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IX CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD LATINOAMERICANA DE TUMORES MÚSCULO ESQUELÉTICOS 1er. CURSO BOSTON – LIMA DE ONCOLOGÍA MÚSCULO ESQUELÉTICA Y RECONSTRUCCIÓN ÓSEA Prof. Dr. JORGE ENRIQUE NAVIA GIRALDO Centro de Convenciones Hotel Plaza El Bosque - 13 y 14 de septiembre 2016 FACULTY FACULTY ANDREW E. ROSENBERG EDUARDO J. ORTIZ CRUZ Professor and Vice-Chair. Director of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami Hospital. Chief of Orthopedic Oncology Section. Hospital Universitario La Paz. MD Anderson Cancer Center and Ruber Hospital Madrid. SANTIAGO LOZANO CALDERON JUAN A. PRETELL MAZZINI Orthopedic Oncology Surgeon. Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery Harvard Medical School Boston Professor of Musculoskeletal Fellowship Faculty Jackson Memorial Hospital. University of Miami. Assistant of the Orthopedic Oncology Division and Assistant Professor os Orthopedics. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami. MARK C GEBHARDT PETUR NIELSEN Chief of Orthopedic Oncology Service. Co-Director Center for Sarcoma and Connective TissueOncology Massachusetts General Hospital. Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. Harvard Medical School. Boston Associate Professor of Pathology. Chief of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology. Director of Electron Microscopy Massachusetts General Hospital. Harvard Medical School. Boston SHREYASKUMAR R. PATEL Robert R. Herring Distinguesh Professor of Medicine Center Medical Director, Sarcoma Center. Deputy Chairman. Dept. of Sarcoma Medical Oncology The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center.