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Book Box Stories, DVD #1
Spanish Transcriptions and English Translations (from
by Dan Fox, summer 2006
El Pequeño Pianista
The little Pianist
de Brij Kothari
by Brij Kothari
Había una vez un niño que se llamaba Azul.
Le gustaba tocar el piano y soñaba con llegar a ser
pianista algún día.
Cada domingo Azul iba a su clase de piano, y
practicaba en casa cada noche, justo antes de irse a la
There was once a boy that called himself Azul (Blue).
It used to please him to touch (play) the piano and he
used to dream with to arrive to be a pianist some day.
Every Sunday Azul used to go (would go) to his class
of piano, and he used to practice (would practice) at
home each night, just before to go himself to the bed.
Azul llegó a ser muy hábil tocando el piano porque era
Podía olvidar cepillarse los dientes, ¡pero nunca
olvidaba practicar el piano!
Azul arrived to be (became) very able (skillful)
playing the piano because he was (habitually) sincere.
He was able to (he would) forget to brush himself the
teeth, but never would he forget to practice the piano!
Un día, Vicki, su profesora de piano, le dijo: “Azul,
mañana vas a dar un concierto ante una gran
audiencia. Te estás convirtiendo en un gran pianista.
“¿Qué es?” Azul sólo quería saberlo. Tanto, tanto
quería ser no sólo un buen pianista, sino un gran
Vicki sonrió, y susurró al oído de Azul el secreto de
un profesor de piano. “Toca con tu corazón, no con
tus dedos.”
One day Vicki, his teacher of piano, told him: “Azul,
tomorrow you are going to give a concert before a
large audience. You are converting yourself into
(becoming) a great pianist.
Your fingers move themselves like a squirrel upon the
keys of the piano. But there is something that is
“What is it?” Azul only was wanting to know it. So
much, so much he was wanting to be not just a good
pianist, but rather a great pianist.
Vicki smiled, and she whispered to the ear of Azul the
secret of a teacher of piano. “Play with your heart, not
with your fingers.”
Como de costumbre, Vicki sacó su caja de pegatinas.
Azul extendió su mano y Vicki pegó en ella una
bellísima pegatina de una mariposa.
“Aquí tienes, piensa en esta mariposa cuando quieras
tocar con tu corazón,” le dijo.
As of custom, Vicki pulled out her box of stickers.
Azul extended his hand and Vicki stuck on it a
beautiful sticker of a butterfly.
“Here you have, think in this butterfly when you might
want to play with your heart,” she said to him.
Aquel día, cuando todos los niños jugaban en el
parque, Azul miró fijamente a su mariposa, y se
preguntó, “Puedo tocar con mis dedos porque puedo
moverlos. Y puedo tocar las teclas del piano. ¿Cómo
puedo tocar con mi corazón si no puedo verlo?”
That (distant) day, when all the children were playing
in the park, Azul looked fixedly (stared) at his
butterfly and asked himself (wondered), “I can play
with my fingers because I can move them. And I can
touch the keys of the piano. How can I play with my
heart if I can’t see it?”
Tus dedos se mueven como una ardilla sobre las teclas
del piano. Pero hay algo que falta.”
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El Pequeño Pianista, con’t
The Little Pianist, con’t
Por primera vez, desde hacía mucho tiempo, Azul se
fue a la cama sin tocar el piano.
La víspera de su concierto, no practicó porque no sabía
cómo tocar con su corazón.
Se acercaba la hora del concierto.
El piano estaba en el medio de un escenario redondo,
rodeado de filas de gente.
Azul salió al escenario, se sentó al piano, y cerró sus
ojos por un segundo.
For the first time since it made much time, Ault went
himself to the bed without to play the piano.
The night-before his concert, he did not practice (onetime non-event = preterite) because he did not know
(over a period of time = imperfect) how to play with
his heart.
When Azul woke himself up, he looked for the sticker
of the butterfly. Oh, no! The sticker had disappeared!
Then Azul put himself nervous, really nervous.
He intended (tried) to play the piano, but his fingers
were not moving (would not move)! However, that
did not impede the clock to continue marking the ticktock.
It was getting close the hour of the concert.
The piano was (over a period of time) in the middle of
a round stage, surrounded by rows of people.
Azul went out to the stage, sat himself at the piano,
and closed his eyes for a second.
Recordando las palabras de Vicki, pensó en la
mariposa. En la calma del auditorio Azul oyó un batir
de alas. Una mariposa se posó en su hombro y
empezó a tararearle una melodía.
Remembering the words of Vicki, he thought in the
butterfly. In the calm (quiet) of the auditorium, Azul
heard the batting of wings. A butterfly posed itself
(sat) on his shoulder and started to hum a melody.
Sus dedos empezaron a moverse solos. Y su corazón
empezó a tocar la canción de la mariposa.
His fingers began to move themselves alone (to move
by themselves). And his heart started to play the song
of the butterfly.
Cuando Azul se despertó, buscó la pegatina de la
mariposa. ¡Oh no! ¡La pegatina había desaparecido!
Entonces, Azul se puso nervioso, realmente nervioso.
Intentó tocar el piano, ¡pero sus dedos no se movían!
Sin embargo, eso no impidió al reloj seguir marcando
el tic-tac.
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