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Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development COURSE DATA Data Subject Code Name Cycle ECTS Credits Academic year 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development Master's degree 3.0 2015 - 2016 Study (s) Degree 2204 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas)14-V.3 Subject-matter Degree 2204 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas)14-V.3 Center FACULTY OF ECONOMICS Subject-matter 11 - Agricultural cooperatives and rural development Coordination Name CAMPOS CLIMENT, VANESSA SANCHIS PALACIO, JOAN RAMÓN Acad. Period year 1 Annual Character Optional Department 105 - DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS. JUAN JOSÉ RENAU PIQUERAS 105 - DIRECCIÓN DE EMPRESAS. JUAN JOSÉ RENAU PIQUERAS SUMMARY 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 1 Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development The subject of Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Development is closely linked to the importance of gradually are becoming agricultural cooperatives as a tool for development, transformation and sustainable operation of rural areas. Strategies and decisions of cooperatives are having an increasing importance both locally and internationally. This happens because the same are already acting outside the strict local limits and, therefore, become much larger territories organize, even outside national borders. From this perspective, the course focuses on the study and analysis of all aspects related to the genesis, development and consolidation of agricultural cooperatives and associative structures in the field, whose activity is linked primarily to the production, trade, finance and the provision of services, without excluding other activities that provide stable income to the partners. All this in order to improve living conditions in rural areas of members, farmers and their families and the population generally. From this perspective, agricultural cooperatives are becoming more important in rural areas when dealing with social economy enterprises equipped with a broad social base, and is characterized by major activity generating agents able to contribute significantly to sustainable development rural areas, both from an economic, social and environmental. Thus, the objectives of this course is to obtain a greater knowledge, understanding and reflect on the importance of agricultural cooperatives in the articulation and structuring of a heterogeneous rural areas, and in a globalization process closely linked to the gradual concentration and monopolistic control of production and the food market. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Relationship to other subjects of the same degree There are no specified enrollment restrictions with other subjects of the curriculum. Other requirements Haber cursado las asignaruras troncales del master (primer cuatrimestre) OUTCOMES 2127 - M.U. en Economía Social (Coop.Entidades No Lucrativas) - Students can apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study. - Students are able to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, while being incomplete or limited, includes reflection on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. - Students can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, clearly and unambiguously. - Students have the learning skills that will allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous. - Comprender el funcionamiento de las entidades y empresas que conforman la Economía Social 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 2 Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development - Students have the knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or an opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context. - Saber trabajar en equipos multidisciplinares reproduciendo contextos reales y aportando y coordinando los propios conocimientos con los de otras ramas e intervinientes. - Participar en debates y discusiones, dirigirlos y coordinarlos y ser capaces de resumirlos y extraer de ellos las conclusiones más relevantes y aceptadas por la mayoría. - Utilizar las distintas técnicas de exposición -oral, escrita, presentaciones, paneles, etc- para comunicar sus conocimientos, propuestas y posiciones. - Proyectar sobre problemas concretos sus conocimientos y saber resumir y extractar los argumentos y las conclusiones más relevantes para su resolución. - Ser capaces de buscar, ordenar, analizar y sintetizar la información, seleccionando aquella que resulta pertinente para la toma de decisiones. - Saber trabajar en equipo con eficacia y eficiencia. - Ser capaces de tomar decisiones tanto individuales como colectivas en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Tener una actitud proactiva ante los posibles cambios que se produzcan en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Ser capaces de integrar las nuevas tecnologías en su labor profesional y/o investigadora. - Saber redactar y preparar presentaciones para posteriormente exponerlas y defenderlas. - Ser capaces de analizar de forma crítica tanto su trabajo como el de su compañeros. - Ser capaces de integrarse en equipos, tanto en función de directivos o coordinadores como en funciones específicas acotadas y en funciones de apoyo al propio equipo o a otros. - Entender el ámbito de actuación de la Economía Social desde sus diferentes puntos de vista y perspectivas: jurídica, social, económica y empresarial, fundamentalmente. - Entender el funcionamiento de las cooperativas de crédito y de las cooperativas agrarias y la relación existente entre ellas. LEARNING OUTCOMES The skills that students acquire to the monitoring of the course are: Learn the basic concepts related to Rural Development and Agricultural Cooperatives Know and master the different processes related to Rural Development and Agricultural Cooperative sector Knowing the different tools, and techniques necessary to play a cooperative project applied to the creation and sustenance of agricultural cooperative societies in developing countries Identify the characteristics of the Agricultural Cooperatives Integrate and understand the interrelationships between rural development, the implementation of Agrarian Policies and Agricultural Cooperative sector in the context of the other modules taught in the course. 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 3 Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. Rural Development 1.1. Traditional approaches 1.2. New approaches 1.3. The view from the EU 1.4. The experiences 2. The Common Agricultural Policy 2.1. Evolution of the PAC 2.2. Basics PAC 2.3. Impact of the PAC in rural European Community 3. Management of Agricultural Cooperatives 3.1. Concept and classification 3.2. Principles of cooperation. Participation in agricultural cooperatives 3.3. Agricultural cooperatives in the food chain 3.4. Power Map in agricultural cooperatives. The agency problems within the decission making process. 3.5. Strategy direction and strategy method in agricultural cooperatives. 3.6. Competitive Strategy in agricultural cooperatives. 3.7. Contingency variables in agricultural cooperatives. 4. Agricultural Cooperatives in Central Europe 4.1. Horticultural Cooperatives in The Netherlands and Belgium. 4.2. Agricultural Cooperatives in Germany. 4.3. Protected Denomination of Origin in France. 4.4. Wineri Cooperatives in France. 5. Agricultural Cooperatives in Southern Europe 5.1. Horticultural Cooperatives in Almeria and Valencian Country. 5.2. Winery Cooperatives in Italy and Spain. 5.3. Winery Cooperatives in Greece. 5.4. Olive Oil Cooperatives in Creta and Andalousia. 6. Agricultural cooperatives in Latin America 6.1. History of the cooperative movement 6.2. The different approaches to agricultural cooperatives: OCB and MST 6.3. Commitment to rural development 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 4 Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development WORKLOAD ACTIVITY Theory classes Classroom practices Development of group work Development of individual work Study and independent work Readings supplementary material Preparation of practical classes and problem Resolution of case studies TOTAL Hours 15.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 9.00 5.00 75.00 % To be attended 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEACHING METHODOLOGY The teaching-learning methodology to follow in the module is based on participatory class attendance supported the conference dictated in the basic and additional bibliography for each topic and specific reading materials to be provided to the student. It is the student to participate actively in the theoretical sessions, and to reflect critically about the concepts presented by the teacher and the contents of the supplied material. Also evaluated positively, student participation, either individually or collectively, by resolution of theoretical issues related to the reading of texts and scientific articles to be analyzed and discussed in the classroom. Being practical sessions will be presented in these case studies concerning the impact on the field because the implementation of certain policies aimed at changing and transforming the rural environment in both its productive and commercial and social. Also proceed to present case studies related to rural development processes which have special importance Agricultural Cooperatives. These practices, according to the material to be treated, be made individually or collectively. No information about the case studies to be discussed in class will be facilitated through the virtual classroom. Also be informed in advance of the student of the subject to be treated in the practice session, so you can find information to solve the problem. The practice session will take place first, by presenting cases will be treated by the teacher. Next, students will work individually or collectively (as the case may be analyzed) and once solved the case, be exposed to other conclusions drawn in order to generate a dynamic debate. The findings, individually or collectively (as the case to be analyzed), will be delivered as a report to the teacher in the next session. The student can use both the virtual and face tutorials to solve with the teacher doubts that may arise in connection with the resolution and report writing for practice. 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 5 Course Guide 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development EVALUATION The evaluation system will consist of a continuous assessment based on the following: attendance at lectures (20% of the total grade), development and delivery of individual and group reports relating to the implementation of practical cases (60% of grade global). Participation, interest in the module, attitude matters and assistance to a seminar or conference related to the contents of the module (20% of the total grade). The preparation of the reports made according to the criteria and guidelines set by the teacher of the module. The teacher may consider the need for some or all of the students have to conduct a final review of the module, in the event that the quality of reports submitted is insufficient. REFERENCES Basic - Gómez López, J. D. (2004): Las cooperativas agrarias. Instrumentos de desarrollo rural. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante. - OIT (1998): Creación de un clima positivo y condiciones favorables para el desarrollo cooperativo en América Latina. OIT, Ginebra. - Campos Climent, V. (2011): La crisi de l'agricultura mediterrània a l'Arc Mediterrani Central. Anàlisi de les seues causes, finançament i propostes de solució des de l'Economia Social. Tesi Doctoral. Universitat de València. Additional - Gómez López, J. D. (2008): La intercooperación entre cooperativas agrarias: tradición e innovación, in Los sistemas locales de empresas y el desarrollo territorial: evolución y perspectivas actuales en un contexto globalizado, Alicante, Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles-AGE y ECU, pp. 359-379. - JULIA IGUAL, J.F.; MARI VIDAL, S., (2002): Agricultura y cooperativismo. El ejemplo europeo, en Libro Blanco de la Agricultura y el Desarrollo Rural, Madrid, págs. 1-29. 42766 Agricultural cooperatives and rural development 6