler is thought to be a sturdy brand)
 Colored highlighters
 Index cards 3 X 5 - minimum of 300. Resupply as needed.
 4 Package of 3 X 3 Post-its (Reading and Social Studies)
 2 Composition Notebooks (1 Science, 1 Social Studies)
 2 Boxes of Kleenex (turn these in to your Homeroom teacher)
 Continuing Band/Orchestra students need their instruments
 Good for home use: ruler with metric/customary and a protractor
 Strongly suggested -- Headphones with stick pin (to fit in iPads) and microphone
Revised: April, 2015
Lista de útiles para 6to Grado
◻ Un candado de combinación, no se permiten los de llave (Verifique que sea fácil
de abrir y que sea de la marca American o Master)
◻ Una carpeta de argollas (Trapper Keeper: CaseItTM es la mejor marca) de 2 plg. con 6
◻ 6 carpetas de plástico o divisores para cada materia que utiliza el trapper Keeper
◻ 1 paquete de hojas de renglones anchos para el transcurso del año. Reemplace cuando sea
◻ Bolígrafos de tinta roja, azul y negra para el transcurso del año
◻ Lápices y gomas grandes para todo el año
◻ Calculadora científica modelo Texas InstrumentTM TI-30x II, de preferencia solar (deberá
tener el botón de fracciones.**)
◻ Una carpeta de argollas de 1.5 plg (View Binder) para la clase de matemáticas
◻ Una carpeta de argollas de 1.5 plg para la clase de lectura
◻ 1 cuaderno espiral con papel cuadriculado (Matemáticas)
◻ Un set de 4 divisores (Matemáticas)
◻ Lápices de colores
◻ Un sacapuntas
◻ Marca textos (highlighters) de colores
◻ Mínimo de 300 tarjetas (Index card) de 3X5
◻ 4 paquetes de Post-ItsTM de 3x3(Lectura y ciencias sociales)
◻ 2 cuadernos de composición (Ciencia y ciencias sociales)
◻ 2 cajas de Kleenex (Se entregan al maestro del salón principal)
◻ Estudiantes que siguen en orquesta o banda necesitan sus instrumentos
◻ Fuertemente sugerido—auriculares con clavija de palo (para caber en los Ipads – auriculares
con clavija curvada no caverna) y un micrófono
Required General Supplies:
1 Combination lock (Key locks are not
Headphones/ear buds with microphone
Tissue (2-3 boxes)
#2 pencils (mechanical or wood)**
2 Erasers**
5 packages wide rule or college loose leaf paper
Trapper Keeper with tabs and dividers
Set of colored pencils
(or other binder with same)
Highlighters-YELLOW & others **
Pencil Case
2 3x3” sticky note pads
Black, blue and red ballpoint pens**
Additional Supplies By Subject Area:
Social Studies:
2-pocket 3 hole folder (1)
1 spiral notebook
Math :
Texas Instrument Model TI-30xIIs scientific
2 spiral quadrille pads (notebooks with
graphing paper)
white, clear view 1 ½ 3-­ring binder
Post-It note flags
1 Spiral Notebook
Two-pocket 3 hole folders (2)
2-pocket folder (1)
2 spiral notebooks
2-pocket folder (three prong) (1)
Spiral notebook
World Language:
Arts (Art, Drama, Media & Music)
2-Pocket Folder (3)
**May need to be re-supplied during the year.
Note: A uniform and combination lock are required for Physical Education classes - see the PE Department.
CHUTE MIDDLE SCHOOL 8th Grade Supply List 2015-­2016 REQUIRED GENERAL SUPPLIES: General supplies will be used in multiple classes so some supplies will need to be replaced continuously throughout the school year. ❏ Combination lock for street locker ❏ Set earbuds/headphones with mic ❏ Stylus (preferred but optional) ❏ Flash Drive (optional) ❏
Tissue (2-­3 boxes) No. 2 Pencils (mechanical or wooden) Lead (if purchasing mechanical pencils) Pens (black/blue/red) Highlighters (10) Pink pearl erasers (4) Scientific Calculator (TI-­30XIIs) Markers Colored Pencils Glue Sticks (4) ADDITIONAL REQUIRED SUPPLIES BY SUBJECT Science Social Studies ❏ Spiral/Composition notebook ❏ 3-­prong 2-­pocket folder (1) ❏ 3 x 3” Post-­It/Sticky notes (5) ❏ Composition notebook Literature/LA ❏ White clearview 1 ½ inch, 3-­ring binder ❏ Loose leaf paper (2) ❏ 2-­pocket folder (1) ❏ 3 x 3” Post-­It/Sticky notes (5) Algebra/Geometry ❏ ¼ inch Quadrille Spiral or Composition Notebook (2) ❏ Dry Erase Markers (1 set of 4) World Language ❏ 2-­pocket folder (1) ❏ Notebook Physical Education (PE) ❏ Uniform and combination lock (to be purchased from the PE Department) Fine Arts (Art, Drama, Media, and Music Classes) ❏ 2 pocket folder (3) CHUTE MIDDLE SCHOOL 8th Grade Supply List 2015-­2016