Download José María ZUFIAUR NARVAIZA - EESC European Economic and

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Member of the Workers Group, Spain
Vergara (Guipúzcoa), 1944.
Between 1977 and 1994, Mr Zufiaur Narvaiza was a Member of the Executive
Committee of the UGT (General Union of Workers):
Secretary for relations with other organisations
Secretary for International Action
Held responsibility for all of Europe
Led the General Union of Workers' negotiating committees in the
following cooperation agreements: the Acuerdo Básico Interconfederal
(National Multi-Industry Basic Agreement) (1979) and the Estatuto de los
Trabajadores (Workers' Statute) (1980); the Acuerdo Marco
Interconfederal (Multi-Industry Framework Agreement) (1980); the
Acuerdo Interconfederal (Multi-industry Agreement) (1981); the Acuerdo
Nacional de Empleo (National Employment Agreement) (1981); the
Acuerdo Económico y Social (Economic and Social Agreement) (1983);
the Acuerdo Sindicatos-Gobierno (Unions-Government Agreement)
(1990) the Iniciativa Sindical (Union Initiative) (1991) and the Acuerdo
Nacional de Formación Continua (National Continuing Training
Agreement) (1992).
Managing director of the "Claridad" review
Director of the General Union of Workers' Institute for Union Studies.
In 2001 he joined the High-Level Group on Industrial Relations and Change in
the European Union set up by the European Commission.
Consultant for LABOUR Associates. Grupo de Análisis Sociales, Laborales e
Internacionales, S.L.L. (Social, Labour and International Analysis Group (Plc)).
Technical Director of the Department of International Labour Relations at the
Complutense Institute for International Studies, Complutense University,
Chairman of FUNDET – Fundación Educación y Trabajo (Education and
Labour Foundation).
Since 1986, Mr Zufiaur Narvaiza has been a Member of the European
Economic and Social Committee, representing the UGT. Member of the
Sections for External Relations and Employment and Social Affairs and is
currently Chairman of the Latin America Follow-up Committee.
Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), French