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Course Guide 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits COURSE DATA Data Subject Code Name Cycle ECTS Credits Academic year 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits Master's degree 3.0 2016 - 2017 Study (s) Degree 2204 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas)14-V.3 Subject-matter Degree 2204 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas)14-V.3 Center FACULTY OF ECONOMICS Subject-matter 19 - Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits Coordination Name ORELLANA ZAMBRANO, WALDO-EXEQUIEL SANCHIS PALACIO, JOAN RAMÓN Acad. Period year 1 Annual Character Optional Department 105 - DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS. JUAN JOSÉ RENAU PIQUERAS 105 - DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS. JUAN JOSÉ RENAU PIQUERAS SUMMARY The subject Project Management and Evaluation of Nonprofit Organizations (ENLs) aims to provide students with an innovative approach to the implementation of a project of entrepreneurship in some of the institutional forms framed under the concept ENL and train students in the methodologies and management of social projects and projects for development cooperation. The student will know the potential of methodologies for the management and coordination of human resources and materials throughout the project life cycle of ENL, in order to achieve the stated objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and satisfaction of stakeholders in the project undertaken. Also, the contents of the course will enable students to know the nature of social projects and development cooperation, economic bases and behavioral-finance. All this in order that students can participate actively in the various phases of a project 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 1 Course Guide 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Relationship to other subjects of the same degree There are no specified enrollment restrictions with other subjects of the curriculum. Other requirements Haber cursado las asignaturas troncales del Master (primer cuatrimestre) OUTCOMES 2127 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas) - Students can apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study. - Students are able to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, while being incomplete or limited, includes reflection on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. - Students can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, clearly and unambiguously. - Students have the learning skills that will allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous. - Saber realizar la gestión y evaluación de proyectos de inserción sociolaboral y para empresas y entidades procedentes de la Economía Social - Students have the knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or an opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context. - Saber trabajar en equipos multidisciplinares reproduciendo contextos reales y aportando y coordinando los propios conocimientos con los de otras ramas e intervinientes. - Participar en debates y discusiones, dirigirlos y coordinarlos y ser capaces de resumirlos y extraer de ellos las conclusiones más relevantes y aceptadas por la mayoría. - Utilizar las distintas técnicas de exposición -oral, escrita, presentaciones, paneles, etc- para comunicar sus conocimientos, propuestas y posiciones. - Proyectar sobre problemas concretos sus conocimientos y saber resumir y extractar los argumentos y las conclusiones más relevantes para su resolución. - Ser capaces de buscar, ordenar, analizar y sintetizar la información, seleccionando aquella que resulta pertinente para la toma de decisiones. - Saber trabajar en equipo con eficacia y eficiencia. - Ser capaces de tomar decisiones tanto individuales como colectivas en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Tener una actitud proactiva ante los posibles cambios que se produzcan en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Ser capaces de integrar las nuevas tecnologías en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Saber redactar y preparar presentaciones para posteriormente exponerlas y defenderlas. - Ser capaces de analizar de forma crítica tanto su trabajo como el de su compañeros. - Ser capaces de integrarse en equipos, tanto en función de directivos o coordinadores como en funciones específicas acotadas y en funciones de apoyo al propio equipo o a otros. - Entender el ámbito de actuación de la Economía Social desde sus diferentes puntos de vista y perspectivas: jurídica, social, económica y empresarial, fundamentalmente. - Conocer la realidad sectorial de las entidades no lucrativas (asociaciones y fundaciones): su funcionamiento y peso dentro de la Economía Social. 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 2 Course Guide 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits LEARNING OUTCOMES Successful completion of this course the student will acquire knowledge about the nature of ENL as an organization, how to create NPO, and critical aspects of its management. All oriented to enable students to undertake and develop with greater assurance of successful entrepreneurial ventures Social Economy. Also the contents of this module will allow the student to participate actively in the projects they undertake the ENLs to be incorporated The project management techniques and methodologies that the student will learn, will help you plan, disaggregate projects in basic activities, identify the critical activities, establish work plans, assign tasks, and efficiently combining human and material resources disposal. Entrepreneurship-related knowledge will allow the student to create ENL, evaluating their potential for success, emphasizing the goals and people who are part of the ENL. The skills that students acquire to the monitoring of the course are: Know and master the different processes and related operative and management of ENL Knowing the particular nature of the Project Social and Development Cooperation Develop and Schedule projects Manage projects and actively participate in them DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. Nature of economic institution Non Profit Entitie (ENL) 1.1. Characterization of the ENL from institutional attributes-contractual 1.2. Nature of entrepreneurship in the ENL 1.3. Business plan and its application to ENL 1.4. The ENL and management and project management 1.5. Case Study 2. Project Management: fundamentals 2.1. Fundamentals 2.2. Life cycle of a project 2.3. Design, development and evaluation 2.4. Main techniques of project management 2.5. Software tools to support project management 3. Social and sostenibility Indicators 3.1. Indicators and project management 3.2. social Indicators 3.3. Sustainability indicators 3.4. Selection and construction of indicators 3.5. Case Study 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 3 Course Guide 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 4. Social Projects 4.1. Fundamental concepts for the analysis and development of social projects 4.2. Diagnostic processes. Basic functions. Study of the stages 4.3. Formulation process. Study of the different phases 4.4. Cost - impact of alternative 4.5. programming 4.6. Design and implementation of monitoring and control plan 4.7. Case Study 5. Development Cooperation Projects 5.1. Fundamental concepts for the analysis and development cooperation projects for development (PCD) 5.2. Planning and management of PCD. Specific methodologies for PCD 5.3. Analysis of participation. Problem analysis. Analysis of objectives. Alternatives analysis 5.4. Matrix project planning and design of PCD 5.5. Evaluation Methodology Spanish cooperation projects 5.6. Case Study WORKLOAD ACTIVITY Theory classes Seminars Attendance at events and external activities Development of group work Preparing lectures Resolution of case studies TOTAL Hours 20.00 10.00 3.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 75.00 % To be attended 100 100 0 0 0 0 TEACHING METHODOLOGY The teaching-learning methodology to follow is the actual class participation, along with reading the material provided, reflecting on its contents, and the resolution of cases, theoretical questions and multiple choice and performance of work or comments on scientific articles, individually and in groups. The practical sessions will be developed through case presentation by the teacher, discussion and partial resolution classes, applying the theory. Also students will perform work or self test evaluacióon either at the end of the session or home address. This work or self-test may be used by the teacher to the end of module assessment As a final course work students will do practical work in groups of 2 people, some of the issues Whether to perform self-assessment work for the realization of practical work, students can use both the virtual and face tutorials 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 4 Course Guide 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits EVALUATION The evaluation system will consist of a continuous assessment based on the following areas: attendance (50% of the total grade), self-assessment work (10% of the total grade), class participation in the resolution of the case studies (10% of the total grade), resolution of a case study group (30% of the total grade). The teacher may consider the need for some or all of the students have to conduct a final review of the module, if the attendance is less than 70% and quality of the work of self-assessment is below rating of 5. REFERENCES Basic - Beca Urbina, G. (2006): Evaluación de proyectos. McGraw Hill, Madrid. - Díez, M.A. y Setién, M.L. (2005): "Base metodológica para la evaluación de proyectos de inserción laboral y social", Ekonomiaz núm. 60, pp. 111-135. - Gómez, M. y Cámara, L. (2003): Orientaciones para la aplicación del enfoque del marco lógico. CIDEAL, Madrid. - Salvá, F., Pons, C. y Morell, A. (2000): Proyectos de inserción sociolaboral y Economía Social: descripción, análisis y propuestas para la intervención. Editorial Popular, Madrid. Additional - Díaz Martín, A. (2007): El arte de dirigir proyectos. RA-MA, Madrid. - MAE-AECI (2001): Metodología de gestión de proyectos de la cooperación española. AECI, Madrid. 42774 Management and evaluation of projects applied to nonprofits 5