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República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Unidad Educativa “Colegio 19 de Abril”
Guía de estudio de inglés
Cuarto año
Nº 2
Elaborado por:
Prof. Jesús Alejandro Pérez Carmona
Barquisimeto, Diciembre 2012
Esta guía de estudio ha sido elaborada con el propósito de ser un
material de estudio complementario a los objetivos de aprendizaje
que se desarrollarán en clase a lo largo de este lapso.
Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos y así poder lograr un
aprendizaje óptimo y un buen dominio de los contenidos estudiados,
se te sugiere leer cuidadosamente el material de estudio y reforzar
los conocimientos adquiridos a través de la realización de los
ejercicios prácticos correspondientes a cada uno de los temas a
estudiar en la presente guía.
Good luck!
Topic seven
(Tema siete)
Los verbos modales:
can, could, should, would, may, might and ought to
Los verbos modales.
Un verbo modal proporciona información adicional acerca de la
intención o voluntad del verbo principal que le sigue. El verbo
principal debe estar siempre en forma de infinitivo (sin To).
Algunos de estos verbos modales son:
Puede ser utilizado para:
Could es un verbo modal usado para:
May es un verbo modal usado para:
Might es un verbo modal usado para:
Es un verbo modal que podemos utilizar para sugerir una acción
que debe realizarse, sin comprometernos totalmente.
Would puede ser usado cuando nos referimos a una posibilidad
futura, imaginaria de la cual no estamos totalmente seguros, pero
asumimos que podría ser cierta.
Ought to
Utilizamos este auxiliar modal cuando damos un consejo o
sugerencia como la mejor alternativa a seguir, es como una
obligación moral.
Topic eight
(Tema ocho)
Will and going to
(El futuro simple)
El futuro simple.
Usaremos siempre Willo be going to cuando hacemos
predicciones o cuando tenemos la certeza de que algo será cierto u
ocurrirá en el futuro.
Subject + (will + verb / be going to + verb) + other information
I will graduate in July - I'm going to graduate in July.
He/she will complete these sentences soon - He/she is
going to complete these sentences soon.
• They will pay us in two days - They are going to
pay us in two days.
Be going to
Be going to puede ser usado para expresar un plan prioritario, es
decir, algo que nos proponemos hacer en el futuro como resultado
de una decisión tomada previamente o un plan.
Be going to también puede ser usado para hablar de planes
Will puede ser usado para expresar voluntad, es decir, tener el
agrado de ayudar o el deseo de hacer algo.
I will look through the window!
I’ll open the door!
I’ll get you something to drink!
Will también es usado para hacer solicitudes o promesas:
I’ll give you a present for Christmas, I promise!
Topic nine
(Tema nueve)
Verb + infinitive / gerund
(Verbos que toman formas en infinitivo o gerundio)
Un gerundio es la forma –ing de un verbo (en inglés) que se usa
como un sustantivo.
walk→walking watch →watching build → building
Un gerundio se usa frecuentemente después de una preposición:
- She talked to me about moving to Miami (move).
- I’m tired of waiting for those people (wait).
Algunos verbos comunes seguidos por un gerundio son los
appreciate avoid consider delay discuss enjoy finish
mention mind postpone quit (give up) stop suggest
Verbos seguidos por un infinitivo.
Un infinitivo es la forma básica de un verbo. Por ejemplo, ir, dormir,
estudiar son infinitivos.
Cuando al verbo principal de una oración le sigue un verbo en
infinitivo, a éste último siempre le precede la preposición To.
- I need you to lend me a hand
- Mary wants to buy a new record.
- I expect you to bring a dictionary next week.
Algunos verbos pueden ser seguidos por un infinitivo o un gerundio
con poca o ninguna diferencia en significado:
begin start continue like love prefer hate
She hates traveling by train.
She hates to travel by train.
They started working two weeks ago.
They started to work two weeks ago.
Algunos verbos como Try tienen significados diferentes
dependiendo del contexto o situación en la que se utilicen:
Try + infinitive:
(Make an effort)
I tried to jump over the Wall.
Try + gerund:
(experiment with a new or different approach to see if it
Lucy tried going to work walking.
Topic ten
(Tema diez)
Adjective clauses
(Las cláusulas adjetivas)
Las cláusulas adjetivas.
Las cláusulas adjetivas son utilizadas para dar información acerca
de un sustantivo o pronombre indefinido.
The pictures that we saw were taken in Montana.
Usaremos who/that para describir personas:
 The woman who/that talked us was Mrs. Johnson.
 The boys who/that we saw were Tom’s friends.
Usaremos which / that para describir objetos o cosas:
 The computer which / that I bought was the cheaper
in that store.
 The books which / that you ordered are still in the
Topic eleven
(Tema once)
The present perfect tense
(El presente perfecto)
El presente perfecto.
El presente perfecto es usado para referirse a una actividad que ha
ocurrido en el pasado en un momento indeterminado,
Se construye de la forma siguiente:
Subject + have/has + past participle of the main verb
I have gone to theatre twice this month.
My sister has met her friends three times this week.
My grandfather has taken that medicine four times in two days.
Adjetivos que terminan en –ed o –ing.
Usamos adjetivos que terminan en –ing para describir a lo que las
personas o cosas se asemejan.
confuse→ confusing
amaze→ amazing
interest → interesting
Usamos adjetivos que finalizan en –ed para describir cómo nos
confuse→ confused
amaze→ amazed
interest→ interested
Preguntas con EVER.
Cuando no sabemos si algo ha ocurrido o no ha ocurrido, podemos
hacer preguntas en presente perfecto con la palabra ever,
significando “en cualquier momento antes de ahora”.
- Have you ever been in the desert of Sahara?
- Has she ever ridden a motorcycle?
Since y For.
Usamos since para referirnos a un momento en particular.
Tom has worked in that travel agency since 2004.
Usamos for para referirnos a un período de tiempo.
Nancy has stayed in that hotel for two days.
Topic twelve
(Tema doce)
The past perfect tense
(El pasado perfecto)
El pasado perfecto.
El pasado perfecto describe un evento que ocurrió antes de
un momento específico en el pasado.
Las oraciones afirmativas en este tiempo se forman de la
manera siguiente:
Subject + had + past participle of the main verb + other
Combinado con el pasado simple, el pasado perfecto
muestra cuál de los dos eventos ocurrió primero.
Los pronombres indefinidos (para referirse a cosas).
Usamos something en oraciones afirmativas y en preguntas
cuando hacemos una oferta:
- She wants to drink something light.
- Would you like something to drink?
Usamos anything en oraciones negativas con el verbo auxiliar en
forma negativa y cuando hacemos preguntas:
- They didn’tsee anything.
- Could you see anything?
Usamos nothing en oraciones negativas (el verbo auxiliar no debe
estar en forma negativa):
- There’s nothing left to talk about that matter.
Los pronombres indefinidos (para referirse a personas).
Usamos somebody / someone en oraciones afirmativas:
- There’s somebody / someone knocking at the door.
Usamos anybody / anyone en oraciones negativas con el verbo
auxiliar en forma negativa y cuando hacemos preguntas:
- I can’t see anybody.
- Is there anyone here who can help us with this task?
Usamos nobody / no one en oraciones negativas (el verbo auxiliar
no debe estar en forma negativa):
- Nobody came to our party.
- No one can imagine how it will take to see that comet again.
Topic thirteen
(Tema trece)
Tag questions
(Las preguntas cortas)
Tag questions.
Es muy frecuente que en el inglés hablado, y en cualquier otro
idioma, en algunos momentos deseemos confirmar información que
suponemos es verdadera y confiamos en obtener de nuestro
interlocutor la respuesta que esperamos.
Otras veces simplemente queremos iniciar una conversación rápida
o informal y hacemos una pregunta en la que nuestro interlocutor se
ve en cierta forma en la obligación de confirmar o rechazar la idea
que lo comunicamos.
Es entonces cuando utilizamos las tag Questions (preguntas
cortas) en las que debemos poner especial atención a dos cosas:
Si la oración (statement) de la pregunta es afirmativa, la pregunta
corta (tag question) es negativa y, por el contrario, si la oración es
negativa, en ese caso la pregunta corta es afirmativa.
Analicemos los siguientes ejemplos:
You are a doctor
aren’t you?
(pregunta corta)
Respuesta esperada: Yes, I am.
Respuesta no esperada: No, I’m not.
O, si lo que queremos confirmar es una oración negativa:
You aren’t a doctor
, are you?
(pregunta corta)
Respuesta esperada: No, I’m not.
Respuesta no esperada: Yes, I am.
Otros ejemplos:
You played basketball, didn’t you?
You don’t work in a travel agency, do you?
You’ll come to Venezuela soon, won’t you?
Otras formas de Tag Questions.
Usaremos el pronombre it para oraciones con this / that:
- That car is new, isn’t it?
Usaremos el pronombre they para oraciones con these / those:
- These shoes weren’t brushed, were they?
Utilizamos there en oraciones con there + be:
- There was a good program on T.V., wasn’t there?
Utilizamos they en oraciones que se refieren a everyone,
everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody:
- Somebody broke the glass, didn’t they?
Exercise one.
Read the situations below and then write sentences with can,
may, could or might.
You need to repair a broken lamp and you know that your
neighbor has a step-ladder.
Your dog is lost. You suppose that it’s in the neighborhood, but
you aren’t sure of that.
Your grandmother tells you about the medals she won
swimming in competitions. You want to tell your friends what she did
when she was young.
You are in a meeting and need to make a speech. You want
all the people there pay attention to you.
In the following situations, use may or might to complete the
Remember to come to class before one o’clock. If you don’t,
English and French are spoken in Canada. If you don’t know
As you were elected as the clerk of the month, the boss thinks
that you need to take a day off and he says “you
You are a baseball player and the manager tells you that if you
Exercise two.
1. Read the following sentences and then underline the correct
expression (will – be going to) if you think it’s a promise, a
prediction, or a prior plan.
a) It`s weekend. As I don`t have to go to work (I will / I’m going to)
prepare a barbecue and invite some friends.
b) The economist says that this year prices and taxes (are going to /
will) increase a lot.
c) I can see that you lost your tickets. (I will / I’m going to) help you
find them!
d) It’s dark. The boy scouts and the chief of the expedition (are
going to / will) turn on the lights.
2. Complete the following sentences:
On next March 17th, there ______________ a concert in this city.
Many of the most famous artists _____________ there and I
____________ buy tickets for it as soon as I can. Some of my
classmates ____________ be there also, and I heard about it
____________ broadcasted by television.
Exercise three.
Complete the sentences using the gerund of the verbs in
My father mentioned ___________ a new car (buy).
Would you mind __________ the door (close).
Stop __________! Just do it now (argue).
The workers considered __________ a strike (give).
My elder sister enjoys __________ cakes (make).
I suggest __________ to a Chinese restaurant (go).
Select the correct verb to complete the sentences.
Did I __________ reading “Ia Ilíada” last class?
You failed the test. I __________ study more.
Do you ___________ having a chance to speak the people?
__________ standing over the yellow line. It’s dangerous!
Those boys have to __________ riding motorcycles here!
I __________ leaving now. Otherwise we’ll be late.
Exercise four.
1. Look at these pictures and select the correct verbs from the
expanded grown
$ 35
gone flat spread
$ 68,70
The price of the clothes that I bought last week has
____________ by almost 50 %.
The tree that I planted has ______________ a lot.
The football balloon that I bought has ____________ the amount of
air inside.
Exercise five.
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Make
present perfect sentences.
leave get be spend
a) I think I _____________my notebook in class. I’ll go back and
b) Peter ___________ sick these days, so he ___________ in
c) My sister ____________ a lot of money in new clothes.
d) Bill is happy about his smart phone. He bought it in 2010 and it
____________ down yet.
e) Benny misses her parents very much. He ___________ them
since they went to Italy two weeks ago.
2. Select the correct words form the box to complete the
excited boring frightening bored frightened exciting
a) My little sister feels _________ with the TV program. It is a
__________ TV program.
b) Laura and her friends feel ___________ about the concert. It
is a ___________ concert.
c) Paola feel __________ of the movie. It is a ___________
Exercise six.
1. Complete the following sentences.
a) By the time I went on vacation Sara had already ___________
on hers.
b) I __________ already fed the dog when my mother told me to
do it.
c) The travelers __________ been waiting until the departure
was announced.
d) By 1997 “Titanic” __________ already been nominated to the
Academy Awards.
2. Make word combinations and complete the chart. Follow the
Exercise seven.
1. Imagine that you are talking to a classmate about a mutual
friend, Rose. Use the information to write tag question.
a) You think that she should study more.
b) You think that she hasn’t come to class lately.
c) You think that she won’t get good grades at the end of this
d) You think that she hasn’t been paying attention to the teacher.
e) You think that she has been sick recently.