Download How to Say “I Love You” in Spanish? There are basically two ways

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How to Say “I Love You” in Spanish?
There are basically two ways to say “I love you” in Spanish:
•Te quiero: This is the most common way, not only for romantic love, but also to express affection for a
loved one. Note that it is an irregular verb. Alejandro, te queremos (Alejandro, we love you).
•Te amo: Also means “I love you”, but it is perhaps a more “intense” way of expressing it. It is
somewhat less colloquial and more, say, poetic. It is more frequently used in a romantic way, but not
exclusively. Amarás a Dios sobre todas las cosas y al prójimo como a ti mismo (You shall love the Lord
your God above all things and your neighbor as yourself).
Spanish Love Phrases
Here are some Spanish words and phrases related to love, relationships, etc.
•St. Valentine: San Valentín.
•St. Valentine’s Day: día de San Valentín, or also día de los enamorados (lovers’ day).
• Valentine (card): Tarjeta de San Valentín.
• Cupid: Cupido.
• Love: (el) Amor. I Can’t Give Back The Love I Feel For You: No puedo devolver el amor que siento por
• Love at first sight: Amor a primera vista. Also, flechazo (literally, arrow shot).
• Heart: Corazón. I love you with all my heart: Te quiero con todo mi corazón. To beat: Latir.
• Love letter: Carta de amor.
• Compliment: cumplido, or, more coloquially, piropo. To pay compliments: hacer cumplidos, echar
piropos, piropear.
• Kiss: beso. To kiss: besar
• Hug: abrazo. To hug: abrazar.
• Passion: pasión.
• Couple: pareja.
• Boyfriend: novio (also means groom).
• Girlfriend: novia (also means bride).
• Marriage: matrimonio (matrimonio can also mean “married couple”).
• Husband: marido, or esposo.
• Wife: mujer, or esposa. I pronounce you man and wife: Yo os declaro marido y mujer.
• Until death parts you: Hasta que la muerte os separe.
• Wedding: Boda.
• Darling, honey, my love…: cariño, mi amor, mi vida (my life), vida mía, cielo (heaven), tesoro
(treasure), querido/a (mío/a)…
•To fall in love: enamorarse (de). I’m in love with you. Estoy enamorado/a de tí.
• To love: querer, amar.
• To blush, to turn red: ruborizarse, ponerse colorado/a.
• To flirt: coquetear.
• To court: cortejar.
• To marry: casarse (con), contraer matrimonio (very formal).
•Beautiful: bonito, bello/hermoso (more “poetic”), precioso (waaay beautiful).
• Handsome, pretty: guapo/a.
• Attractive: atractivo.
• Tender: cariñoso, tierno.
• I miss you: Te extraño
• With all my heart: Con todo mi corazón
• Yours for ever: Tuyo para siempre (male)/ Tuya para siempre (female)
• To my darling: Querido/a [ ……]
Finally, some other ways to say “I love you” can be: te adoro (I adore you), estoy loco/a por tí (I’m crazy
about you), te quiero con locura (I love you madly).
Happy Valentine’s Day!