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Developing Fluency: Dividing
by 1-Digit Divisors
Topic 10 (English)
Topic 10 Standards 4.NBT.B.5, 4.NBT.B.6, 4.OA.A.3
See the Student Edition lessons for complete standards.
Dear Family,
In this topic, your child will learn how to divide with one-digit divisors.
Learning this skill will require his or her understanding in the areas of
estimating quotients, remainders, connecting models and symbols, dividing
with one-digit divisors, and using zeros in quotients. You can expect to see
work that provides practice in dividing whole numbers with one-digit divisors
and checking the answer with multiplication and addition. Your child should
continue to practice basic facts in multiplication and division.
Here is an activity that you can do with your child to help him or her learn
about dividing by 1-digit divisors.
Variations on a Theme
Materials Pencil, index cards
Write a 3 symbol, a 4 symbol, and an 5 symbol on three
index cards. Write a one-digit number on an index card. Write
a two- or three-digit number on another index card. Write the
product on a third card. Ask your child to arrange the cards to
create a multiplication sentence. Then challenge your child to
use the cards to make a division sentence. Repeat the activity
with different sets of numbers.
Observe Your Child
Focus on Math Practice 8:
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Help your child become proficient with Math Practice 8. During
one of your child’s turns, ask your child to explain how they
could check that the product is reasonable.
Topic 10
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Desarrollar fluidez: Dividir por
divisores de 1 dígito
Topic 10 (Spanish)
Estimada familia,
Para este tema, su niño(a) aprenderá a dividir por divisores de 1 dígito.
Aprender esta destreza requerirá que él/ella tenga conocimientos sobre
estimar cocientes, residuos, relacionar modelos y símbolos, dividir por
divisores de 1 dígito y usar ceros en cocientes. Usted verá material para
practicar la división de números enteros por divisores de 1 dígito y para
comprobar las respuestas mediante la multiplicación y la suma. Su niño(a)
debe seguir practicando las operaciones básicas de multiplicación y división.
Ésta es una actividad que usted puede hacer con su niño(a) para ayudarle a
practicar la división con divisores de 1 dígito.
Variaciones del tema
Materiales: lápiz, tarjetas de fichero
Paso 1 Escriba un signo de ×, un signo de ÷ y un signo de = en
tres tarjetas de fichero diferentes.
Paso 2: Escriba un número de 1 dígito en una tarjeta de fichero.
Escriba un número de 2 o 3 dígitos en otra tarjeta. Escriba el
producto en una tercera tarjeta.
Paso 3: Pida a su niño(a) que ordene las tarjetas para formar una
Paso 4: Luego, anime a su niño(a) a que use las tarjetas para
formar una división.
Paso 5: Repita la actividad con conjuntos diferentes de números.
Topic 10
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 4