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Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
Student Report
Spring 2014
Grade 4
Description of Grade 4 Writing Scores*
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your student's response to the writing prompt was read
independently by two people trained to score this test. Each
reader gave your student's response a score based on the
overall quality of the response. Your student's score is the
average of the two readers' scores.
Student responses are scored by trained scorers using a holistic method to evaluate a piece of writing. In
this type of scoring, trained scorers consider the overall quality of the responses, rather than focusing on
any one aspect of the writing.
Scores are determined using the criteria below.
6.0 The writing focuses on the topic, is logically organized, and includes ample development of
supporting ideas or examples. It demonstrates a mature command of language, including precision
in word choice. Sentences vary in structure. Conventions are generally correct.
5.5 The writing was given a 5 by one reader and a 6 by the other reader.
5.0 The writing focuses on the topic with adequate development of supporting ideas or examples. It has
an organizational pattern, but lapses may occur. Word choice is adequate. Sentences vary in
structure. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are generally correct.
Your Student's Writing Score
4.5 The writing was given a 4 by one reader and a 5 by the other reader.
Expository Writing
IScore: 3.0out of 6.0 points
4.0 The writing generally focuses on the topic, but it may contain extraneous information. An
organizational pattern is evident, but lapses may occur. Some supporting ideas contain specifics
and details, but others are not developed. Word choice is adequate. Sentences vary somewhat in
structure, though many are simple. Knowledge of conventions is demonstrated, and commonly used
words are usually spelled correctly.
-- -----~
3.5 The writing was given a 3 by one reader and a 4 by the other reader.
Writing Prompt Details
Your student's response was based on the following prompt:
"What do you like most about school? Think about what you
like most about school. Now write to explain what you like
most about school."
3.0 The writing generally focuses on the topic, but it may contain extraneous information. An
organizational pattern has been attempted, but lapses may occur. Some of the supporting ideas or
examples may not be developed. Word choice is adequate but limited. Sentences vary somewhat in
structure, though many are simple. Knowledge of conventions is demonstrated, and commonly used
words are usually spelled correctly.
2.5 The writing was given a 2 by one reader and a 3 by the other reader.
2.0 The writing may be slightly related to the topic or offer little relevant information and few supporting
ideas or examples. There is little evidence of an organizational pattern. Word choice may be limited
or immature. Sentences may be limited to simple constructions. Frequent errors may occur in
punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
1.5 The writing was given a 1 by one reader and a 2 by the other reader.
About Your Student's Writing Score
Your student was given 60 minutes to read the prompt, plan
what to write, and respond to the prompt. Your student's score
is an indicator of his or her ability to draft a response under
these conditions. To learn more about your student's writing
skills, talk to his or her teacher.
1.0 The writing may only minimally address the topic because there is little or no development of
supporting ideas or examples. Unrelated information may be included. No organizational pattern is
evident. Ideas are usually provided through lists, and word choice is limited or immature. Frequent
errors in punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and sentence structure may impede communication.
U Unscorable. The writing is unrelated to the assigned topic or cannot be read.
U-A = Blank Response
U-B =Off-Topic
U-C = Illegible, Incomprehensible, or Insufficient
U-0 = Foreign Language
* Translations of these descriptions are available in Spanish and Haitian Creole on the back
page of this report.
* Puede obtener versiones traducidas de estas
Document Code: 009900169
descripciones en espaflol y criollo hatiano a/
reverse de este informe.
* W ap jwenn tradiksyon deskripsyon sa yo nan
I ang Panyol ak Kreyo/ ayisyen sou do rapiJ sa a.
051514 Z0065400-11 0161-0006796
Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test•
Spanish and Haitian Creole Translation
Description of Writing Scores, Grade 4
Spanish Translation
Haitian Creole Translation
Descripci6n de las calificaciones de redacci6n de 4° grado
Esplikasyon Not pou Redaksyon nan Klas 4yem
La redaccion se concentra en el lema, esta organizada en forma logica e incluye un amplio
desarrollo de las ideas o ejemplos de apoyo. Demuestra un dominio maduro del lenguaje con
precision en Ia seleccion de los vocablos. Las oraciones varian en cuanto a Ia estructura. Las
convenciones son, por lo general, correctas.
Redaksyon an konsantre sou sije a, li oganize yon fason lojik, epi lide oswa egzanp ki sipote
sije a byen devlope anpil. Li demontre elev Ia metrize lang lan, epi li demontre gen presizyon
nan mo elev Ia chwazi yo. Fraz yo bali plizye fason diferan . Anjeneral, elev Ia sevi ak prensip ki
korek yo.
Un lector le otorgo a Ia redaccion un 5, y el otro, un 6.
Yon lekte bay redaksyon an yon 5 epi lot lekte a ba li yon 6.
La redaccion se concentra en el tema con un desarrollo adecuado de las ideas o ejemplos de
apoyo. Tiene un patron de organizacion, pero pueden ocurrir lapsus de desorganizacion. La
seleccion de los vocablos es adecuada. Las oraciones varian en cuanto a Ia estructura. La
puntuacion, el empleo de las mayusculas y Ia ortografia son, por lo general, correctos.
Redaksyon an konsantre sou sije a ak sou devlopman egzak lide oswa egzanp ki sipote sije a.
Elev Ia gen yon fason pou li oganize redaksyon an, men gen ere ki ka fet. Elev Ia chwazi mo
egzak yo. Fraz yo bali plizye fason diferan. Anjeneral, elev Ia sevi ak ponktiyasyon, let majiskil,
ak yon otograf ki korek.
Un lector le otorgo a Ia redaccion un 4, y el otro, un 5.
Yon lekte bay redaksyon an yon 4 epi lot lekte a bali yon 5.
La redaccion por lo general se concentra en el lema, pero puede contener informacion
superflua. Un patron de organizacion es evidente, pero pueden ocurrir lapsus. Algunas ideas
de apoyo contienen datos especificos y detalles, pero otras no estan desarrolladas. La
seleccion de los vocablos es adecuada. Las oraciones varian un tanto en cuanto a Ia
estructura, aunque muchas son simples. Se demuestra conocimiento de las convenciones, y
normalmente las palabras de uso comun no presentan faltas de ortografia.
Redaksyon an, anjeneral, konsantre sou sije a, men li ka gen enfomasyon ki pa gen rapo ak
sije a ladan li. Ou ka we elev Ia gen yon fason byen kle pou li oganize redaksyon an, men gen
ere ki ka fet. Gen kek nan Iide ki sipote sije a ki gen presizyon ak delay ladan yo, men gen lot ki
pa devlope. Elev Ia chwazi mo egzak yo. Fason elev Ia bali fraz yo varye enpe, men gen anpil
fraz senp. Elev Ia demontre li konn prensip yo, epi odineman li eple mo komen li itilize yo san
Un lector le otorgo a Ia redaccion un 3, y el otro, un 4.
Yon lekte bay redaksyon an yon 3 epi lot lekte a bali yon 4.
La redaccion por lo general se concentra en el lema, pero puede contener informacion
superflua. Se ha intentado un patron de organizacion, pero pueden ocurrir lapsus de
desorganizacion. Algunas de las ideas o ejemplos de apoyo pueden no estar desarrollados. La
seleccion de los vocablos es adecuada pero limitada. Las oraciones varian un tanto en cuanto
a Ia estructura, aunque muchas son simples. Se demuestra conocimiento de las
convenciones, y normalmente las palabras de uso comun no presentan faltas de ortograffa.
Redaksyon an, anjeneral, konsantre sou sije a, men li ka gen enfomasyon ki pa gen rapo ak
sije a ladan li. Elev Ia eseye jwenn yon fason pou li oganize redaksyon an, men gen ere ki ka
fet. Gen kek nan lide oswa egzanp ki sipote sije a ki ka pa devlope. Elev Ia chwazi mo egzak,
men yo limite. Fason elev Ia bali fraz yo varye enpe, men gen anpil fraz senp. Elev Ia demontre
li konn prensip yo, epi odineman li eple mo komen li itilize yo san fot.
Yon lekte bay redaksyon an yon 2 epi lot lekte a ba li yon 3.
Un lector le otorgo a Ia redaccion un 2, y el otro, un 3.
La redaccion puede estar ligeramente relacionada con el lema u ofrecer informacion poco
relevante e ideas o ejemplos de apoyo minimos. El patron de organizacion no es tan evidente.
La seleccion de los vocablos puede ser limitada o inmadura. Las oraciones pueden estar
limitadas a construcciones simples. Ocurren errores frecuentes en Ia puntuacion, el empleo
de las mayusculas y Ia ortografia.
Redaksyon an ka swa yon ti jan gen rapo ak sije a oswa li ka bay kek enfomasyon ki gen rapo
ak sije a ak kek Iide oswa kek egzanp ki sipote sije a selman. Ou pa preske ka we si elev Ia
gen yon fason pou li oganize redaksyon an. Chwa mo yo ka limite oswayo manke matirite.
Elev Ia ka fe ti fraz senp selman. Gen fot ki ka fet souvan nan ponktiyasyon, let majiskil ak
Yon lekte bay redaksyon an yon 1 epi lot lekte a bali yon 2.
Un lector le otorgo a Ia redaccion un 1, y el otro, un 2.
La redaccion puede que solo aborde mfnimamente el tema debido a que hay poco o ningun
desarrollo de las ideas o ejemplos de apoyo. Puede haber informacion que no guarda relacion
con el lema. La inexistencia de un patron de organizacion es evidente. Normalmente las ideas
son dadas por media de listas, y Ia seleccion de los vocablos es limitada o simple. Los errores
frecuentes en Ia puntuacion, el empleo de las mayusculas, Ia ortografia y Ia estructura de Ia
oracion pueden impedir Ia comunicacion.
Redaksyon an ka pa Ieiman pale de sije a paske elev Ia ka devlope lide oswa egzanp ki sipote
sije a tou pili oswa li ka pa devlope yo ditou. Nan redaksyon an, ka gen enfomasyon ki pa gen
rapo ak sije a. Ou pa we si elev Ia gen yon fason pou li oganize redaksyon an. Odineman, tout
lide yo vini nan yon lis, epi chwa mo yo limite epi yo manke matirite. Gen fot ki ka fet souvan
nan ponktiyasyon, let majiskil ak otograf, epi fason fraz yo bali a ka bay elev Ia pwoblem pou li
kominike lide li yo.
La redaccion no guarda relacion con el lema asignado o no es legible.
U-A = Ensayo en blanco
U-B = Fuera de lema
U-C = !legible, incomprensible o insuficiente
U-D = ldioma extranjero
Redaksyon an pa gen rapo ak sije yo bay devlope a oswa yo pa ka li redaksyon an.
U-A = Paj pou disetasyon an vid
U-B = Pa gen rapo ak matye a
U-C = llizib, enkonpreyansib oswa ensifizan
U-D = Lang etranje