Download PRESENTE SIMPLE (SIMPLE PRESENT) USO El presente simple

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El presente simple se usa, de forma parecida al castellano, para hablar de:
- Acciones habituales o rutinarias: para expresarlas se suelen utilizar adverbios
de frecuencia.
I usually get up at 6.30 am.
Normalmente me levanto a las 6.30
- Verdades generales y opiniones:
Water boils at 100 ºC.
El agua hierve a los 100 ºC
- Horarios y programas:
The plane takes off at 12 o’clock.
El avión despega a las 12
- Acciones ya programadas para el futuro:
I see you next week.
Te veo la semana que viene
NOTA: Recuerda que esta formación es para todos los verbos menos para los
que ya hemos estudiado “especiales” TO BE, TO HAVE y LOS MODALES
Se forma con el sujeto y el verbo en infinitivo sin la partícula “to”
I study English.
Estudio inglés
A la tercera persona del singular se le añade “S” al verbo, siguiendo las mismas
reglas ortográficas que para el plural:
Si termina en –S, -SH, -CH, -X, -O se le añade –ES
Si termina en consonante + Y, se quita la Y y se añade –IES
She studies English Estudia inglés.
He watches TV Ve la tele
Se forma con el auxiliar DO/DOES + NOT
Las contracciones son más habituales DON’T/DOESN’T
DOESN’T se usa para la tercera persona del singular, y como la S ya la lleva el
auxiliar, no la lleva el verbo. Para el resto de personas se usa DON’T
You don’t eat hamburgers.
No comes hamburguesas
She doesn’t eat fish.
No come pescado
Se forma con el auxiliar DO/DOES + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo sin TO +
She lives in Cartagena.
Vive en Cartagena
Does she live in Cartagena?
¿Vive en Cartagena?
My parents speak English.
Mis padres hablan inglés
Do your parents speak English? ¿Hablan inglés tus padres?
Expresiones de tiempo
Con el presente simple se suelen usar los adverbios de frecuencia y las
siguientes expresiones
every day/week/month/year, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night, on
1.- Escribe los verbos que están entre paréntesis en presente simple:
This restaurant is called “Viena”. Ten people __________ (work) here. Julia
Thomas is the owner. She __________ (go) to the restaurant at four o’clock in
the afternoon. The waiters __________ (arrive) al half past four. They
__________ (set) the tables and __________ (tidy) the kitchen. The chef,
Pierre Rousseau, __________ (come) at five o’clock. He __________ (prepare)
the food for the evening. The restaurant __________ (open) at six o’clock.
Many people __________ (eat) here because the food is very good. The
resturant __________ (close) at one o’clock in the morning and at half past one
Julia, the chef and the waiters __________ (go) home.
2.- Circle the correct answers
Where do/does your sister live?
My cat/cats don’t like fish.
This car don’t/doesn’t go very fast.
This train stop/stops at every station.
Why do English people/English people do drink so much tea?
The post office doesn’t open/opens on Sundays.
When does your holiday start/start your holiday?
My parents play/plays golf.
That café/those cafés stays open all night.
Her letters don’t say/to say very much.
3.- Make sentences
Ann (live) in Birmingham (+)
You (speak) Chinese (?)
Sarah (like) classical music (-) _________________________
I (like) getting up early (-)
You (want) something to drink (?)_________________________
Joe (play) football on Saturdays (+)________________________
You (remember) her phone number (?)_____________________
That clock (work) (-)
She often (fly) to Paris on business (+)_____________________
It (rain) much here in summer (-) _________________________
Elephants (eat) meat (?)
He (think) he can sing (?)
We (need) a new car (+)
4.- Escribe los verbos en presente simple o en presente continuo
Where’s Sally? She __________ (speak) to Paul.
What time __________ (you/go) to school?
Steve is in the bathroom. __________ (he/have) a shower?
That villa __________ (belong) to a rich businessman.
She __________ (like) listening to music. She __________ (have) a lot of
You can turn off the television. I __________ (not/watch) it.
I have a motorbike but I __________ (not/ride) it to work.
__________ (you/want) to come to Julie’s party with me?
Please be quiet. I __________ (try) to do my homework.
Drive carefully. It __________ (rain)
He __________ (forget) people’s names.
5.- Chose the correct answer
Alice __________ like French films
__________ you doing your homework?
My friend and I __________ TV on Saturday
__________ they having a lesson at the moment?
We usually __________ out on Sundays
__________ tigers live in the jungle?
She __________ everybody in her school
is knowing knows
6.- Corrige los errores
He don’t speak English.
He is swimming every morning.
Does you work in a bank?
I have dinner now.
Mark walk to school every day.
Kate is liking pizza.
The sun is rising in the east.
Susan and Jo lives in New York.
We are needing some sugar.